966 research outputs found

    Search-based system architecture development using a holistic modeling approach

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    This dissertation presents an innovative approach to system architecting where search algorithms are used to explore design trade space for good architecture alternatives. Such an approach is achieved by integrating certain model construction, alternative generation, simulation, and assessment processes into a coherent and automated framework. This framework is facilitated by a holistic modeling approach that combines the capabilities of Object Process Methodology (OPM), Colored Petri Net (CPN), and feature model. The resultant holistic model can not only capture the structural, behavioral, and dynamic aspects of a system, allowing simulation and strong analysis methods to be applied, it can also specify the architectural design space. Both object-oriented analysis and design (OOA/D) and domain engineering were exploited to capture design variables and their domains and define architecture generation operations. A fully realized framework (with genetic algorithms as the search algorithm) was developed. Both the proposed framework and its suggested implementation, including the proposed holistic modeling approach and architecture alternative generation operations, are generic. They are targeted at systems that can be specified using object-oriented or process-oriented paradigm. The broad applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated on two examples. One is the configuration of reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) under multi-objective optimization and the other is the architecture design of a manned lunar landing system for the Apollo program. The test results show that the proposed approach can cover a huge number of architecture alternatives and support the assessment of several performance measures. A set of quality results was obtained after running the optimization algorithm following the proposed framework --Abstract, page iii

    Generation of model-based safety arguments from automatically allocated safety integrity levels

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    To certify safety-critical systems, assurance arguments linking evidence of safety to appropriate requirements must be constructed. However, modern safety-critical systems feature increasing complexity and integration, which render manual approaches impractical to apply. This thesis addresses this problem by introducing a model-based method, with an exemplary application based on the aerospace domain.Previous work has partially addressed this problem for slightly different applications, including verification-based, COTS, product-line and process-based assurance. Each of the approaches is applicable to a specialised case and does not deliver a solution applicable to a generic system in a top-down process. This thesis argues that such a solution is feasible and can be achieved based on the automatic allocation of safety requirements onto a system’s architecture. This automatic allocation is a recent development which combines model-based safety analysis and optimisation techniques. The proposed approach emphasises the use of model-based safety analysis, such as HiP-HOPS, to maximise the benefits towards the system development lifecycle.The thesis investigates the background and earlier work regarding construction of safety arguments, safety requirements allocation and optimisation. A method for addressing the problem of optimal safety requirements allocation is first introduced, using the Tabu Search optimisation metaheuristic. The method delivers satisfactory results that are further exploited for construction of safety arguments. Using the produced requirements allocation, an instantiation algorithm is applied onto a generic safety argument pattern, which is compliant with standards, to automatically construct an argument establishing a claim that a system’s safety requirements have been met. This argument is hierarchically decomposed and shows how system and subsystem safety requirements are satisfied by architectures and analyses at low levels of decomposition. Evaluation on two abstract case studies demonstrates the feasibility and scalability of the method and indicates good performance of the algorithms proposed. Limitations and potential areas of further investigation are identified


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    The focus of this thesis is on the use of adaptive search techniques for the automatic generation of software test data. Three adaptive search techniques are used, these are genetic algorithms (GAs), Simulated Amiealing and Tabu search. In addition to these, hybrid search methods have been developed and applied to the problem of test data generation. The adaptive search techniques are compared to random generation to ascertain the effectiveness of adaptive search. The results indicate that GAs and Simulated Annealing outperform random generation in all test programs. Tabu search outperformed random generation in most tests, but it lost its effectiveness as the amount of input data increased. The hybrid techniques have given mixed results. The two best methods, GAs and Simulated Annealing are then compared to random generation on a program written to optimise capital budgeting, both perform better than random generation and Simulated Annealing requires less test data than GAs. Further research highlights a need for research into the control parameters of all the adaptive search methods and attaining test data which covers border conditions

    A Requirements-Based Partition Testing Framework Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

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    Modern society is increasingly dependent on the quality of software systems. Software failure can cause severe consequences, including loss of human life. There are various ways of fault prevention and detection that can be deployed in different stages of software development. Testing is the most widely used approach for ensuring software quality. Requirements-Based Testing and Partition Testing are two of the widely used approaches for testing software systems. Although both of these techniques are mature and are addressed widely in the literature and despite the general agreement on both of these key techniques of functional testing, a combination of them lacks a systematic approach. In this thesis, we propose a framework along with a procedural process for testing a system using Requirements-Based Partition Testing (RBPT). This framework helps testers to start from the requirements documents and follow a straightforward step by step process to generate the required test cases without loosing any required data. Although many steps of the process are manual, the framework can be used as a foundation for automating the whole test case generation process. Another issue in testing a software product is the test case selection problem. Choosing appropriate test cases is an essential part of software testing that can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, as well as reduced costs of combinatorial testing. Unfortunately, the problem of finding minimum size test sets is NP-complete in general. Therefore, artificial intelligence-based search algorithms have been widely used for generating near-optimal solutions. In this thesis, we also propose a novel technique for test case generation using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), an effective optimization tool which has emerged in the last decade. Empirical studies show that in some domains particle swarm optimization is equally well-suited or even better than some other techniques. At the same time, a particle swarm algorithm is much simpler, easier to implement, and has just a few parameters that the user needs to adjust. These properties make PSO an ideal technique for test case generation. In order to have a fair comparison of our newly proposed algorithm against existing techniques, we have designed and implemented a framework for automatic evaluation of these methods. Through experiments using our evaluation framework, we illustrate how this new test case generation technique can outperform other existing methodologies

