117 research outputs found

    Analysis of Retinal Image Data to Support Glaucoma Diagnosis

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    Fundus kamera je široce dostupné zobrazovací zařízení, které umožňuje relativně rychlé a nenákladné vyšetření zadního segmentu oka – sítnice. Z těchto důvodů se mnoho výzkumných pracovišť zaměřuje právě na vývoj automatických metod diagnostiky nemocí sítnice s využitím fundus fotografií. Tato dizertační práce analyzuje současný stav vědeckého poznání v oblasti diagnostiky glaukomu s využitím fundus kamery a navrhuje novou metodiku hodnocení vrstvy nervových vláken (VNV) na sítnici pomocí texturní analýzy. Spolu s touto metodikou je navržena metoda segmentace cévního řečiště sítnice, jakožto další hodnotný příspěvek k současnému stavu řešené problematiky. Segmentace cévního řečiště rovněž slouží jako nezbytný krok předcházející analýzu VNV. Vedle toho práce publikuje novou volně dostupnou databázi snímků sítnice se zlatými standardy pro účely hodnocení automatických metod segmentace cévního řečiště.Fundus camera is widely available imaging device enabling fast and cheap examination of the human retina. Hence, many researchers focus on development of automatic methods towards assessment of various retinal diseases via fundus images. This dissertation summarizes recent state-of-the-art in the field of glaucoma diagnosis using fundus camera and proposes a novel methodology for assessment of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) via texture analysis. Along with it, a method for the retinal blood vessel segmentation is introduced as an additional valuable contribution to the recent state-of-the-art in the field of retinal image processing. Segmentation of the blood vessels also serves as a necessary step preceding evaluation of the RNFL via the proposed methodology. In addition, a new publicly available high-resolution retinal image database with gold standard data is introduced as a novel opportunity for other researches to evaluate their segmentation algorithms.

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    This open access handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of biometrics exploiting the shape of human blood vessels for biometric recognition, i.e. vascular biometrics, including finger vein recognition, hand/palm vein recognition, retina recognition, and sclera recognition. After an introductory chapter summarizing the state of the art in and availability of commercial systems and open datasets/open source software, individual chapters focus on specific aspects of one of the biometric modalities, including questions of usability, security, and privacy. The book features contributions from both academia and major industrial manufacturers

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Development of Multirate Filter – Based Region Features for Iris Identification

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    The emergence of biometric system is seen as the next-generation technological solution in strengthening the social and national security. The evolution of biometrics has shifted the paradigm of authentication from classical token and knowledge-based systems to physiological and behavioral trait based systems. R & D on iris biometrics, in last one decade, has established it as one of the most promising traits. Even though, iris biometric takes high resolution near-infrared (NIR) images as input, its authentication accuracy is very commendable. Its performance is often influenced by the presence of noise, database size, and feature representation. This thesis focuses on the use of multi resolution analysis (MRA) in developing suitable features for non-ideal iris images. Our investigation starts with the iris feature extraction technique using Cohen −Daubechies − Feauveau 9/7 (CDF 9/7) filter bank. In this work, a technique has been proposed to deal with issues like segmentation failure and occlusion. The experimental studies deal with the superiority of CDF 9/7 filter bank over the frequency based techniques. Since there is scope for improving the frequency selectivity of CDF 9/7 filter bank, a tunable filter bank is proposed to extract region based features from non-cooperative iris images. The proposed method is based on half band polynomial of 14th order. Since, regularity and frequency selectivity are in inverse relationship with each other, filter coefficients are derived by not imposing maximum number of zeros. Also, the half band polynomial is presented in x-domain, so as to apply semidefinite programming, which results in optimization of coefficients of analysis/synthesis filter. The next contribution in this thesis deals with the development of another powerful MRA known as triplet half band filter bank (THFB). The advantage of THFB is the flexibility in choosing the frequency response that allows one to overcome the magnitude constraints. The proposed filter bank has improved frequency selectivity along with other desired properties, which is then used for iris feature extraction. The last contribution of the thesis describes a wavelet cepstral feature derived from CDF 9/7 filter bank to characterize iris texture. Wavelet cepstrum feature helps in reducing the dimensionality of the detail coefficients; hence, a compact feature presentation is possible with improved accuracy against CDF 9/7. The efficacy of the features suggested are validated for iris recognition on three publicly available databases namely, CASIAv3, UBIRISv1, and IITD. The features are compared with other transform domain features like FFT, Gabor filter and a comprehensive evaluation is done for all suggested features as well. It has been observed that the suggested features show superior performance with respect to accuracy. Among all suggested features, THFB has shown best performance

