594 research outputs found

    Metamodelling and Evaluating Extreme Programming

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    Agile software development methods have drawn the attention of software development professionals in the past few years. Agile software development methods use iterative and incremental approaches to address the changing requirements of customers. One of the well-known agile software development methods is extreme Programming (XP) and is derived by sets of values including simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. The extreme practices, variation in composition and interaction between values and the feedback in XP have made the software system more complex and demands the improvements and evaluation framework to understand and evaluate the XP practices in a practical way. The main aims of this study are to improve some of the extreme practices of XP through agile modeling and evaluate the XP projects using XP evaluation framework. Two research questions were set to find out the enabling and limiting factors of extreme practices of XP and the way to improve the XP software process. An interpretive research approach was used to conduct a literature review to develop the agile meta-models and evaluation framework for process improvement. The contribution of thesis work can be broadly categorized into two parts. The first part deals withmodelling the three most criticized and extreme practices (lightweight requirement, Pair Programming and onsite customer) of XP and the second part is concerned with developing the evaluation framework for XP. Use cases are collected from scenario based requirement engineering practice with stakeholder analysis to address the lightweight requirement of XP. Problems of Pair Programming are addressed by personal development traits, Distributed Pair Programming (DPP) andCollaborative Adversarial Pair (CAP) Programming models. Surrogate customers and multiple customer models are two alternatives proposed to address the problems of onsite customer in XP. The XP evaluation framework is a collection of some new and validated metrics used for evaluating XP projects, XP practices, XP products and some additional factors concerned with XP. Asiasanat:Agile, extreme Programming (XP), interpretive research, Collaborative Adversarial Pair (CAP) and extreme practice

    Development of a framework to understand the factors that influence software productivity in agile teams

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    Productivity improvement in the software industry is one of the major challenges facing many software development companies in this century. Most companies have adopted agile methodologies in order to profit from the benefits claimed for them. Agile methodologies are characterised by frequent software delivery, short feedback loops, quicker response to change, and problem identification earlier in the development process. The agile approach has been recognised as paving a way for companies to acquire higher software productivity, delivering good-quality and cost-effective software, enabling software development companies to respond to business challenges with their demands for high quality, high performance and high development speed in delivering the final product. For companies that adopt agile methodologies, understanding the factors that influence their teams’ software development productivity is a challenging task for management and practitioners today. In this research, an analysis is presented that identifies productivity factors that affect agile teams. It is a study of agile methods to identify common agile practices and/or values that have impact on productivity, and describes suitable metrics that could be used to measure agile team productivity. A qualitative research approach was used, and the case study was chosen as the research strategy. Two South African companies that are located in two different provinces and that adopted agile methodologies in their software development, were selected for the case studies. Qualitative content analysis was used in the research to permit subjective interpretation of factors that influence agile team productivity, and to analyse to what extent these factors affected productivity. This research has shown that an understanding of the factors that influence an agile team’s productivity gives significant insight into the way agile teams work, motivates team members to work together, and leads to uniform metrics in tracking each team’s progress. The study indicates that tracking an agile team’s work and providing adequate tools needed to execute their tasks results in improving agile team productivity. It should be recognised that using metrics to measure performance in agile teams is helpful in creating a team’s culture and trust. In this study, it was found that the factors identified in both literature and case studies affected productivity in the two companies under study, both positively and negatively. The study also found that applying the correct metrics in assessing, analysing and reviewing an agile team’s performance is important when monitoring productivity. Successful software delivery is only possible if individuals are committed to their work, are provided with the necessary tools and have access to a stable working environment. In addition, individual factors such as knowledge, skills, abilities, personalities and experience should be considered when forming agile teams. Consideration of these factors will result in grouping people that are able to work together and achieve a common goal, which is important in improving productivity. A conceptual framework for agile team productivity was proposed. The discussion of the findings is presented in more detail in this research.School of ComputingM.Sc. (Computing

    The Relationship Between External Turbulence and New Product Development Practices

