167 research outputs found

    Contributions to the routing of traffic flows in multi-hop IEEE 802.11 wireless networks

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    The IEEE 802.11 standard was not initially designed to provide multi-hop capabilities. Therefore, providing a proper traffic performance in Multi-Hop IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks (MIWNs) becomes a significant challenge. The approach followed in this thesis has been focused on the routing layer in order to obtain applicable solutions not dependent on a specific hardware or driver. Nevertheless, as is the case of most of the research on this field, a cross-layer design has been adopted. Therefore, one of the first tasks of this work was devoted to the study of the phenomena which affect the performance of the flows in MIWNs. Different estimation methodologies and models are presented and analyzed. The first main contribution of this thesis is related to route creation procedures. First, FB-AODV is introduced, which creates routes and forwards packets according to the flows on the contrary to basic AODV which is destination-based. This enhancement permits to balance the load through the network and gives a finer granularity in the control and monitoring of the flows. Results showed that it clearly benefits the performance of the flows. Secondly, a novel routing metric called Weighted Contention and Interference routing Metric (WCIM) is presented. In all analyzed scenarios, WCIM outperformed the other analyzed state-of-the-art routing metrics due to a proper leveraging of the number of hops, the link quality and the suffered contention and interference. The second main contribution of this thesis is focused on route maintenance. Generally, route recovery procedures are devoted to the detection of link breaks due to mobility or fading. However, other phenomena like the arrival of new flows can degrade the performance of active flows. DEMON, which is designed as an enhancement of FB-AODV, allows the preemptive recovery of degraded routes by passively monitoring the performance of active flows. Results showed that DEMON obtains similar or better results than other published solutions in mobile scenarios, while it clearly outperforms the performance of default AODV under congestion Finally, the last chapter of this thesis deals with channel assignment in multi-radio solutions. The main challenge of this research area relies on the circular relationship between channel assignment and routing; channel assignment determines the routes that can be created, while the created routes decide the real channel diversity of the network and the level of interference between the links. Therefore, proposals which join routing and channel assignment are generally complex, centralized and based on traffic patterns, limiting their practical implementation. On the contrary, the mechanisms presented in this thesis are distributed and readily applicable. First, the Interference-based Dynamic Channel Assignment (IDCA) algorithm is introduced. IDCA is a distributed and dynamic channel assignment based on the interference caused by active flows which uses a common channel in order to assure connectivity. In general, IDCA leads to an interesting trade-off between connectivity preservation and channel diversity. Secondly, MR-DEMON is introduced as way of joining channel assignment and route maintenance. As DEMON, MR-DEMON monitors the performance of the active flows traversing the links, but, instead of alerting the source when noticing degradation, it permits reallocating the flows to less interfered channels. Joining route recovery instead of route creation simplifies its application, since traffic patterns are not needed and channel reassignments can be locally decided. The evaluation of MR-DEMON proved that it clearly benefits the performance of IDCA. Also, it improves DEMON functionality by decreasing the number of route recoveries from the source, leading to a lower overhead.El estándar IEEE 802.11 no fue diseñado inicialmente para soportar capacidades multi-salto. Debido a ello, proveer unas prestaciones adecuadas a los flujos de tráfico que atraviesan redes inalámbricas multi-salto IEEE 802.11 supone un reto significativo. La investigación desarrollada en esta tesis se ha centrado en la capa de encaminamiento con el objetivo de obtener soluciones aplicables y no dependientes de un hardware específico. Sin embargo, debido al gran impacto de fenómenos y parámetros relacionados con las capas físicas y de acceso al medio sobre las prestaciones de los tráficos de datos, se han adoptado soluciones de tipo cross-layer. Es por ello que las primeras tareas de la investigación, presentadas en los capítulos iniciales, se dedicaron al estudio y caracterización de estos fenómenos. La primera contribución principal de esta tesis se centra en mecanismos relacionados con la creación de las rutas. Primero, se introduce una mejora del protocolo AODV, que permite crear rutas y encaminar paquetes en base a los flujos de datos, en lugar de en base a los destinos como se da en el caso básico. Esto permite balacear la carga de la red y otorga un mayor control sobre los flujos activos y sus prestaciones, mejorando el rendimiento general de la red. Seguidamente, se presenta una métrica de encaminamiento sensible a la interferencia de la red y la calidad de los enlaces. Los resultados analizados, basados en la simulación de diferentes escenarios, demuestran que mejora significativamente las prestaciones de otras métricas del estado del arte. La segunda contribución está relacionada con el mantenimiento de las rutas activas. Generalmente, los mecanismos de mantenimiento se centran principalmente en la detección de enlaces rotos debido a la movilidad de los nodos o a la propagación inalámbrica. Sin embargo, otros fenómenos como la interferencia y congestión provocada por la llegada de nuevos flujos pueden degradar de forma significativa las prestaciones de los tráficos activos. En base a ello, se diseña un mecanismo de mantenimiento preventivo de rutas, que monitoriza las prestaciones de los flujos activos y permite su reencaminamiento en caso de detectar rutas degradadas. La evaluación de esta solución muestra una mejora significativa sobre el mantenimiento de rutas básico en escenarios congestionados, mientras que en escenarios con nodos móviles obtiene resultados similares o puntualmente mejores que otros mecanismos preventivos diseñados específicamente para casos con movilidad. Finalmente, el último capítulo de la tesis se centra en la asignación de canales en entornos multi-canal y multi-radio con el objetivo de minimizar la interferencia entre flujos activos. El reto principal en este campo es la dependencia circular que se da entre la asignación de canales y la creación de rutas: la asignación de canales determina los enlaces existentes la red y por ello las rutas que se podrán crear, pero son finalmente las rutas y los tráficos activos quienes determinan el nivel real de interferencia que se dará en la red. Es por ello que las soluciones que proponen unificar la asignación de canales y el encaminamiento de tráficos son generalmente complejas, centralizadas y basadas en patrones de tráfico, lo que limita su implementación en entornos reales. En cambio, en nuestro caso adoptamos una solución distribuida y con mayor aplicabilidad. Primero, se define un algoritmo de selección de canales dinámico basado en la interferencia de los flujos activos, que utiliza un canal común en todos los nodos para asegurar la conectividad de la red. A continuación, se introduce un mecanismo que unifica la asignación de canales con el mantenimiento preventivo de las rutas, permitiendo reasignar flujos degradados a otros canales disponibles en lugar de reencaminarlos completamente. Ambas soluciones demuestran ser beneficiosas en este tipo de entornos.Postprint (published version

    Wireless Sensor Networking in Challenging Environments

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    Recent years have witnessed growing interest in deploying wireless sensing applications in real-world environments. For example, home automation systems provide fine-grained metering and control of home appliances in residential settings. Similarly, assisted living applications employ wireless sensors to provide continuous health and wellness monitoring in homes. However, real deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) pose significant challenges due to their low-power radios and uncontrolled ambient environments. Our empirical study in over 15 real-world apartments shows that low-power WSNs based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard are highly susceptible to external interference beyond user control, such as Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth peripherals, cordless phones, and numerous other devices prevalent in residential environments that share the unlicensed 2.4 GHz ISM band with IEEE 802.15.4 radios. To address these real-world challenges, we developed two practical wireless network protocols including the Adaptive and Robust Channel Hopping (ARCH) protocol and the Adaptive Energy Detection Protocol (AEDP). ARCH enhances network reliability through opportunistically changing radio\u27s frequency to avoid interference and environmental noise and AEDP reduces false wakeups in noisy wireless environments by dynamically adjusting the wakeup threshold of low-power radios. Another major trend in WSNs is the convergence with smart phones. To deal with the dynamic wireless conditions and varying application requirements of mobile users, we developed the Self-Adapting MAC Layer (SAML) to support adaptive communication between smart phones and wireless sensors. SAML dynamically selects and switches Medium Access Control protocols to accommodate changes in ambient conditions and application requirements. Compared with the residential and personal wireless systems, industrial applications pose unique challenges due to their critical demands on reliability and real-time performance. We developed an experimental testbed by realizing key network mechanisms of industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) and conducted an empirical study that revealed the limitations and potential enhancements of those mechanisms. Our study shows that graph routing is more resilient to interference and its backup routes may be heavily used in noisy environments, which demonstrate the necessity of path diversity for reliable WSANs. Our study also suggests that combining channel diversity with retransmission may effectively reduce the burstiness of transmission failures and judicious allocation of multiple transmissions in a shared slot can effectively improve network capacity without significantly impacting reliability

    An approach to understand network challenges of wireless sensor network in real-world environments

