10 research outputs found

    ContrÎler la visibilité des aspects avec Aspectboxes, X-Editorial-Board = yes, X-International-Audience = no, X-Language = FR, X-Proceedings = yes

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    National audienceLa composition et l'intĂ©raction des aspects est un domaine de recherche trĂšs actif. Bien que plusieurs solutions existent, telles que l'agencement des aspects et des advices, les approches proposĂ©es par des langages Ă  aspects supposent qu'une connaissance gĂ©nĂ©rale des aspects soit nĂ©cessaire pour pouvoir les composer, et mĂȘme ceci ne permet pas d'Ă©viter les interactions implicites rĂ©sultant d'une composition. Cet article prĂ©sente les aspectboxes, un mĂ©canisme de visibilitĂ© pour aspects. L'unitĂ© Ă©lĂ©mentaire de visibilitĂ© est un aspectbox. Un aspectbox encapsule des dĂ©finitions d'aspects. Un aspectbox peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© par d'autres aspectboxes pour aider la construction incrĂ©mentale de logiciel Ă  base d'aspects. Une classe peut utiliser un aspectbox dans le but de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des aspects dĂ©finis

    Aspects of Assembly and Cascaded Aspects of Assembly: Logical and Temporal Properties

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    Highly dynamic computing environments, like ubiquitous and pervasive computing environments, require frequent adaptation of applications. This has to be done in a timely fashion, and the adaptation process must be as fast as possible and mastered. Moreover the adaptation process has to ensure a consistent result when finished whereas adaptations to be implemented cannot be anticipated at design time. In this paper we present our mechanism for self-adaptation based on the aspect oriented programming paradigm called Aspect of Assembly (AAs). Using AAs: (1) the adaptations process is fast and its duration is mastered; (2) adaptations' entities are independent of each other thanks to the weaver logical merging mechanism; and (3) the high variability of the software infrastructure can be managed using a mono or multi-cycle weaving approach.Comment: 14 pages, published in International Journal of Computer Science, Volume 8, issue 4, Jul 2011, ISSN 1694-081

    Detecting the Onset of Dementia using Context-Oriented Architecture

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    In the last few years, Aspect Oriented Software De- velopment (AOSD) and Context Oriented Software Development (COSD) have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to employ the principle of the separation of concerns, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Component-based Software Development (CBSD) for building high quality of software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the adaptability, and dependability of software systems. COSD, has emerged as a generic devel- opment paradigm towards constructing self-adaptive software by integrating MDA with context-oriented component model. The self-adaptive applications are developed using a Context- Oriented Component-based Applications Model-Driven Architec- ture (COCA-MDA), which generates an Architecture Description language (ADL) presenting the architecture as a components- based software system. COCA-MDA enables the developers to modularise the application based on their context-dependent behaviours, and separate the context-dependent functionality from the context-free functionality of the application. In this article, we wish to study the impact of the decomposition mechanism performed in MDA approaches over the software self-adaptability. We argue that a better and significant advance in software modularity based on context information can increase software adaptability and increase their performance and modi- fiability

    Sub-method, partial behavioral reflection with Reflectivity: Looking back on 10 years of use

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    Context. Refining or altering existing behavior is the daily work of every developer, but that cannot be always anticipated, and software sometimes cannot be stopped. In such cases, unanticipated adaptation of running systems is of interest for many scenarios, ranging from functional upgrades to on-the-fly debugging or monitoring of critical applications. Inquiry. A way of altering software at run time is using behavioral reflection, which is particularly well-suited for unanticipated adaptation of real-world systems. Partial behavioral reflection is not a new idea, and for years many efforts have been made to propose a practical way of expressing it. All these efforts resulted in practical solutions, but which introduced a semantic gap between the code that requires adaptation and the expression of the partial behavior. For example, in Aspect-Oriented Programming, a pointcut description is expressed in another language, which introduces a new distance between the behavior expression (the Advice) and the source code in itself. Approach. Ten years ago, the idea of closing the gap between the code and the expression of the partial behavior led to the implementation of the Reflectivity framework. Using Reflectivity, developers annotate Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) nodes with meta-behavior which is taken into account by the compiler to produce behavioral variations. In this paper, we present Reflectivity, its API, its implementation and its usage in Pharo. We reflect on ten years of use of Reflectivity, and show how it has been used as a basic building block of many innovative ideas. Knowledge. Reflectivity brings a practical way of working at the AST level, which is a high-level representation of the source code manipulated by software developers. It enables a powerful way of dynamically add and modify behavior. Reflectivity is also a flexible mean to bridge the gap between the expression of the meta-behavior and the source code. This ability to apply unanticipated adaptation and to provide behavioral reflection led to many experiments and projects during this last decade by external users. Existing work use Reflectivity to implement reflective libraries or languages extensions, featherweight code instrumentation, dynamic software update, debugging tools and visualization and software analysis tools. Grounding. Reflectivity is actively used in research projects. During the past ten years, it served as a support, either for implementation or as a fundamental base, for many research work including PhD theses, conference, journal and workshop papers. Reflectivity is now an important library of the Pharo language, and is integrated at the heart of the platform. Importance. Reflectivity exposes powerful abstractions to deal with partial behavioral adaptation, while providing a mature framework for unanticipated, non-intrusive and partial behavioral reflection based on AST annotation. Furthermore, even if Reflectivity found its home inside Pharo, it is not a pure Smalltalk-oriented solution. As validation over the practical use of Reflectivity in dynamic object-oriented languages, the API has been ported to Python. Finally, the AST annotation feature of Reflectivity opens new experimentation opportunities about the control that developers could gain on the behavior of their own software

    Object-Centric Reflection: Unifying Reflection and Bringing It Back to Objects

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    Reflective applications are able to query and manipulate the structure and behavior of a running system. This is essential for highly dynamic software that needs to interact with objects whose structure and behavior are not known when the application is written. Software analysis tools, like debuggers, are a typical example. Oddly, although reflection essentially concerns run-time entities, reflective applications tend to focus on static abstractions, like classes and methods, rather than objects. This is phenomenon we call the object paradox, which makes developers less effective by drawing their attention away from run-time objects. To counteract this phenomenon, we propose a purely object-centric approach to reflection. Reflective mechanisms provide object-specific capabilities as another feature. Object-centric reflection proposes to turn this around and put object-specific capabilities as the central reflection mechanism. This change in the reflection architecture allows a unification of various reflection mechanisms and a solution to the object paradox. We introduce Bifr\"ost, an object-centric reflective system based on first-class meta-objects. Through a series of practical examples we demonstrate how object-centric reflection mitigates the object paradox by avoiding the need to reflect on static abstractions. We survey existing approaches to reflection to establish key requirements in the domain, and we show that an object-centric approach simplifies the meta-level and allows a unification of the reflection field. We demonstrate how development itself is enhanced with this new approach: talents are dynamically composable units of reuse, and object-centric debugging prevents the object paradox when debugging. We also demonstrate how software analysis is benefited by object-centric reflection with Chameleon, a framework for building object-centric analysis tools and MetaSpy, a domain-specific profile

    Prévention et détection des interférences inter-aspects : méthode et application à l'aspectisation de la tolérance aux fautes

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    La programmation orientĂ©e aspects (POA) sĂ©pare les diffĂ©rentes prĂ©occupations composant un systĂšme informatique pour amĂ©liorer la modularitĂ©. La POA offre de nombreux bĂ©nĂ©fices puisqu'elle permet de sĂ©parer le code fonctionnel du code non-fonctionnel amĂ©liorant ainsi leur rĂ©utilisation et la configurabilitĂš des systĂšmes informatiques. La configurabilitĂ© est un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel pour assurer la rĂ©silience des systĂšmes informatiques, puisqu’elle permet de modifier les mĂ©canismes de sĂ»retĂ© de fonctionnement. Cependant le paradigme de programmation orientĂ©e aspect introduit de nouveaux dĂ©fis pour le test. Dans les systĂšmes de grande taille oĂč plusieurs prĂ©occupations non fonctionnelles cohabitent, une implĂ©mentation Ă  l'aide d'aspects de ces prĂ©occupations peut ĂȘtre problĂ©matique. Partageant le mĂȘme flot de donnĂ©es et le mĂȘme flot de contrĂŽle les aspects implĂ©mentant les diffĂ©rentes prĂ©occupations peuvent Ă©crire dans des variables lues par d'autres aspects ou interrompre le flot de contrĂŽle commun aux diffĂ©rents aspects empĂȘchant ainsi l'exĂ©cution de certains d'entre eux. Dans cette thĂšse nous nous intĂ©ressons plus spĂ©cifiquement aux interfĂ©rences entre aspects dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement de mĂ©canismes de tolĂ©rance aux fautes implĂ©mentĂ©s sous forme d’aspects. Ces interfĂ©rences sont dues Ă  une absence de dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les aspects ou Ă  une dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence erronĂ©e. Afin de mieux maĂźtriser l’assemblage des diffĂ©rents aspects composant un mĂ©canisme de tolĂ©rance aux fautes, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thode alliant l'Ă©vitement Ă  la dĂ©tection des interfĂ©rences au niveau du code. Le but de l'Ă©vitement est d'empĂȘcher l'introduction d'interfĂ©rences en imposant une dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les aspects lors de l'intĂ©gration des aspects. La dĂ©tection permet d'exhiber lors du test les erreurs introduites dans la dĂ©claration des prĂ©cĂ©dences. Ces deux facettes de notre approche sont rĂ©alisĂ©es grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’une extension d'AspectJ appelĂ©e AIRIA. Les constructions d'AIRIA permettent l’instrumentation et donc la dĂ©tection des interfĂ©rences entre aspects, avec des facilitĂ©s de compilation permettant de mettre en Ɠuvre l’évitement d’interfĂ©rences. Notre approche est outillĂ©e et vise Ă  limiter le temps de dĂ©boguage : le testeur peut se concentrer directement sur les points oĂč une interfĂ©rence se produit. Nous illustrons notre approche sur une Ă©tude de cas: un protocole de rĂ©plication duplex. Dans ce contexte le protocole est implĂ©mentĂ© en utilisant des aspects Ă  grain fin permettant ainsi une meilleure configurabilitĂ© de la politique de rĂ©plication. Nous montrons que l'assemblage de ces aspects Ă  grain fin donne lieu Ă  des interfĂ©rences de flot de donnĂ©es et flot de contrĂŽle qui sont dĂ©tectĂ©es par notre approche d'instrumentation. Nous dĂ©finissons un ensemble d'aspects interfĂ©rant pour l'exemple, et nous montrons comment notre approche permet la dĂ©tection d'interfĂ©rences. ABSTRACT : Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) separates the different concerns of a computer software system to improve modularity. AOP offers many benefits since it allows separating the functional code from the non-functional code, thus improving reuse and configurability of computer systems. Configurability is essential to ensure the resilience of computer systems, since it allows modifying the dependability mechanisms. However, the paradigm of aspectoriented programming introduces new challenges regarding testing. In large systems where multiple non-functional concerns coexist, an AOP implementation of these concerns can be problematic. Sharing the same data flow and the same control flow, aspects implementing different concerns can write into variables read by other aspects, or interrupt the control flow involving various aspects, and thus preventing the execution of some aspects in the chain. In this work we focus more specifically on interference between aspects implementing fault tolerance mechanisms. This interference is due to a lack of declaration of fine-grain precedence between aspects or an incorrect precedence declaration. To better control the assembly of the various aspects composing fault tolerance mechanisms, we have developed a method combining avoidance of interferences with runtime detection interferences at code level. The purpose of avoidance is to prevent the introduction of interference by requiring a statement of precedence between aspects during the aspects integration. Detection allows exhibiting during the test, errors introduced in the precedence statement. These two aspects of our approach are performed through the use of an extension called AspectJ AIRIA. AIRIA ‘s constructs allow instrumentation and therefore the detection of interference between aspects, with facilities compilation to implement the interference avoidance. Our approach is designed and equipped to limit the debugging time : the tester can focus directly on the points where an interference occurs. Finaly, we illustrate our approach on a case study : a duplex replication protocol. In this context, the protocol is implemented using fine grained aspects allowing a better configurability of the replication policy.We show that the assembly of these fine-grained aspects gives rise to interference data flow and control flow that are detected by our instrumentation approach. We define a set of interfering aspects in this example, and show how our approach allows the detection of interferences

    Prévention et détection des interférences inter-aspects (méthode et application à l'aspectisation de la tolérance aux fautes)

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    La programmation orientĂ©e aspects (POA) sĂ©pare les diffĂ©rentes prĂ©occupations composant un systĂšme informatique pour amĂ©liorer la modularitĂ©. La POA offre de nombreux bĂ©nĂ©fices puisqu'elle permet de sĂ©parer le code fonctionnel du code non-fonctionnel amĂ©liorant ainsi leur rĂ©utilisation et la configurabilitĂš des systĂšmes informatiques. La configurabilitĂ© est un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel pour assurer la rĂ©silience des systĂšmes informatiques, puisqu elle permet de modifier les mĂ©canismes de sĂ»retĂ© de fonctionnement. Cependant le paradigme de programmation orientĂ©e aspect introduit de nouveaux dĂ©fis pour le test. Dans les systĂšmes de grande taille oĂč plusieurs prĂ©occupations non fonctionnelles cohabitent, une implĂ©mentation Ă  l'aide d'aspects de ces prĂ©occupations peut ĂȘtre problĂ©matique. Partageant le mĂȘme flot de donnĂ©es et le mĂȘme flot de contrĂŽle les aspects implĂ©mentant les diffĂ©rentes prĂ©occupations peuvent Ă©crire dans des variables lues par d'autres aspects ou interrompre le flot de contrĂŽle commun aux diffĂ©rents aspects empĂȘchant ainsi l'exĂ©cution de certains d'entre eux. Dans cette thĂšse nous nous intĂ©ressons plus spĂ©cifiquement aux interfĂ©rences entre aspects dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement de mĂ©canismes de tolĂ©rance aux fautes implĂ©mentĂ©s sous forme d aspects. Ces interfĂ©rences sont dues Ă  une absence de dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les aspects ou Ă  une dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence erronĂ©e. Afin de mieux maĂźtriser l assemblage des diffĂ©rents aspects composant un mĂ©canisme de tolĂ©rance aux fautes, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thode alliant l'Ă©vitement Ă  la dĂ©tection des interfĂ©rences au niveau du code. Le but de l'Ă©vitement est d'empĂȘcher l'introduction d'interfĂ©rences en imposant une dĂ©claration de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les aspects lors de l'intĂ©gration des aspects. La dĂ©tection permet d'exhiber lors du test les erreurs introduites dans la dĂ©claration des prĂ©cĂ©dences. Ces deux facettes de notre approche sont rĂ©alisĂ©es grĂące Ă  l utilisation d une extension d'AspectJ appelĂ©e AIRIA. Les constructions d'AIRIA permettent l instrumentation et donc la dĂ©tection des interfĂ©rences entre aspects, avec des facilitĂ©s de compilation permettant de mettre en Ɠuvre l Ă©vitement d interfĂ©rences. Notre approche est outillĂ©e et vise Ă  limiter le temps de dĂ©boguage : le testeur peut se concentrer directement sur les points oĂč une interfĂ©rence se produit. Nous illustrons notre approche sur une Ă©tude de cas: un protocole de rĂ©plication duplex. Dans ce contexte le protocole est implĂ©mentĂ© en utilisant des aspects Ă  grain fin permettant ainsi une meilleure configurabilitĂ© de la politique de rĂ©plication. Nous montrons que l'assemblage de ces aspects Ă  grain fin donne lieu Ă  des interfĂ©rences de flot de donnĂ©es et flot de contrĂŽle qui sont dĂ©tectĂ©es par notre approche d'instrumentation. Nous dĂ©finissons un ensemble d'aspects interfĂ©rant pour l'exemple, et nous montrons comment notre approche permet la dĂ©tection d'interfĂ©rences.Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) separates the different concerns of a computer software system to improve modularity. AOP offers many benefits since it allows separating the functional code from the non-functional code, thus improving reuse and configurability of computer systems. Configurability is essential to ensure the resilience of computer systems, since it allows modifying the dependability mechanisms. However, the paradigm of aspectoriented programming introduces new challenges regarding testing. In large systems where multiple non-functional concerns coexist, an AOP implementation of these concerns can be problematic. Sharing the same data flow and the same control flow, aspects implementing different concerns can write into variables read by other aspects, or interrupt the control flow involving various aspects, and thus preventing the execution of some aspects in the chain. In this work we focus more specifically on interference between aspects implementing fault tolerance mechanisms. This interference is due to a lack of declaration of fine-grain precedence between aspects or an incorrect precedence declaration. To better control the assembly of the various aspects composing fault tolerance mechanisms, we have developed a method combining avoidance of interferences with runtime detection interferences at code level. The purpose of avoidance is to prevent the introduction of interference by requiring a statement of precedence between aspects during the aspects integration. Detection allows exhibiting during the test, errors introduced in the precedence statement. These two aspects of our approach are performed through the use of an extension called AspectJ AIRIA. AIRIA s constructs allow instrumentation and therefore the detection of interference between aspects, with facilities compilation to implement the interference avoidance. Our approach is designed and equipped to limit the debugging time : the tester can focus directly on the points where an interference occurs. Finaly, we illustrate our approach on a case study : a duplex replication protocol. In this context, the protocol is implemented using fine grained aspects allowing a better configurability of the replication policy.We show that the assembly of these fine-grained aspects gives rise to interference data flow and control flow that are detected by our instrumentation approach. We define a set of interfering aspects in this example, and show how our approach allows the detection of interferences.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Addressing aspect interactions in an industrial setting: experiences, problems and solutions

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    Aspect oriented programming (AOP) introduces new and powerful modularization constructs. The aspect module is used to encapsulate crosscutting concerns, which otherwise would remain tangled and scattered. The idea of encapsulating crosscutting concerns rapidly expanded to earlier phases in the development cycle, including requirement analysis (aspect oriented requirement engineering, AORE) and design (aspect oriented modeling, AOM). The overall application of aspect orientation concepts is known as aspect oriented software development (AOSD). AOP is not yet a mainstream practice. Particularly AOSD is still in its early stages. This is reflected in the lack of reports of full development cycles using aspect oriented approaches, especially using industrial case studies. Furthermore, the power of aspects comes at the price of new challenges, one of them is that systems built using aspects are more difficult to understand. The crosscutting nature of aspects allows them to alter the behavior of many other modules. As a result, aspects may interact in unintended and unanticipated ways. This problem is known as aspect interactions. In this work we deal with the aspect interaction problem in the context of an industrial domain: slots machines. We perform a complete development cycle of the slot machine software. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first complete industrial case of study of aspect orientation. Through this experience we discovered the limitations with regard to aspect interactions, of some emblematic aspect oriented approaches for requirement engineering, design and implementation. The contribution of this work is threefold. Firstly, we contribute with the evaluation and extensions to some of AORE and AOM approaches, in order to provide explicit support for aspect interactions in requirement analysis and design phases. We also evaluate the implementation of interactions using a static and a dynamic AOP language, and propose an AspectJ extension that copes with aspect interactions. Secondly, this work is the first report of a complete aspect oriented development cycle of an industrial case study. Thirdly, this work provides a complex case study that presents several business logic crosscutting concerns, which in turn exhibit numerous aspect interactions, that serves as a challenging test bed for upcoming AOSD approaches.Facultad de InformĂĄtic