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    This dissertation considered whether new product development practices employed resolved the uncertainty and equivocality in information processing created by external turbulence. With external turbulence coming from more sources and arriving with greater frequency, this wave of change must be addressed to achieve desired project outcomes. Healthcare was the target industry for this research and respondents were selected from members of HIMSS, the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society. Five hundred sixty-three survey responses were collected about completed new product development projects. The aspects of the projects reported included the external turbulence experienced, flexible new product development practices employed, the effectiveness of information processing and the project’s outcomes. The results using all respondents did not show support for the crucial hypothesis that reduction of uncertainty and equivocality in the information processing environment leads to desired new product development outcomes. While the full respondent set did not support the main hypothesis, the subset of projects that were completed during the ramp-up of the Affordable Care Act showed the hypothesized relationship. With the Affordable Care Act ramp-up, there was a wave of change and a high volume of new information generated by external turbulence. Those organizations that were successful used their information processing capabilities to reduce uncertainty and equivocality and address the changes. Their information processing capability combined with flexible product development practices was directly related to positive new product development outcomes. The extreme example of external turbulence that occurred during the Affordable Care Act ramp-up supported the crucial hypothesis about information processing. The research also found that external turbulence is related to the positive use of flexible new product development practices and that use of those practices is directly related to desired new product development outcomes. In the presence of external turbulence, product development teams use flexible new product development practices to achieve desired project outcomes. The major implication from this study is the need by product development teams to consider external turbulence as a factor in all product plans. It was the strongest relationship reported

    The Use of Information Systems in Collocated and Distributed Teams: A Test of the 24-Hour Knowledge Factory

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    Recent academic and policy studies focus on offshoring as a cost-of-labor driven activity that has a direct impact on employment opportunities in the countries involved. This paper broadens this perspective by introducing and evaluating the 24-hour knowledge factory as a model of information systems offshoring that leverages other strategic factors beyond cost savings. A true 24-hour knowledge factory ensures that progress is being made on information systems related tasks at all times of day by utilizing talented information systems professionals around the globe. Many organizations currently implement other variants of offshoring that appear similar but are fundamentally distinct. The typical model is a service provider framework in which an offshore site provides service to the central site, often with two centers and a distinction between a primary center and secondary center. Entire tasks are often outsourced to the lower-cost overseas site and sent back when completed. In contrast, the 24-hour knowledge factory involves continuous and collaborative round-the-clock knowledge production achieved by sequentially and progressively distributing the knowledge creation task around the globe, completing one cycle every 24 hours. Thus, the 24-hour knowledge factory creates a virtual distributed team, in contrast to a team that is collocated in one site, either onshore or offshore. By organizing knowledge tasks in this way, the 24-hour knowledge factory has the potential to work faster, to provide cheaper solutions, and to achieve better overall performance. Previous studies have examined individual teams over time and explored various benefits of distributing work to distant teams, but have not directly compared the effect of collocation versus geographic distribution on the use of information systems and the overall performance over time of two real-world teams working on a similar task in controlled conditions. This paper highlights the concept of the 24-hour knowledge factory and tests the model in a controlled field experiment that directly compares the use of information systems and subsequent performance in collocated and globally distributed software development teams. The central finding is that while collocation versus geographic distribution changes the way teams use information systems and interact at key points during a project, each type of team has the potential to use information systems to leverage its inherent advantages, to overcome disadvantages, and ultimately, to perform equally well. In other words, one organizational structure is not inherently superior nor must structure pre-determine performance. Geographic distance introduces new challenges but these can be overcome – and even leveraged for strategic advantage. In sum, our findings suggest that firms can apply the 24-hour knowledge factory model to transition from a service provider framework in which offshoring is a short-term and unilateral cost-saving tactic to a strategic partnership between centers in which offshoring becomes a core component of a global corporate strategy

    Towards understanding the influence of personality and team behaviors on requirements engineering activities

