10 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    A Fast TCAD-based Methodology for Variation Analysis of Emerging Nano-Devices

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    Variability analysis of nanoscale transistors and circuits is emerging as a necessity at advanced technology nodes. Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tools are powerful ways to get an accurate insight of Process Variations (PV). However, obtaining both fast and accurate device simulations is impractical with current TCAD solvers. In this paper, we propose an automated output prediction method suited for fast PV analysis. Coupled with TCAD simulations, our methodology can substantially reduce the time complexity and cost of variation analysis for emerging technologies. We overcome the simulation obstacles and preserve accuracy, using a neural network based regression to predict the output of individual process simula- tions. Experiments indicate that, after the training process, the proposed methodology effectively accelerate TCAD-based PV simulations close to compact-model-based simulations. Therefore, the methodology can be an excellent opportunity in enabling extensive statistical simulations such as Monte-Carlo for emerging nano-devices

    Design and Implementation of Fault Tolerant Adders on Field Programmable Gate Arrays

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    Fault tolerance on various adder architectures implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is studied in this thesis. This involves developing error detection and correction techniques for the sparse Kogge-Stone adder and comparing it with Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) techniques. Fault tolerance is implemented on a Kogge-Stone adder by taking advantage of the inherent redundancy in the carry tree. On a sparse Kogge-Stone adder, fault tolerance is realized by introducing additional ripple carry adders into the design. The implementation of this fault tolerance approach on the sparse Kogge-Stone adder is successfully completed and verified by introducing faults either on the ripple carry adder or in the carry tree. Two types of Xilinx FPGAs were used in this study: the Spartan 3E and Virtex 5. The fault tolerant adders were analyzed in terms of their delay and resource utilization as a function of the widths of the adders. The results of this research provide important design guidelines for the implementation of fault tolerant adders on FPGAs. The Triple Modular Redundancy-Ripple Carry Adder (TMR-RCA) is the most efficient approach for fault tolerant design on an FPGA in terms of its resources due to its simplicity and the ability to take advantage of the fast-carry chain. However, for very large bit widths, there are indications that the sparse Kogge-Stone adder offers superior performance over an RCA when implemented on an FPGA. Two fault tolerant approaches were implemented using a sparse Kogge-Stone architecture. First, a fault tolerant sparse Kogge-Stone adder is designed by taking advantage of the existing ripple carry adders in the architecture and adopting a similar approach to the TMR-RCA by inserting two additional ripple carry adders into the design. Second, a graceful degradation approach is implemented with the sparse Kogge-Stone adder. In this approach, a faulty block is permanently replaced with a spare block. As the spare block is initially used for fault checking, the fault tolerant capability of the circuit is degraded in order to continue fault-free operation. The adder delay is smaller for the graceful degradation approach by approximately 1 ns from measured results and 2 ns from the synthesis results independent of the bit widths when compared with the fault tolerant Kogge-Stone adder. However, the resource utilization is similar for both adders

    Methods and architectures based on modular redundancy for fault-tolerant combinational circuits

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la recherche d architectures fiables pour les circuits logiques. Par fiable , nous entendons des architectures permettant le masquage des fautes et les rendant de ce fait tolĂ©rantes" Ă  ces fautes. Les solutions pour la tolĂ©rance aux fautes sont basĂ©es sur la redondance, d oĂč le surcoĂ»t qui y est associĂ©. La redondance peut ĂȘtre mise en oeuvre de diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres : statique ou dynamique, spatiale ou temporelle. Nous menons cette recherche en essayant de minimiser tant que possible le surcoĂ»t matĂ©riel engendrĂ© par le mĂ©canisme de tolĂ©rance aux fautes. Le travail porte principalement sur les solutions de redondance modulaire, mais certaines Ă©tudes dĂ©veloppĂ©es sont beaucoup plus gĂ©nĂ©rales.In this thesis, we mainly take into account the representative technique Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) as the reliability improvement technique. A voter is an necessary element in this kind of fault-tolerant architectures. The importance of reliability in majority voter is due to its application in both conventional fault-tolerant design and novel nanoelectronic systems. The property of a voter is therefore a bottleneck since it directly determines the whole performance of a redundant fault-tolerant digital IP (such as a TMR configuration). Obviously, the efficacy of TMR is to increase the reliability of digital IP. However, TMR sometimes could result in worse reliability than a simplex function module could. A better understanding of functional and signal reliability characteristics of a 3-input majority voter (majority voting in TMR) is studied. We analyze them by utilizing signal probability and boolean difference. It is well known that the acquisition of output signal probabilities is much easier compared with the obtention of output reliability. The results derived in this thesis proclaim the signal probability requirements for inputs of majority voter, and thereby reveal the conditions that TMR technique requires. This study shows the critical importance of error characteristics of majority voter, as used in fault-tolerant designs. As the flawlessness of majority voter in TMR is not true, we also proposed a fault-tolerant and simple 2-level majority voter structure for TMR. This alternative architecture for majority voter is useful in TMR schemes. The proposed solution is robust to single fault and exceeds those previous ones in terms of reliability.PARIS-TĂ©lĂ©com ParisTech (751132302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Variability-aware architectures based on hardware redundancy for nanoscale reliable computation

