8 research outputs found

    Authentication Scheme for Flexible Charging and Discharging of Mobile Vehicles in the V2G Networks

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    Navigating security and privacy challenges is one of the crucial requirements in the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) network. Since electric vehicles (EVs) need to provide their private information to aggregators/servers when charging/discharging at different charging stations, privacy of the vehicle owners can be compromised if the information is misused, traced, or revealed. In a wide V2G network, where vehicles can move outside of their home network to visiting networks, security and privacy become even more challenging due to untrusted entities in the visiting networks. Although some privacy-preserving solutions were proposed in the literature to tackle this problem, they do not protect against well-known security attacks and generate a huge overhead. Therefore, we propose a mutual authentication scheme to preserve privacy of the EV's information from aggregators/servers in the home as well as distributed visiting V2G networks. Our scheme, based on a bilinear pairing technique with an accumulator performing batch verification, yields higher system efficiency, defeats various security attacks, and maintains untraceability, forward privacy, and identity anonymity. A performance analysis shows that our scheme, in comparison with the existing solutions, significantly generates lower communication and computation overheads in the home and centralized V2G networks, and comparable overheads in the distributed visiting V2G networks

    Piclo Flex -joustomarkkina

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    Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa käsiteltiin Piclo Flex -joustomarkkinaa. Työssä esiteltiin kysyntäjouston käsite, jonka pohjalta esiteltiin joustomarkkinoita. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä jousto on sähkömarkkinoilla sekä minkälaisella mekanismilla jakeluverkon haltija voi hallita pullonkauloja. Tarkoituksena oli myös esitellä sähkömarkkinoiden tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Työssä käytetyt lähteet ovat peräisin Google Scholarista, Tampereen yliopiston Treposta sekä suurilta osin Piclo Flexin omilta sivuilta. Kysyntäjoustoa on ollut sähköverkossa käytössä jo kauan. Sen tarkoituksena on tasata tuotannon ja kysynnän välisiä hetkellisiä eroja. Kysyntäjoustolla voidaan myös tasapainottaa jakeluverkon toimintaa erilaisten häiriötilanteiden varalta. Kysyntäjoustosta on hyötyä kaikille sähkömarkkinoiden osapuolille erityisesti taloudellisesta näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Piclo on Iso-Britannian alueella toimiva ohjelmistoyritys, joka on kehittänyt työssä käsiteltävän joustomarkkinapaikan, Piclo Flexin. Piclo Flexin tavoitteena on yksinkertaistaa joustavuuspalveluiden hankintaa ja luoda markkinoille standardit, jotta ostajat voivat olla varmempia ostamansa tuotteen laadusta. Joustomarkkinoiden osapuolia ovat joustontarjoajat ja verkonhaltijat. Yleisesti ottaen ostaja voi olla mikä tahansa taho, mutta Piclo Flexissä ostajia ovat vain verkonhaltijat. Joustokapasiteetin myynnille ei ole ala- tai ylärajaa. Minkä tahansa suuruisella toiminnalla voi osallistua markkinoille. Sähköjärjestelmässä on tulevaisuudessa mitä todennäköisimmin nykyistä enemmän sähköautoja, maalämpöpumppuja ja kuluttajien omaa pientuotantoa. Tätä voidaan perustella fossiilisten polttoaineiden ehtymisestä johtuvalla hinnannousulla. Ydin-, tuuli- ja aurinkovoima ovat tuotantomuotoja, joita ei voida säätää. Koska tuotanto ei voi joustaa, on kulutuksen voitava. Työssä esitellään jouston aktivoimismetodeja ja joustotarpeita. Kysyntäjouston aktivoimismetodeja ovat muun muassa kuoppien täyttö ja energiansäästö. Energiansäästö voidaan esimerkiksi aktivoida päästämällä kertynyt vesimassa vesivoimalan turpiinin läpi. Joustotarve voi syntyä esimerkiksi suunniteltujen huoltotoimenpiteiden vuoksi. Joustotarpeisiin vastaamiseen käytetään erilaisia joustotuotteita

    AccessAuth : Capacity-aware security access authentication in federated-IoT-enabled V2G networks

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    Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) systems promoted by the federated Internet of Things (IoT) technology will be ubiquitous in the future; therefore, it is crucial to provide trusted, flexible and efficient operations for V2G services using high-quality measures for security and privacy. These can be achieved by access and authority authentication. This paper presents a lightweight protocol for capacity-based security access authentication named AccessAuth. Considering the overload probability and system capacity constraints of the V2G network domain, as well as the mobility of electric vehicles, the ideal number of admissible access requests is first calculated adaptively for each V2G network domain to actively achieve capacity-based access admission control. Subsequently, to provide mutual authentication and maintain the data privacy of admitted sessions, by considering whether there is prior knowledge of the trust relationship between the relevant V2G network domains, a high-level authentication model with specific authentication procedures is presented to enforce strict access authentication such that the sessions are conducted only by authorized requesters. Additionally, efficient session revocation with forward security and session recovery with no extra authentication delay are also discussed. Finally, analytical and evaluation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of AccessAuth

    Towards Cyber Security for Low-Carbon Transportation: Overview, Challenges and Future Directions

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    In recent years, low-carbon transportation has become an indispensable part as sustainable development strategies of various countries, and plays a very important responsibility in promoting low-carbon cities. However, the security of low-carbon transportation has been threatened from various ways. For example, denial of service attacks pose a great threat to the electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid networks. To minimize these threats, several methods have been proposed to defense against them. Yet, these methods are only for certain types of scenarios or attacks. Therefore, this review addresses security aspect from holistic view, provides the overview, challenges and future directions of cyber security technologies in low-carbon transportation. Firstly, based on the concept and importance of low-carbon transportation, this review positions the low-carbon transportation services. Then, with the perspective of network architecture and communication mode, this review classifies its typical attack risks. The corresponding defense technologies and relevant security suggestions are further reviewed from perspective of data security, network management security and network application security. Finally, in view of the long term development of low-carbon transportation, future research directions have been concerned.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, accepted by journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review

    Efficient, Secure and Privacy-Preserving PMIPv6 Protocol for V2G Networks

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    To ensure seamless communications between mobile Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV power supply equipment, support for ubiquitous and transparent mobile IP communications is essential in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) networks. However, it initiates a range of privacy-related challenges as it is possible to track connected EVs through their mobile IP addresses. Recent works are mostly dedicated to solving authentication and privacy issues in V2G networks in general. Yet, they do not tackle the security and privacy challenges resulting from enabling mobile IP communications. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an Efficient, Secure and Privacy-preserving Proxy Mobile IPv6 (ESP-PMIPv6) protocol for the protection of mobile IP communications in V2G networks. ESP-PMIPv6 enables authorised EVs to acquire a mobile IPv6 address and access the V2G network in a secure and privacy-preserving manner. While ESP-PMIPv6 offers mutual authentication, identity anonymity and location unlinkability for the mobile EVs, it also achieves authorised traceability of misbehaving EVs through a novel collaborative tracking scheme. Formal and informal security analyses are conducted to prove that ESP-PMIPv6 meets these security and privacy goals. In addition, via a simulated assessment, the ESP-PMIPv6 is proven to achieve low authentication latency, low handover delay, and low packet loss rate in comparison with the PMIPv6 protocol

    Authentication Scheme for Flexible Charging and Discharging of Mobile Vehicles in the V2G Networks

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