47 research outputs found

    Development of new methods in biomedical engineering for brain connectivity biomarkers in epilepsy and other pathological conditions

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    243 p.The aim of this thesis is to humbly explore the application of diverse methodologies and theories comingfrom Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Physics in the field of neurosciences, with an special focus onneurodegenerative diseases.In this thesis brain network analysis was used to unveil functional and structural patterns in bothpathological and healthy brains. We explore in a different manner various aspects related with theepilepsy, AD and healthy aging

    Review and classification of variability analysis techniques with clinical applications

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    Analysis of patterns of variation of time-series, termed variability analysis, represents a rapidly evolving discipline with increasing applications in different fields of science. In medicine and in particular critical care, efforts have focussed on evaluating the clinical utility of variability. However, the growth and complexity of techniques applicable to this field have made interpretation and understanding of variability more challenging. Our objective is to provide an updated review of variability analysis techniques suitable for clinical applications. We review more than 70 variability techniques, providing for each technique a brief description of the underlying theory and assumptions, together with a summary of clinical applications. We propose a revised classification for the domains of variability techniques, which include statistical, geometric, energetic, informational, and invariant. We discuss the process of calculation, often necessitating a mathematical transform of the time-series. Our aims are to summarize a broad literature, promote a shared vocabulary that would improve the exchange of ideas, and the analyses of the results between different studies. We conclude with challenges for the evolving science of variability analysis

    Development of new methods in biomedical engineering for brain connectivity biomarkers in epilepsy and other pathological conditions

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    243 p.The aim of this thesis is to humbly explore the application of diverse methodologies and theories comingfrom Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Physics in the field of neurosciences, with an special focus onneurodegenerative diseases.In this thesis brain network analysis was used to unveil functional and structural patterns in bothpathological and healthy brains. We explore in a different manner various aspects related with theepilepsy, AD and healthy aging

    Multivariate multiscale complexity analysis

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    Established dynamical complexity analysis measures operate at a single scale and thus fail to quantify inherent long-range correlations in real world data, a key feature of complex systems. They are designed for scalar time series, however, multivariate observations are common in modern real world scenarios and their simultaneous analysis is a prerequisite for the understanding of the underlying signal generating model. To that end, this thesis first introduces a notion of multivariate sample entropy and thus extends the current univariate complexity analysis to the multivariate case. The proposed multivariate multiscale entropy (MMSE) algorithm is shown to be capable of addressing the dynamical complexity of such data directly in the domain where they reside, and at multiple temporal scales, thus making full use of all the available information, both within and across the multiple data channels. Next, the intrinsic multivariate scales of the input data are generated adaptively via the multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) algorithm. This allows for both generating comparable scales from multiple data channels, and for temporal scales of same length as the length of input signal, thus, removing the critical limitation on input data length in current complexity analysis methods. The resulting MEMD-enhanced MMSE method is also shown to be suitable for non-stationary multivariate data analysis owing to the data-driven nature of MEMD algorithm, as non-stationarity is the biggest obstacle for meaningful complexity analysis. This thesis presents a quantum step forward in this area, by introducing robust and physically meaningful complexity estimates of real-world systems, which are typically multivariate, finite in duration, and of noisy and heterogeneous natures. This also allows us to gain better understanding of the complexity of the underlying multivariate model and more degrees of freedom and rigor in the analysis. Simulations on both synthetic and real world multivariate data sets support the analysis

    Brain electrical activity discriminant analysis using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces

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    A deep an adequate understanding of the human brain functions has been an objective for interdisciplinar teams of scientists. Different types of technological acquisition methodologies, allow to capture some particular data that is related with brain activity. Commonly, the more used strategies are related with the brain electrical activity, where reflected neuronal interactions are reflected in the scalp and obtained via electrode arrays as time series. The processing of this type of brain electrical activity (BEA) data, poses some challenges that should be addressed carefully due their intrinsic properties. BEA in known to have a nonstationaty behavior and a high degree of variability dependenig of the stimulus or responses that are being adressed..

