43 research outputs found

    ID-based user-centric data usage auditing scheme for distributed environments

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    Recent years have witnessed the trend of increasingly relying on remote and distributed infrastructures, mainly owned and managed by third parties. This increased the number of reported incidents of security breaches compromising users' personal data, where involved entities may massively collect and process massive amounts of such data. Toward these challenges, this paper combines hierarchical Identity Based Cryptographic (IBC) mechanisms with emerging blockchain technologies and introduces a blockchain-based data usage auditing architecture ensuring availability and accountability in a personal data-preserving fashion. The proposed approach relies on smart auditable contracts deployed in blockchain infrastructures. Thus, it offers transparent and controlled data access, sharing and processing, so that unauthorized entities cannot process data without data subjects' consent. Moreover, thanks to the usage of hierarchical ID-based encryption and signature schemes, the proposed solution protects and ensures the confidentiality of users' personal data shared with multiple data controllers and processors. It also provides auditing capacities with tamper-proof evidences for data usage compliance, supported by the intrinsic properties of the blockchain technology

    Practical Multi-party Private Set Intersection Protocols

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    Privacy-preserving techniques for processing sets of information have attracted the research community’s attention in recent years due to society’s increasing dependency on the availability of data at any time. One of the fundamental problems in set operations is known as Private Set Intersection (PSI). The problem requires two parties to compute the intersection between their sets while preserving correctness and privacy. Although several efficient two-party PSI protocols already exist, protocols for PSI in the multi-party setting (MPSI) currently scale poorly with a growing number of parties, even though this applies to many real-life scenarios. This paper fills this gap by proposing two multi-party protocols based on Bloom filters and threshold homomorphic PKEs, which are secure in the semi-honest model. The first protocol is a multi-party PSI, whereas the second provides a more subtle functionality - threshold multi-party PSI (T-MPSI) - which outputs items of the server that appear in at least some number of other private sets. The protocols are inspired by the Davidson-Cid protocol based on Bloom filters. We compare our MPSI protocol against Kolesnikov et al., which is among the fastest known MPSI protocols. Our MPSI protocol performs better than Kolesnikov et al. in terms of run time, given that the sets are small and there is a large number of parties. Our T-MPSI protocol performs better than other existing works: the computational and communication complexities are linear in the number of elements in the largest set given a fixed number of colluding parties. We conclude that our MPSI and T-MPSI protocols are practical solutions suitable for emerging use-case scenarios with many parties, where previous solutions did not scale well

