36 research outputs found

    Związek między klimatem organizacyjnym a występowaniem zjawiska pracoholizmu w przedsiębiorstwach zatrudniających pracowników wiedzy

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    Kompetentny pracownik jest obecnie dominującym źródłem wartości przedsiębiorstwa (Juchnowicz, 2010). Dlatego część przedsiębiorstw pozytywnie postrzega pracowników uzależnionych od pracy. W rzeczywistości jednak pracoholik nieustannie pracuje w pośpiechu, może robić błędy oraz wyraża wysoką potrzebę sprawowania kontroli (Lipka, Waszczak, 2013). Niektóre organizacje stymulują pracoholizm, m.in. poprzez ukształtowanie klimatu organizacyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania przeprowadzonego wśród pracowników wiedzy (N = 600) nad związkami między natężeniem pracoholizmu a wymiarami klimatu organizacyjnego. Oceny klimatu dokonano za pomocą polskiej adaptacji kwestionariusza do badania Klimatu Organizacyjnego L. Rosenstiela i R. Bögela, do analizy poziomu pracoholizmu zaś polską wersję kwestionariusza DUWAS-10 autorstwa W. Schaufeliego i T. Tarisa. Wyniki wykazały występowanie istotnych statystycznie związków między zmiennym

    Physical and mental health of university staff during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic caused a sudden and massive change in work organizations. One of the major consequences of the crisis was the acceleration towards teleworking, through the specific phenomenon of Mandatory Work From Home: the situations in which workers overnight found themselves to work seven days a week from their home environment, constantly online, often without adequate equipment and little to no preparation. Different workers reacted in different way to this important change, depending on age, gender, family characteristics and other impacting factors. Mandatory work from home and these other variables impacted employees’ physical and mental health, triggering or increasing symptoms of overwork and emotional exhaustion among others. This paper contributes to the literature on the impact of the pandemic on workers’ health by giving an overview of the effects of MWFH on university staff, using Politecnico di Torino as a case study

    Perfectionism in employees: Work engagement, workaholism, and burnout

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    Perfectionism is a prevalent personality disposition that may affect all domains of life. Work is an important domain of life for many people. Yet, research on perfectionism at work and how perfectionism affects employees’ health and well-being is still limited. Research, however, has investigated perfectionism’s relationships with three key aspects of peoples’ working lives that are closely associated with employees’ health and well-being: work engagement, workaholism, and job burnout. Differentiating between perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns (Stoeber & Otto, 2006), the present chapter presents an overview of the relevant research findings. Taken together, the findings suggest that (a) perfectionistic strivings show positive relationships with work engagement whereas perfectionistic concerns show no relationships or negative relationships, (b) perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns both show positive relationships with workaholism, and (c) perfectionistic strivings show negative relationships with burnout whereas perfectionistic concerns show positive relationships. To explain the opposite relationships that perfectionistic strivings and concerns show with burnout, two hypothetical models are presented. In Model 1, autonomous versus controlled motivation explain the opposite relationships of perfectionistic strivings and concerns with burnout. In Model 2, adaptive versus maladaptive coping explain the relationships. The chapter concludes with directions for future research on perfectionism, work engagement, workaholism, and job burnout pointing out the importance of longitudinal studies and intervention studies

    Stress: The Insidious Leveler of good, Unsuspecting, Online Instructors of Higher Education

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    This study was undertaken to determine the effects of stress on faculty in higher education teaching online classes. Few studies have been conducted to examine the impact of stress on faculty in online higher education. An anonymous survey of faculty was conducted at an online institution of higher learning to determine how prevalent stress was in their jobs, how stress impacted performance and morale, and what the symptoms were. The findings showed 67.6% of the 100 participants who completed the survey identified either a very high or high level of stress. The biggest stressors included time constraints, technical issues, and large class sizes. The top symptoms identified included sleep disturbances, impatience, tense, tight muscles, irritability, and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Recommendations were made to alleviate stress including physical activity, constructive self-talk, relaxation exercises, meditation, networking, quick and effective coping skills, and techniques for saying “no.” A certain amount of stress is desirable, but when stress is not addressed, it can lead to burnout, poor performance, and low morale

    Workaholism and work-family interaction among emergency and critical care nurses

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    Objectives: Investigating the prevalence of workaholism as well as the relationship between work-family interaction among emergency and critical care nurses. Research methodology/design: A quantitative cross-sectional study. Setting: A total of 219 nurses took part in the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-10) and the Survey WorkHome Interaction Nijmegen (SWING), which included socio–demographic and occupational question. Data was gathered in Spain between June and September 2019. Results: Workaholism was found to be prevalent in 28.3% of the participants. In all four categories, workaholism was statistically connected to work-home interaction, with workaholics having higher means than nonworkaholics. Perceived work stress was related to workaholism (p =.036). In the Work Excessively dimension, female nurses had significantly higher mean scores (M = 2.26) than their male counterparts (M = 1,88). In addition, in the Negative Work-Home Interaction (M = 2.04), the global mean scores were higher than in the Negative Home-Work Interaction (M = 1.34), indicating conflict and a negative impact of work on the family. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated the necessity of taking into account demands and resources from both the work and home domains since it has been shown that both have an impact on one other. Furthermore, given the vital responsibilities that emergency and critical care nurses play in the health care system, our findings suggest that occupational health treatments should be used to identify those working profiles that are particularly at risk.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Daily effect of recovery on exhaustion: A cross-level interaction effect of workaholism

