10 research outputs found

    A Review of Audio Features and Statistical Models Exploited for Voice Pattern Design

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    Audio fingerprinting, also named as audio hashing, has been well-known as a powerful technique to perform audio identification and synchronization. It basically involves two major steps: fingerprint (voice pattern) design and matching search. While the first step concerns the derivation of a robust and compact audio signature, the second step usually requires knowledge about database and quick-search algorithms. Though this technique offers a wide range of real-world applications, to the best of the authors' knowledge, a comprehensive survey of existing algorithms appeared more than eight years ago. Thus, in this paper, we present a more up-to-date review and, for emphasizing on the audio signal processing aspect, we focus our state-of-the-art survey on the fingerprint design step for which various audio features and their tractable statistical models are discussed.Comment: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2015/PATTERNS15.html ; Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2015), Mar 2015, Nice, Franc

    Función resumen perceptual para verificación de integridad en audio forense

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    In this work we propose a function that allows to calculate a summary code from the parameters of a voice signal. This function is based on ordering of spectral coefficients obtained by means of the application of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), using a locally generated reference function (Gaussian random noise). The proposed method is oriented to the verification of integrity in forensic voice signals. The proposed methodology has a perceptual approach, which implies that the resulting code is maintained, even when modifications are made, particularly those that do not affect the sensitive content of the signal, such as re-quantization processes.En este artículos se propone una función que permite calcular un código resumen a partir de los parámetros de una señal de voz. Esta función está basada en el ordenamiento de los coeficientes espectrales en un proceso de imitación entre el espectro de la señal de voz y el espectro de una señal de ruido gaussiano generada localmente. El método de función resumen está orientado a la verificación de integridad forense en señales de voz, con un enfoque perceptual, que implica que la función resumen no cambia si la señal sufre modificaciones que no alteran el contenido (como re-cuantización), pero que si cambia ante modificaciones como recorte y adición de ruido. Se realizaron diversas pruebas para verificar el enfoque perceptual del método resumen propuesto y se compararon los resultados frente a modificaciones utilizando métodos tradicionales

    Neural Networks for Analysing Music and Environmental Audio

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    PhDIn this thesis, we consider the analysis of music and environmental audio recordings with neural networks. Recently, neural networks have been shown to be an effective family of models for speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing and a number of other statistical modelling problems. The composite layer-wise structure of neural networks allows for flexible model design, where prior knowledge about the domain of application can be used to inform the design and architecture of the neural network models. Additionally, it has been shown that when trained on sufficient quantities of data, neural networks can be directly applied to low-level features to learn mappings to high level concepts like phonemes in speech and object classes in computer vision. In this thesis we investigate whether neural network models can be usefully applied to processing music and environmental audio. With regards to music signal analysis, we investigate 2 different problems. The fi rst problem, automatic music transcription, aims to identify the score or the sequence of musical notes that comprise an audio recording. We also consider the problem of automatic chord transcription, where the aim is to identify the sequence of chords in a given audio recording. For both problems, we design neural network acoustic models which are applied to low-level time-frequency features in order to detect the presence of notes or chords. Our results demonstrate that the neural network acoustic models perform similarly to state-of-the-art acoustic models, without the need for any feature engineering. The networks are able to learn complex transformations from time-frequency features to the desired outputs, given sufficient amounts of training data. Additionally, we use recurrent neural networks to model the temporal structure of sequences of notes or chords, similar to language modelling in speech. Our results demonstrate that the combination of the acoustic and language model predictions yields improved performance over the acoustic models alone. We also observe that convolutional neural networks yield better performance compared to other neural network architectures for acoustic modelling. For the analysis of environmental audio recordings, we consider the problem of acoustic event detection. Acoustic event detection has a similar structure to automatic music and chord transcription, where the system is required to output the correct sequence of semantic labels along with onset and offset times. We compare the performance of neural network architectures against Gaussian mixture models and support vector machines. In order to account for the fact that such systems are typically deployed on embedded devices, we compare performance as a function of the computational cost of each model. We evaluate the models on 2 large datasets of real-world recordings of baby cries and smoke alarms. Our results demonstrate that the neural networks clearly outperform the other models and they are able to do so without incurring a heavy computation cost