    Individual verifiability in electronic voting

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    This PhD Thesis is the fruit of the job of the author as a researcher at Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, as well as the collaboration with Paz Morillo, from the Department of Applied Mathematics at UPC and Alex Escala, PhD student. In her job at Scytl, the author has participated in several electronic voting projects for national-level binding elections in different countries. The participation of the author covered from the protocol design phase, to the implementation phase by providing support to the development teams. The thesis focuses on studying the mechanisms that can be provided to the voters, in order to examine and verify the processes executed in a remote electronic voting system. This work has been done as part of the tasks of the author at the electronic voting company Scytl. Although this thesis does not talk about system implementations, which are interesting by themselves, it is indeed focused on protocols which have had, or may have, an application in the real world. Therefore, it may surprise the reader by not using state of the art cryptography such as pairings or lattices, which still, although providing very interesting properties, cannot be efficiently implemented and used in a real system. Otherwise, the protocols presented in this thesis use standard and well-known cryptographic primitives, while providing new functionalities that can be applied in nowadays electronic voting systems. The thesis has the following contents: A survey on electronic voting systems which provide voter verification functionalities. Among these systems we can find the one used in the Municipal and Parliamentary Norwegian elections of 2011 and 2013, and the system used in the Australian State of New South Wales for the General State Elections in 2015, in which the author has had an active participation in the design of their electronic voting protocols. A syntax which can be used for modeling electronic voting systems providing voter verifiability. This syntax is focused on systems characterized by the voter confirming the casting of her vote, after verifying some evidences provided by the protocol. Along with this syntax, definitions for the security properties required for such schemes are provided. A description of the electronic voting protocol and system which has been used in 2014 and 2015 elections in the Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel, which has individual verification functionalities, is also provided in this thesis, together with a formal analysis of the security properties of the scheme and further extensions of the protocol. Finally, two new protocols which provide new functionalities respect to those from the state of the art are proposed: A new protocol providing individual verifiability which allows voters to defend against coertion by generating fake proofs, and a protocol which makes a twist to individual verifiability by ensuring that all the processes executed by the voting device and the remote server are correct, without requiring an active verification from the voter. A formal analysis of the security properties of both protocols is provided, together with examples of implementation in real systems.Aquesta tesi és fruit de la feina de l'autora com a personal de recerca a la empresa Scytl Secure Electtronic Voting, així com de la col·laboració amb la Paz Morillo, del departament de matemàtica aplicada a la UPC, i el Alex Escala, estudiant de doctorat. A la feina a Scytl, l'autora ha participat a varis projectes de vot electrònic per a eleccions vinculants a nivell nacional, que s'han efectuat a varis països. La participació de la autora ha cobert tant la fase de disseny del protocol, com la fase de implementació, on ha proveït suport als equips de desenvolupament. La tesi estudia els mecanismes que es poden proporcionar als votants per a poder examinar i verificar els processos que s'executen en sistemes de vot electrònic. Tot i que la tesi no parla de la implementació dels sistemes de vot electrònic, sí que s'enfoca en protocols que han tingut, o poden tenir, una aplicació pràctica actualment. La tesi té els continguts següents: Un estudi en sistemes de vot electrònic que proporcionen funcionalitats per a que els votants verifiquin els processos. Entre aquests sistemes, trobem el que es va utilitzar a les eleccions municipals i parlamentàries a Noruega als anys 2011 i 2013, així com el sistema utilitzat a l'estat Australià de New South Wales, per a les eleccions generals de 2015, sistemes en els que l'autora ha participat directament en el diseny dels seus protocols criptogràfics. La tesi també conté una sintaxi que es pot utilizar per modelar sistemes de vot electrònic que proporcionen verificabilitat individual (on verifica el votant). Aquesta sintaxi s'enfoca en sistemes caracteritzats pel fet de que el votant confirma la emissió del seu vot un cop ha verificat unes evidències sobre ell, proporcionades pel protocol. A més de la sintaxi, es proporcionen definicions de les propietats de seguretat d'aquestts sistemes. La tesi també conté una descripció del sistema i protocol de vot electrònic que s'utilitza al cantó Suís de Neuchâtel a partir del 2014, el qual té funcionalitats per a que els votants verifiquin certs processos del sistema. La tesi a més conté un anàlisi de la seguretat de l'esquema, així com possibles extensions del protocol. Finalment, la tesi inclou dos protocols nous que proporcionen noves característiques i funcionalitats respecte als existents a l'estat de l'art de la tècnica. El primer permet a un votant defendre's de un coaccionador generant proves falses, i el segon fa un canvi de paradigma de la verificabilitat individual, de forma que el votant no ha de verificar certs processos per a saber que s'han efectuant correctament. La tesi inclou un anàlisi formal de les propietats de seguretat dels dos protocols, així com exemples de com podrien ser implementats en un escenari real.Postprint (published version

    The DEMOS family of e-voting systems: End-to-end verifiable elections in the standard model

