17 research outputs found

    Assessment of today's mobile banking applications from the view of customer requirements

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    End-users’ perspective on digitalization: A study on work order processing in the German banking industry

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    The current wave of digitalization has an impact of several industries, including the financial service sector. While the current situation and arising challenges have been analyzed from a strategic perspective and from the customer perspective, research on the internal end-user perspective is scarce so far. Based on an online survey in the German banking industry, our study identifies several challenges for banks in the field of internal order processing including a lack of integration among the IT systems in use, non-realized potentials of automating the processing of work orders and a lack of training for the end-users. With our study, we add the end-users’ perspective as an additional relevant facet to the discussion on current digitalization activities in the banking industry

    Understanding Mobile Banking Applications’ Security risks through Blog Mining and the Workflow Technology

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    This paper provides a review of the security aspect of mobile banking applications. We employed blog mining as a research method to analyze blog discussion on security of mobile banking applications. Furthermore, we used the workflow technology to simulate real-life scenarios related to attacks on mobile banking applications. Insights are summarized to help banks and consumers mitigate the security risks of mobile banking applications

    Past, Present and Future of M-Banking Research: A Literature Review

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    An Investigation on The Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking on Security Perspective in Bangladesh

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    This research examines the information security of adopting mobile banking and suggests maximizing information security in mobile banking in different ways. Security issues pose a threat to mobile banking adoption and diffusion. Therefore, reliable security measures and improved trust improvement are suggested to address information security in adopting mobile banking for financial services. A questionnaire survey is conducted with users of mobile banking technology. Random sampling is adopted in the study. 650 questionnaires were sent to respondents, and 303 responses were recorded. A confirmatory factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted following correlation and multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis of the study. The research finds that (1) perceived security and trust affect mobile banking self-efficacy and performance (SEP) of adopting mobile banking for financial services; (2) Reliable security measure and perceive trust improvement positively influence (SEP) of adopting mobile banking for financial services. This study shows the significance of user perceptions of security by inspecting the content of the security rules of mobile banking for clients’ levels. It includes the adoption of technology in financial services. Therefore, the study links the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the literature on perceived security and trust of adopting mobile banking for financial services. The research has applied to the banking industry to develop and expand its banking market by developing reliable security measures and improving the perceived trust of customers to conduct banking transactions using mobile banking technology

    Mobile services and applications: towards a balanced adoption model

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    This paper synthesizes prior research to develop a novel model for the study of the adoption of mobile business services and applications incorporating a demand and supply perspective. The model complements and extends existing models while also leveraging data from industry reports; in particular, it focuses on the interrelationships between participants in the mobile services value chain and the impact of these interrelationships on the adoption of new services in a competitive and technology-saturated service market. There has been to date limited research reported that has considered the dynamics of the interrelationships between customers and (layers of) multiple service providers as a factor in the adoption and acceptance process; the proposed model addresses this gap and advocates the use of a combination of design science and service science methodologies. It is concluded that not mobility per se but the way mobility is used to create value plays a significant role as an adoption driver, and that the quality of the service and its relevance to personal or business lifestyle are the most important decision making factors. It is also asserted that while innovative mobile services (i.e., services that are not already offered using a different technology) may be compelling if they meet lifestyle needs, mobile services replacing or complementing existing ones will be favored by customers only if their quality is exceptional and motivates ‘switching’ to the mobile service

    Mobile Money, Remittances and Rural Household Welfare: Panel Evidence from Uganda

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    経済学 / EconomicsMobile money service in Uganda has expanded rapidly, penetrating as much as over 30 percent of the adult population in just four years since its inception. We investigate the impact of this financial innovation on household welfare, using household survey panel data from rural Uganda. Results from our preferred specification reveal that adopting mobile money services increases household per capita consumption by 72 percent. The mechanism of this impact is the facilitation of remittances; user households are more likely to receive remittances, receive remittances more frequently and the total value received is significantly higher than that of non-user households. Our results are robust to a number of robustness checks.Emerging State ProjectJEL Classification Codes: O16, O17, O33, I131http://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/matsumoto_tomoya

    Why have consumers opposed, postponed, and rejected innovations during a pandemic? A study of mobile payment innovations