    Information embedding and retrieval in 3D printed objects

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    Deep learning and convolutional neural networks have become the main tools of computer vision. These techniques are good at using supervised learning to learn complex representations from data. In particular, under limited settings, the image recognition model now performs better than the human baseline. However, computer vision science aims to build machines that can see. It requires the model to be able to extract more valuable information from images and videos than recognition. Generally, it is much more challenging to apply these deep learning models from recognition to other problems in computer vision. This thesis presents end-to-end deep learning architectures for a new computer vision field: watermark retrieval from 3D printed objects. As it is a new area, there is no state-of-the-art on many challenging benchmarks. Hence, we first define the problems and introduce the traditional approach, Local Binary Pattern method, to set our baseline for further study. Our neural networks seem useful but straightfor- ward, which outperform traditional approaches. What is more, these networks have good generalization. However, because our research field is new, the problems we face are not only various unpredictable parameters but also limited and low-quality training data. To address this, we make two observations: (i) we do not need to learn everything from scratch, we know a lot about the image segmentation area, and (ii) we cannot know everything from data, our models should be aware what key features they should learn. This thesis explores these ideas and even explore more. We show how to use end-to-end deep learning models to learn to retrieve watermark bumps and tackle covariates from a few training images data. Secondly, we introduce ideas from synthetic image data and domain randomization to augment training data and understand various covariates that may affect retrieve real-world 3D watermark bumps. We also show how the illumination in synthetic images data to effect and even improve retrieval accuracy for real-world recognization applications

    Biometric Applications Based on Multiresolution Analysis Tools

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    This dissertation is dedicated to the development of new algorithms for biometric applications based on multiresolution analysis tools. Biometric is a unique, measurable characteristic of a human being that can be used to automatically recognize an individual or verify an individual\u27s identity. Biometrics can measure physiological, behavioral, physical and chemical characteristics of an individual. Physiological characteristics are based on measurements derived from direct measurement of a part of human body, such as, face, fingerprint, iris, retina etc. We focussed our investigations to fingerprint and face recognition since these two biometric modalities are used in conjunction to obtain reliable identification by various border security and law enforcement agencies. We developed an efficient and robust human face recognition algorithm for potential law enforcement applications. A generic fingerprint compression algorithm based on state of the art multiresolution analysis tool to speed up data archiving and recognition was also proposed. Finally, we put forth a new fingerprint matching algorithm by generating an efficient set of fingerprint features to minimize false matches and improve identification accuracy. Face recognition algorithms were proposed based on curvelet transform using kernel based principal component analysis and bidirectional two-dimensional principal component analysis and numerous experiments were performed using popular human face databases. Significant improvements in recognition accuracy were achieved and the proposed methods drastically outperformed conventional face recognition systems that employed linear one-dimensional principal component analysis. Compression schemes based on wave atoms decomposition were proposed and major improvements in peak signal to noise ratio were obtained in comparison to Federal Bureau of Investigation\u27s wavelet scalar quantization scheme. Improved performance was more pronounced and distinct at higher compression ratios. Finally, a fingerprint matching algorithm based on wave atoms decomposition, bidirectional two dimensional principal component analysis and extreme learning machine was proposed and noteworthy improvements in accuracy were realized