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    Requirements engineers play an important role in the development of software products and services. The nature of requirements engineering (RE) is multifaceted and influences the quality, success, or failure of software products. In gathering software requirements, engineers commonly work in a team, particularly when dealing with the customers or modeling the requirements, hence the team behavior may influence the RE activities. The investigation of requirements engineers’ personality and their team behavior associated with RE activities is still an open area in which research is still developing. This study aims to investigate the personality and team behavior of requirements engineers involved in RE activities using a systematic literature review approach. We included 64 primary studies that addressed the association between personality and team behavior of requirements engineers on the effectiveness of RE activities. The result shows that among personality dimensions, extraversion and conscientiousness were found to be the predominant personality traits that positively affect RE activities. Furthermore, team behavior of requirements engineers such as flexibility, collaboration, creativity, innovation, and norms were discovered as factors that influence the RE process, performance, and success. The findings of this study contribute to the body of knowledge and practice of RE by providing empirical evidence on the influence of requirements engineers’ personality and team behavior on the effectiveness of RE activities

    Towards understanding the influence of personality and team behaviors on requirements engineering activities

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    Requirements engineers play an important role in the development of software products and services. The nature of requirements engineering (RE) is multifaceted and influences the quality, success, or failure of software products. In gathering software requirements, engineers commonly work in a team, particularly when dealing with the customers or modeling the requirements, hence the team behavior may influence the RE activities. The investigation of requirements engineers’ personality and their team behavior associated with RE activities is still an open area in which research is still developing. This study aims to investigate the personality and team behavior of requirements engineers involved in RE activities using a systematic literature review approach. We included 64 primary studies that addressed the association between personality and team behavior of requirements engineers on the effectiveness of RE activities. The result shows that among personality dimensions, extraversion and conscientiousness were found to be the predominant personality traits that positively affect RE activities. Furthermore, team behavior of requirements engineers such as flexibility, collaboration, creativity, innovation, and norms were discovered as factors that influence the RE process, performance, and success. The findings of this study contribute to the body of knowledge and practice of RE by providing empirical evidence on the influence of requirements engineers’ personality and team behavior on the effectiveness of RE activities

    Success Factors for Building and Managing High Performance Agile Software Development Teams

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    Information technology (IT) project success depends on having a project manager with effective decision-making, leadership, and project management (PM) skills. Project success also depends on completing the project in a given budget, time, and scope. However, there is a limited understanding of the Agile Leadership Effectiveness in Leading High Performance Team. Agile Software Development Team (ASDT) success factors such as organizational, people, process, project management, technical, trust, and so forth. The purpose of this paper is to present and synthesize the success factors generally accepted as critical in building and managing high performance ASDTs. These success factors consisted of ASDT (e.g., structure, member’ competencies, commitment and trust, communications, goals, and collaboration), leading ASDTs (e.g., leadership styles), workplace factors (e.g., cultural, functional and organizational differences), technologies (e.g., development tools), and organizational, people, process, and technical factors.  Organizational leaders and practitioners from various industries who are building or managing ASDTs could be of benefits with the researcher’s study outcomes by implementing or developing strategies or processes that could improve ASDT performance for long term sustainable development. High performance ASDT outcomes include improve team overall performance, time to the market, project success rate, and a better safer and healthier organizations or society

    Understanding Agile Software Development Assimilation Beyond Acceptance

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    Agile software development methods represent a departure from the heavily regimented and document-driven procedures of traditional, waterfall approaches. Despite the highly touted benefits of employing agile ISD methods and the growth of agile adoption rates over the past two decades, it is not clear why some organizations fail to routinize agile methods, while others do so and realize their promised benefits. Motivated by the need to understand the factors that influence agile routinization, this study empirically examines the deep contextual factors that impact the extent to which agile methods are proliferated throughout an organization. Findings indicate that project success from initial agile use does not translate to routine agile use. Instead, findings from the study suggest that organizational factors of organizational culture and structure play a pivotal role in the routinization of agile methods


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    High risks are involved as well as a large number of resources are required to construct the software development processes from scratch. Most of the software development companies follow ad-hoc approaches in informal ways to tailor an existing software development process according to their requirements. Instead of devising new tailoring strategies, these approaches describe and compare the similar tailoring operations at very superficial level and mainly focus on the large sized software development companies
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