10 research outputs found

    On Maximum Cycle Packings in Polyhedral Graphs

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    This paper addresses upper and lower bounds for the cardinality of a maximum vertex-/edge-disjoint cycle packing in a polyhedral graph G. Bounds on the cardinality of such packings are provided, that depend on the size, the order or the number of faces of G, respectively. Polyhedral graphs are constructed, that attain these bounds

    Packing disjoint cycles over vertex cuts

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    AbstractFor a graph G, let ν(G) and ν′(G) denote the maximum cardinalities of packings of vertex-disjoint and edge-disjoint cycles of G, respectively. We study the interplay of these two parameters and vertex cuts in graphs. If G is a graph whose vertex set can be partitioned into three non-empty sets S, V1, and V2 such that there is no edge between V1 and V2, and k=|S|, then our results imply that ν(G) is uniquely determined by the values ν(H) for at most 2k+1k!2 graphs H of order at most max{|V1|,|V2|}+k, and ν′(G) is uniquely determined by the values ν′(H) for at most 2k2+1 graphs H of order at most max{|V1|,|V2|}+k

    Packing edge-disjoint cycles in graphs and the cyclomatic number

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    For a graph G let \mu (G) denote the cyclomatic number and let \nu (G) denote the maximum number of edge-disjoint cycles of G. We prove that for every k \geq 0 there is a nite set P(k) such that every 2-connected graph G for which \mu (G) - \nu (G) = k arises by applying a simple extension rule to a graph in P(k). Furthermore, we determine P(k) for k \leq 2 exactly

    Hitting and Harvesting Pumpkins

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    The "c-pumpkin" is the graph with two vertices linked by c>0 parallel edges. A c-pumpkin-model in a graph G is a pair A,B of disjoint subsets of vertices of G, each inducing a connected subgraph of G, such that there are at least c edges in G between A and B. We focus on covering and packing c-pumpkin-models in a given graph: On the one hand, we provide an FPT algorithm running in time 2^O(k) n^O(1) deciding, for any fixed c>0, whether all c-pumpkin-models can be covered by at most k vertices. This generalizes known single-exponential FPT algorithms for Vertex Cover and Feedback Vertex Set, which correspond to the cases c=1,2 respectively. On the other hand, we present a O(log n)-approximation algorithm for both the problems of covering all c-pumpkin-models with a smallest number of vertices, and packing a maximum number of vertex-disjoint c-pumpkin-models.Comment: v2: several minor change

    Fixed-parameter tractability for the subset feedback set problem and the S-cycle packing problem

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    AbstractWe investigate generalizations of the following well-known problems in the framework of parameterized complexity: the feedback set problem and the cycle packing problem. Our problem setting is that we are given a graph and a vertex set S called “terminals”. Our purpose here is to consider the following problems:1.The feedback set problem with respect to the terminals S. We call it the subset feedback set problem.2.The cycle packing problem with respect to the terminals S, i.e., each cycle has to contain a vertex in S (such a cycle is called an S-cycle). We call it the S-cycle packing problem. We give the first fixed parameter algorithms for the two problems. Namely;1.For fixed k, we can either find a vertex set X of size k such that G−X has no S-cycle, or conclude that such a vertex set does not exist in O(n2m) time, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph and m is the number of edges of the input graph.2.For fixed k, we can either find k vertex-disjoint S-cycles or conclude that such k disjoint cycles do not exist in O(n3) time

    Network Coding in Distributed, Dynamic, and Wireless Environments: Algorithms and Applications

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    The network coding is a new paradigm that has been shown to improve throughput, fault tolerance, and other quality of service parameters in communication networks. The basic idea of the network coding techniques is to relish the "mixing" nature of the information flows, i.e., many algebraic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction etc.) can be performed over the data packets. Whereas traditionally information flows are treated as physical commodities (e.g., cars) over which algebraic operations can not be performed. In this dissertation we answer some of the important open questions related to the network coding. Our work can be divided into four major parts. Firstly, we focus on network code design for the dynamic networks, i.e., the networks with frequently changing topologies and frequently changing sets of users. Examples of such dynamic networks are content distribution networks, peer-to-peer networks, and mobile wireless networks. A change in the network might result in infeasibility of the previously assigned feasible network code, i.e., all the users might not be able to receive their demands. The central problem in the design of a feasible network code is to assign local encoding coefficients for each pair of links in a way that allows every user to decode the required packets. We analyze the problem of maintaining the feasibility of a network code, and provide bounds on the number of modifications required under dynamic settings. We also present distributed algorithms for the network code design, and propose a new path-based assignment of encoding coefficients to construct a feasible network code. Secondly, we investigate the network coding problems in wireless networks. It has been shown that network coding techniques can significantly increase the overall throughput of wireless networks by taking advantage of their broadcast nature. In wireless networks each packet transmitted by a device is broadcasted within a certain area and can be overheard by the neighboring devices. When a device needs to transmit packets, it employs the Index Coding that uses the knowledge of what the device's neighbors have heard in order to reduce the number of transmissions. With the Index Coding, each transmitted packet can be a linear combination of the original packets. The Index Coding problem has been proven to be NP-hard, and NP-hard to approximate. We propose an efficient exact, and several heuristic solutions for the Index Coding problem. Noting that the Index Coding problem is NP-hard to approximate, we look at it from a novel perspective and define the Complementary Index Coding problem, where the objective is to maximize the number of transmissions that are saved by employing coding compared to the solution that does not involve coding. We prove that the Complementary Index Coding problem can be approximated in several cases of practical importance. We investigate both the multiple unicast and multiple multicast scenarios for the Complementary Index Coding problem for computational complexity, and provide polynomial time approximation algorithms. Thirdly, we consider the problem of accessing large data files stored at multiple locations across a content distribution, peer-to-peer, or massive storage network. Parts of the data can be stored in either original form, or encoded form at multiple network locations. Clients access the parts of the data through simultaneous downloads from several servers across the network. For each link used client has to pay some cost. A client might not be able to access a subset of servers simultaneously due to network restrictions e.g., congestion etc. Furthermore, a subset of the servers might contain correlated data, and accessing such a subset might not increase amount of information at the client. We present a novel efficient polynomial-time solution for this problem that leverages the matroid theory. Fourthly, we explore applications of the network coding for congestion mitigation and over flow avoidance in the global routing stage of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) physical design. Smaller and smarter devices have resulted in a significant increase in the density of on-chip components, which has given rise to congestion and over flow as critical issues in on-chip networks. We present novel techniques and algorithms for reducing congestion and minimizing over flows