56 research outputs found

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    A Parametric Approach for Efficient Speech Storage, Flexible Synthesis and Voice Conversion

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    During the past decades, many areas of speech processing have benefited from the vast increases in the available memory sizes and processing power. For example, speech recognizers can be trained with enormous speech databases and high-quality speech synthesizers can generate new speech sentences by concatenating speech units retrieved from a large inventory of speech data. However, even in today's world of ever-increasing memory sizes and computational resources, there are still lots of embedded application scenarios for speech processing techniques where the memory capacities and the processor speeds are very limited. Thus, there is still a clear demand for solutions that can operate with limited resources, e.g., on low-end mobile devices. This thesis introduces a new segmental parametric speech codec referred to as the VLBR codec. The novel proprietary sinusoidal speech codec designed for efficient speech storage is capable of achieving relatively good speech quality at compression ratios beyond the ones offered by the standardized speech coding solutions, i.e., at bitrates of approximately 1 kbps and below. The efficiency of the proposed coding approach is based on model simplifications, mode-based segmental processing, and the method of adaptive downsampling and quantization. The coding efficiency is also further improved using a novel flexible multi-mode matrix quantizer structure and enhanced dynamic codebook reordering. The compression is also facilitated using a new perceptual irrelevancy removal method. The VLBR codec is also applied to text-to-speech synthesis. In particular, the codec is utilized for the compression of unit selection databases and for the parametric concatenation of speech units. It is also shown that the efficiency of the database compression can be further enhanced using speaker-specific retraining of the codec. Moreover, the computational load is significantly decreased using a new compression-motivated scheme for very fast and memory-efficient calculation of concatenation costs, based on techniques and implementations used in the VLBR codec. Finally, the VLBR codec and the related speech synthesis techniques are complemented with voice conversion methods that allow modifying the perceived speaker identity which in turn enables, e.g., cost-efficient creation of new text-to-speech voices. The VLBR-based voice conversion system combines compression with the popular Gaussian mixture model based conversion approach. Furthermore, a novel method is proposed for converting the prosodic aspects of speech. The performance of the VLBR-based voice conversion system is also enhanced using a new approach for mode selection and through explicit control of the degree of voicing. The solutions proposed in the thesis together form a complete system that can be utilized in different ways and configurations. The VLBR codec itself can be utilized, e.g., for efficient compression of audio books, and the speech synthesis related methods can be used for reducing the footprint and the computational load of concatenative text-to-speech synthesizers to levels required in some embedded applications. The VLBR-based voice conversion techniques can be used to complement the codec both in storage applications and in connection with speech synthesis. It is also possible to only utilize the voice conversion functionality, e.g., in games or other entertainment applications

    A review of differentiable digital signal processing for music and speech synthesis

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    The term “differentiable digital signal processing” describes a family of techniques in which loss function gradients are backpropagated through digital signal processors, facilitating their integration into neural networks. This article surveys the literature on differentiable audio signal processing, focusing on its use in music and speech synthesis. We catalogue applications to tasks including music performance rendering, sound matching, and voice transformation, discussing the motivations for and implications of the use of this methodology. This is accompanied by an overview of digital signal processing operations that have been implemented differentiably, which is further supported by a web book containing practical advice on differentiable synthesiser programming (https://intro2ddsp.github.io/). Finally, we highlight open challenges, including optimisation pathologies, robustness to real-world conditions, and design trade-offs, and discuss directions for future research

    Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis

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    Moers-Prinz D. Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2020.Speech synthesis is part of the everyday life of many people with severe visual disabilities. For those who are reliant on assistive speech technology the possibility to choose a fast speaking rate is reported to be essential. But also expressive speech synthesis and other spoken language interfaces may require an integration of fast speech. Architectures like formant or diphone synthesis are able to produce synthetic speech at fast speech rates, but the generated speech does not sound very natural. Unit selection synthesis systems, however, are capable of delivering more natural output. Nevertheless, fast speech has not been adequately implemented into such systems to date. Thus, the goal of the work presented here was to determine an optimal strategy for modeling fast speech in unit selection speech synthesis to provide potential users with a more natural sounding alternative for fast speech output

