38 research outputs found

    Why and how to contribute to libre software when you integrate them into an in-house application ?

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    Free or open source software are common tools that everybody can use and customise at its convenience to create in-house applications. Using and customising free software is not sufficient to ensure that this in-house application will be maintainable at mid or long term. This paper draws lessons from our in-house project, the development of a groupware Web platform for researchers, to help defining a policy through which efficient contributions can be made to open source software so that the in-house projects may remain viable

    Dynamic Online Communities: DynaMail

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    DynaMail is a Mailing List Manager which automatically creates mailing lists based on user attributes and a history of their message interactions. A DynaMail Mailing List Manager creates dynamic mailing lists by providing a single email address to which messages are sent. From there, messages are distributed to subscribers belonging to different mailing lists. In a DynaMail system there are no actual mailing lists stored on the system, the user attributes define the mailing lists which are computed and generated dynamically. These attributes are entered into the system using a Web-based system which allows users and administrators to configure the system to their needs

    Cloudy in guifi.net: Establishing and sustaining a community cloud as open commons

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    Commons are natural or human-made resources that are managed cooperatively. The guifi.net community network is a successful example of a digital infrastructure, a computer network, managed as an open commons. Inspired by the guifi.net case and its commons governance model, we claim that a computing cloud, another digital infrastructure, can also be managed as an open commons if the appropriate tools are put in place. In this paper, we explore the feasibility and sustainability of community clouds as open commons: open user-driven clouds formed by community-managed computing resources. We propose organising the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) cloud service layers as common-pool resources (CPR) for enabling a sustainable cloud service provision. On this basis, we have outlined a governance framework for community clouds, and we have developed Cloudy, a cloud software stack that comprises a set of tools and components to build and operate community cloud services. Cloudy is tailored to the needs of the guifi.net community network, but it can be adopted by other communities. We have validated the feasibility of community clouds in a deployment in guifi.net of some 60 devices running Cloudy for over two years. To gain insight into the capacity of end-user services to generate enough value and utility to sustain the whole cloud ecosystem, we have developed a file storage application and tested it with a group of 10 guifi.net users. The experimental results and the experience from the action research confirm the feasibility and potential sustainability of the community cloud as an open commons.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures