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    Workaholics generally allocate an excessive amount of time and energy to their work at the expense of having time for recovery from work. Nevertheless, a complete recovery is an essential prerequisite for well-being. This study examines the moderating role of workaholism in the relationship between daily recovery and daily exhaustion. Data were collected among 95 participants who completed a general questionnaire and a diary booklet for five consecutive working days. Multilevel analysis results confirmed a cross-level interaction effect of workaholism, showing that the negative relationship between recovery and exhaustion at the daily level is weaker for those with a high (versus low) level of workaholism. These insights suggest the promotion of interventions aimed at addressing workaholism among workers, and the design of projects able to stimulate recovery from work, particularly for workaholics

    Evidencias de validez de la versión brasileña de la escala de workaholism (adicción al trabajo) duwas

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    O workaholism caracteriza-se por um estado mental em que os profissionais trabalham excessiva e compulsivamente. Este estudo objetivou avaliar as propriedades psicométricas das versões extensa (DUWAS-16) e reduzida (DUWAS-10) da Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) para o contexto brasileiro. Participaram da pesquisa 571 trabalhadores (65,5% do sexo feminino) com idade média de 36,4 anos (DP = 10,8). A análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) da DUWAS-16 evidenciou que a escala pode ser utilizada adotando uma estrutura de dois fatores oblíquos (Trabalhar Excessivamente e Trabalhar Compulsivamente) ou uma estrutura unidimensional (Adição). A AFC da versão reduzida DUWAS-10 sugere que tanto a estrutura unidimensional (Adição) ou de dois fatores oblíquos (Trabalhar Excessivamente e Trabalhar Compulsivamente) são adequadas. Os resultados indicaram que a DUWAS-10 pode ser considerada superior a DUWAS-16 para avaliar as dimensões de workaholism no contexto brasileiro.Workaholism is characterized by a state of mind in which professionals work excessively and compulsively. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of two versions of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-16 and DUWAS-10) for the Brazilian context. A total of 571 workers, 65.5% female, with a mean age of 36.4 years (SD = 10.8) participated in the study. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of DUWAS-16 showed that the scale can be used by adopting a structure of two oblique factors (Working Excessively and Working Compulsively), or a one-dimensional structure (Addiction). The CFA of the DUWAS-10 reduced version suggests that either the one-dimensional structure (Addiction) or two oblique factors (Working Excessively and Working Compulsively) are adequate. The results indicated that DUWAS-10 can be considered superior to DUWAS-16 to evaluate the dimensions of workaholism in the Brazilian context.El workaholism se caracteriza por un estado mental en que los profesionales trabajan de forma excesiva y compulsiva. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión extensa (DUWAS-16) y la versión reducida (DUWAS-10) de la Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) en el contexto brasileño. Los participantes de la investigación fueron 571 trabajadores (65,5% de sexo femenino) con edad promedio de 36.4 años (DP = 10.8). El análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) de la DUWAS-16 evidenció que la escala puede ser utilizada adoptando una estructura de dos factores oblicuos (Trabajar Excesivamente y Trabajar Compulsivamente), o una estructura unidimensional (Adicción). La AFC de la versión reducida DUWAS-10 señaló que tanto la estructura unidimensional (Adicción) como la de dos factores oblicuos (Trabajar Excesivamente y Trabajar Compulsivamente) son adecuadas. Los resultados indicaron que la DUWAS-10 puede ser considerada superior a la DUWAS-16 para evaluar las dimensiones de workaholism en el contexto brasileño

    Sickness Presenteeism as a Link between Long Working Hours and Employees’ Outcomes: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators as Resources

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    The aim of this study was to test the flow from long working hours to sickness presenteeism behavior and its outcomes for employees, while integrating intrinsic and extrinsic work value orientations as moderators in the process. We employed a two-wave design with a five-month interval. Data were obtained from 275 employees in Taiwan. The results of latent moderated structural equations (LMS) revealed that long working hours were positively associated with presenteeism, which in turn was negatively related to employees’ well-being and job performance. Furthermore, the negative indirect effect of working long hours on job performance via presenteeism was weaker for those with a higher intrinsic work value orientation. The negative indirect effect of working long hours on well-being via presenteeism was weaker for those with a higher extrinsic work value orientation. We demonstrated that the long-term impact of presenteeism behavior could be understood by viewing work value orientations as resource gains to compensate resource depletion in a demanding work context. This resource dynamism is pivotal to realizing the functional or dysfunctional outcomes of presenteeism behavior. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings for employees’ well-being and organizational effectiveness are discussed

    Are workaholics born or made? Relations of workaholism with person characteristics and overwork climate.

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    While the academic literature acknowledges that workaholism may result from individual characteristics as well as from environmental factors, little is known about the joint impact of these two kinds of antecedents. The present study explores whether the interaction between the perception of an overwork climate in the workplace and person characteristics (i.e., achievement motivation, perfectionism, conscientiousness, self-efficacy) may foster workaholism. Data were collected on a sample of 333 Dutch employees. The results of moderated regression analyses fully supported our hypotheses and showed that the interaction between an overwork climate and person characteristics is related to workaholism. More specifically, our results revealed a significant increase in workaholism when employees both possessed person characteristics that predispose them toward workaholism and perceived an overwork climate in their workplaces. In addition, conscientiousness and self-efficacy were related to workaholism, but only in interaction with the presence of an overwork climate. These results contribute to the ongoing conceptualization of workaholism by demonstrating empirically that a work environment characterized by an overwork climate may foster workaholism, especially for those high in achievement motivation, perfectionism, conscientiousness, and self-efficacy