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    During the last decades, human beings have experienced a significant enhancement in the quality of life thanks in large part to the fast evolution of Integrated Circuits (IC). This unprecedented technological race, along with its significant economic impact, has been grounded on the production of complex processing systems from highly reliable compounding devices. However, the fundamental assumption of nearly ideal devices, which has been true within the past CMOS technology generations, today seems to be coming to an end. In fact, as MOSFET technology scales into nanoscale regime it approaches to fundamental physical limits and starts experiencing higher levels of variability, performance degradation, and higher rates of manufacturing defects. On the other hand, ICs with increasing number of transistors require a decrease in the failure rate per device in order to maintain the overall chip reliability. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important today the development of circuit architectures capable of providing reliable computation while tolerating high levels of variability and defect rates. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and propose new fault-tolerant architectures based on redundancy for future technologies. Our research is founded on the principles of redundancy established by von Neumann in the 1950s and extends them to three new dimensions: 1. Heterogeneity: Most of the works on fault-tolerant architectures based on redundancy assume homogeneous variability in the replicas like von Neumann's original work. Instead, we explore the possibilities of redundancy when heterogeneity between replicas is taken into account. In this sense, we propose compensating mechanisms that select the weighting of the redundant information to maximize the overall reliability. 2. Asynchrony: Each of the replicas of a redundant system may have associated different processing delays due to variability and degradation; especially in future nanotechnologies. If we design our system to work locally in asynchronous mode then we may consider different voting policies to deal with the redundant information. Depending on how many replicas we collect before taking a decision we can obtain different trade-off between processing delay and reliability. We propose a mechanism for providing these facilities and analyze and simulate its operation. 3. Hierarchy: Finally, we explore the possibilities of redundancy applied at different hierarchy layers of complex processing systems. We propose to distribute redundancy across the various hierarchy layers and analyze the benefits that can be obtained. Drawing on the scenario of future ICs technologies, we push the concept of redundancy to its fullest expression through the study of realistic nano-device architectures. Most of the redundant architectures considered so far do not face properly the era of Terascale Computing and the nanotechnology trends. Since von Neumann applied for the first time redundancy at electronic circuits, never until now effects as common in nanoelectronics as degradation and interconnection failures have been treated directly from the standpoint of redundancy. In this thesis we address in a comprehensive manner the reliability of digital processing systems in the upcoming technology generations

    Hardware Architectures and Implementations for Associative Memories : the Building Blocks of Hierarchically Distributed Memories

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    During the past several decades, the semiconductor industry has grown into a global industry with revenues around $300 billion. Intel no longer relies on only transistor scaling for higher CPU performance, but instead, focuses more on multiple cores on a single die. It has been projected that in 2016 most CMOS circuits will be manufactured with 22 nm process. The CMOS circuits will have a large number of defects. Especially when the transistor goes below sub-micron, the original deterministic circuits will start having probabilistic characteristics. Hence, it would be challenging to map traditional computational models onto probabilistic circuits, suggesting a need for fault-tolerant computational algorithms. Biologically inspired algorithms, or associative memories (AMs)—the building blocks of cortical hierarchically distributed memories (HDMs) discussed in this dissertation, exhibit a remarkable match to the nano-scale electronics, besides having great fault-tolerance ability. Research on the potential mapping of the HDM onto CMOL (hybrid CMOS/nanoelectronic circuits) nanogrids provides useful insight into the development of non-von Neumann neuromorphic architectures and semiconductor industry. In this dissertation, we investigated the implementations of AMs on different hardware platforms, including microprocessor based personal computer (PC), PC cluster, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), CMOS, and CMOL nanogrids. We studied two types of neural associative memory models, with and without temporal information. In this research, we first decomposed the computational models into basic and common operations, such as matrix-vector inner-product and k-winners-take-all (k-WTA). We then analyzed the baseline performance/price ratio of implementing the AMs with a PC. We continued with a similar performance/price analysis of the implementations on more parallel hardware platforms, such as PC cluster and FPGA. However, the majority of the research emphasized on the implementations with all digital and mixed-signal full-custom CMOS and CMOL nanogrids. In this dissertation, we draw the conclusion that the mixed-signal CMOL nanogrids exhibit the best performance/price ratio over other hardware platforms. We also highlighted some of the trade-offs between dedicated and virtualized hardware circuits for the HDM models. A simple time-multiplexing scheme for the digital CMOS implementations can achieve comparable throughput as the mixed-signal CMOL nanogrids

    Summary of the articles: 1. Beyond Silicon: New Computing Paradigms 2. Architectures for Silicon Nanoelectronics and Beyond 3. Autonomous Programmable Biomolecular Devices using Self-Assembled DNA

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    Today, the microelectronic industry faces serious challenges in keeping up to the Moore’s Law, according to which the computing speed and memory capacity doubles every 18 months. All past improvements in computing speed and memory size have been achieved by reducing the transistor size. Presently the sizes have become so small that semiconductor devices are haunted by power density, interconnect scaling, defects and variability issues. It is anticipated that further advancements will slow down and come to a halt during the next 5 to 20 years period. Sensing the urgency of need for post-CMOS technologies for information processing to sustain Moore’s Law, many scientists have embarked on research to find alternatives to silicon based technology. The research and development work for these new paradigms is in preliminary stages and has mostly been reported in literature outside of the computer science and electrical engineering disciplines, such as physics and chemistry. However, as these technologies become more advanced, there are more opportunities for computer scientists to become involved. One area is the hardware aspect of the technologies, such as architectural design