324 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in English Language Teaching

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    ICT has been a basic requirement and essential aspect of education in global context nowadays. ICT in the form of digital literacy becomes one of the skills that students must acquire besides words and numerical literacy in the 21st era of learning. This paper explores the progress of ICT integration in education, especially in English Language Teaching. It reviews several findings from empiric studies about the impact of ICT toward teaching and learning. It elaborates the chronological development of ICT in ELT starting from; CALL, TELL, LMS, and how it is integrated into Blended learning. Teachers’ perspective of ICT is also discussed to see how it affects ICT practices. At last, it expounds the recent research result of the implementation of ICT in the teaching of English in Indonesia. Keyword: ICT, ELT, teachers’ perspective, Indonesi

    Innovations In The English Classroom : The Students’ Perceptions Toward Robot Media

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    This study sought to pinpoint key requirements for incorporating technology into education. A survey of junior high schools was used in the study which took a qualitative approach. A research sample of 35 students who were chosen purposively for the study were given the questionnaire as a data gathering tool with three components; the utility/feature of usage, the interest, and the pedagogical content of the Evoce robot. The data was analyzed by using the Guttman scale has a CS of at least 0.60 and a CR of at least 0.90, it was considered to meet the unidimental and cumulative features. The findings showed the mean of CR from three indicators was 0.908, which means the result of CR was valid while the mean score was CS was 0.798, which means that the coefficients of scalability were considered good. Based on the result findings students' opinions about the usage of the Evoce robot as technology in the learning process were inversely correlated with their usage of learning media was helping them in attaining new media of teaching was the Evoce robot. It recommended that robots might give an alternative interesting media in class, especially for teaching vocabulary

    Implementing teacher-centered robotics activities in science lessons: The effect on motivation, satisfaction and science skills

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    In studies on the use of robotic in science education, students are generally expected to design and program robots in specially designed robotic laboratories and during extracurricular activities. Although researchers claim that the student-centered approach and active student participation is more effective, teachers generally have to apply traditional teaching strategies in the field of science education due to the high number of students, a lack of materials, insufficient time and lack of professional teaching skills. Robotics activities can be performed in a traditional classroom environment and within a teacher-centered lesson structure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of teacher-centered robotics activities performed in science lessons on students' motivation, to determine their satisfaction with the activities and to collect their opinions about the activities. A parallel mixed-methods design was used for data collection. The results of the study indicated that teacher-centered robotics activities increased the motivation of students to participate in science lessons. Moreover, when the interviews with the students were examined, all of them commented that engaging in robotics activities improved their science skills. In addition, the majority of students were satisfied with the robotics activities and had positive feelings about them, believing that they helped them to learn and were enjoyable and interesting

    A systematic review of technology-enhanced L2 listening development since 2000

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    Since 2000, technology-enhanced L2 listening development (TELD) has been increasingly investigated. However, systematic reviews concerning the technologies, learning tasks, and outcomes of TELD remain limited. To fill this gap, we conducted a systematic review of publications from 2000 to 2022 on TELD from the perspectives of technologies, learning tasks, and learning outcomes. Forty-six articles from Web of Science were screened by predefined criteria and analysed based on a step-by-step procedure using the PRISMA framework. The findings revealed 13 types of technology and 19 learning tasks useful for TELD. TELD was effective both in terms of building listening skills and enhancing learner emotions. The studies showed that TELD supported learner interactions, encouraged active engagement, and augmented various learning tasks. Based on the findings, we developed a TELD model consisting of two parts: “Within cognitive systems,” in which learners deal with cognitive schemata, listening strategy application, and listening practice via solid attention; “outside of cognitive systems,” in which TELD can construct and reconstruct cognitive schemata, support listening practices, encourage and guide listening strategy application, and improve learner emotions and attention by providing learning materials and activities based on listening-related knowledge, listening exercises with feedback, prompts and feedback on listening strategy application, and a sense of enjoyment and comfort

    Words And Bots : An Emprical Experiment Vocabulary Mastery With Robotics In Young Children