    Brain electrical activity discriminant analysis using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces

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    A deep an adequate understanding of the human brain functions has been an objective for interdisciplinar teams of scientists. Different types of technological acquisition methodologies, allow to capture some particular data that is related with brain activity. Commonly, the more used strategies are related with the brain electrical activity, where reflected neuronal interactions are reflected in the scalp and obtained via electrode arrays as time series. The processing of this type of brain electrical activity (BEA) data, poses some challenges that should be addressed carefully due their intrinsic properties. BEA in known to have a nonstationaty behavior and a high degree of variability dependenig of the stimulus or responses that are being adressed..

    Characteristics and coupling of cardiac and locomotor rhythms during treadmill walking tasks

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    Studying the variability of physiological subsystems (e.g., cardiac and locomotor control systems) has been insightful in understanding how functional and dysfunctional patterns emerge within their behaviors. The coupling of these subsystems (termed cardiolocomotor coupling) is believed to be important to maintain healthy functioning in the diverse conditions in which individuals must operate. Aging and pathology result in alterations to both the patterns of individual systems, as well as to how those systems couple to each other. By examining cardiac and locomotor rhythms concurrently during treadmill walking, it is possible to ascertain how these two rhythms relate to each other in different populations (i.e., younger and older adults) and with varying task constraints (i.e., a gait synchronization task or fast walking task). The purpose of this research was to simultaneously document the characteristics of cardiac and gait rhythms in younger (18-35 yrs) and older (63-80 yrs) healthy adults while walking and to establish the extent to which changes in these systems are coupled when gait is constrained. This study consisted of two repeated-measures experiments that participants completed on two separate days. Both experiments consisted of three 15-minute phases. During the first (baseline) and third (retention) phases of both experiments, participants walked with no cues or specific instructions at their preferred walking speed. During the second phase, participants were asked to synchronize their step falls to the timing of a visual cue (experiment 1) or to walk at 125% of their preferred walking speed (experiment 2). Fifty-one healthy adults (26 older, 67.67±4.70 yrs, 1.72±0.09 m, 70.13±14.30 kg; 25 younger, 24.57±4.29 yrs, 1.76±0.09 m, 73.34±15.35 kg) participated in this study. Participants’ cardiac rhythms (R-R interval time series) and locomotor rhythms (stride interval, step width, and step length time series) were measured while walking on a treadmill. Characteristics of variability in cardiac and locomotor rhythms and the coupling between cardiac and gait rhythms were measured. Results revealed that younger and older healthy adults alter gait patterns similarly when presented with a gait synchronization or fast walking task and that these tasks also alter cardiac patterns. Likewise, both groups exhibited enhanced cardiolocomotor coupling when tasked with a step timing constraint or increased speed during treadmill walking. Combined, these findings suggest that walking tasks likely alter both locomotor and cardiac dynamics and the coupling of physiological subsystems could be insightful in understanding the diverse effects aging and pathology have on individuals

    A gaussian mixture-based approach to synthesizing nonlinear feature functions for automated object detection

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    Feature design is an important part to identify objects of interest into a known number of categories or classes in object detection. Based on the depth-first search for higher order feature functions, the technique of automated feature synthesis is generally considered to be a process of creating more effective features from raw feature data during the run of the algorithms. This dynamic synthesis of nonlinear feature functions is a challenging problem in object detection. This thesis presents a combinatorial approach of genetic programming and the expectation maximization algorithm (GP-EM) to synthesize nonlinear feature functions automatically in order to solve the given tasks of object detection. The EM algorithm investigates the use of Gaussian mixture which is able to model the behaviour of the training samples during an optimal GP search strategy. Based on the Gaussian probability assumption, the GP-EM method is capable of performing simultaneously dynamic feature synthesis and model-based generalization. The EM part of the approach leads to the application of the maximum likelihood (ML) operation that provides protection against inter-cluster data separation and thus exhibits improved convergence. Additionally, with the GP-EM method, an innovative technique, called the histogram region of interest by thresholds (HROIBT), is introduced for diagnosing protein conformation defects (PCD) from microscopic imagery. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the detection accuracy and efficiency of pattern object discovery, as compared to single GP-based feature synthesis methods and also a number of other object detection systems. The GP-EM method projects the hyperspace of the raw data onto lower-dimensional spaces efficiently, resulting in faster computational classification processes