    Adapting Prosody in a Text-to-Speech System

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    Vocal Synthetics: Designing for an Adaptable Singing Synthesizer

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    Technological music tools such as digital audio workstations and electronic music instruments have enabled musicians without formal training to create music that is heard by millions of people. The automation by software and hardware can create compelling productions without limitations from performance ability. However, the automation of vocals is particularly difficult because beyond pitch and timbre, the vocalization of language requires additional parameters for control. As the production of a vocal synthesizer and its vocal palettes is complex, the current market sees these difficulties represented through products that have limited voices and do not adapt to vocal trends. This project demonstrates a tool that allows producers to use a simple typing interface for the input of words, allowing the output to be integrated and controlled by modern digital audio workstations. Using a machine learning solution, the tool is not dependent on large stores of audio data once a model is trained and since it contains a simple method to create new voices, it can keep up with evolving musical trends and vocal styles. The aim is to bring the human voice into the realm of digital music production enabling a music maker to include a large range of vocal styles within their production tool set. This paper outlines the design and development of the tool and culminates in a piece of music that illustrates the value of applying design thinking research strategies to an artistic and technical challenge

    Articulatory-based Speech Processing Methods for Foreign Accent Conversion

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    The objective of this dissertation is to develop speech processing methods that enable without altering their identity. We envision accent conversion primarily as a tool for pronunciation training, allowing non-native speakers to hear their native-accented selves. With this application in mind, we present two methods of accent conversion. The first assumes that the voice quality/identity of speech resides in the glottal excitation, while the linguistic content is contained in the vocal tract transfer function. Accent conversion is achieved by convolving the glottal excitation of a non-native speaker with the vocal tract transfer function of a native speaker. The result is perceived as 60 percent less accented, but it is no longer identified as the same individual. The second method of accent conversion selects segments of speech from a corpus of non-native speech based on their acoustic or articulatory similarity to segments from a native speaker. We predict that articulatory features provide a more speaker-independent representation of speech and are therefore better gauges of linguistic similarity across speakers. To test this hypothesis, we collected a custom database containing simultaneous recordings of speech and the positions of important articulators (e.g. lips, jaw, tongue) for a native and non-native speaker. Resequencing speech from a non-native speaker based on articulatory similarity with a native speaker achieved a 20 percent reduction in accent. The approach is particularly appealing for applications in pronunciation training because it modifies speech in a way that produces realistically achievable changes in accent (i.e., since the technique uses sounds already produced by the non-native speaker). A second contribution of this dissertation is the development of subjective and objective measures to assess the performance of accent conversion systems. This is a difficult problem because, in most cases, no ground truth exists. Subjective evaluation is further complicated by the interconnected relationship between accent and identity, but modifications of the stimuli (i.e. reverse speech and voice disguises) allow the two components to be separated. Algorithms to measure objectively accent, quality, and identity are shown to correlate well with their subjective counterparts

    Harmonic Plus Noise Model for Concatenative Speech Synthesis

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    This project develops the new model Harmonic Plus Noise applied for the concatenative speech synthesis. The software is composed of an analysis part (off-line process) applied on the first initial database and a synthesis part (real time process) applied on the HNM database and the prododic modifications from FESTIVAL. The future work consists of the integretion into the HMM-based speech synthesis

    Comparison between rule-based and data-driven natural language processing algorithms for Brazilian Portuguese speech synthesis

