224,300 research outputs found

    Recovering Architectural Variability of a Family of Product Variants

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    A Software Product Line (SPL) aims at applying a pre-planned systematic reuse of large-grained software artifacts to increase the software productivity and reduce the development cost. The idea of SPL is to analyze the business domain of a family of products to identify the common and the variable parts between the products. However, it is common for companies to develop, in an ad-hoc manner (e.g. clone and own), a set of products that share common functionalities and differ in terms of others. Thus, many recent research contributions are proposed to re-engineer existing product variants to a SPL. Nevertheless, these contributions are mostly focused on managing the variability at the requirement level. Very few contributions address the variability at the architectural level despite its major importance. Starting from this observation, we propose, in this paper, an approach to reverse engineer the architecture of a set of product variants. Our goal is to identify the variability and dependencies among architectural-element variants at the architectural level. Our work relies on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to analyze the variability. To validate the proposed approach, we experimented on two families of open-source product variants; Mobile Media and Health Watcher. The results show that our approach is able to identify the architectural variability and the dependencies

    Defining and validating a multimodel approach for product architecture derivation and improvement

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41533-3_24Software architectures are the key to achieving the non-functional requirements (NFRs) in any software project. In software product line (SPL) development, it is crucial to identify whether the NFRs for a specific product can be attained with the built-in architectural variation mechanisms of the product line architecture, or whether additional architectural transformations are required. This paper presents a multimodel approach for quality-driven product architecture derivation and improvement (QuaDAI). A controlled experiment is also presented with the objective of comparing the effectiveness, efficiency, perceived ease of use, intention to use and perceived usefulness with regard to participants using QuaDAI as opposed to the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM). The results show that QuaDAI is more efficient and perceived as easier to use than ATAM, from the perspective of novice software architecture evaluators. However, the other variables were not found to be statistically significant. Further replications are needed to obtain more conclusive results.This research is supported by the MULTIPLE project (MICINN TIN2009-13838) and the Vali+D fellowship program (ACIF/2011/235).González Huerta, J.; Insfrán Pelozo, CE.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM. (2013). Defining and validating a multimodel approach for product architecture derivation and improvement. En Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. Springer. 388-404. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41533-3_24S388404Ali-Babar, M., Lago, P., Van Deursen, A.: Empirical research in software architecture: opportunities, challenges, and approaches. 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    Validating a model-driven software architecture evaluation and improvement method: A family of experiments

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    Context: Software architectures should be evaluated during the early stages of software development in order to verify whether the non-functional requirements (NFRs) of the product can be fulfilled. This activity is even more crucial in software product line (SPL) development, since it is also necessary to identify whether the NFRs of a particular product can be achieved by exercising the variation mechanisms provided by the product line architecture or whether additional transformations are required. These issues have motivated us to propose QuaDAI, a method for the derivation, evaluation and improvement of software architectures in model-driven SPL development. Objective: We present in this paper the results of a family of four experiments carried out to empirically validate the evaluation and improvement strategy of QuaDAI. Method: The family of experiments was carried out by 92 participants: Computer Science Master s and undergraduate students from Spain and Italy. The goal was to compare the effectiveness, efficiency, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to use with regard to participants using the evaluation and improvement strategy of QuaDAI as opposed to the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM). Results: The main result was that the participants produced their best results when applying QuaDAI, signifying that the participants obtained architectures with better values for the NFRs faster, and that they found the method easier to use, more useful and more likely to be used. The results of the meta-analysis carried out to aggregate the results obtained in the individual experiments also confirmed these results. Conclusions: The results support the hypothesis that QuaDAI would achieve better results than ATAM in the experiments and that QuaDAI can be considered as a promising approach with which to perform architectural evaluations that occur after the product architecture derivation in model-driven SPL development processes when carried out by novice software evaluators.The authors would like to thank all the participants in the experiments for their selfless involvement in this research. This research is supported by the MULTIPLE Project (MICINN TIN2009-13838) and the ValI+D Program (ACIF/2011/235).González Huerta, J.; Insfrán Pelozo, CE.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM.; Scanniello, G. (2015). Validating a model-driven software architecture evaluation and improvement method: A family of experiments. Information and Software Technology. 57:405-429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2014.05.018S4054295

    Applying Product Line Approach for a Control System Family

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    This thesis was done for Metso Corporation as a part of RESPO project. RESPO is one of the ten projects in EFFIMA (Energy and Life Cycle Efficient Machines) research program. EFFIMA belongs to FIMECC’s (Finnish Metals and Engineering Competence Cluster) Intelligent Solutions (IS) strategic research theme. The purpose of task 2 in RESPO is to develop models and design principles into the development of software architecture. The goal of this thesis is to study the possibilities of applying software product line approach to rock crushing control system family. Several software-related problems have been recognized with the control system family. These include the long lifecycles and heterogeneity in the family. Another challenge is to manage variations in the family. The uncontrolled variations and heterogeneity prevent the effective reuse and increase the amount of extra work throughout the product lifecycle. The product line approach is applied to find solutions to the problems presented before. The approach in this thesis concentrates in the early development phase of the product line that includes addressing business, organizational, process and technological aspects. The variations in the current product family are modelled by scoping the requirements and the properties of control systems. The scoping is used to provide an understanding of the development trend in the business segment and thus to estimate future requirements. It is also used to provide better means for variation management in the product family. The scoping process and the variation modelling are used to create preliminary modernized product line architecture for next generation control systems. Less development and maintenance costs, shorter time-to-market, less errors, increased expandability, strategic reuse and easier product management are key incentives for the new architecture approach. To achieve these, the organization and its processes must be adapted and committed to the product line concept. In order to gain full benefits from the approach, the strengths and the weaknesses of both architecture and the product line itself need to be evaluated