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    Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή εισάγει τα συστήματα ηλεκτρονικής ψηφοφορίας DEMOS-A και DEMOS-2 τα οποία επιτυγχάνουν άμεση επαληθευσιμότητα (end-to-end verifiability) για πρώτη φορά. Προγενέστερα της διατριβής, όλα τα κορυφαία συστήματα ηλεκτρονικής ψηφοφορίας (π.χ. SureVote, JCJ, Pret a Voter, Helios, Scantegrity, etc.) προϋπέθεταν το αδιάβλητο των συσκευών ψηφοφορίας, το μοντέλο τυχαίου μαντείου, ή την ύπαρξη μια έμπιστης πηγής τυχαιότητας για την επίτευξη άμεσης επαληθευσιμότητας. Στον πυρήνα των DEMOS-A και DEMOS-2 , βρίσκεται ένας νέος μηχανισμός εξαγωγής τυχαιότητας απαιτούμενης για την επαλήθευση από την εντροπία που παράγουν οι ψηφοφόροι κατά τη συμμετοχή τους στην ψηφοφορία. Η εν λόγω εντροπία είναι εσωτερική ως προς το εκλογικό περιβάλλον, επομένως απαλείφεται η ανάγκη για εμπιστοσύνη σε μία εξωτερική πηγή τυχαιότητας. Η ανάλυση ασφάλειας διεξάγεται υπό ένα νέο κρυπτογραφικό πλαίσιο το οποίο συνιστά επιπρόσθετη συνεισφορά της διατριβής. Τα θεωρήματα άμεσης επαλήθευσιμότητας των DEMOS-A και DEMOS-2 μαρτυρούν μία στενή συσχέτιση του επιπέδου ασφάλειας με την συμπεριφορά του εκλογικού σωμάτος κατά την επαλήθευση. Βάσει αυτού του ευρήματος και της εργασίας του Ellison το 2007, η παρούσα διατριβή επεκτείνει το πλαίσιο μοντελοποιώντας τα συστήματα ηλεκτρονικής ψηφοφορίας ως ceremonies. Ως υπόδειγμα μελέτης ενός ceremony ηλεκτρονικής ψηφοφορίας, η παρούσα διατριβή μελετά την ασφάλεια του καθιερωμένου συστήματος ηλεκτρονικής ψηφοφορίας Helios.This PhD thesis introduces the DEMOS-A and DEMOS-2 e-voting systems that achieve end-to-end verifiability in the standard model for the first time. Prior to this thesis, all top-tier e-voting systems (e.g. SureVote, JCJ, Pret a Voter, Helios, Scantegrity, etc.) assumed honesty of the voting clients, the random oracle model, or the existence a randomness beacon to achieve end-to-end verifiability. In the core of DEMOS-A and DEMOS-2, is a novel mechanism that extracts the randomness required for verification from the entropy generated by the voters, when they engage in the voting phase. This entropy is internal with respect to the election environment, therefore the need for trusting an outer source of randomness is removed. The security analysis is performed under a novel cryptographic framework that constitutes an additional contribution of this thesis. The end-to-end verifiability theorems for DEMOS-A and DEMOS-2 reveal that the security level is in high correlation with the auditing behaviour of the electorate. Motivated by this finding, this thesis extends the framework by modelling e-voting systems as ceremonies, inspired by the work of Ellison in 2007. As a case study of an e-voting ceremony, this thesis investigates the security of the well-known Helios e-voting system

    SoK: Secure E-Voting with Everlasting Privacy

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    Vote privacy is a fundamental right, which needs to be protected not only during an election, or for a limited time afterwards, but for the foreseeable future. Numerous electronic voting (e-voting) protocols have been proposed to address this challenge, striving for everlasting privacy. This property guarantees that even computationally unbounded adversaries cannot break privacy of past elections. The broad interest in secure e-voting with everlasting privacy has spawned a large variety of protocols over the last three decades. These protocols differ in many aspects, in particular the precise security properties they aim for, the threat scenarios they consider, and the privacy-preserving techniques they employ. Unfortunately, these differences are often opaque, making analysis and comparison cumbersome. In order to overcome this non-transparent state of affairs, we systematically analyze all e-voting protocols designed to provide everlasting privacy. First, we illustrate the relations and dependencies between all these different protocols. Next, we analyze in depth which protocols do provide secure and efficient approaches to e-voting with everlasting privacy under realistic assumptions, and which ones do not. Eventually, based on our extensive and detailed treatment, we identify which research problems in this field have already been solved, and which ones are still open. Altogether, our work offers a well-founded reference point for conducting research on secure e-voting with everlasting privacy as well as for future-proofing privacy in real-world electronic elections

    A Framework for Uncertain Cloud Data Security and Recovery Based on Hybrid Multi-User Medical Decision Learning Patterns

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    Machine learning has been supporting real-time cloud based medical computing systems. However, most of the computing servers are independent of data security and recovery scheme in multiple virtual machines due to high computing cost and time. Also, this cloud based medical applications require static security parameters for cloud data security. Cloud based medical applications require multiple servers to store medical records or machine learning patterns for decision making. Due to high Uncertain computational memory and time, these cloud systems require an efficient data security framework to provide strong data access control among the multiple users. In this work, a hybrid cloud data security framework is developed to improve the data security on the large machine learning patterns in real-time cloud computing environment. This work is implemented in two phases’ i.e. data replication phase and multi-user data access security phase. Initially, machine decision patterns are replicated among the multiple servers for Uncertain data recovering phase. In the multi-access cloud data security framework, a hybrid multi-access key based data encryption and decryption model is implemented on the large machine learning medical patterns for data recovery and security process. Experimental results proved that the present two-phase data recovering, and security framework has better computational efficiency than the conventional approaches on large medical decision patterns

    Individual Verifiability for E-Voting, From Formal Verification To Machine Learning

