130 research outputs found

    Territorial stigmatisation of French housing estates : from internalisation to coping with stigma

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    In this thesis I examine the ways in which residents of France's so-called 'banlieues' respond to everyday life in stigmatised neighbourhoods. Through a description of the processes at work in two housing estate neighbourhoods of the southern French city of Nîmes - Pissevin and Valdegour - and drawing upon an analysis of intensive interviews, I question the popular belief that residents of French banlieue-spaces come to internalise the stigmatic representations that are produced outside their place of residence. The overarching argument of the thesis is that, while it is clear that territorial stigmatisation has long-lasting and pervasive consequences for banlieue residents, affecting their sense of self and their capacity for collective action, there are a number of ways in which the 'blemish of place' is challenged and the marks of neighbourhood stigma resisted. It is important to recognise the attempts that are made within French housing estates to displace or negotiate stigmatising gazes and to confront the labels that affix themselves to place. This thesis argues that there are a variety of counter-discursive attempts to reframe and to reclaim the representations of France's housing estates that leads to the affirmation of banlieue-identities. Within the banlieues, there are solid links between residents and place, as well as between the residents themselves. Strong efforts are deployed by associations, neighbourhood committees and grassroots organisations to actively challenge the stigmatic scripts that are imposed upon stigmatised neighbourhoods. However, this thesis also draws attention to the everyday tactics that residents enact in order to cope with territorial stigmatisation and its effects. These everyday practices allow for some to cope with the heavy burden of stigma while taking control of the 'neighbourhood space'. All of these tactics challenge and 'speak back' to the labels, the stereotypes and the stigmatising language that is produced at the level of urban planning. This leads to the vital rethinking of policies that aim to displace and disperse residents in the name of social mixing, as well as urban policy initiatives that equate renovation to the demolition of housing estates within French banlieues

    Modeling of the spatiotemporal distribution patterns and transmission dynamics of dengue, for an early warning surveillance system