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    Due to the exponential growth in the use of computers, personal digital assistants and smartphones, the development of Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems have become highly demanded during the last years. An important part of these systems is the Text Analysis block, that converts the input text into linguistic specifications that are going to be used to generate the final speech waveform. The Natural Language Processing algorithms presented in this block are crucial to the quality of the speech generated by synthesizers. These algorithms are responsible for important tasks such as Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion, Syllabification and Stress Determination. For Brazilian Portuguese (BP), solutions for the algorithms presented in the Text Analysis block have been focused in rule-based approaches. These algorithms perform well for BP but have many disadvantages. On the other hand, there is still no research to evaluate and analyze the performance of data-driven approaches that reach state-of-the-art results for complex languages, such as English. So, in this work, we compare different data-driven approaches and rule-based approaches for NLP algorithms presented in a TTS system. Moreover, we propose, as a novel application, the use of Sequence-to-Sequence models as solution for the Syllabification and Stress Determination problems. As a brief summary of the results obtained, we show that data-driven algorithms can achieve state-of-the-art performance for the NLP algorithms presented in the Text Analysis block of a BP TTS system.Nos últimos anos, devido ao grande crescimento no uso de computadores, assistentes pessoais e smartphones, o desenvolvimento de sistemas capazes de converter texto em fala tem sido bastante demandado. O bloco de análise de texto, onde o texto de entrada é convertido em especificações linguísticas usadas para gerar a onda sonora final é uma parte importante destes sistemas. O desempenho dos algoritmos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP) presentes neste bloco é crucial para a qualidade dos sintetizadores de voz. Conversão Grafema-Fonema, separação silábica e determinação da sílaba tônica são algumas das tarefas executadas por estes algoritmos. Para o Português Brasileiro (BP), os algoritmos baseados em regras têm sido o foco na solução destes problemas. Estes algoritmos atingem bom desempenho para o BP, contudo apresentam diversas desvantagens. Por outro lado, ainda não há pesquisa no intuito de avaliar o desempenho de algoritmos data-driven, largamente utilizados para línguas complexas, como o inglês. Desta forma, expõe-se neste trabalho uma comparação entre diferentes técnicas data-driven e baseadas em regras para algoritmos de NLP utilizados em um sintetizador de voz. Além disso, propõe o uso de Sequence-to-Sequence models para a separação silábica e a determinação da tonicidade. Em suma, o presente trabalho demonstra que o uso de algoritmos data-driven atinge o estado-da-arte na performance dos algoritmos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural de um sintetizador de voz para o Português Brasileiro

    Spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis – perception, join costs and feature transformations

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    This thesis explores the problem of determining an objective measure to represent human perception of spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis. Such measures are used as join costs to quantify the compatibility of speech units for concatenation in unit selection synthesis. No previous study has reported a spectral measure that satisfactorily correlates with human perception of discontinuity. An analysis of the limitations of existing measures and our understanding of the human auditory system were used to guide the strategies adopted to advance a solution to this problem. A listening experiment was conducted using a database of concatenated speech with results indicating the perceived continuity of each concatenation. The results of this experiment were used to correlate proposed measures of spectral continuity with the perceptual results. A number of standard speech parametrisations and distance measures were tested as measures of spectral continuity and analysed to identify their limitations. Time-frequency resolution was found to limit the performance of standard speech parametrisations.As a solution to this problem, measures of continuity based on the wavelet transform were proposed and tested, as wavelets offer superior time-frequency resolution to standard spectral measures. A further limitation of standard speech parametrisations is that they are typically computed from the magnitude spectrum. However, the auditory system combines information relating to the magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum and spectral dynamics. The potential of phase and spectral dynamics as measures of spectral continuity were investigated. One widely adopted approach to detecting discontinuities is to compute the Euclidean distance between feature vectors about the join in concatenated speech. The detection of an auditory event, such as the detection of a discontinuity, involves processing high up the auditory pathway in the central auditory system. The basic Euclidean distance cannot model such behaviour. A study was conducted to investigate feature transformations with sufficient processing complexity to mimic high level auditory processing. Neural networks and principal component analysis were investigated as feature transformations. Wavelet based measures were found to outperform all measures of continuity based on standard speech parametrisations. Phase and spectral dynamics based measures were found to correlate with human perception of discontinuity in the test database, although neither measure was found to contribute a significant increase in performance when combined with standard measures of continuity. Neural network feature transformations were found to significantly outperform all other measures tested in this study, producing correlations with perceptual results in excess of 90%