    Modeling High-Dimensional Audio Sequences with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Cette thèse étudie des modèles de séquences de haute dimension basés sur des réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNN) et leur application à la musique et à la parole. Bien qu'en principe les RNN puissent représenter les dépendances à long terme et la dynamique temporelle complexe propres aux séquences d'intérêt comme la vidéo, l'audio et la langue naturelle, ceux-ci n'ont pas été utilisés à leur plein potentiel depuis leur introduction par Rumelhart et al. (1986a) en raison de la difficulté de les entraîner efficacement par descente de gradient. Récemment, l'application fructueuse de l'optimisation Hessian-free et d'autres techniques d'entraînement avancées ont entraîné la recrudescence de leur utilisation dans plusieurs systèmes de l'état de l'art. Le travail de cette thèse prend part à ce développement. L'idée centrale consiste à exploiter la flexibilité des RNN pour apprendre une description probabiliste de séquences de symboles, c'est-à-dire une information de haut niveau associée aux signaux observés, qui en retour pourra servir d'à priori pour améliorer la précision de la recherche d'information. Par exemple, en modélisant l'évolution de groupes de notes dans la musique polyphonique, d'accords dans une progression harmonique, de phonèmes dans un énoncé oral ou encore de sources individuelles dans un mélange audio, nous pouvons améliorer significativement les méthodes de transcription polyphonique, de reconnaissance d'accords, de reconnaissance de la parole et de séparation de sources audio respectivement. L'application pratique de nos modèles à ces tâches est détaillée dans les quatre derniers articles présentés dans cette thèse. Dans le premier article, nous remplaçons la couche de sortie d'un RNN par des machines de Boltzmann restreintes conditionnelles pour décrire des distributions de sortie multimodales beaucoup plus riches. Dans le deuxième article, nous évaluons et proposons des méthodes avancées pour entraîner les RNN. Dans les quatre derniers articles, nous examinons différentes façons de combiner nos modèles symboliques à des réseaux profonds et à la factorisation matricielle non-négative, notamment par des produits d'experts, des architectures entrée/sortie et des cadres génératifs généralisant les modèles de Markov cachés. Nous proposons et analysons également des méthodes d'inférence efficaces pour ces modèles, telles la recherche vorace chronologique, la recherche en faisceau à haute dimension, la recherche en faisceau élagué et la descente de gradient. Finalement, nous abordons les questions de l'étiquette biaisée, du maître imposant, du lissage temporel, de la régularisation et du pré-entraînement.This thesis studies models of high-dimensional sequences based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their application to music and speech. While in principle RNNs can represent the long-term dependencies and complex temporal dynamics present in real-world sequences such as video, audio and natural language, they have not been used to their full potential since their introduction by Rumelhart et al. (1986a) due to the difficulty to train them efficiently by gradient-based optimization. In recent years, the successful application of Hessian-free optimization and other advanced training techniques motivated an increase of their use in many state-of-the-art systems. The work of this thesis is part of this development. The main idea is to exploit the power of RNNs to learn a probabilistic description of sequences of symbols, i.e. high-level information associated with observed signals, that in turn can be used as a prior to improve the accuracy of information retrieval. For example, by modeling the evolution of note patterns in polyphonic music, chords in a harmonic progression, phones in a spoken utterance, or individual sources in an audio mixture, we can improve significantly the accuracy of polyphonic transcription, chord recognition, speech recognition and audio source separation respectively. The practical application of our models to these tasks is detailed in the last four articles presented in this thesis. In the first article, we replace the output layer of an RNN with conditional restricted Boltzmann machines to describe much richer multimodal output distributions. In the second article, we review and develop advanced techniques to train RNNs. In the last four articles, we explore various ways to combine our symbolic models with deep networks and non-negative matrix factorization algorithms, namely using products of experts, input/output architectures, and generative frameworks that generalize hidden Markov models. We also propose and analyze efficient inference procedures for those models, such as greedy chronological search, high-dimensional beam search, dynamic programming-like pruned beam search and gradient descent. Finally, we explore issues such as label bias, teacher forcing, temporal smoothing, regularization and pre-training

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Recommender systems in industrial contexts

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    This thesis consists of four parts: - An analysis of the core functions and the prerequisites for recommender systems in an industrial context: we identify four core functions for recommendation systems: Help do Decide, Help to Compare, Help to Explore, Help to Discover. The implementation of these functions has implications for the choices at the heart of algorithmic recommender systems. - A state of the art, which deals with the main techniques used in automated recommendation system: the two most commonly used algorithmic methods, the K-Nearest-Neighbor methods (KNN) and the fast factorization methods are detailed. The state of the art presents also purely content-based methods, hybridization techniques, and the classical performance metrics used to evaluate the recommender systems. This state of the art then gives an overview of several systems, both from academia and industry (Amazon, Google ...). - An analysis of the performances and implications of a recommendation system developed during this thesis: this system, Reperio, is a hybrid recommender engine using KNN methods. We study the performance of the KNN methods, including the impact of similarity functions used. Then we study the performance of the KNN method in critical uses cases in cold start situation. - A methodology for analyzing the performance of recommender systems in industrial context: this methodology assesses the added value of algorithmic strategies and recommendation systems according to its core functions.Comment: version 3.30, May 201


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