60 research outputs found

    Analysis of Gaussian Quadratic Forms with Application to Statistical Channel Modeling

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    Finalmente, en el contexto de modelado de canal, la metodología de análisis de variables propuesta permite obtener dos nuevas generalizaciones del conocido modelo de desvanecimiento kappa-mu shadowed. Estas dos nuevas distribuciones, nombradas Beckmann fluctuante y kappa-mu shadowed correlado, incluyen como casos particulares a la gran mayoría de distribuciones de desvanecimientos usadas en la literatura, abarcando desde los modelos clásicos de Rayleigh y Rice hasta otros más generales y complejos como el Beckmann y el kappa-mu. Para ambas distribuciones, se presenta su caracterización estadística de primer orden, i.e., función generadora de momentos (MGF), PDF y CDF; así como los estadísticos de segundo orden del modelo Beckmann fluctuante. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 24 Enero 2020En esta tesis se presenta una nueva aproximación a la distribución de de formas cuadráticas gaussianas (FCGs) no centrales tanto en variables reales como complejas. Para ello, se propone un nuevo método de análisis de variables aleatorias que, en lugar de centrarse en el estudio de la variable en cuestión, se basa en la caracterización estadística de una secuencia de variables aleatorias auxiliares convenientemente definida. Como consecuencia, las expresiones obtenidas, con independencia del grado de precisión adquirido, siempre representan una distribución válida, siendo ésta su principal ventaja. Aplicando este método, se obtienen simples expresiones recursivas para la función densidad de probabilidad (PDF) y la función de distribución (CDF) de las FCGs reales definidas positivas. En el caso de las formas complejas, esta nueva forma de análisis conduce a aproximaciones para los estadísticos de primer orden en términos de funciones elementales (exponenciales y potencias), siendo más convenientes para cálculos posteriores que otras soluciones disponibles en la literatura. La tratabilidad matemática se ejemplifica mediante el análisis de sistemas de combinación por razón máxima (MRC) sobre canales Rice correlados, proporcionando aproximaciones cerradas para la probabilidad de outage y la probabilidad de error de bit


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    In this paper, we propose several solutions for approximating the Q-function using one exponential function or the sum of two exponential functions. As the novel Q-function approximations have simple analytical forms and are therefore very suitable for further derivation of expressions in closed forms, a large number of applications are feasible. The application of the novel exponential type approximations of the Q-function is especially important for overcoming issues arising in designing scalar companding quantizers for the Gaussian source, which are caused by the non-existence of a closed form expression for the Q-function. Since our approximations of the Q-function have simple analytical forms and are more accurate than the approximations of the Q-function previously used for the observed problem in the scalar companding quantization of the Gaussian source, their application, especially for this problem is of great importance

    Coupling to a receiving aperture from a random medium at millimetric wavelengths

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    Imperial Users onl

    On the connection between noncircularly-symmetric and noncentral fading models: univariate and multivariate analysis

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    This thesis provides new statistical connections between noncircularly-symmetric central and circularly-symmetric noncentral underlying complex Gaussian models. This is particularly interesting since it facilitates the analysis of noncircularly-symmetric models, which are often underused despite their practical interest, since their analysis is more challenging. Although these statistical connections have a wide range of applications in different areas of univariate and multivariate analysis, this thesis is framed in the context of wireless communications, to jointly analyze noncentral and noncircularly-symmetric fading models. We provide an unified framework for the five classical univariate fading models, i.e. the one-sided Gaussian, Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, Nakagami-q and Rician, and their most popular generalizations, i.e the Rician shadowed, η-µ, κ-µ and κ-µ shadowed. Moreover, we present new simple results regarding the ergodic capacity of single-input single-output systems subject to κ-µ shadowed, κ-µ and η-µ fadings. With applications to multiple-input multiple-output communications, we are interested in matrices of the form W=XX^H (or W=X^HX), where X is a complex Gaussian matrix with unequal variance in the real and imaginary parts of its entries, i.e., X belongs to the noncircularly-symmetric Gaussian subclass. By establishing a novel connection with the well-known complex Wishart ensemble, we facilitate the statistical analysis of W and give new insights on the effects of such asymmetric variance profile

    The probability of detecting and tracking RADAR targets in clutter at low grazing angles

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    Modern military acquisition and tracking RADARs are required to operate against aircraft and missiles specifically designed to have minimal radar cross section (RCS) and which fly at very low level to take maximum advantage of terrain screening. A model for predicting system performance is necessary for a range of terrain types in varying precipitation and seasonal cultural conditions. While the main degradation is from surface clutter and denial of sightline due to terrain and other local obstructions, several other factors such as multipath propagation, deliberate jamming and even operator performance contribute to the total model. The possibility that some radars may track obscured targets, however briefly, by using the diffraction path, is of particular interest. Although this report critically examines each of the contributory factors in order to select optimum values for inclusion in an overall computer prediction model; a new surface clutter model is specifically developed for sloped terrain using actual clutter measurements. The model is validated by comparison with an extensive survey of worldwide clutter results from both published and unpublished sources. Certain constraints have been necessary to restrict the study to a manageable size, while meeting the requirements of the sponsors. Attention is therefore focussed upon performance prediction for typical mobile tracking radar systems designed for operation against small RCS low level targets flying overland

    On the Capacity of Large-Scale MIMO Systems in Shadowed Fading Channels

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