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    [EN] This paper describes the achievements of the H2020 project INDIGO-DataCloud. The project has provided e-infrastructures with tools, applications and cloud framework enhancements to manage the demanding requirements of scientific communities, either locally or through enhanced interfaces. The middleware developed allows to federate hybrid resources, to easily write, port and run scientific applications to the cloud. In particular, we have extended existing PaaS (Platform as a Service) solutions, allowing public and private e-infrastructures, including those provided by EGI, EUDAT, and Helix Nebula, to integrate their existing services and make them available through AAI services compliant with GEANT interfederation policies, thus guaranteeing transparency and trust in the provisioning of such services. Our middleware facilitates the execution of applications using containers on Cloud and Grid based infrastructures, as well as on HPC clusters. Our developments are freely downloadable as open source components, and are already being integrated into many scientific applications.INDIGO-Datacloud has been funded by the European Commision H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement RIA 653549.Salomoni, D.; Campos, I.; Gaido, L.; Marco, J.; Solagna, P.; Gomes, J.; Matyska, L.... (2018). INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 16(3):381-408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-018-9453-3S381408163García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Puel, M.: Identity federation with VOMS in cloud infrastructures. In: 2013 IEEE 5Th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, pp 42–48 (2013)Chadwick, D.W., Siu, K., Lee, C., Fouillat, Y., Germonville, D.: Adding federated identity management to OpenStack. Journal of Grid Computing 12(1), 3–27 (2014)Craig, A.L.: A design space review for general federation management using keystone. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pp 720–725. IEEE Computer Society (2014)Pustchi, N., Krishnan, R., Sandhu, R.: Authorization federation in iaas multi cloud. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, pp 63–71. ACM (2015)Lee, C.A., Desai, N., Brethorst, A.: A Keystone-Based Virtual Organization Management System. In: 2014 IEEE 6Th International Conference On Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Cloudcom), pp 727–730. IEEE (2014)Castillo, E.F.-d., Scardaci, D., García, A.L.: The EGI Federated Cloud e-Infrastructure. Procedia Computer Science 68, 196–205 (2015)AARC project: AARC Blueprint Architecture, see https://aarc-project.eu/architecture . Technical report (2016)Oesterle, F., Ostermann, S., Prodan, R., Mayr, G.J.: Experiences with distributed computing for meteorological applications: grid computing and cloud computing. Geosci. Model Dev. 8(7), 2067–2078 (2015)Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Heinemeyer, S., García, A.L., Pahlen, F., Borges, G.: Phenomenology tools on cloud infrastructures using OpenStack. The European Physical Journal C 73(4), 2375 (2013)Boettiger, C.: An introduction to docker for reproducible research. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49(1), 71–79 (2015)Docker: http://www.docker.com (2013)Gomes, J., Campos, I., Bagnaschi, E., David, M., Alves, L., Martins, J., Pina, J., Alvaro, L.-G., Orviz, P.: Enabling rootless linux containers in multi-user environments: the udocker tool. Computing Physics Communications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2018.05.021 (2018)Zhang, Z., Chuan, W., Cheung, D.W.L.: A survey on cloud interoperability taxonomies, standards, and practice. SIGMETRICS perform. Eval. Rev. 40(4), 13–22 (2013)Lorido-Botran, T., Miguel-Alonso, J., Lozano, J.A.: A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing 12(4), 559–592 (2014)Nyrén, R., Metsch, T., Edmonds, A., Papaspyrou, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface–Core. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-Infrastructure. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-RESTful HTTP Rendering. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2011)(Ca Technologies) Lipton, P., (Ibm) Moser, S., (Vnomic) Palma, D., (Ibm) Spatzier, T.: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications. Technical report, OASIS Standard (2013)Teckelmann, R., Reich, C., Sulistio, A.: Mapping of cloud standards to the taxonomy of interoperability in IaaS. In: Proceedings - 2011 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2011, pp 522–526 (2011)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O.: Standards for enabling heterogeneous IaaS cloud federations. Computer Standards & Interfaces 47, 19–23 (2016)Caballer, M., Zala, S., García, A.L., Montó, G., Fernández, P.O., Velten, M.: Orchestrating complex application architectures in heterogeneous clouds. Journal of Grid Computing 16 (1), 3–18 (2018)Hardt, M., Jejkal, T., Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Jackson, A., Weiland, M., Palak, B., Plociennik, M., Nielsson, D.: Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine. Computing and Informatics 31(1), 119 (2012)Fakhfakh, F., Kacem, H.H., Kacem, A.H.: Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing a Survey. In: IEEE 18Th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW), 2014, Vol. 71, pp. 372–378. Springer, New York (2014)Stockton, D.B., Santamaria, F.: Automating NEURON simulation deployment in cloud resources. Neuroinformatics 15(1), 51–70 (2017)Plóciennik, M., Fiore, S., Donvito, G., Owsiak, M., Fargetta, M., Barbera, R., Bruno, R., Giorgio, E., Williams, D.N., Aloisio, G.: Two-level Dynamic Workflow Orchestration in the INDIGO DataCloud for Large-scale, Climate Change Data Analytics Experiments. Procedia Computer Science 80, 722–733 (2016)Moreno-Vozmediano, R., Montero, R.S., Llorente, I.M.: Multicloud deployment of computing clusters for loosely coupled mtc applications. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22(6), 924–930 (2011)Katsaros, G., Menzel, M., Lenk, A.: Cloud Service Orchestration with TOSCA, Chef and Openstack. In: Ic2e (2014)Garcia, A.L., Zangrando, L., Sgaravatto, M., Llorens, V., Vallero, S., Zaccolo, V., Bagnasco, S., Taneja, S., Dal Pra, S., Salomoni, D., Donvito, G.: Improved Cloud resource allocation: how INDIGO-DataCloud is overcoming the current limitations in Cloud schedulers. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 898(9), 92010 (2017)Singh, S., Chana, I.: A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing issues and challenges. Journal of Grid Computing, pp. 1–48 (2016)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O., Plasencia, I.C., de Lucas, J.M.: Resource provisioning in Science Clouds: Requirements and challenges. Software: Practice and Experience 48(3), 486–498 (2018)Chauhan, M.A., Babar, M.A., Benatallah, B.: Architecting cloud-enabled systems: a systematic survey of challenges and solutions. Software - Practice and Experience 47(4), 599–644 (2017)Somasundaram, T.S., Govindarajan, K.: CLOUDRB A Framework for scheduling and managing High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications in science cloud. Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst. 34, 47–65 (2014)Sotomayor, B., Keahey, K., Foster, I.: Overhead Matters: A Model for Virtual Resource Management. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing SE - VTDC ’06, p 5. IEEE Computer Society, Washington (2006)SS, S.S., Shyam, G.K., Shyam, G.K.: Resource management for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in cloud computing SS Manvi A survey. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 41, 424–440 (2014)INDIGO-DataCloud consortium: Initial requirements from research communities - d2.1, see https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 . Technical report (2015)Europen open science cloud: https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience (2015)Proot: https://proot-me.github.io/ (2014)Runc: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc (2016)Fakechroot: https://github.com/dex4er/fakechroot (2015)Pérez, A., Moltó, G., Caballer, M., Calatrava, A.: Serverless computing for container-based architectures Future Generation Computer Systems (2018)de Vries, K.J.: Global fits of supersymmetric models after LHC run 1. Phd thesis Imperial College London (2015)Openstack: https://www.openstack.org/ (2015)See http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/argus_introduction.html (2017)See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/xacml (2013)See http://www.simplecloud.info (2014)Opennebula: http://opennebula.org/ (2018)Redhat openshift: http://www.opencityplatform.eu (2011)The cloud foundry foundation: https://www.cloudfoundry.org/ (2015)Caballer, M., Blanquer, I., Moltó, G., de Alfonso, C.: Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing 13(1), 53–70 (2015)See http://www.infoq.com/articles/scaling-docker-with-kubernetes http://www.infoq.com/articles/scaling-docker-with-kubernetes (2014)Prisma project: http://www.ponsmartcities-prisma.it/ (2010)Opencitiy platform: http://www.opencityplatform.eu (2014)Onedata: https://onedata.org/ (2018)Dynafed: http://lcgdm.web.cern.ch/dynafed-dynamic-federation-project http://lcgdm.web.cern.ch/dynafed-dynamic-federation-project (2011)Fts3: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/fts3 (2011)Fernández, P.O., García, A.L., Duma, D.C., Donvito, G., David, M., Gomes, J.: A set of common software quality assurance baseline criteria for research projects, see http://hdl.handle.net/10261/160086 . Technical reportHttermann, M.: Devops for developers Apress (2012)EOSC-Hub: ”Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud” Funded by H2020 research and innovation pr ogramme under grant agreement No. 777536. See http://eosc-hub.eu (2018)Apache License: author = https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 (2004)INDIGO Package Repo: http://repo.indigo-datacloud.eu/ (2017)INDIGO DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/u/indigodatacloud/ https://hub.docker.com/u/indigodatacloud/ (2015)Indigo gitbook: https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/indigo-datacloud-releases https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/indigo-datacloud-releases (2017)Van Zundert, G.C., Bonvin, A.M.: Disvis: quantifying and visualizing the accessible interaction space of distance restrained biomolecular complexes. Bioinformatics 31(19), 3222–3224 (2015)Van Zundert, G.C., Bonvin, A.M.: Fast and sensitive rigid–body fitting into cryo–em density maps with powerfit. AIMS Biophys. 2(0273), 73–87 (2015

    Adaptation of e-Catalunya platform to a collaborative European environment

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    This master thesis report describes the work undertaken to present a solution in the communicational area to a scientist research network called ONe-project. For their last EU-commissioned project, called BONE (which stands for Building the Future Optical Network in Europe), they wished to make a quality step further in their communicational services. As for the previous two projects created by the network, they have relied in the Laboratori de CĂ lcul de la FIB (LCFIB) to assist them with this task. This assignment coincided with the very recent aperture of eCAT Platform as free software. eCAT Platform is the resulting system of an e-government project called e-Catalunya, created for the Generalitat de Catalunya, and developed in the LCFIB. The platform gathers together a bunch of web 2.0 tools and social networking features. In one of its strategy lines, the LCFIB wants to explore adaptations of the system for other environments. After an informal evaluation we decided to use eCAT Platform for BONE and thus make the first adaptation of the system. With this, two main objectives could be accomplished, in one hand BONE could move forward to a web 2.0 environment of work, and on the other eCAT Platform could be proved as an adaptable system far from the e-government shell. We have approached the problem setting specific objectives, which give to this thesis its own character. Accomplishing them will result also in the achievement of the aforementioned global intentions

    The Proper Legal Regime for \u27Cyberspace\u27

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    Development and management of collective network and cloud computing infrastructures

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    In the search and development of more participatory models for infrastructure development and management, in this dissertation, we investigate models for the financing, deployment, and operation of network and cloud computing infrastructures. Our main concern is to overcome the inherent exclusion in participation in the processes of development and management and in the right of use in the current dominant models. Our work starts by studying in detail the model of Guifi.net, a successful bottom-up initiative for building network infrastructure, generally referred to as a community networks. We pay special attention to its governance system and economic organisation because we argue that these are the key components of the success of this initiative. Then, we generalise our findings for any community network, aiming at becoming sustainable and scalable, and we explore the suitability of the Guifi.net model to the cloud computing infrastructure. As a result of both, we coin the attribute extensible to refer to infrastructure that is relatively easy to expand and maintain in contrast to those naturally limited or hard to expand, such as natural resources or highly complex or advanced artificial systems. We conclude proposing a generic model which, in our opinion, is suitable, at least, for managing extensible infrastructure. The Guifi.net model is deeply rooted in the commons; thus, the research in this field, in general, and Elinor Ostrom’s work, in particular, have left a profound imprint in our work. Our results show that the \guifinet model meets almost entirely the principles of long-enduring commons identified by E. Ostrom. This work has been developed as an industrial doctorate. As such, it combines academic research with elements of practice and pursues an effective knowledge transfer between academia and the private sector. Given that the private sector’s partner is a not-for-profit organisation, the effort to create social value has prevailed over the ambition to advance the development of a specific industrial product or particular technology.En la recerca i desenvolupament de models més participatius per al desenvolupament i gestió d'infraestructura, en aquesta tesi investiguem sobre models per al finançament, desplegament i operació d'infraestructures de xarxa i de computació al núvol. La nostra preocupació principal és fer front a l’exclusió inherent dels models dominants actualment pel que fa a la participació en els processos de desenvolupament i gestió i, també, als drets d’us. El nostre treball comença amb un estudi detallat del model de Guifi.net, un cas d'èxit d'iniciativa ciutadana en la construcció d'infraestructura de xarxa, iniciatives que es coneixen com a xarxes comunitàries. En fer-ho, parem una atenció especial al sistema de governança i a l’organització econòmica perquè pensem que són els dos elements claus de l'èxit d'aquesta iniciativa. Tot seguit passem a analitzar d'altres xarxes comunitàries per abundar en la comprensió dels factors determinants per a la seva sostenibilitat i escalabilitat. Després ampliem el nostre estudi analitzant la capacitat i el comportament del model de Guifi.net en el camp de les infraestructures de computació al núvol. A resultes d'aquests estudis, proposem l'atribut extensible per a descriure aquelles infraestructures que són relativament fàcil d'ampliar i gestionar, en contraposició a les que o bé estan limitades de forma natural o be són difícils d'ampliar, com ara els recursos naturals o els sistemes artificials avançats o complexos. Finalitzem aquest treball fent una proposta de model genèric que pensem que és d'aplicabilitat, com a mínim, a tot tipus d'infraestructura extensible. El model de Guifi.net està fortament vinculat als bens comuns. És per això que la recerca en aquest àmbit, en general, i els treballs de Elinor Ostrom en particular, han deixat una forta empremta en el nostre treball. Els resultats que hem obtingut mostren que el model Guifi.net s'ajusta molt bé als principis que segons Ostrom han de complir els béns comuns per ser sostenibles. Aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat com a doctorat industrial. Com a tal, combina la investigació acadèmica amb elements de practica i persegueix una transferència efectiva de coneixement entre l'àmbit acadèmic i el sector privat. Ates que el soci del sector privat és una organització sense ànim de lucre, l’esforç per crear valor social ha prevalgut en l’ambició d’avançar en el desenvolupament d'un producte industrial específic o d'una tecnologia particula