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    The cornerstone of secure electronic voting protocols lies in the principle of individual verifiability. This thesis delves into the intricate task of harmonizing this principle with two other crucial aspects: ballot privacy and coercion-resistance. In the realm of electronic voting, individual verifiability serves as a critical safeguard. It empowers each voter with the ability to confirm that their vote has been accurately recorded and counted in the final tally. This thesis explores the intricate balance between this pivotal aspect of electronic voting and the equally important facets of ballot privacy and coercion-resistance. Ballot privacy, or the assurance that a voter's choice remains confidential, is a fundamental right in democratic processes. It ensures that voters can express their political preferences without fear of retribution or discrimination. On the other hand, coercion-resistance refers to the system's resilience against attempts to influence or manipulate a voter's choice. Furthermore, this thesis also ventures into an empirical analysis of the effectiveness of individual voter checks in ensuring a correct election outcome. It considers a scenario where an adversary possesses additional knowledge about the individual voters and can strategically decide which voters to target. The study aims to estimate the degree to which these checks can still guarantee the accuracy of the election results under such circumstances. In essence, this thesis embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics between individual verifiability, ballot privacy, and coercion-resistance in secure electronic voting protocols. It also seeks to quantify the effectiveness of individual voter checks in maintaining the integrity of election outcomes, particularly when faced with a knowledgeable and capable adversary. The first contribution of this thesis is revisiting the seminal coercion-resistant e-voting protocol by Juels, Catalano, and Jakobsson (JCJ), examining its usability and practicality. It discusses the credential handling system proposed by Neumann et al., which uses a smart card to unlock or fake credentials via a PIN code. The thesis identifies several security concerns with the JCJ protocol, including an attack on coercion-resistance due to information leakage from the removal of duplicate ballots. It also addresses the issues of PIN errors and the single point of failure associated with the smart card. To mitigate these vulnerabilities, we propose hardware-flexible protocols that allow credentials to be stored by ordinary means while still being PIN-based and providing PIN error resilience. One of these protocols features a linear tally complexity, ensuring efficiency and scalability for large-scale electronic voting systems. The second contribution of this thesis pertains to the exploration and validation of the ballot privacy definition proposed by Cortier et. al., particularly in the context of an adversarial presence. Our exploration involves both the Selene and the MiniVoting abstract scheme. We apply Cortier's definition of ballot privacy to this scheme, investigating how it holds up under this framework. To ensure the validity of our findings, we employ the use of tools for machine-checked proof. This method provides a rigorous and reliable means of verifying our results, ensuring that our conclusions are both accurate and trustworthy. The final contribution of this thesis is a detailed examination and analysis of the Estonian election results. This analysis is conducted in several phases, each contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the election process. The first phase involves a comprehensive marginal analysis of the Estonian election results. We compute upper bounds for several margins, providing a detailed statistical overview of the election outcome. This analysis allows us to identify key trends and patterns in the voting data, laying the groundwork for the subsequent phase of our research. We then train multiple binary classifiers to predict whether a voter is likely to verify their vote. This predictive modeling enables an adversary to gain insights into voter behavior and the factors that may influence their decision to verify their vote. With the insights gained from the previous phases, an adversarial classification algorithm for verifying voters is trained. The likelihood of such an adversary is calculated using various machine learning models, providing a more robust assessment of potential threats to the election process

    Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions

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    Cryptographic voting protocols have recently seen much interest from practitioners due to their (planned) use in countries such as Estonia, Switzerland, France, and Australia. Practical protocols usually rely on tested designs such as the mixing-and-decryption paradigm. There, multiple servers verifiably shuffle encrypted ballots, which are then decrypted in a distributed manner. While several efficient protocols implementing this paradigm exist from discrete log-type assumptions, the situation is less clear for post-quantum alternatives such as lattices. This is because the design ideas of the discrete log-based voting protocols do not carry over easily to the lattice setting, due to specific problems such as noise growth and approximate relations. In this work, we propose a new verifiable secret shuffle for BGV ciphertexts and a compatible verifiable distributed decryption protocol. The shuffle is based on an extension of a shuffle of commitments to known values which is combined with an amortized proof of correct re-randomization. The verifiable distributed decryption protocol uses noise drowning, proving the correctness of decryption steps in zero-knowledge. Both primitives are then used to instantiate the mixing-and-decryption electronic voting paradigm from lattice-based assumptions. We give concrete parameters for our system, estimate the size of each component and provide implementations of all important sub-protocols. Our experiments show that the shuffle and decryption protocol is suitable for use in real-world e-voting schemes