417,528 research outputs found

    Evaluation and extracting factual software architecture of distributed system by process mining techniques

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    The factual software architectures that are actually implemented of distributed systems do not conform the planned software architectures (Beck 2010). It happens due to the complexity of distributed systems. This problem begets two main challenges; First, how to extract the factual software architectures with the proper techniques and second, how to compare the planned software architecture with the extracted factual architecture. This study aims to use process mining to discover factual software architecture from codes and represents software architecture model in Petri Net to evaluate model by the linear temporal logic and process mining. In this paper, the applicability of process mining techniques, implemented in the ProM6.7 framework is shown to extract and evaluate factual software architectures. Furthermore, capabilities of Hierarchical Colored Petri Net implemented in CPN4.0 are exploited to model and simulate software architectures. The proposed approach has been conducted on a case study to indicate applicability of the approach in the distributed data base system. The final result of the case study indicates process mining is able to extract factual software architectures and also to check its conformance

    Heterogeneous Distributed Data Base Management Systems

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    This work analyzes the design and implementation issues of Heterogeneous Distributed Data Base Management Systems (HDDBMS). To date, HD-DBMS research projects and implementa tions have been limited. The few such systems which have been constructed provide valuable insight into the nature of problems faced due to heterogeneity. Some of these systems (SIRIUS-DELTA, MULTIBASE, AIDA) , are presented in order to examine their solutions to the problems. The major issues described in the thesis are: the architec ture of the distributed system; query translation; schema mapping; and integration of the schemata within the hetero geneous distributed database, in seeking solutions to these issues, an architecture for a HD-DBMS is proposed

    Virtualising visualisation: A distributed service based approach to visualisation on the Grid

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    Context: Current visualisation systems are not designed to work with the large quantities of data produced by scientists today, they rely on the abilities of a single resource to perform all of the processing and visualisation of data which limits the problem size that they can investigate. Objectives: The objectives of this research are to address the issues encountered by scientists with current visualisation systems and the deficiencies highlighted in current visualisation systems. The research then addresses the question:” How do you design the ideal service oriented architecture for visualisation that meets the needs of scientists?” Method: A new design for a visualisation system based upon a Service Oriented Architecture is proposed to address the issues identified, the architecture is implemented using Java and web service technology. The implementation of the architecture also realised several case study scenarios as demonstrators. Evaluation: Evaluation was performed using case study scenarios of scientific problems and performance data was conducted through experimentation. The scenarios were assessed against the requirements for the architecture and the performance data against a base case simulating a single resource implementation. Conclusion: The virtualised visualisation architecture shows promise for applications where visualisation can be performed in a highly parallel manner and where the problem can be easily sub-divided into chunks for distributed processing

    Space station data system analysis/architecture study. Task 2: Options development, DR-5. Volume 2: Design options

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    The primary objective of Task 2 is the development of an information base that will support the conduct of trade studies and provide sufficient data to make key design/programmatic decisions. This includes: (1) the establishment of option categories that are most likely to influence Space Station Data System (SSDS) definition; (2) the identification of preferred options in each category; and (3) the characterization of these options with respect to performance attributes, constraints, cost and risk. This volume contains the options development for the design category. This category comprises alternative structures, configurations and techniques that can be used to develop designs that are responsive to the SSDS requirements. The specific areas discussed are software, including data base management and distributed operating systems; system architecture, including fault tolerance and system growth/automation/autonomy and system interfaces; time management; and system security/privacy. Also discussed are space communications and local area networking

    Enhancing LTE with Cloud-RAN and Load-Controlled Parasitic Antenna Arrays

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    Cloud radio access network systems, consisting of remote radio heads densely distributed in a coverage area and connected by optical fibers to a cloud infrastructure with large computational capabilities, have the potential to meet the ambitious objectives of next generation mobile networks. Actual implementations of C-RANs tackle fundamental technical and economic challenges. In this article, we present an end-to-end solution for practically implementable C-RANs by providing innovative solutions to key issues such as the design of cost-effective hardware and power-effective signals for RRHs, efficient design and distribution of data and control traffic for coordinated communications, and conception of a flexible and elastic architecture supporting dynamic allocation of both the densely distributed RRHs and the centralized processing resources in the cloud to create virtual base stations. More specifically, we propose a novel antenna array architecture called load-controlled parasitic antenna array (LCPAA) where multiple antennas are fed by a single RF chain. Energy- and spectral-efficient modulation as well as signaling schemes that are easy to implement are also provided. Additionally, the design presented for the fronthaul enables flexibility and elasticity in resource allocation to support BS virtualization. A layered design of information control for the proposed end-to-end solution is presented. The feasibility and effectiveness of such an LCPAA-enabled C-RAN system setup has been validated through an over-the-air demonstration


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    This research focuses on introducing a novel concept to design a scalable, hierarchical interest-based overlay Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system. We have used Linear Diophantine Equation (LDE) as the mathematical base to realize the architecture. Note that all existing structured approaches use Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) to realize their architectures. Use of LDE in designing P2P architecture is a completely new idea; it does not exist in the literature to the best of our knowledge. We have shown how the proposed LDE-based architecture outperforms some of the most well established existing architecture. We have proposed multiple effective data query algorithms considering different circumstances, and their time complexities are bounded by (2+ r/2) only; r is the number of distinct resources. Our alternative lookup scheme needs only constant number of overlay hops and constant number of message exchanges that can outperform DHT-based P2P systems. Moreover, in our architecture, peers are able to possess multiple distinct resources. A convincing solution to handle the problem of churn has been offered. We have shown that our presented approach performs lookup queries efficiently and consistently even in presence of churn. In addition, we have shown that our design is resilient to fault tolerance in the event of peers crashing and leaving. Furthermore, we have proposed two algorithms to response to one of the principal requests of P2P applications’ users, which is to preserve the anonymity and security of the resource requester and the responder while providing the same light-weighted data lookup

    A Dynamic Approach to MIB Polling for Software Defined Monitoring

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    Technology trends such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) are transforming networking services in terms of flexibility and faster deployment times. SDN separates the control plane from the data plane with its centralised architecture compared with the distributed approach used in other management systems. However, management systems are still required to adapt the new emerging SDN-like technologies to address various security and complex management issues. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the most widespread management protocol implemented in a traditional Network Management System (NMS) but has some limitations with the development of SDNlike services. Hence, many studies have been undertaken to merge the SDN-like services with traditional network management systems. Results show that merging SDN with traditional NMS systems not only increases the average Management Information Base (MIB) polling time but also creates additional overheads on the network. Therefore, this paper proposes a dynamic scheme for MIB polling using an additional MIB controller agent within the SDN controller. Our results show that using the proposed scheme, the average polling time can be significantly reduced (i.e., faster polling of the MIB information) and also requires very low overhead because of the small sized OpenFlow messages used during polling
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