    Applying Product Line Approach for a Control System Family

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    This thesis was done for Metso Corporation as a part of RESPO project. RESPO is one of the ten projects in EFFIMA (Energy and Life Cycle Efficient Machines) research program. EFFIMA belongs to FIMECC’s (Finnish Metals and Engineering Competence Cluster) Intelligent Solutions (IS) strategic research theme. The purpose of task 2 in RESPO is to develop models and design principles into the development of software architecture. The goal of this thesis is to study the possibilities of applying software product line approach to rock crushing control system family. Several software-related problems have been recognized with the control system family. These include the long lifecycles and heterogeneity in the family. Another challenge is to manage variations in the family. The uncontrolled variations and heterogeneity prevent the effective reuse and increase the amount of extra work throughout the product lifecycle. The product line approach is applied to find solutions to the problems presented before. The approach in this thesis concentrates in the early development phase of the product line that includes addressing business, organizational, process and technological aspects. The variations in the current product family are modelled by scoping the requirements and the properties of control systems. The scoping is used to provide an understanding of the development trend in the business segment and thus to estimate future requirements. It is also used to provide better means for variation management in the product family. The scoping process and the variation modelling are used to create preliminary modernized product line architecture for next generation control systems. Less development and maintenance costs, shorter time-to-market, less errors, increased expandability, strategic reuse and easier product management are key incentives for the new architecture approach. To achieve these, the organization and its processes must be adapted and committed to the product line concept. In order to gain full benefits from the approach, the strengths and the weaknesses of both architecture and the product line itself need to be evaluated

    CSOM/PL: A Virtual Machine Product Line

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    CSOM/PL is a software product line (SPL) derived from applying multi-dimensional separation of concerns (MDSOC) techniques to the domain of high-level language virtual machine (VM) implementations. For CSOM/PL, we modularised CSOM, a Smalltalk VM implemented in C, using VMADL (virtual machine architecture description language). Several features of the original CSOM were encapsulated in VMADL modules and composed in various combinations. In an evaluation of our approach, we show that applying MDSOC and SPL principles to a domain as complex as that of VMs is not only feasible but beneficial, as it improves understandability, maintainability, and configurability of VM implementations without harming performance

    Scaling Size and Parameter Spaces in Variability-Aware Software Performance Models (T)

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    In software performance engineering, what-if scenarios, architecture optimization, capacity planning, run-time adaptation, and uncertainty management of realistic models typically require the evaluation of many instances. Effective analysis is however hindered by two orthogonal sources of complexity. The first is the infamous problem of state space explosion — the analysis of a single model becomes intractable with its size. The second is due to massive parameter spaces to be explored, but such that computations cannot be reused across model instances. In this paper, we efficiently analyze many queuing models with the distinctive feature of more accurately capturing variability and uncertainty of execution rates by incorporating general (i.e., non-exponential) distributions. Applying product-line engineering methods, we consider a family of models generated by a core that evolves into concrete instances by applying simple delta operations affecting both the topology and the model's parameters. State explosion is tackled by turning to a scalable approximation based on ordinary differential equations. The entire model space is analyzed in a family-based fashion, i.e., at once using an efficient symbolic solution of a super-model that subsumes every concrete instance. Extensive numerical tests show that this is orders of magnitude faster than a naive instance-by-instance analysis

    Product line architecture recovery with outlier filtering in software families: the Apo-Games case study

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    Software product line (SPL) approach has been widely adopted to achieve systematic reuse in families of software products. Despite its benefits, developing an SPL from scratch requires high up-front investment. Because of that, organizations commonly create product variants with opportunistic reuse approaches (e.g., copy-and-paste or clone-and-own). However, maintenance and evolution of a large number of product variants is a challenging task. In this context, a family of products developed opportunistically is a good starting point to adopt SPLs, known as extractive approach for SPL adoption. One of the initial phases of the extractive approach is the recovery and definition of a product line architecture (PLA) based on existing software variants, to support variant derivation and also to allow the customization according to customers’ needs. The problem of defining a PLA from existing system variants is that some variants can become highly unrelated to their predecessors, known as outlier variants. The inclusion of outlier variants in the PLA recovery leads to additional effort and noise in the common structure and complicates architectural decisions. In this work, we present an automatic approach to identify and filter outlier variants during the recovery and definition of PLAs. Our approach identifies the minimum subset of cross-product architectural information for an effective PLA recovery. To evaluate our approach, we focus on real-world variants of the Apo-Games family. We recover a PLA taking as input 34 Apo-Game variants developed by using opportunistic reuse. The results provided evidence that our automatic approach is able to identify and filter outlier variants, allowing to eliminate exclusive packages and classes without removing the whole variant. We consider that the recovered PLA can help domain experts to take informed decisions to support SPL adoption.This research was partially funded by INES 2.0; CNPq grants 465614/2014-0 and 408356/2018-9; and FAPESB grants JCB0060/2016 and BOL2443/201

    A Systematic Review of Tracing Solutions in Software Product Lines

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    Software Product Lines are large-scale, multi-unit systems that enable massive, customized production. They consist of a base of reusable artifacts and points of variation that provide the system with flexibility, allowing generating customized products. However, maintaining a system with such complexity and flexibility could be error prone and time consuming. Indeed, any modification (addition, deletion or update) at the level of a product or an artifact would impact other elements. It would therefore be interesting to adopt an efficient and organized traceability solution to maintain the Software Product Line. Still, traceability is not systematically implemented. It is usually set up for specific constraints (e.g. certification requirements), but abandoned in other situations. In order to draw a picture of the actual conditions of traceability solutions in Software Product Lines context, we decided to address a literature review. This review as well as its findings is detailed in the present article.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 7 table
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