167 research outputs found

    A proposed synthesis method for Application-Specific Instruction Set Processors

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    Due to the rapid technology advancement in integrated circuit era, the need for the high computation performance together with increasing complexity and manufacturing costs has raised the demand for high-performance con fi gurable designs; therefore, the Application-Speci fi c Instruction Set Processors (ASIPs) are widely used in SoC design. The automated generation of software tools for ASIPs is a commonly used technique, but the automated hardware model generation is less frequently applied in terms of fi nal RTL implementations. Contrary to this, the fi nal register-transfer level models are usually created, at least partly, manually. This paper presents a novel approach for automated hardware model generation for ASIPs. The new solution is based on a novel abstract ASIP model and a modeling language (Algorithmic Microarchitecture Description Language, AMDL) optimized for this architecture model. The proposed AMDL-based pre-synthesis method is based on a set of pre-de fi ned VHDL implementation schemes, which ensure the qualities of the automatically generated register-transfer level models in terms of resource requirement and operation frequency. The design framework implementing the algorithms required by the synthesis method is also presented

    Desynchronization: Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications

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    Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at run time and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst-case delays at design time, and constrain the clock cycle accordingly. De-synchronization is a new paradigm to automate the design of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications, thus permitting widespread adoption of asynchronicity, without requiring special design skills or tools. In this paper, we first of all study different protocols for de-synchronization and formally prove their correctness, using techniques originally developed for distributed deployment of synchronous language specifications. We also provide a taxonomy of existing protocols for asynchronous latch controllers, covering in particular the four-phase handshake protocols devised in the literature for micro-pipelines. We then propose a new controller which exhibits provably maximal concurrency, and analyze the performance of desynchronized circuits with respect to the original synchronous optimized implementation. We finally prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach, by showing its application to a set of real designs, including a complete implementation of the DLX microprocessor architectur

    The review of heterogeneous design frameworks/Platforms for digital systems embedded in FPGAs and SoCs

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    Systems-on-a-chip integrate specialized modules to provide well-defined functionality. In order to guarantee its efficiency, designersare careful to choose high-level electronic components. In particular,FPGAs (field-programmable gate array) have demonstrated theirability to meet the requirements of emerging technology. However,traditional design methods cannot keep up with the speed andefficiency imposed by the embedded systems industry, so severalframeworks have been developed to simplify the design process of anelectronic system, from its modeling to its physical implementation.This paper illustrates some of them and presents a comparative studybetween them. Indeed, we have selected design methods of SoC(ESP4ML and HLS4ML, OpenESP, LiteX, RubyRTL, PyMTL,SysPy, PyRTL, DSSoC) and NoC networks on OCN chip (PyOCN)and in general on FPGA (PRGA, OpenFPGA, AnyHLS, PYNQ, andPyLog).The objective of this article is to analyze each tool at several levelsand to discuss the benefit of each in the scientific community. Wewill analyze several aspects constituting the architecture and thestructure of the platforms to make a comparative study of thehardware and software design flows of digital systems.

    A Survey and Evaluation of FPGA High-Level Synthesis Tools

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) is increasingly popular for the design of high-performance and energy-efficient heterogeneous systems, shortening time-to-market and addressing today's system complexity. HLS allows designers to work at a higher-level of abstraction by using a software program to specify the hardware functionality. Additionally, HLS is particularly interesting for designing field-programmable gate array circuits, where hardware implementations can be easily refined and replaced in the target device. Recent years have seen much activity in the HLS research community, with a plethora of HLS tool offerings, from both industry and academia. All these tools may have different input languages, perform different internal optimizations, and produce results of different quality, even for the very same input description. Hence, it is challenging to compare their performance and understand which is the best for the hardware to be implemented. We present a comprehensive analysis of recent HLS tools, as well as overview the areas of active interest in the HLS research community. We also present a first-published methodology to evaluate different HLS tools. We use our methodology to compare one commercial and three academic tools on a common set of C benchmarks, aiming at performing an in-depth evaluation in terms of performance and the use of resources

    Application specific instruction set processor design for embedded application using the coware tool

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    An Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP) is widely used as a System on a Chip(SoC) Component. ASIPs possess an instruction set which is tai-lored to benefit a specific application. Such specialization allows ASIPs to serve as an intermediate between two dominant processor design styles- ASICs which has high processing abilities at the cost of limited programmability and Programmable solu-tions such as FPGAs that provide programming exibility at the cost of less energy eficiency. In this dissertation the goal is to design ASIP, keeping in mind a temper-ature sensor system. The platform used for processor design is LISA 2.0 description language and processor designing environment from CoWare. Coware processor de-signer allows processor architecture to be defined at an abstract level and automatic generation of chain of software tools like assembler, linker and simulator for functional verification followed by RTL level description. RTL level description is used to gen-erate synthesized report of the design using RTL compiler and finally the layout is created using Cadence encounter