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    This study aims to determine the impact of educational robot on increasing English vocabulary as a foreign language. Pre-experimental research design was conducted with 35 first grade junior high school students as sample. The pre-post English vocabulary test was given to the sample and the research were done in eight meetings. In the control class there was no action treatment and did not use robots in learning but in the treatment class, researchers used educational robots, namely the Evoce robot in learning. From the comparison between the two classes both the control class and the treatment class from the pre and post English vocabulary tests, the result finding showed in the t-test score based on the value of df = 35-1 = 34 at a significant level of 5%, a ttable of 1.0691 is obtained and at a significant level of 1%, a ttable of 2.441 is obtained. With a tcount of 9.899, which means that it is greater than ttable at a significance level of 5% and 1%, (1.0691 2.441) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. In summary, the Evoce robot has given contribution in young learners’ English vocabulary. It recommended that the educational robot may become one of alternative media to be used for recent days for English vocabulary clas

    Hibah Penelitian 2022

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    The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis

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    AbstractMobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become a learning tool with great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Although there have been qualitative analyses of the use of mobile devices in education, systematic quantitative analyses of the effects of mobile-integrated education are lacking. This study performed a meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile devices in teaching and learning, in which 110 experimental and quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993–2013 were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of 0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized based on content analyses of individual studies. The results of this study and their implications for both research and practice are discussed

    Using social robots for language learning: are we there yet?

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    Along with the development of speech and language technologies and growing market interest, social robots have attracted more academic and commercial attention in recent decades. Their multimodal embodiment offers a broad range of possibilities, which have gained importance in the education sector. It has also led to a new technology-based field of language education: robot-assisted language learning (RALL). RALL has developed rapidly in second language learning, especially driven by the need to compensate for the shortage of first-language tutors. There are many implementation cases and studies of social robots, from early government-led attempts in Japan and South Korea to increasing research interests in Europe and worldwide. Compared with RALL used for English as a foreign language (EFL), however, there are fewer studies on applying RALL for teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). One potential reason is that RALL is not well-known in the CFL field. This scope review paper attempts to fill this gap by addressing the balance between classroom implementation and research frontiers of social robots. The review first introduces the technical tool used in RALL, namely the social robot, at a high level. It then presents a historical overview of the real-life implementation of social robots in language classrooms in East Asia and Europe. It then provides a summary of the evaluation of RALL from the perspectives of L2 learners, teachers and technology developers. The overall goal of this paper is to gain insights into RALL’s potential and challenges and identify a rich set of open research questions for applying RALL to CFL. It is hoped that the review may inform interdisciplinary analysis and practice for scientific research and front-line teaching in future

    Arcs Motivation Model: Content Analysis of Applied Articles Between the Years 1997-2018

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    DergiPark: 520477tredARCSmotivasyon modelinin eğitimsel kullanımına ilişkin uygulamalı makalelerin geneleğilimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, içerik analizi yöntemikullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, Web of Science, ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBİM ve GoogleScholar’da dizinlenen dergilerdeki 128 uygulamalı makale incelenmiş veelektronik ortamda oluşturulan formla sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmalar GoogleFormlar ve Microsoft Excel programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Çalışmada makalelerinin çoğunluğunun Web of Science’da dizinlenen dergilerdenelde edildiği; en sık 2018 yılında yayın yapıldığı; en fazla sayıda makaleninComputers amp; Education dergisinde yayınlandığı; bilgisayar destekli/webtabanlı eğitim alanının sıklıkla çalışıldığı; en sık nicel yöntemin tercihedildiği; veri toplama aracı olarak en yaygın motivasyon anketi /ölçeği veyaenvanterinin kullanıldığı; örneklem grubu olarak sıklıkla üniversiteöğrencilerinin tercih edildiği; veri analiz tekniğinde ise en yaygın olarak ttestinin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.In this study whichaims to determine the general tendencies of the applied articles related toeducational use of ARCS motivational model, content analysis method was used.In this study, 128 applied articles in journals indexed in Web of Science,ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBIM and Google Scholar were examined and classified byelectronic form. The studies analyzed with Google Forms and Microsoft Excel. Itis determined that the majority of the articles in the study were obtained fromthe journals indexed in Web of Science; the largest number of publications werepublished in the year 2018; most articles are published in Computers amp;Education; the most studied subject area is computer assisted/web basedtraining; the most used method is quantitative method; the most common datacollection tool is the motivation questionnaire; the most used sample group isuniversity students; and the most commonly used data analysis technique is thet test