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    As doenças emergentes transmitidas por vetores representam um desafio significativo para a saúde pública global. Nos últimos tempos, os surtos de doenças como a dengue e a febre de chikungunya, aumentaram em frequência. Tal é facilitado pela globalização, pelo aumento do comércio e das viagens, e pela dispersão para novas áreas dos seus vetores invasores. Na Europa, este facto é exemplificado pela recente introdução e estabelecimento de espécies de mosquitos do género Aedes com a subsequente ocorrência de surtos de doenças como a dengue. Com a crescente disseminação da dengue em todo o mundo, a região europeia também tem vindo a registar um aumento de casos - a maioria destes relacionados com viagens. Da mesma forma, tem havido um aumento de eventos esporádicos de transmissão autóctone de dengue em áreas onde ocorre o vetor sob condições ambientais favoráveis. Assim, atualmente, a Europa enfrenta o desafio de avaliar o risco de importação de casos virémicos de dengue e a probabilidade de ocorrência de transmissão local deste vírus. Esta tese visa contribuir para a compreensão dos fatores relacionados com a importação do vírus da dengue na Europa e a sua transmissão neste território, nomeadamente na ilha da Madeira. Para tal foi implementado uma estrutura integrada de modelos computacionais da importação e transmissão da doença. A estrutura combina três submodelos: (i) um modelo explicativo de importação da doença assente em teoria de redes (ii) um modelo preditivo de aprendizagem automática e, (iii) um modelo compartimental de transmissão vetor-hospedeiro. Os modelos de teoria de redes e de aprendizagem automática foram parametrizados com recurso a dados históricos referentes a estimativas de casos importados de dengue em 21 países na Europa e índices que caracterizam parâmetros com relevância na importação da dengue: (i) tráfego de passageiros aéreos, (ii) atividade e sazonalidade da dengue, (iii) taxa de incidência, (iv) proximidade geográfica, (v) vulnerabilidade à epidemia, e, (vi) contexto económico do país de origem. O modelo compartimental de transmissão foi calibrado com parâmetros empíricos referentes ao ciclo de vida do mosquito, à transmissão viral e à variação anual de temperatura do Funchal, na ilha da Madeira. Os resultados dos modelos de teoria de redes e aprendizagem automática demonstram um maior risco de importação de casos virémicos de países com elevado tráfego de passageiros, elevadas taxas de incidência, situação económica débil e com maior proximidade geográfica em relação ao país de destino. O modelo de aprendizagem automática alcançou elevada performance preditiva, com uma pontuação AUC de 0,94. O modelo compartimental de transmissão demonstra a existência de um potencial de transmissão da dengue no Funchal nos períodos de verão e outono, com a data de chegada da pessoa infeciosa a afetar significativamente a distribuição no tempo e tamanho do pico da epidemia. Da mesma forma, a variação sazonal da temperatura afeta dramaticamente a dinâmica da epidemia, em que temperaturas iniciais mais quentes levam a surtos de maiores proporções, com o pico de casos a ocorrer mais cedo. A estrutura de modelação descrita nesta tese tem o potencial de servir como uma ferramenta integrada de vigilância de alerta precoce para a ocorrência de surtos de dengue na Europa. Este trabalho fornece orientação prática para auxiliar as autoridades de saúde pública na prevenção de surtos de dengue e na redução do risco de transmissão local, em áreas onde ocorrem os vetores. Essa estrutura, com os devidos reajustamentos, pode ser aplicada a outras doenças transmitidas por Aedes, como chikungunya e febre amarela.Emerging vector-borne diseases pose a significant global public health challenge. In recent times, outbreaks of diseases, such as dengue and chikungunya fever, have increased in frequency. This is facilitated by globalization, increase in trade and travel, and the spread of invasive vectors into new areas. In Europe, this is exemplified by the recent introduction and establishment of Aedes mosquito species and subsequent outbreaks of diseases like dengue. With the increasing spread of dengue worldwide, the European region has also experienced increase in reported cases - majority being travel related. Likewise, there has been an increase in sporadic events of autochthonous dengue transmission, in areas with established vector presence and favourable environmental conditions. Europe is currently faced with the challenge of assessing its importation risk of viraemic cases of dengue, and the probability of local transmission. This thesis aims to study the dynamics of viraemic cases importation and virus transmission of dengue fever in Europe, namely in Madeira Island. This is achieved by establishing an importation and transmission modelling framework. The framework combines three sub-models: (i) a network connectivity importation model (ii) a machine learning predictive model and, (iii) a compartmental vector-host transmission model. The network connectivity and machine learning model were both parameterized using a historical dengue importation data for 21 countries in Europe, and indices that characterize important parameters for dengue importation: (i) the air passenger traffic, (ii) dengue activity and seasonality, (iii) incidence rate, (iv) geographical proximity, (v) epidemic vulnerability, and (vi) wealth of a source country. The transmission model was calibrated using empirical parameters for the mosquito life history traits, viral transmission, and temperature seasonality of Funchal, Madeira Island. The results of the network connectivity and machine learning models demonstrate a higher importation risk of a viraemic case from source countries with high passenger traffic, high incidence rates, lower economic status, and geographical proximity to a destination country. The machine learning model achieved high predictive accuracy with an AUC score of 0.94. The transmission model demonstrates the potential for summer and autumn season transmission of dengue in Funchal, with the arrival date of the infectious person significantly affecting the distribution of the timing and peak size of the epidemic. Likewise, seasonal temperature variation dramatically affects the epidemic dynamics, with warmer starting temperatures producing large epidemics with peaks occurring more rapidly. The modelling framework described in this thesis has the potential to serve as an integrated early warning surveillance tool for dengue in Europe. This work provides practical guidance to assist public health officials in preventing outbreaks of dengue and reducing the risk of local transmission in areas with vectors presence. This framework could be applied to other Aedes-borne diseases such as chikungunya and yellow fever

    Water on Mediterranean Islands:Advanced Study Course SUSTAINIS

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    Water is a scarce resource today and even more so in the near future. On many of the Mediterranean Islands the demand for water exceeds the supply, a tendency that is going to worsen in view of anticipated climate change. How is this scarce resource going to be distributed among the many user groups: agriculture, tourism, private households and industry? How did previous generations deal with this problem, and what would be strategies for a sustainable and equitable water management in the future? These and many other questions were discussed by 24 graduate students from 12 different European countries as part of the SUSTAINIS advanced study course of the Centre for Environment Research at the University of Muenster. The present volume is based on the lectures delivered and the student contributions presented during "SUSTAINIS - Sustainable Use of Water on Mediterranean Islands"