    Relevant data representation by a Kernel-based framework

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    Nowadays, the analysis of a large amount of data has emerged as an issue of great interest taking increasing place in the scientific community, especially in automation, signal processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning. In this sense, the identification, description, classification, visualization, and clustering of events or patterns are important problems for engineering developments and scientific issues, such as biology, medicine, economy, artificial vision, artificial intelligence, and industrial production. Nonetheless, it is difficult to interpret the available information due to its complexity and a large amount of obtained features. In addition, the analysis of the input data requires the development of methodologies that allow to reveal the relevant behaviors of the studied process, particularly, when such signals contain hidden structures varying over a given domain, e.g., space and/or time. When the analyzed signal contains such kind of properties, directly applying signal processing and machine learning procedures without considering a suitable model that deals with both the statistical distribution and the data structure, can lead in unstable performance results. Regarding this, kernel functions appear as an alternative approach to address the aforementioned issues by providing flexible mathematical tools that allow enhancing data representation for supporting signal processing and machine learning systems. Moreover, kernelbased methods are powerful tools for developing better-performing solutions by adapting the kernel to a given problem, instead of learning data relationships from explicit raw vector representations. However, building suitable kernels requires some user prior knowledge about input data, which is not available in most of the practical cases. Furthermore, using the definitions of traditional kernel methods directly, possess a challenging estimation problem that often leads to strong simplifications that restrict the kind of representation that we can use on the data. In this study, we propose a data representation framework based on kernel methods to learn automatically relevant sample relationships in learning systems. Namely, the proposed framework is divided into five kernel-based approaches, which aim to compute relevant data representations by adapting them according to both the imposed sample relationships constraints and the learning scenario (unsupervised or supervised task). First, we develop a kernel-based representation approach that allows revealing the main input sample relations by including relevant data structures using graph-based sparse constraints. Thus, salient data structures are highlighted aiming to favor further unsupervised clustering stages. This approach can be viewed as a graph pruning strategy within a spectral clustering framework which allows enhancing both the local and global data consistencies for a given input similarity matrix. Second, we introduce a kernel-based representation methodology that captures meaningful data relations in terms of their statistical distribution. Thus, an information theoretic learning (ITL) based penalty function is introduced to estimate a kernel-based similarity that maximizes the whole information potential variability. So, we seek for a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) that spans the widest information force magnitudes among data points to support further clustering stages. Third, an entropy-like functional on positive definite matrices based on Renyi’s definition is adapted to develop a kernel-based representation approach which considers the statistical distribution and the salient data structures. Thereby, relevant input patterns are highlighted in unsupervised learning tasks. Particularly, the introduced approach is tested as a tool to encode relevant local and global input data relationships in dimensional reduction applications. Fourth, a supervised kernel-based representation is introduced via a metric learning procedure in RKHS that takes advantage of the user-prior knowledge, when available, regarding the studied learning task. Such an approach incorporates the proposed ITL-based kernel functional estimation strategy to adapt automatically the relevant representation using both the supervised information and the input data statistical distribution. As a result, relevant sample dependencies are highlighted by weighting the input features that mostly encode the supervised learning task. Finally, a new generalized kernel-based measure is proposed by taking advantage of different RKHSs. In this way, relevant dependencies are highlighted automatically by considering the input data domain-varying behavior and the user-prior knowledge (supervised information) when available. The proposed measure is an extension of the well-known crosscorrentropy function based on Hilbert space embeddings. Throughout the study, the proposed kernel-based framework is applied to biosignal and image data as an alternative to support aided diagnosis systems and image-based object analysis. Indeed, the introduced kernel-based framework improve, in most of the cases, unsupervised and supervised learning performances, aiding researchers in their quest to process and to favor the understanding of complex dataResumen: Hoy en día, el análisis de datos se ha convertido en un tema de gran interés para la comunidad científica, especialmente en campos como la