37 research outputs found

    Model Based Automotive System Design: A Power Window Controller Case Study

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    Modern day vehicles come equipped with a large number of sensors, actuators and ECU’s with sophisticated control algorithms, which requires engineering activities from various disciplines. An automotive system is developed in various stages with multiple stakeholders involved at each stage. Each stakeholder provides a distinct view point on system representation, which makes it challenging to bridge the gaps in developing a holistic understanding of the system functionality. The safety critical nature of automotive systems induces timing and dependability concerns that must be addressed at all stages. Furthermore, the relatively long development life-cycle of automotive systems makes it imperative to have a clear strategy for long term evolution. To deal with these challenges, model based techniques are applied in the industry for automotive systems development. System engineers use a suitable architecture description language (ADL) to represent the system architecture at several levels of abstraction. A number of system architecture description and software architecture standards have been developed in the automotive industry to streamline the development process. However, most of these standards are elaborate and need a fair amount of understanding before they can be applied. In this work, we explore the application of existing system architecture description and software architecture standards. Our main contribution is a Power Window Controller (PWC) system demonstrator that illustrates the methodology described by EAST-ADL and AUTOSAR. Through this case study, we intend to highlight the key aspects and gaps in the application of EAST-ADL & AUTOSAR. Starting from features and requirements, we have analyzed the impact of architectural decisions at each stage of automotive system development. We also performed Design verification, timing analysis & dependability analysis to ensure correctness of the system. Lastly, considerations regarding variability have been discussed to support evolution

    Design Approach to Unified Service API Modeling for Semantic Interoperability of Cross-enterprise Vehicle Applications

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    This work was partially supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, university specific research, project SGS-2019-018 Processing of heterogeneous data and its specialized applications

    From Safety Analysis to Experimental Validation by Fault Injection—Case of Automotive Embedded Systems

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    En raison de la complexité croissante des systèmes automobiles embarqués, la sûreté de fonctionnement est devenue un enjeu majeur de l’industrie automobile. Cet intérêt croissant s’est traduit par la sortie en 2011 de la norme ISO 26262 sur la sécurité fonctionnelle. Les défis auxquelles sont confrontés les acteurs du domaine sont donc les suivants : d’une part, la conception de systèmes sûrs, et d’autre part, la conformité aux exigences de la norme ISO 26262. Notre approche se base sur l’application systématique de l’injection de fautes pour la vérification et la validation des exigences de sécurité, tout au long du cycle de développement, des phases de conception jusqu’à l’implémentation. L’injection de fautes nous permet en particulier de vérifier que les mécanismes de tolérance aux fautes sont efficaces et que les exigences non-fonctionnelles sont respectées. L’injection de faute est une technique de vérification très ancienne. Cependant, son rôle lors de la phase de conception et ses complémentarités avec la validation expérimentale, méritent d’être étudiés. Notre approche s’appuie sur l’application du modèle FARM (Fautes, Activations, Relevés et Mesures) tout au long du processus de développement. Les analyses de sûreté sont le point de départ de notre approche, avec l'identification des mécanismes de tolérance aux fautes et des exigences non-fonctionnelles, et se terminent par la validation de ces mécanismes par les expériences classiques d'injection de fautes. Enfin, nous montrons que notre approche peut être intégrée dans le processus de développement des systèmes embarqués automobiles décrits dans la norme ISO 26262. Les contributions de la thèse sont illustrées sur l’étude de cas d’un système d’éclairage avant d’une automobile. ABSTRACT : Due to the rising complexity of automotive Electric/Electronic embedded systems, Functional Safety becomes a main issue in the automotive industry. This issue has been formalized by the introduction of the ISO 26262 standard for functional safety in 2011. The challenges are, on the one hand to design safe systems based on a systematic verification and validation approach, and on the other hand, the fulfilment of the requirements of the ISO 26262 standard. Following ISO 26262 recommendations, our approach, based on fault injection, aims at verifying fault tolerance mechanisms and non-functional requirements at all steps of the development cycle, from early design phases down to implementation. Fault injection is a verification technique that has been investigated for a long time. However, the role of fault injection during design phase and its complementarities with the experimental validation of the target have not been explored. In this work, we investigate a fault injection continuum, from system design validation to experiments on implemented targets. The proposed approach considers the safety analyses as a starting point, with the identification of safety mechanisms and safety requirements, and goes down to the validation of the implementation of safety mechanisms through fault injection experiments. The whole approach is based on a key fault injection framework, called FARM (Fault, Activation, Readouts and Measures). We show that this approach can be integrated in the development process of the automotive embedded systems described in the ISO 26262 standard. Our approach is illustrated on an automotive case study: a Front-Light system

    A framework for assertion-based timing verification and PC-based restbus simulation of automotive systems

