362 research outputs found

    A finite-valued solver for disjunctive fuzzy answer set programs

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    Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) is a declarative programming paradigm which extends the flexibility and expressiveness of classical Answer Set Programming (ASP), with the aim of modeling continuous application domains. In contrast to the availability of efficient ASP solvers, there have been few attempts at implementing FASP solvers. In this paper, we propose an implementation of FASP based on a reduction to classical ASP. We also develop a prototype implementation of this method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first solver for disjunctive FASP programs. Moreover, we experimentally show that our solver performs well in comparison to an existing solver (under reasonable assumptions) for the more restrictive class of normal FASP programs

    Interval-valued algebras and fuzzy logics

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    In this chapter, we present a propositional calculus for several interval-valued fuzzy logics, i.e., logics having intervals as truth values. More precisely, the truth values are preferably subintervals of the unit interval. The idea behind it is that such an interval can model imprecise information. To compute the truth values of ‘p implies q’ and ‘p and q’, given the truth values of p and q, we use operations from residuated lattices. This truth-functional approach is similar to the methods developed for the well-studied fuzzy logics. Although the interpretation of the intervals as truth values expressing some kind of imprecision is a bit problematic, the purely mathematical study of the properties of interval-valued fuzzy logics and their algebraic semantics can be done without any problem. This study is the focus of this chapter

    Propositional dynamic logic for searching games with errors

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    We investigate some finitely-valued generalizations of propositional dynamic logic with tests. We start by introducing the (n+1)-valued Kripke models and a corresponding language based on a modal extension of {\L}ukasiewicz many-valued logic. We illustrate the definitions by providing a framework for an analysis of the R\'enyi - Ulam searching game with errors. Our main result is the axiomatization of the theory of the (n+1)-valued Kripke models. This result is obtained through filtration of the canonical model of the smallest (n+1)-valued propositional dynamic logic

    Towards possibilistic fuzzy answer set programming

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    Fuzzy answer set programming (FASP) is a generalization of answer set programming to continuous domains. As it can not readily take uncertainty into account, however, FASP is not suitable as a basis for approximate reasoning and cannot easily be used to derive conclusions from imprecise information. To cope with this, we propose an extension of FASP based on possibility theory. The resulting framework allows us to reason about uncertain information in continuous domains, and thus also about information that is imprecise or vague. We propose a syntactic procedure, based on an immediate consequence operator, and provide a characterization in terms of minimal models, which allows us to straightforwardly implement our framework using existing FASP solvers

    Statistical relational learning with soft quantifiers

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    Quantification in statistical relational learning (SRL) is either existential or universal, however humans might be more inclined to express knowledge using soft quantifiers, such as ``most'' and ``a few''. In this paper, we define the syntax and semantics of PSL^Q, a new SRL framework that supports reasoning with soft quantifiers, and present its most probable explanation (MPE) inference algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, PSL^Q is the first SRL framework that combines soft quantifiers with first-order logic rules for modelling uncertain relational data. Our experimental results for link prediction in social trust networks demonstrate that the use of soft quantifiers not only allows for a natural and intuitive formulation of domain knowledge, but also improves the accuracy of inferred results

    Implication functions in interval-valued fuzzy set theory

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    Interval-valued fuzzy set theory is an extension of fuzzy set theory in which the real, but unknown, membership degree is approximated by a closed interval of possible membership degrees. Since implications on the unit interval play an important role in fuzzy set theory, several authors have extended this notion to interval-valued fuzzy set theory. This chapter gives an overview of the results pertaining to implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory. In particular, we describe several possibilities to represent such implications using implications on the unit interval, we give a characterization of the implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory which satisfy the Smets-Magrez axioms, we discuss the solutions of a particular distributivity equation involving strict t-norms, we extend monoidal logic to the interval-valued fuzzy case and we give a soundness and completeness theorem which is similar to the one existing for monoidal logic, and finally we discuss some other constructions of implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory

    On fuzzy reasoning schemes

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    In this work we provide a short survey of the most frequently used fuzzy reasoning schemes. The paper is organized as follows: in the first section we introduce the basic notations and definitions needed for fuzzy inference systems; in the second section we explain how the GMP works under Mamdani, Larsen and G¨odel implications, furthermore we discuss the properties of compositional rule of inference with several fuzzy implications; and in the third section we describe Tsukamoto’s, Sugeno’s and the simplified fuzzy inference mechanisms in multi-input-single-output fuzzy systems

    On theories of random variables

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    We study theories of spaces of random variables: first, we consider random variables with values in the interval [0,1][0,1], then with values in an arbitrary metric structure, generalising Keisler's randomisation of classical structures. We prove preservation and non-preservation results for model theoretic properties under this construction: i) The randomisation of a stable structure is stable. ii) The randomisation of a simple unstable structure is not simple. We also prove that in the randomised structure, every type is a Lascar type

    A Fuzzy Logic Programming Environment for Managing Similarity and Truth Degrees

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    FASILL (acronym of "Fuzzy Aggregators and Similarity Into a Logic Language") is a fuzzy logic programming language with implicit/explicit truth degree annotations, a great variety of connectives and unification by similarity. FASILL integrates and extends features coming from MALP (Multi-Adjoint Logic Programming, a fuzzy logic language with explicitly annotated rules) and Bousi~Prolog (which uses a weak unification algorithm and is well suited for flexible query answering). Hence, it properly manages similarity and truth degrees in a single framework combining the expressive benefits of both languages. This paper presents the main features and implementations details of FASILL. Along the paper we describe its syntax and operational semantics and we give clues of the implementation of the lattice module and the similarity module, two of the main building blocks of the new programming environment which enriches the FLOPER system developed in our research group.Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169