    Urbanisation in the time of Claudius in the western provinces of the Empire

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    The present work encompasses an analysis of Claudius’ activities in the provinces of the western Empire in order to get an idea of his political attitude in a broader context and see how his interests in the provinces influence the urban works. The first aim of the project is to find structures, urban development and changes in the cities which are directly connected to Claudius. The second goal is a reflection on planning issues and strategies adopted by the emperor. In particular It was conducted a comprehensive examination of new buildings or additions to prior ones (with statues for example) and the underlying intentions as well as how and in which way the prototypes in Italy influenced the construction in the provinces. The last aim is connected to Venturi’s work who deals with his activities in Italy and in particular at Rome and Ravenna. I retrieve if the trends found by Venturi are applicable also in the provinces and I try to find new ones as well which can explain his political actions

    Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees)

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsThis thesis has aimed to improve the hydrogeological knowledge of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM), a karstic aquifer system located in the south-eastern sector of the Pyrenees that plays a strategic role in the provision of water resources in the basins of the Llobregat and Segre river basins. The specific objectives have been aimed at deepening the knowledge of the geological structure of its reservoirs, the hydrodynamic and geochemical behaviour, the establishment of a conceptual model; and the study of climate change (CC) scenarios. A data acquisition work has been carried out followed by its processing and modeling. The results have been published in 4 peer-reviewed scientific papers. The work has been complemented by participation in the EU GeoERA RESOURCE project, where through this thesis, the PCM has been one of the case studies, contributing to the development and testing of new methods for classifying karstic aquifers. The main aquifer is located in the lower Eocene limestones and dolomites. This aquifer presents in the highest parts of the massif an important karstic development. The overlying materials from the Upper Eocene-Oligocene and the underlying Cretaceous and Triassic constitute relevant aquifers for local supply. More than 100 springs have been inventoried in the study area, of which 43 were selected for monitoring tasks. Of the total, 4 correspond to the main discharge points of the system: the “Cardener” spring that discharges to the East into the Cardener River, “Sant Quintí” that discharges to the SE in the Fred River basin; “Aiguaneix” that discharges towards the NW in the Alinyà River; and “Can Sala” that discharges towards the SE. In addition, there is also a diffuse groundwater flow in a northerly direction towards the La Vansa river basin, and discharge through multiple local springs spread throughout the massif. The use of hydrological models has made it possible to estimate the recharge time-series and the mean transit times in the main karst springs. The recession analysis focused on the "Cardener" spring suggests that it is in the domain of "complex karst systems" similar to the behaviour of other karst springs in the Pyrenees. The new evaluation systems KGWRAI-V and RC-V show that the "Cardener and Sant Quintí" springs can be classified with "medium to high vulnerability" and with "moderate regulatory capacity”. Among the various results obtained from the simulations of the climate change emission scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5 for the "Cardener" spring, on average it is observed that the temperature in a horizon of 35 years could increase by about 1.3 ºC and the snow cover could be reduced by 50%. From the geochemical point of view, the underground water is predominantly of the calcium-bicarbonate type, although up to 6 different facies types have been identified. The multivariate statistical approach using a clustering method based on Gaussian mixture models allowed