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    The demand for large-scale sensing capabilities and scalable communication networks to monitor and control entities within smart buildings have fuelled the exponential growth in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). WSN proves to be an attractive enabler because of its accurate sensing, low installation cost and flexibility in sensor placement. While WSN offers numerous benefits, it has yet to realise its full potential due to its susceptibility to network challenges in the environment that it is deployed. Particularly, spatial challenges in the indoor environment are known to degrade WSN communication reliability and have led to poor estimations of link quality. Existing WSN solutions often generalise all link failures and tackle them as a single entity. However, under the persistent influence of spatial challenges, failing to provide precise solutions may cause further link failures and higher energy consumption of battery-powered devices. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the causes of spatial- related link failures in order to improve WSN communication reliability. This thesis investigates WSN link failures under the influence of spatial challenges in real-world indoor environments. Novel and effective strategies are developed to evaluate the WSN communication reliability. By distinguishing between spatial challenges such as a poorly deployed environment and human movements, solutions are devised to reduce link failures and improve the lifespans of energy constraint WSN nodes. In this thesis, WSN test beds using proprietary wireless sensor nodes are developed and deployed in both controlled and uncontrolled office environments. These test beds provide diverse platforms for investigation into WSN link quality. In addition, a new data extraction feature called Network Instrumentation (NI) is developed and implemented onto the communication stacks of wireless sensor nodes to collect ZigBee PRO parameters that are under the influence of environmental dynamics. To understand the relationships between WSN and Wi-Fi devices communications, an investigation on frequency spectrum sharing is conducted between IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 bgn standards. It is discovered that the transmission failure of WSN nodes under persistent Wi-Fi interference is largely due to channel access failure rather than corrupted packets. The findings conclude that both technologies can co- exist as long as there is sufficient frequency spacing between Wi-Fi and WSN communication and adequate operating distance between the WSN nodes, and between the WSN nodes and the Wi-Fi interference source. Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) models are developed to predict spatial challenges in an indoor environment. These challenges are namely, “no failure”, “failure due to poorly deployed environment” and “failure due to human movement”. A comparison of models has found that the best-produced model represents the properties of signal strength, channel fluctuations, and communication success rates. It is recognised that the interpretability of ANFIS models have reduced due to the “curse of dimensionality”. Hence, Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) technique is implemented to reduce the complexity of these ANFIS models. This is followed by a Fuzzy rule sensitivity analysis, where the impacts of Fuzzy rules on model accuracy are found to be dependent on factors such as communication range and controlled or uncontrolled environment. Long-term WSN routing stability is measured, taking into account the adaptability and robustness of routing paths in the real-world environments. It is found that routing stability is subjected to the implemented routing protocol, deployed environment and routing options available. More importantly, the probability of link failures can be as high as 29.9% when a next hop’s usage rate falls less than 10%. This suggests that a less dominant next hop is subjected to more link failures and is short-lived. Overall, this thesis brings together diverse WSN test beds in real-world indoor environments and a new data extraction platform to extract link quality parameters from ZigBee PRO stack for a representative assessment of WSN link quality. This produces realistic perspectives of the interactions between WSN communication reliability and the environmental dynamics, particularly spatial challenges. The outcomes of this work include an in-depth system level understanding of real-world deployed applications and an insightful measure of large-scale WSN communication performance. These findings can be used as building blocks for a reliable and sustainable network architecture built on top of resource–constrained WSN

    Advanced Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Data Transmission in Wireless Gigabit Networks

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    This thesis tackles problems on IEEE 802.11 MAC layer, network layer and application layer, to further push the performance of wireless P2P applications in a holistic way. It contributes to the better understanding and utilization of two major IEEE 802.11 MAC features, frame aggregation and block acknowledgement, to the design and implementation of opportunistic networks on off-the-shelf hardware and proposes a document exchange protocol, including document recommendation. First, this thesis contributes a measurement study of the A-MPDU frame aggregation behavior of IEEE 802.11n in a real-world, multi-hop, indoor mesh testbed. Furthermore, this thesis presents MPDU payload adaptation (MPA) to utilize A-MPDU subframes to increase the overall throughput under bad channel conditions. MPA adapts the size of MAC protocol data units to channel conditions, to increase the throughput and lower the delay in error-prone channels. The results suggest that under erroneous conditions throughput can be maximized by limiting the MPDU size. As second major contribution, this thesis introduces Neighborhood-aware OPPortunistic networking on Smartphones (NOPPoS). NOPPoS creates an opportunistic, pocket-switched network using current generation, off-the-shelf mobile devices. As main novel feature, NOPPoS is highly responsive to node mobility due to periodic, low-energy scans of its environment, using Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements. The last major contribution is the Neighborhood Document Sharing (NDS) protocol. NDS enables users to discover and retrieve arbitrary documents shared by other users in their proximity, i.e. in the communication range of their IEEE 802.11 interface. However, IEEE 802.11 connections are only used on-demand during file transfers and indexing of files in the proximity of the user. Simulations show that NDS interconnects over 90 \% of all devices in communication range. Finally, NDS is extended by the content recommendation system User Preference-based Probability Spreading (UPPS), a graph-based approach. It integrates user-item scoring into a graph-based tag-aware item recommender system. UPPS utilizes novel formulas for affinity and similarity scoring, taking into account user-item preference in the mass diffusion of the recommender system. The presented results show that UPPS is a significant improvement to previous approaches

    Per-Flow Radio Resource Management to Mitigate Interference in Dense IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs

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    Current interference management solutions for dense IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) rely on locally measuring the cumulative interference at the Acess Point (AP) in charge of adjusting the spectrum resources to its clients. These solutions often result in coarse-grained spectrum allocation that often leaves many wireless users unsatisfied and increases the spectrum congestion problem instead of easing it. In this paper we present a centralised interference management algorithm that treats the network-wide interference impact of each channel individually and allows the controller to adjust the radio resource of each AP while it is utilised. This coordinated allocation takes into account the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of downlink flows while minimising its effect on neighbouring APs. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel approach for quantifying the interference impact of each employed channel and jointly addressing the user-side quality requirements and the network-side interference management. The algorithm is tailored for operator-agnostic Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-based Radio Resource Management (RRM) in dense Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks and adopts a fine-grained per-flow approach. Simulation results show that our algorithm outperforms existing solutions in terms of reducing the overall interference, increasing the capacity of the wireless channel and improving the users’ satisfaction