    Development and management of collective network and cloud computing infrastructures

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    Pla de Doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de CatalunyaIn the search and development of more participatory models for infrastructure development and management, in this dissertation, we investigate models for the financing, deployment, and operation of network and cloud computing infrastructures. Our main concern is to overcome the inherent exclusion in participation in the processes of development and management and in the right of use in the current dominant models. Our work starts by studying in detail the model of Guifi.net, a successful bottom-up initiative for building network infrastructure, generally referred to as a community networks. We pay special attention to its governance system and economic organisation because we argue that these are the key components of the success of this initiative. Then, we generalise our findings for any community network, aiming at becoming sustainable and scalable, and we explore the suitability of the Guifi.net model to the cloud computing infrastructure. As a result of both, we coin the attribute extensible to refer to infrastructure that is relatively easy to expand and maintain in contrast to those naturally limited or hard to expand, such as natural resources or highly complex or advanced artificial systems. We conclude proposing a generic model which, in our opinion, is suitable, at least, for managing extensible infrastructure. The Guifi.net model is deeply rooted in the commons; thus, the research in this field, in general, and Elinor Ostrom’s work, in particular, have left a profound imprint in our work. Our results show that the \guifinet model meets almost entirely the principles of long-enduring commons identified by E. Ostrom. This work has been developed as an industrial doctorate. As such, it combines academic research with elements of practice and pursues an effective knowledge transfer between academia and the private sector. Given that the private sector’s partner is a not-for-profit organisation, the effort to create social value has prevailed over the ambition to advance the development of a specific industrial product or particular technology.En la recerca i desenvolupament de models més participatius per al desenvolupament i gestió d'infraestructura, en aquesta tesi investiguem sobre models per al finançament, desplegament i operació d'infraestructures de xarxa i de computació al núvol. La nostra preocupació principal és fer front a l’exclusió inherent dels models dominants actualment pel que fa a la participació en els processos de desenvolupament i gestió i, també, als drets d’us. El nostre treball comença amb un estudi detallat del model de Guifi.net, un cas d'èxit d'iniciativa ciutadana en la construcció d'infraestructura de xarxa, iniciatives que es coneixen com a xarxes comunitàries. En fer-ho, parem una atenció especial al sistema de governança i a l’organització econòmica perquè pensem que són els dos elements claus de l'èxit d'aquesta iniciativa. Tot seguit passem a analitzar d'altres xarxes comunitàries per abundar en la comprensió dels factors determinants per a la seva sostenibilitat i escalabilitat. Després ampliem el nostre estudi analitzant la capacitat i el comportament del model de Guifi.net en el camp de les infraestructures de computació al núvol. A resultes d'aquests estudis, proposem l'atribut extensible per a descriure aquelles infraestructures que són relativament fàcil d'ampliar i gestionar, en contraposició a les que o bé estan limitades de forma natural o be són difícils d'ampliar, com ara els recursos naturals o els sistemes artificials avançats o complexos. Finalitzem aquest treball fent una proposta de model genèric que pensem que és d'aplicabilitat, com a mínim, a tot tipus d'infraestructura extensible. El model de Guifi.net està fortament vinculat als bens comuns. És per això que la recerca en aquest àmbit, en general, i els treballs de Elinor Ostrom en particular, han deixat una forta empremta en el nostre treball. Els resultats que hem obtingut mostren que el model Guifi.net s'ajusta molt bé als principis que segons Ostrom han de complir els béns comuns per ser sostenibles. Aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat com a doctorat industrial. Com a tal, combina la investigació acadèmica amb elements de practica i persegueix una transferència efectiva de coneixement entre l'àmbit acadèmic i el sector privat. Ates que el soci del sector privat és una organització sense ànim de lucre, l’esforç per crear valor social ha prevalgut en l’ambició d’avançar en el desenvolupament d'un producte industrial específic o d'una tecnologia particularPostprint (published version