to classify the 43 springs into 4 groups. These new associations made it possible to better determine natural background levels at aquifer scale for sulfate, nitrate, and chloride. Several points present sulfate concentrations above the potability limit, being the main source of geogenic origin. The nitrate concentration is generally low except in specific points related to agricultural and livestock practices. The results obtained have meant an important advance in the knowledge of the karstic aquifer system of the MPC. The methodology could be replicated in the rest of the strategic karstic aquifers of the Pyrenees, providing valuable information for their sustainable management and for establishing adaptation strategies to the CC.Aquesta tesi ha tingut com a objectiu principal millorar el coneixement hidrogeològic del Massís del Port del Comte (MPC), un sistema aqüífer càrstic ubicat al sector sud-est del Pirineus que té un paper estratègic en la provisió de recursos hídrics a les conques dels rius Llobregat i Segre. Els objectius específics s'han orientat a aprofundir en el coneixement de l'estructura geològica dels seus reservoris, el comportament hidrodinàmic i geoquímic, l’establiment d’un model conceptual; i l’estudi d’escenaris de canvi climàtic (CC). S'ha efectuat un treball d’adquisició de dades seguit del seu processament i modelatge. Els resultats s'han publicat a 4 articles científics revisats per parells. Els treballs s'han complementat amb la participació en el projecte europeu GeoERA RESOURCE, on a través de la present tesi, el MPC ha estat un dels casos d’estudi, contribuint al desenvolupament i test de nous mètodes de classificació d'aqüífers càrstics. L'aqüífer principal del MPC es localitza a les calcàries i dolomies de la base de l'Eocè. Aquest aqüífer presenta a les parts més altes del massís un desenvolupat càrstic important. Els materials suprajacents de l'Eocè-Oligocè superior i del Cretaci i Triàsic subjacents constitueixen aqüífers rellevants per l’abastament local. S'han inventariat més de 100 fonts a l'àrea d'estudi, de les quals se'n van seleccionar 43 per les tasques de monitoratge. Del total, 4 corresponen als principals punts de descàrrega del sistema: les fonts del Cardener que descarrega cap a l'Est al riu Cardener, la de Sant Quintí que descarrega cap al SE a la conca del Riu Fred; la d'Aiguaneix que descarrega cap al NW al Riu d’Alinyà; i la de Can Sala que descarrega vers al SE. A banda, també existeix un flux difús d’aigua subterrània en sentit nord cap a la conca del riu La Vansa, i la descàrrega a través de múltiples fonts locals repartides pel massís. L'ús de models hidrològics ha permès estimar les series de recàrrega i els temps mitjans de trànsit en les fonts principals. L'anàlisi de recessió centrada a les fonts del Cardener, suggereix que aquesta es troba en el domini de sistemes càrstics complexos similar al comportament d'altres fonts càrstiques dels Pirineus. Els nous sistemes d’avaluació KGWRAI-V i RC-V mostren que les fonts -Cardener i Sant Quintí- poden classificar-se amb vulnerabilitat mitjana a alta i amb capacitat reguladora moderada. Entre els diversos resultats obtinguts a partir de les simulacions dels escenaris d'emissions de canvi climàtic RCP 4.5 i 8.5 per les fonts del Cardener, de mitjana s’observa que la temperatura en un horitzó de 35 anys podria augmentar uns 1.3 ºC i el mantell nival podria reduir-se un 50%. Des del punt de vista geoquímic, l'aigua subterrània és predominantment del tipus bicarbonatada-càlcica, encara que s'han identificat fins a 6 tipus de fàcies diferents. L'enfocament estadístic multivariant utilitzant un mètode d'agrupament basat en models de mescla gaussiana va permetre classificar les 43 fonts estudiades en 4 grups. Aquestes noves associacions van permetre determinar millor els nivells naturals de fons a escala d'aqüífer per a sulfat, nitrat i clorur. Diversos punts monitoritzats presenten concentracions de sulfat per sobre del límit de potabilitat, essent la principal font d'origen geogènic. La concentració de nitrat és generalment baixa excepte en punts específics relacionats amb pràctiques agrícoles i ramaderes. Els resultats obtinguts han suposat un avenç important en el coneixement del sistema aqüífer càrstic del MPC. La metodologia emprada podria replicar-se a la resta d'aqüífers càrstics estratègics dels Pirineus aportant informació valuosa per a la seva gestió sostenible i per establir estratègies d'adaptació al CC.Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo principal mejorar el conocimiento hidrogeológico del Macizo del Port del Comte (MPC), un sistema acuífero kárstico ubicado en el sector sureste del Pirineo que presenta un rol estratégico en la provisión de recursos hídricos en las cuencas de los ríos Llobregat y Segre. Los objetivos específicos se han orientado a profundizar en el conocimiento de la estructura geológica de sus reservorios, el comportamiento hidrodinámico y geoquímico, el establecimiento de un modelo conceptual; y el estudio de escenarios de cambio climático (CC). Se ha realizado un trabajo de adquisición de datos y un procesamiento y modelado. Los resultados se han publicado en 4 artículos científicos revisados por pares. El trabajo se ha complementado con la participación en el proyecto EU GeoERA RESOURCE, donde a través de la presente tesis, el MPC ha sido uno de los casos de estudio, contribuyendo al desarrollo y test de nuevos métodos de clasificación de acuíferos kársticos. El acuífero principal del MPC se localiza en las calizas y dolomías de la base del Eoceno. Este acuífero presenta en las partes más altas del macizo un desarrollado kárstico importante. Los materiales suprayacentes del Eoceno-Oligoceno superior y del Cretáceo y Triásico subyacentes constituyen acuíferos relevantes para el abastecimiento local. Se han inventariado más de 100 manantiales en el área de estudio, de los que se seleccionaron 43 por las tareas de monitorización. Del total, 4 corresponden a los principales puntos de descarga del sistema: el manantial “del Cardener” que descarga hacia el Este en el río Cardener, “Sant Quintí” que descarga hacia el SE en la cuenca del Río Fred; “Aiguaneix” que descarga hacia el NW en el Río de Alinyà; y “Can Sala” que descarga hacia el SE. Además, también existe un flujo difuso de agua subterránea en sentido norte hacia la cuenca del río La Vansa, y la descarga a través de múltiples manantiales locales repartidos por el macizo. El uso de modelos hidrológicos ha permitido estimar las series de recarga y los tiempos medios de tránsito en los principales manantiales. El análisis de recesión centrado en el manantial del “Cardener", sugiere que este se encuentra en el dominio de "sistemas kársticos complejos" similar al comportamiento de otros manantiales kársticos de los Pirineos. Los nuevos sistemas de evaluación KGWRAI-V y RC-V muestran que los manantiales “Cardener y Sant Quintí” pueden clasificarse con “vulnerabilidad media a alta” y “capacidad reguladora moderada”. Entre los diversos resultados obtenidos a partir de las simulaciones de los escenarios de cambio climático RCP 4.5 y 8.5 para el manantial “Cardener”, de media se observa que la temperatura en un horizonte de 35 años podría aumentar unos 1.3 ºC y el manto nival podría reducirse un 50%. PhD Thesis. "Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees)". Author: J. Ignasi Herms Canellas. (UPC, 2022) Desde el punto de vista geoquímico, el agua subterránea es predominantemente del tipo bicarbonatada-cálcica, aunque se han identificado hasta 6 tipos de facies diferentes. El enfoque estadístico multivariante mediante un método de agrupamiento basado en modelos de mezcla gaussiana permitió clasificar los 43 manantiales en 4 grupos. Estas nuevas asociaciones permitieron determinar mejor los niveles naturales de fondo a escala de acuífero para sulfato, nitrato y cloruro. Varios puntos presentan concentraciones de sulfato por encima del límite de potabilidad, siendo la principal fuente de origen geogénico. La concentración de nitrato es generalmente baja, salvo en puntos específicos relacionados con prácticas agrícolas y ganaderas. Los resultados obtenidos han supuesto un importante avance en el conocimiento del sistema acuífero kárstico del MPC. La metodología podría replicarse en el resto de los acuíferos kársticos estratégicos de los Pirineos aportando información valiosa para su gestión sostenible y para establecer estrategias de adaptación al CC.Postprint (published version