    Multi-objective optimisation of safety-critical hierarchical systems

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    Achieving high reliability, particularly in safety critical systems, is an important and often mandatory requirement. At the same time costs should be kept as low as possible. Finding an optimum balance between maximising a system's reliability and minimising its cost is a hard combinatorial problem. As the size and complexity of a system increases, so does the scale of the problem faced by the designers. To address these difficulties, meta-heuristics such as Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search algorithms have been applied in the past for automatically determining the optimal allocation of redundancies in a system as a mechanism for optimising the reliability and cost characteristics of that system. In all cases, simple reliability block diagrams with restrictive assumptions, such as failure independence and limited 2-state failure modes, were used for evaluating the reliability of the candidate designs produced by the various algorithms.This thesis argues that a departure from this restrictive evaluation model is possible by using a new model-based reliability evaluation technique called Hierachically Performed Hazard Origin and Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS). HiP-HOPS can overcome the limitations imposed by reliability block diagrams by providing automatic analysis of complex engineering models with multiple failure modes. The thesis demonstrates that, used as the fitness evaluating component of a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, HiP-HOPS can be used to solve the problem of redundancy allocation effectively and with relative efficiency. Furthermore, the ability of HiP-HOPS to model and automatically analyse complex engineering models, with multiple failure modes, allows the Genetic Algorithm to potentially optimise systems using more flexible strategies, not just series-parallel. The results of this thesis show the feasibility of the approach and point to a number of directions for future work to consider

    EvoAlloy: An Evolutionary Approach For Analyzing Alloy Specifications

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    Using mathematical notations and logical reasoning, formal methods precisely define a program’s specifications, from which we can instantiate valid instances of a system. With these techniques, we can perform a variety of analysis tasks to verify system dependability and rigorously prove the correctness of system properties. While there exist well-designed automated verification tools including ones considered lightweight, they still lack a strong adoption in practice. The essence of the problem is that when applied to large real world applications, they are not scalable and applicable due to the expense of thorough verification process. In this thesis, I present a new approach and demonstrate how to relax the completeness guarantee without much loss, since soundness is maintained. I have extended a widely applied lightweight analysis, Alloy, with a genetic algorithm. Our new tool, EvoAlloy, works at the level of finite relations generated by Kodkod and evolves the chromosomes based on the feedback including failed constraints. Through a feasibility study, I prove that my approach can successfully find solutions to a set of specifications beyond the scope where traditional Alloy Analyzer fails. While EvoAlloy solves small size problems with longer time, its scalability provided by genetic extension shows its potential to handle larger specifications. My future vision is that when specifications are small I can maintain both soundness and completeness, but when this fails, EvoAlloy can switch to its genetic algorithm. Adviser: Hamid Bagher

    Algebraic Algorithm Design and Local Search

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    Formal, mathematically-based techniques promise to play an expanding role in the development and maintenance of the software on which our technological society depends. Algebraic techniques have been applied successfully to algorithm synthesis by the use of algorithm theories and design tactics, an approach pioneered in the Kestrel Interactive Development System (KIDS). An algorithm theory formally characterizes the essential components of a family of algorithms. A design tactic is a specialized procedure for recognizing in a problem specification the structures identified in an algorithm theory and then synthesizing a program. Design tactics are hard to write, however, and much of the knowledge they use is encoded procedurally in idiosyncratic ways. Algebraic methods promise a way to represent algorithm design knowledge declaratively and uniformly. We describe a general method for performing algorithm design that is more purely algebraic than that of KIDS. This method is then applied to local search. Local search is a large and diverse class of algorithms applicable to a wide range of problems; it is both intrinsically important and representative of algorithm design as a whole. A general theory of local search is formalized to describe the basic properties common to all local search algorithms, and applied to several variants of hill climbing and simulated annealing. The general theory is then specialized to describe some more advanced local search techniques, namely tabu search and the Kernighan-Lin heuristic
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