103 research outputs found

    Attention-driven auditory stream segregation using a SOM coupled with an excitatory-inhibitory ANN

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    Auditory attention is an essential property of human hearing. It is responsible for the selection of information to be sent to working memory and as such to be perceived consciously, from the abundance of auditory information that is continuously entering the ears. Thus, auditory attention heavily influences human auditory perception and systems simulating human auditory scene analysis would benefit from an attention model. In this paper, a human-mimicking model of auditory attention is presented, aimed to be used in environmental sound monitoring. It relies on a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for learning and classifying sounds. Coupled to this SOM, an excitatory-inhibitory artificial neural network (ANN), simulating the auditory cortex, is defined. The activation of these neurons is calculated based on an interplay of various excitatory and inhibitory inputs. The latter simulate auditory attention mechanisms in a human-inspired but simplified way, in order to keep the computational cost within bounds. The behavior of the model incorporating all of these mechanisms is investigated, and plausible results are obtained

    Long-term learning behavior in a recurrent neural network for sound recognition

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    In this paper, the long-term learning properties of an artificial neural network model, designed for sound recognition and computational auditory scene analysis in general, are investigated. The model is designed to run for long periods of time (weeks to months) on low-cost hardware, used in a noise monitoring network, and builds upon previous work by the same authors. It consists of three neural layers, connected to each other by feedforward and feedback excitatory connections. It is shown that the different mechanisms that drive auditory attention emerge naturally from the way in which neural activation and intra-layer inhibitory connections are implemented in the model. Training of the artificial neural network is done following the Hebb principle, dictating that "Cells that fire together, wire together", with some important modifications, compared to standard Hebbian learning. As the model is designed to be on-line for extended periods of time, also learning mechanisms need to be adapted to this. The learning needs to be strongly attention-and saliency-driven, in order not to waste available memory space for sounds that are of no interest to the human listener. The model also implements plasticity, in order to deal with new or changing input over time, without catastrophically forgetting what it already learned. On top of that, it is shown that also the implementation of shortterm memory plays an important role in the long-term learning properties of the model. The above properties are investigated and demonstrated by training on real urban sound recordings

    A biologically inspired recurrent neural network for sound source recognition incorporating auditory attention

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    In this paper, a human-mimicking model for sound source recognition is presented. It consists of an artificial neural network with three neuron layers (input, middle and output) that are connected by feedback connections between the output and middle layer, on top of feedforward connections from the input to middle and middle to output layers. Learning is accomplished by the model following the Hebb principle, dictating that " cells that fire together, wire together", with some important alterations, compared to standard Hebbian learning, in order to prevent the model from forgetting previously learned patterns, when learning new ones. In addition, short-term memory is introduced into the model in order to facilitate and guide learning of neuronal synapses (long-term memory). As auditory attention is an essential part of human auditory scene analysis (ASA), it is also indispensable in any computational model mimicking it, and it is shown that different auditory attention mechanism naturally emerge from the neuronal behaviour as implemented in the model described in this paper. The learning behavior of the model is further investigated in the context of an urban sonic environment, and the importance of shortterm memory in this process is demonstrated. Finally, the effectiveness of the model is evaluated by comparing model output on presented sound recordings to a human expert listeners evaluation of the same fragments

    Machine listening for park soundscape quality assessment

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    The increasing importance attributed to soundscape quality in urban design generates a need for a system for automatic quality assessment that could be used for example in monitoring. In this work, the possibility for using machine listening techniques for this purpose is explored. The outlined approach detects the presence of particular sounds in a human-inspired way, and therefore allows to draw conclusions about how soundscapes are perceived. The system proposed in this paper consists of a partly recurrent artificial neural network modified to incorporate human attention mechanisms. The network is trained on sounds recorded in typical urban parks in the city of Antwerp, and thus becomes an auditory object creation and classification system particularly tuned to this context. The system is used to analyze a continuous sound level recording in different parks, resulting in a prediction of sounds that will most likely be noticed by a park visitor. Finally, it is shown that these indicators for noticed sounds allow to construct more powerful models for soundscape quality as reported in a survey with park visitors than indicators that are more regularly used in soundscape research

    How does the brain extract acoustic patterns? A behavioural and neural study

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    In complex auditory scenes the brain exploits statistical regularities to group sound elements into streams. Previous studies using tones that transition from being randomly drawn to regularly repeating, have highlighted a network of brain regions involved during this process of regularity detection, including auditory cortex (AC) and hippocampus (HPC; Barascud et al., 2016). In this thesis, I seek to understand how the neurons within AC and HPC detect and maintain a representation of deterministic acoustic regularity. I trained ferrets (n = 6) on a GO/NO-GO task to detect the transition from a random sequence of tones to a repeating pattern of tones, with increasing pattern lengths (3, 5 and 7). All animals performed significantly above chance, with longer reaction times and declining performance as the pattern length increased. During performance of the behavioural task, or passive listening, I recorded from primary and secondary fields of AC with multi-electrode arrays (behaving: n = 3), or AC and HPC using Neuropixels probes (behaving: n = 1; passive: n = 1). In the local field potential, I identified no differences in the evoked response between presentations of random or regular sequences. Instead, I observed significant increases in oscillatory power at the rate of the repeating pattern, and decreases at the tone presentation rate, during regularity. Neurons in AC, across the population, showed higher firing with more repetitions of the pattern and for shorter pattern lengths. Single-units within AC showed higher precision in their firing when responding to their best frequency during regularity. Neurons in AC and HPC both entrained to the pattern rate during presentation of the regular sequence when compared to the random sequence. Lastly, development of an optogenetic approach to inactivate AC in the ferret paves the way for future work to probe the causal involvement of these brain regions

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)