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    Urbanisation in the time of Claudius in the western provinces of the Empire

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    The present work encompasses an analysis of Claudius’ activities in the provinces of the western Empire in order to get an idea of his political attitude in a broader context and see how his interests in the provinces influence the urban works. The first aim of the project is to find structures, urban development and changes in the cities which are directly connected to Claudius. The second goal is a reflection on planning issues and strategies adopted by the emperor. In particular It was conducted a comprehensive examination of new buildings or additions to prior ones (with statues for example) and the underlying intentions as well as how and in which way the prototypes in Italy influenced the construction in the provinces. The last aim is connected to Venturi’s work who deals with his activities in Italy and in particular at Rome and Ravenna. I retrieve if the trends found by Venturi are applicable also in the provinces and I try to find new ones as well which can explain his political actions

    Yersinia pestis genomes of the first and second plague pandemic recovered from ancient DNA

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    Epidemic infectious diseases have shaped human history, but studies on the history of diseases were in the past limited to indirect evidence due to the elusiveness of the causative agents. This has fundamentally changed through the emergence of ancient pathogen genomics which allows us to reconstruct genomes of microorganisms from ancient DNA. This dissertation focuses on Yersinia pestis, responsible for at least two historical pandemics. The first paper presents eight Y. pestis genomes of the First Pandemic (541–750) covering at least the first century of this pandemic. The results suggest that the Justinianic Plague (541–544) already reached the British Isles, show that the causative lineage diversified early during the pandemic in multiple strains, and give indications for its persistence in Europe or close-by. A deletion discovered in the youngest strains might hold clues for ecological adaptations. The second paper presents 34 genomes of the Second Pandemic (1346–18th c.), recovered from ten sites dating to the 14th-17th c. A genome from Russia testifies the initial entry through East Europe, the low diversity during the Black Death (1346–1353) shows a rapid spread. The close relationship of all Second Pandemic strains suggests a local persistence and diversification. A deletion in one clade similar to the one detected in the first paper, coinciding with an accelerated substitution rate, could be interpreted as convergent evolution. The third paper challenges previous claims in a recently published paper about the origin of the Justinianic Plague through a reanalysis of the two presented genomes. The phylogenetic analysis of one sample suggests rather an identification as a strain potentially basal to the Black Death. The essay gives a short introduction on the history of plague research and a comprehensive overview of the recent discoveries of archaeogenetic studies, including insights into the evolution of the bacterium enabled by prehistoric plague genomes.Durch die Geschichte hindurch hatten Infektionskrankheiten und Epidemien einen prägenden Einfluss auf Populationen, Gesellschaften, Mentalitäten und unsere Umwelt. Die Seuchengeschichte war in der Vergangenheit jedoch weitgehend auf indirekte Zeugnisse beschränkt, da die Erreger schwer greifbar sind. Dies hat sich jüngst durch die Entwicklung der ‚Paläopathogenomik‘ aus der Paläogenetik fundamental verändert. Diese Methodik erlaubt die Rekonstruktion von bakteriellen, viralen und Protozoen-Genomen aus alter DNA, gewonnen aus menschlichen Überresten. Diese Dissertation widmet sich Yersinia pestis, dem Erreger der Beulenpest, verantwortlich für mindestens zwei historische Pandemien: Die Erste Pandemie (541–750), die mit der Justinianischen Pest im Mittelmeerraum begann, und der Zweiten Pandemie, die nach dem berüchtigten Schwarzen Tod (1346–1353) für mehr als 400 Jahre in Europa wütete. Frühere Studien konnten bereits Y. pestisals Erreger beider Pandemien identifizieren, ließen jedoch viele Fragen offen, die hier in drei Studien, einem Essay und der abschließenden Diskussion angesprochen werden sollen. Die erste Studie stellt acht Y.-pestis-Genome der Ersten Pandemie von Fundorten in Deutschland, England, Frankreich und Spanien vor, die zumindest das erste Jahrhundert dieser Pandemie abdecken. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass bereits die Justinianische Pest (541-544) die Britischen Inseln erreicht hat, dass der verantwortliche Stamm bereits im frühen Stadium der Pandemie diversifizierte, und dass die Pest möglicherweise in Europa oder benachbarten Regionen überdauerte. Eine Deletion in den jüngsten Stämmen könnte auf eine ökologische Anpassung hindeuten. Die zweite Studie bietet neue Einblicke in den Beginn und Verlauf der zweiten Pandemie durch 34 alte Genome aus Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Russland und der Schweiz, datiert auf das 14.–17. Jh. Ein Genom aus Russland bezeugt den Eintrag der Pest über Osteuropa, die geringe Diversität während des Schwarzen Todes eine rasante Ausbreitung. Die enge Verwandtschaft aller Stämme der Zweiten Pandemie deutet an, dass der Erreger lokal überdauerte und diversifizierte. In einer Klade wurde neben einer erhöhten Substitutionsrate eine Deletion ähnlich jener der ersten Studie beobachtet, was möglicherweise als konvergente Evolution interpretiert werden kann. Die dritte Studie ficht die Behauptungen einer kürzlich publizierten Studie zum Ursprung der Justinianischen Pest durch eine Neuanalyse der vorgestellten Genome an. Die phylogenetische Analyse eines der Genome zeigt vielmehr, dass es basal zum Schwarzen Tod fallen könnte. Der Essay bietet einen kurzen Abriss zur Geschichte der Pestforschung und eine umfassende Übersicht über die neuesten Entdeckungen der Archäogenetik, darunter auch die Einblicke in die Evolution des Erregers, die durch prähistorische Pestgenome gewonnen wurden. Im letzten Teil werden die Ergebnisse der Studien vergleichend und in einem weiteren Rahmen unter drei Schwerpunkten – methodische Herausforderungen, Ursprünge der beiden Pandemien sowie Verlauf und Persistenz – diskutiert, mit einem kritischen Blick auf die Grenzen des archäogenetischen Ansatzes und einem Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschungsfelder