590 research outputs found

    The hypnagogic state: A brief update

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    The hypnagogic state refers to a transitional stage between wakefulness and sleep, in which sensory perceptions can be experienced. In this review, we compile and discuss the recent scientific literature on hypnagogia research regarding the future directions proposed by Schacter (1976; Psychological Bulletin, 83, 452). After a short introduction discussing the terminology used in hypnagogia research and the differentiation of hypnagogic states with other related phenomena, we review the reported prevalence of hypnagogic states. Then, we evaluate the six future directions suggested by Schacter and we propose three further future directions. First, a better understanding of the emotional quality of hypnagogic states is needed. Second, a better understanding of why hypnagogic states occur so frequently in the visual and kinaesthetic modalities is needed. Lastly, a better understanding of the purpose of hypnagogic states is needed. In conclusion, research has made great progress in recent years, and we are one step closer to demystifying the hypnagogic state

    Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation

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    Sounds associated with newly learned information that are replayed during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep can improve recall in simple tasks. The mechanism for this improvement is presumed to be reactivation of the newly learned memory during sleep when consolidation takes place. We have developed an EEG-based closed-loop system to precisely deliver sensory stimulation at the time of down-state to up-state transitions during NREM sleep. Here, we demonstrate that applying this technology to participants performing a realistic navigation task in virtual reality results in a significant improvement in navigation efficiency after sleep that is accompanied by increases in the spectral power especially in the fast (12\u201315 Hz) sleep spindle band. Our results show promise for the application of sleep-based interventions to drive improvement in real-world tasks

    Hypnagogic states are quite common: Self-reported prevalence, modalities, and gender differences.

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    The hypnagogic state refers to the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep during which vivid experiences occur. In this questionnaire study, we assessed the self-reported prevalence of hypnagogic states considering the frequency of experiences in different modalities. We also assessed the emotional quality and the vividness of the experiences. Moreover, we compared hypnagogic states to other phenomena, such as dreams, sleep paralysis, imagination, and extra-sensory perception in these measures. Hypnagogic states were reported by 80.2 % of 4456 participants and were more prevalent in women than men. Experiences were most often kinaesthetic and visual, and less often auditory, tactile, and olfactory or gustatory. Hypnagogic states were less prevalent than dreams and characterized by different modality profiles. However, they were similar to dreams in their emotional quality, the irritation they caused, and in their vividness. In conclusion, hypnagogic states are quite common

    Induction of lucid dreams: A systematic review of evidence

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    In lucid dreams the dreamer is aware of dreaming and often able to influence the ongoing dream content. Lucid dreaming is a learnable skill and a variety of techniques is suggested for lucid dreaming induction. This systematic review evaluated the evidence for the effectiveness of induction techniques. A comprehensive literature search was carried out in biomedical databases and specific resources. Thirty-five studies were included in the analysis (11 sleep laboratory and 24 field studies), of which 26 employed cognitive techniques, 11 external stimulation and one drug application. The methodological quality of the included studies was relatively low. None of the induction techniques were verified to induce lucid dreams reliably and consistently, although some of them look promising. On the basis of the reviewed studies, a taxonomy of lucid dream induction methods is presented. Several methodological issues are discussed and further directions for future studies are proposed

    Decreased mental time travel to the past correlates with default-mode network disintegration under lysergic acid diethylamide

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    This paper reports on the effects of LSD on mental time travel during spontaneous mentation. Twenty healthy volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled crossover study, incorporating intravenous administration of LSD (75 μg) and placebo (saline) prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Six independent, blind judges analysed mentation reports acquired during structured interviews performed shortly after the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans (approximately 2.5 h post-administration). Within each report, specific linguistic references to mental spaces for the past, present and future were identified. Results revealed significantly fewer mental spaces for the past under LSD and this effect correlated with the general intensity of the drug’s subjective effects. No differences in the number of mental spaces for the present or future were observed. Consistent with the previously proposed role of the default-mode network (DMN) in autobiographical memory recollection and ruminative thought, decreased resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) within the DMN correlated with decreased mental time travel to the past. These results are discussed in relation to potential therapeutic applications of LSD and related psychedelics, e.g. in the treatment of depression, for which excessive reflection on one’s past, likely mediated by DMN functioning, is symptomatic

    The embodied mind in sleep and dreaming : a theoretical framework and an empirical study of sleep, dreams and memory in meditators and controls