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    The highly infectious nature of the COVID-19 virus has made the use of contactless payment methods a health exigency. Yet, consumers are resisting using mobile payments (m-payments) during the pandemic, a confounding behavior that needs to be better understood. The present study explicates this behavior by examining consumer resistance to m-payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it provides more granular findings by measuring three levels of resistance/non-adoption, namely, postponement, opposition, and rejection. In this way, the study adds depth to the literature, which has largely examined resistance at an aggregate level to yield generic findings. Toward this end, the study draws upon the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) to propose that usage, value, risk, tradition, and image barriers influence the three levels of resistance/non-adoption differently. An artificial neural network analysis (ANN) of the data collected from 406 non-users of m-payments confirmed that the influence of the five barriers varies for the three levels of resistance/non-adoption. The results further suggest that the usage barrier is the most significant contributor to opposition and rejection intentions toward m-payments, whereas the image barrier is the most influential for postponement intentions. This study thus makes a useful contribution to theory and practice.publishedVersio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang niat konsumen menggunakan teknologi baru, dengan menguji aplikasi mobile banking. Penelitian ini mengukur hubungan antara competitive advantage dan resiko keamanan yang dirasakan terhadap niat prilaku untuk menggunakan mobile banking. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) cabang Rantauprapat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian surve dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa langkah, meliputi: uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji statistik deskriptif, uji confirmatory, uji outlier, uji struktural equation model, serta pengujian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa competitive advantage berpengaruh secara positif terhadap niat prilaku nasabah untuk menggunakan mobile banking. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan bahwa resiko kemanan yang diterima juga berpengaruh secara positif terhadap niat nasabah untuk menggunakan mobile banking, yang artinya semakin tinggi resiko kemanan yang dirasakan oleh nasabah semakin rendah niat nasabah untuk menggunakan mobile banking, penelitian juga menemukan bahwa niat yang tinggi akan berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan mobile banking

    A influência da economia digital na banca de retalho

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    A atividade da banca de retalho enfrenta novos desafios num contexto económico também ele novo, imprevisível e cheio de incertezas. O objetivo desta dissertação é interpretar as implicações que o digital traz no presente e no futuro das instituições financeiras, tendo sido aplicado o método qualitativo, através das técnicas de revisão da literatura e entrevistas a peritos. No decorrer da pesquisa de informação, tornou-se evidente a existência de quatro pilares chave que influenciam de forma decisiva o novo paradigma de atuação no mercado dos serviços financeiros, são eles: A tecnologia; é um elemento cada vez mais presente e indispensável em qualquer atividade económica; Os novos clientes, as novas gerações obrigam a atuar de forma diferente quando se pensa em lançar produtos ou conquistar clientes; A redução de custos, é uma área em que as empresas têm apostado fortemente, para se defenderem da concorrência, serem mais eficientes, mitigarem a redução de margem financeira (tendo em conta o contexto de taxas de juro muito baixas), e porque em alguns casos, vêm nessa redução a chave para a conquista de mercados à escala global; Os novos concorrentes, isto é, empresas embora não financeiras, têm suportes tecnológicos, know-how e presença em várias geografias e indústrias que lhes confere capacidade de ofertas diferenciadoras e com mais valor, comparativamente aos tradicionais operadores no mercado financeiro. Em conclusão, podemos afirmar que é crítico incrementar o digital na banca, porque se tornou num elemento essencial ao sucesso das organizações e acompanha as alterações em curso na sociedade e na economia. Os bancos estão num processo de mudança de paradigma, de um modelo de negócio baseado no relacionamento comercial cara-a-cara, para uma relação mais tecnológica e baseada na mobilidade. Contudo é necessário assegurar a resposta mais adequada a cada segmento de clientes.The retail banking activity faces new challenges in a new economic context, unpredictable and full of uncertainties. The aim of this work is examine the digital implications in the present and future of financial institutions. The applied method was qualitative, through literature review techniques and interviews with experts. During the research, we were led to consider four key pillars that influence decisively the new paradigm in the financial services market, they are: Technology; it’s an indispensable element in any economic industry; New customers, new generations requires to act differently when we think about launching products or attract customers; The cost reduction, this is an area where companies have made big efforts to defend themselves from the competition, be more efficient, mitigate the reduction in net interest income (seeing very low interest rate environment), and because, in some cases, it’s the key to conquer global markets; New competitors, companies though non-financial, have technological support, know-how and presence across all geographies and industries, which gives them the ability to offer a better proposal and more value, compared to traditional players in the financial market. In conclusion, we can say that it is critical to increase the digital banking, because it has become an essential element to the success of organizations, and follow changes in society and the economy. Banks are in paradigm shift of the business model based on face-to-face relationship, to a more technological relationship, based on mobility. However, it is necessary to ensure the most appropriate response to each customer segment