automatización, el procesamiento de señales, el reconocimiento de patrones y el aprendizaje de máquina. En este sentido, la identificación, descripción, clasificación, visualización, y la agrupación de eventos o patrones son problemas importantes para desarrollos de ingeniería y cuestiones científicas, tales como: la biología, la medicina, la economía, la visión artificial, la inteligencia artificial y la producción industrial. No obstante, es difícil interpretar la información disponible debido a su complejidad y la gran cantidad de características obtenidas. Además, el análisis de los datos de entrada requiere del desarrollo de metodologías que permitan revelar los comportamientos relevantes del proceso estudiado, en particular, cuando tales señales contienen estructuras ocultas que varían sobre un dominio dado, por ejemplo, el espacio y/o el tiempo. Cuando la señal analizada contiene este tipo de propiedades, los rendimientos pueden ser inestables si se aplican directamente técnicas de procesamiento de señales y aprendizaje automático sin tener en cuenta la distribución estadística y la estructura de datos. Al respecto, las funciones núcleo (kernel) aparecen como un enfoque alternativo para abordar las limitantes antes mencionadas, proporcionando herramientas matemáticas flexibles que mejoran la representación de los datos de entrada. Por otra parte, los métodos basados en funciones núcleo son herramientas poderosas para el desarrollo de soluciones de mejor rendimiento mediante la adaptación del núcleo de acuerdo al problema en estudio. Sin embargo, la construcción de funciones núcleo apropiadas requieren del conocimiento previo por parte del usuario sobre los datos de entrada, el cual no está disponible en la mayoría de los casos prácticos. Por otra parte, a menudo la estimación de las funciones núcleo conllevan sesgos el modelo, siendo necesario apelar a simplificaciones matemáticas que no siempre son acordes con la realidad. En este estudio, se propone un marco de representación basado en métodos núcleo para resaltar relaciones relevantes entre los datos de forma automática en sistema de aprendizaje de máquina. A saber, el marco propuesto consta de cinco enfoques núcleo, en aras de adaptar la representación de acuerdo a las relaciones impuestas sobre las muestras y sobre el escenario de aprendizaje (sin/con supervisión). En primer lugar, se desarrolla un enfoque de representación núcleo que permite revelar las principales relaciones entre muestras de entrada mediante la inclusión de estructuras relevantes utilizando restricciones basadas en modelado por grafos. Por lo tanto, las estructuras de datos más sobresalientes se destacan con el objetivo de favorecer etapas posteriores de agrupamiento no supervisado. Este enfoque puede ser visto como una estrategia de depuración de grafos dentro de un marco de agrupamiento espectral que permite mejorar las consistencias locales y globales de los datos En segundo lugar, presentamos una metodología de representación núcleo que captura relaciones significativas entre muestras en términos de su distribución estadística. De este modo, se introduce una función de costo basada en aprendizaje por teoría de la información para estimar una similitud que maximice la variabilidad del potencial de información de los datos de entrada. Así, se busca un espacio de Hilbert generado por el núcleo que contenga altas fuerzas de información entre los puntos para favorecer el agrupamiento entre los mismos. En tercer lugar, se propone un esquema de representación que incluye un funcional de entropía para matrices definidas positivas a partir de la definición de Renyi. En este sentido, se pretenden incluir la distribución estadística de las muestras y sus estructuras relevantes. Por consiguiente, los patrones de entrada pertinentes se destacan en tareas de aprendizaje sin supervisión. En particular, el enfoque introducido se prueba como una herramienta para codificar las relaciones locales y globales de los datos en tareas de reducción de dimensión. En cuarto lugar, se introduce una metodología de representación núcleo supervisada a través de un aprendizaje de métrica en el espacio de Hilbert generado por una función núcleo en aras de aprovechar el conocimiento previo del usuario con respecto a la tarea de aprendizaje. Este enfoque incorpora un funcional por teoría de información que permite adaptar automáticamente la representación utilizando tanto información supervisada y la distribución estadística de los datos de entrada. Como resultado, las dependencias entre las muestras se resaltan mediante la ponderación de las características de entrada que codifican la tarea de aprendizaje supervisado. Por último, se propone una nueva medida núcleo mediante el aprovechamiento de diferentes espacios de representación. De este modo, las dependencias más relevantes entre las muestras se resaltan automáticamente considerando el dominio de interés de los datos de entrada y el conocimiento previo del usuario (información supervisada). La medida propuesta es una extensión de la función de cross-correntropia a partir de inmersiones en espacios de Hilbert. A lo largo del estudio, el esquema propuesto se valida sobre datos relacionados con bioseñales e imágenes como una alternativa para apoyar sistemas de apoyo diagnóstico y análisis objetivo basado en imágenes. De hecho, el marco introducido permite mejorar, en la mayoría de los casos, el rendimiento de sistemas de aprendizaje supervisado y no supervisado, favoreciendo la precisión de la tarea y la interpretabilidad de los datosDoctorad