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    Les théories récentes de la conscience incarnée (embodiment) soulignent que l'esprit est un processus incarné, impliquant le cerveau, le corps et l'environnement. Plusieurs aspects de la cognition, de l’interaction sensorimotrice avec l’environnement à la pensée abstraite et métaphorique, ont été conceptualisés dans ce paradigme. Le sommeil et le rêve, cependant, ont rarement été abordés par des chercheurs dans le domaine de la conscience incarnée. Cette dissertation vise à montrer, en s’appuyant sur la phénoménologie, la philosophie énactive et des sciences cognitives du sommeil et des rêves, que le rêve est un processus incarné de formation de sens dans le monde onirique. Ce travail comporte trois objectifs principaux : 1) de démontrer que le rêve est incarné; 2) de clarifier les liens entre les expériences corporelles et la formation onirique; et 3) de préciser si la sensibilité corporelle accrue, en tant qu’une compétence entraînable, mène à des changements globaux dans la façon dont l'information est traitée en sommeil. Le premier objectif est une proposition inédite dans la science des rêves. Dans ce travail, j’analyse les études théoriques et empiriques sur le sujet afin de motiver la notion de l’incarnation corporelle du rêve. Je propose un cadre théorique et pratique pour la recherche en neurophénoménologie du sommeil (article I). Je montre que les rêves sont incarnés à plusieurs niveaux. Tout d'abord, de nombreux rêves contiennent des représentations du corps ou du mouvement corporel. Deuxièmement, les rêves sont vécus d’un à la première personne et ont une qualité spatiale. Troisièmement, les rêves sont structurés par l'émotion et l'affect, et sont ainsi enracinés dans le corps. Enfin, le corps du rêveur et le corps onirique ne sont pas indépendants l'un de l'autre : leur perméabilité est illustrée par les rêves intensifiés, les parasomnies (article II) et les études sur l'intégration des stimuli somato-sensoriels dans le contenu des rêves. Le deuxième objectif est d'étudier des exemples concrets dans lesquels les sensations somatiques, ou des altérations dans la perception habituelle du corps, affectent le contenu des rêves. Je procède par une revue de littérature sur l’état actuel des connaissances empiriques sur la paralysie du sommeil, en tant qu’un phénomène illustratif de l'altération dans l'expérience corporelle en sommeil (article II). Je conclus que les expériences corporelles dans le cadre de la paralysie du sommeil (pression sur la poitrine, sensations inhabituelles, et autres) nous informent sur la manière dont le sens altéré du corps modifie la perception de l'environnement, affecte les qualités de la relation intersubjective avec le monde, et illumine les caractéristiques subjectives fondamentales du sens de l'espace. En outre, les résultats de notre étude empirique démontrent que la stimulation somatosensorielle de la cheville en Stade 1 du sommeil et en sommeil paradoxal produit une variété de changements dans le contenu des rêves. Le troisième objectif était de tester si la formation contemplative, qui augmente la conscience corporelle, produit des changements dans l’apprentissage procédural, dans l'architecture du sommeil, dans la consolidation de la mémoire dépendante du sommeil et dans le contenu des rêves. Nous avons démontré (article III) que les méditants Vipassana et les sujets témoins avaient des patrons distincts de consolidation de la mémoire en sommeil : l'amélioration d'une tâche d’apprentissage procédural était associée à la densité des fuseaux du sommeil chez les méditants, tandis que les participants témoins avaient une relation forte entre l’amélioration de la tâche et durée du sommeil paradoxal. En outre, nous avons constaté une fréquence réduite des fuseaux du sommeil chez les méditants, ce qui suggère que la pratique de la méditation centrée sur le corps peut avoir un effet à long terme sur l’organisation et la fonction du sommeil. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats de cette enquête permettent de conclure que le rêve est un processus incarné de formation du sens, texturé par des souvenirs et des émotions, et que le rêveur n'est pas déconnecté de leur corps ou du monde extérieur. En outre, l’entrainement à la conscience corporelle peut produire des changements globaux dans l'architecture du sommeil et dans les processus cognitifs du sommeil, y compris les rêves et la consolidation de la mémoire. Ces résultats ont des implications théoriques et pratiques pour la recherche sur les fonctions du sommeil, des rêves et le rôle du corps dans l'expérience subjective.Recent theories of cognition have stressed that the mind is an embodied process, one involving brain, body, and environment. Many aspects of cognition, from waking sensorimotor coping with the world to other aspects of the mind, such as metaphor and abstract thought, have been explicated under this framework. Sleep and dreaming, however, have only rarely been approached by embodied mind theorists. In this dissertation, I draw on work in phenomenology, enactivism, and the cognitive science of sleep and dreaming, I aim to show that dreaming is an embodied process of sense-making in the dream world. This work has three main goals: 1) to argue that the dreaming mind is embodied; 2) to clarify the links between bodily experiences and oneiric mentation; and 3) to test whether increased bodily awareness as a trainable skill contributes to global changes in the way that the mind treats information in sleep. The first goal is a novel proposal in dream science. In this work, I review evidence for embodied dreaming and propose a theoretical and practical framework for neurophenomenological research (Article I). I propose that dreams are embodied in a number of different ways. First, many dreams contain representations of body or bodily movement. Second, dreams are experienced from a first-person point of view, and have a spatial quality. Third, dreams are structured by emotion and affect, and thus are rooted in the body. Finally, sleeping and dreaming bodies are not independent of each other; their permeability is exemplified by intensified dreams, parasomnias (Article II), and studies of somatosensory stimuli incorporation into dream content. The second goal is to investigate some of the concrete ways in which somatic sensations or alterations in habitual perception of the physical body affect dream content. I review the current state of knowledge on sleep paralysis as an illustration of sleep-dependent alteration in bodily experience (Article II), and conclude that bodily experiences in sleep paralysis (pressure on chest, unusual sensations, and others) provide information about the myriad ways an altered sense of the body changes one’s perception of the environment, affects qualities of one’s intersubjective relationship with the world, and provides insight into the fundamental subjective features of the sense of space. Additionally, results of our empirical study show that somatosensory ankle stimulation at sleep onset and during REM sleep produces a variety of changes in dream content. The third goal is to study whether contemplative training, which has been shown to increase bodily self-awareness, produces changes in procedural learning, sleep architecture, sleep-dependent memory consolidation and dream content. We showed (Article III) that Vipassana meditators and controls had distinct patterns of sleep-dependent memory consolidation: improvement on a procedural learning task was associated with sleep spindle density in meditators, while control participants had a strong relationship between improvement on the task and REM sleep duration. Additionally, we found a reduced sleep spindle frequency in meditators, suggesting that body-based meditation practice may have long-term effects on sleep organisation and function. Overall, the results of this inquiry point to the conclusion that dreaming is an embodied process of sense-making, textured by memories and affect, and that the dreamer is not disconnected from their body or the outside world. Furthermore, training in bodily awareness may produce global changes in sleep architecture and sleep cognition, including dreaming and memory consolidation. These results have theoretical and practical implications for research on functions of sleep, dreams and the role of the body in subjective experience
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