    Un interpréteur extensible pour le prototypage des langages d'aspects

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    The value of using different (possibly domain-specific) aspect languages to deal with a variety of crosscutting concerns in the development of complex software systems is well recognized. One should be able to use several of these languages together in a single program. However, on the one hand, developing a new Domain-Specific Aspect Language (DSAL) in order to capture all common programming patterns of the domain takes a lot of time, and on the other hand, the designer of a new language should manage the interactions with the other languages when they are used together. In this thesis, we introduce support for rapid prototyping and composing aspect languages based on interpreters. We start from a base interpreter of a subset of Java and we analyze and present a solution for its modular extension to support AOP based on a common semantics aspect base defined once and for all. The extension, called the aspect interpreter, implements a common aspect mechanism and leaves holes to be defined when developing concrete languages. The power of this approach is that the aspect languages are directly implemented from their operational semantics. This is illustrated by implementing a lightweight version of AspectJ. To apply the same approach and the same architecture to full Java without changing its interpreter (JVM), we reuse AspectJ to perform a first step of static weaving, which we complement by a second step of dynamic weaving, implemented through a thin interpretation layer. This can be seen as an interesting example of reconciling interpreters and compilers. We validate our approach by describing prototypes for AspectJ, EAOP, COOL and a couple of other DSALs and demonstrating the openness of our AspectJ implementation with two extensions, one dealing with dynamic scheduling of aspects and another with alternative pointcut semantics. Different aspect languages implemented with our framework can be easily composed. Moreover, we provide support for customizing this composition.L'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'utilisation de diffĂ©rents langages d'aspects pour faire face Ă  une variĂ©tĂ© de prĂ©occupations transverses dans le dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes logiciels complexes est reconnu. Il faudrait ĂȘtre capable d'utiliser plusieurs de ces langages dans un seul logiciel donnĂ©. Cependant, d'une part la phase de dĂ©veloppement d'un nouveau langage dĂ©diĂ© capturant tous les patrons de programmation du domaine prend beaucoup de temps et, d'autre part, le concepteur doit gĂ©rer les interactions avec les autres langages quand ils sont utilisĂ©s simultanĂ©ment. Dans cette thĂšse, nous introduisons un support pour le prototypage rapide et la composition des langages d'aspects, basĂ© sur des interprĂ©teurs. Nous partons d'un interprĂ©teur d'un sous-ensemble de Java en Ă©tudiant et en dĂ©finissant son extension modulaire afin de supporter la programmation par aspects en se basant sur une sĂ©mantique d'aspects partagĂ©e. Dans l'interprĂ©teur d'aspects, nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© des mĂ©canismes communs aux langages d'aspects en laissant des trous Ă  dĂ©finir pour implĂ©menter des langages d'aspects concrets. La puissance de cette approche est de permettre d'implĂ©menter directement les langages Ă  partir de leur sĂ©mantique. L'approche est validĂ©e par l'implĂ©mentation d'une version lĂ©gĂšre d'AspectJ. Pour appliquer la mĂȘme approche et la mĂȘme architecture Ă  Java sans modifier son interprĂ©teur (JVM), nous rĂ©utilisons AspectJ pour effectuer une premiĂšre Ă©tape de tissage statique, qui est complĂ©tĂ©e par une deuxiĂšme Ă©tape de tissage dynamique, implĂ©mentĂ©e par une mince couche d'interprĂ©tation. C'est un exemple montrant l'intĂ©rĂȘt qu'il peut y avoir Ă  concilier interprĂ©tation et compilation. Des prototypes pour AspectJ, EAOP, COOL et des langages dĂ©diĂ©s simples, valident notre approche. Nous montrons le caractĂšre ouvert de notre implĂ©mentation d'AspectJ en dĂ©crivant deux extensions: la premiĂšre permet l'ordonnancement dynamique des aspects, la deuxiĂšme propose des sĂ©mantiques alternatives pour les points de coupe. Les langages d'aspects implĂ©mentĂ©s avec notre approche peuvent ĂȘtre facilement composĂ©s. En outre, cette composition peut ĂȘtre personnalisĂ©e

    Aspects of composition in the reflex aop kernel

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    Abstract. Aspect composition is a challenging and multi-faceted issue, generally under-supported by current AOP languages and frameworks. This paper presents the composition support provided in Reflex, a versatile kernel for multi-language AOP in Java. The core of Reflex is based on a model of partial reflection whose central abstractions are links: bindings between a (point)cut and an action. Reflex supports the definition of aspect languages through the mapping of aspects to links. We overview the wide range of features for link composition in Reflex—which includes extensible operators for ordering and nesting of links, and control over the visibility of changes made by structural aspects—, illustrating how they can be used to implement various scenarios of aspect composition.