    The P4->NetFPGA Workflow for Line-Rate Packet Processing

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    P4 has emerged as the de facto standard language for describing how network packets should be processed, and is becoming widely used by network owners, systems developers, researchers and in the classroom. The goal of the work presented here is to make it easier for engineers, researchers and students to learn how to program using P4, and to build prototypes running on real hardware. Our target is the NetFPGA SUME platform, a 4x10 Gb/s PCIe card designed for use in universities for teaching and research. Until now, NetFPGA users have needed to learn an HDL such as Verilog or VHDL, making it off limits to many software developers and students. Therefore, we developed the P4->NetFPGA workflow, allowing developers to describe how packets are to be processed in the high-level P4 language, then compile their P4 programs to run at line rate on the NetFPGA SUME board. The P4->NetFPGA workflow is built upon the Xilinx P4-SDNet compiler and the NetFPGA SUME open source code base. In this tutorial paper, we provide an overview of the P4 programming language and describe the P4->NetFPGA workflow. We also describe how the workflow is being used by the P4 community to build research prototypes, and to teach how network systems are built by providing students with hands-on experience working with real hardware.Leverhulme Trust Isaac Newton Trust TBD other

    Moving Towards Analog Functional Safety

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    Over the past century, the exponential growth of the semiconductor industry has led to the creation of tiny and complex integrated circuits, e.g., sensors, actuators, and smart power systems. Innovative techniques are needed to ensure the correct functionality of analog devices that are ubiquitous in every smart system. The standard ISO 26262 related to functional safety in the automotive context specifies that fault injection is necessary to validate all electronic devices. For decades, standardizing fault modeling, injection and simulation mainly focused on digital circuits and disregarding analog ones. An initial attempt is being made with the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard that started to give this field a structured and formal organization. In this context, new fault models, injection, and abstraction methodologies for analog circuits are proposed in this thesis to enhance this application field. The faults proposed by the IEEE P2427 standard draft standard are initially evaluated to understand the associated fault behaviors during the simulation. Moreover, a novel approach is presented for modeling realistic stuck-on/off defects based on oxide defects. These new defects proposed are required because digital stuck-at-fault models where a transistor is frozen in on-state or offstate may not apply well on analog circuits because even a slight variation could create deviations of several magnitudes. Then, for validating the proposed defects models, a novel predictive fault grouping based on faulty AC matrices is applied to group faults with equivalent behaviors. The proposed fault grouping method is computationally cheap because it avoids performing DC or transient simulations with faults injected and limits itself to faulty AC simulations. Using AC simulations results in two different methods that allow grouping faults with the same frequency response are presented. The first method is an AC-based grouping method that exploits the potentialities of the S-parameters ports. While the second is a Circle-based grouping based on the circle-fitting method applied to the extracted AC matrices. Finally, an open-source framework is presented for the fault injection and manipulation perspective. This framework relies on the shared semantics for reading, writing, or manipulating transistor-level designs. The ultimate goal of the framework is: reading an input design written in a specific syntax and then allowing to write the same design in another syntax. As a use case for the proposed framework, a process of analog fault injection is discussed. This activity requires adding, removing, or replacing nodes, components, or even entire sub-circuits. The framework is entirely written in C++, and its APIs are also interfaced with Python. The entire framework is open-source and available on GitHub. The last part of the thesis presents abstraction methodologies that can abstract transistor level models into Verilog-AMS models and Verilog- AMS piecewise and nonlinear models into C++. These abstracted models can be integrated into heterogeneous systems. The purpose of integration is the simulation of heterogeneous components embedded in a Virtual Platforms (VP) needs to be fast and accurate

    A Structured Design Methodology for High Performance VLSI Arrays

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    abstract: The geometric growth in the integrated circuit technology due to transistor scaling also with system-on-chip design strategy, the complexity of the integrated circuit has increased manifold. Short time to market with high reliability and performance is one of the most competitive challenges. Both custom and ASIC design methodologies have evolved over the time to cope with this but the high manual labor in custom and statistic design in ASIC are still causes of concern. This work proposes a new circuit design strategy that focuses mostly on arrayed structures like TLB, RF, Cache, IPCAM etc. that reduces the manual effort to a great extent and also makes the design regular, repetitive still achieving high performance. The method proposes making the complete design custom schematic but using the standard cells. This requires adding some custom cells to the already exhaustive library to optimize the design for performance. Once schematic is finalized, the designer places these standard cells in a spreadsheet, placing closely the cells in the critical paths. A Perl script then generates Cadence Encounter compatible placement file. The design is then routed in Encounter. Since designer is the best judge of the circuit architecture, placement by the designer will allow achieve most optimal design. Several designs like IPCAM, issue logic, TLB, RF and Cache designs were carried out and the performance were compared against the fully custom and ASIC flow. The TLB, RF and Cache were the part of the HEMES microprocessor.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201