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    Innovation in der Automobilindustrie wird durch Elektronik und vor allem durch Software ermöglicht. In der Regel wird eine Vielzahl von verteilten Funktionen realisiert. Typischerweise, wird diese Software über mehrere Steuergeräte verteilt. Durch die Verteilung und die Vielzahl an Funktionen ensteht eine immer wachsende Komplexität, die den Verifikations- und Validierungsprozess anspruchsvoller und schwieriger gestaltet. Daher ist für Ingenieure in der Automobilindustrie die Entwicklung von effizienten und effektiven Design-Methoden von großem Interesse.Ein zentrales Element in der Entwicklung automobiler Software ist der komponentebasierten Ansatz. Derzeit ist AUTOSAR der wichtigste Standard, der dieses Paradigma unterstützt. Die Systembeschreibungssprache SystemC ist ebenfalls ein Mittel, um AUTOSAR-Komponenten simulieren zu können. Desweiteren stellt SystemC einen Satz von Bibliotheken zur Verfügung wie zum Beispiel die „SystemC Verification Library“ (SCV), und einen diskreten Event-Simulationskern. Inzwischen ist das Interesse an der Verwendung von SystemC in der automobile Softwareentwicklung stark gestiegen.In dieser Arbeit stellen wir eine SystemC-basierte Entwurfsmethodik für eine frühe Validierung zeitkritischer automobile Systeme vor. Die Methodik reicht von einer reinen SystemC-Simulation bis zu einer PC-basierten Restbussimulation. Um die Synchronisation bezüglich Überabtastung und Unterabtastung zwischen dem SystemC-Simulationsmodell und dem Restbus während der Restbussimulation zu gewährleisten, präsentieren wir ein Synchronisationsverfahren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde für die Integration von SystemC-Komponenten IP-XACT als Modelierungsstandard verwendet. Um eine Zeitanalyse ermöglichen zu können, stellen wir Erweiterungen für den IP-XACT-Standard vor, mit deren Hilfe Zeitanforderungen anAutomotive system innovation is mainly driven by software which can be distributed over a large number of functions typically deployed over several ECUs. This growing design complexity makes the verification and validation process challenging and difficult. Therefore, the development of efficient and effective design methodologies is of great interest for automotive engineers.A central concept in the development of automotive software is the component-based approach. Currently, the most prominent approach that supports this design paradigm is the AUTOSAR. The SLDL SystemC provides means to simulate the behavior of AUTOSAR software components by means of a discrete-event simulation kernel. Additionally, SystemC comes with a set of libraries such as the SCV. Meanwhile, the interest of using SystemC has grown in the automotive software development community. In this thesis we present a SystemC-based design methodology for early validation of time-critical automotive systems. The methodology spans from pure SystemC simulation to PC-based Restbus simulation. To deal with synchronization issues (oversampling and undersampling) that arise during Restbus simulation between the SystemC simulation model and the remaining bus network, we also present a new synchronization approach. Finally, we make use IP-XACT for SystemC component integration. To capture timing constraints on the simulation model, we propose timing extensions for the IP-XACT standard. These timing constraints can then be used to verify the SystemC simulation model.Tag der Verteidigung: 11.09.2015Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Generic Patterns for Intrusion Detection Systems in Service-Oriented Automotive and Medical Architectures

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    To implement new software functions and more flexible updates in the future as well as to provide cloud-based functionality, the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm is increasingly being integrated into automotive electrical and electronic architecture (E/E architectures). In addition to the automotive industry, the medical industry is also researching SOA-based solutions to increase the interoperability of devices (vendor-independent). The resulting service-oriented communication is no longer fully specified during design time, which affects information security measures. In this paper, we compare different SOA protocols for the automotive and medical fields. Furthermore, we explain the underlying communication patterns and derive features for the development of an SOA-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

    Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform models

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    Distributed, software-intensive systems (e.g., in the automotive sector) must fulfill communication requirements under hard real-time constraints. The requirements have to be documented and validated carefully using a systematic requirements engineering (RE) approach, for example, by applying scenario-based requirements notations. The resources of the execution platforms and their properties (e.g., CPU frequency or bus throughput) induce effects on the timing behavior, which may lead to violations of the real-time requirements. Nowadays, the platform properties and their induced timing effects are verified against the real-time requirements by means of timing analysis techniques mostly implemented in commercial-off-the-shelf tools. However, such timing analyses are conducted in late development phases since they rely on artifacts produced during these phases (e.g., the platform-specific code). In order to enable early timing analyses already during RE, we extend a scenario-based requirements notation with allocation means to platform models and define operational semantics for the purpose of simulation-based, platform-aware timing analyses. We illustrate and evaluate the approach with an automotive software-intensive system

    Compilation de systèmes temps réel

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    I introduce and advocate for the concept of Real-Time Systems Compilation. By analogy with classical compilation, real-time systems compilation consists in the fully automatic construction of running, correct-by-construction implementations from functional and non-functional specifications of embedded control systems. Like in a classical compiler, the whole process must be fast (thus enabling a trial-and-error design style) and produce reasonably efficient code. This requires the use of fast heuristics, and the use of fine-grain platform and application models. Unlike a classical compiler, a real-time systems compiler must take into account non-functional properties of a system and ensure the respect of non-functional requirements (in addition to functional correctness). I also present Lopht, a real-time systems compiler for statically-scheduled real-time systems we built by combining techniques and concepts from real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    The ALI Architecture Description Language

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    Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) have emerged over the past two decades as a means to abstract details of large-scale systems in order to enable better intellectual control over the complete systems. Recently, there has been an explosion in the number of ADLs created in the research community. However, industrial adoption of these ADLs has been rather limited. This has been attributed to various reasons, including the lack of support of some ADLs for: variability management, requirements traceability, architectural artefact reusability and multiple architectural views. To overcome these limitations, this paper is a report on ALI, an ADL that was designed to complement existing work by adding mechanisms to address the aforementioned limitations. The ALI design principles, concepts, notations and formal semantics are presented in this paper. The notation is illustrated using two distinct case studies, one from the information systems domain " an Asset Management System (AMS); and another from the embedded systems domain - a Wheel Brake System (WBS)