8,142 research outputs found

    Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: Evaluation and Modelling of Verbal Associations

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    We present a quantitative analysis of human word association pairs and study the types of relations presented in the associations. We put our main focus on the correlation between response types and respondent characteristics such as occupation and gender by contrasting syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations. Finally, we propose a personalised distributed word association model and show the importance of incorporating demographic factors into the models commonly used in natural language processing.Comment: AIST 2017 camera-read

    Maritime Indonesia and the Archipelagic Outlook; Some Reflections From a Multidisciplinary Perspective on Old Port Cities in Java

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    The present paper reflects on Indonesia\u27s status as an archipelagic state and a maritime nation from a historical perspective. It explores the background of a multi-year research project into Indonesia\u27s maritime past currently being undertaken at the Humanities Faculty of Universitas Indonesia. The multidisciplinary research uses toponymy, epigraphy, philology, and linguistic lines of analysis in examining old inscriptions and manuscripts and also includes site visits to a number of old port cities across the archipelago. We present here some of the core concepts behind the research such as the importance of the ancient port cities in a network of maritime trade and diplomacy, and link them to some contemporary issues such as the Archipelagic Outlook. This is based on a concept of territorial integrity that reflects Indonesia\u27s national identity and aspirations. It is hoped that the paper can extend the discussion about efforts to make maritime affairs a strategic geopolitical goal along with restoring Indonesia\u27s identity as a maritime nation

    English for Students of Philology (Англійська мова для студентів-філологів)

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    Методичні рекомендації містять матеріал, необхідний для проведення практичних занять та організації самостійної роботи з англійської мови студентів-магістрантів ННІ філології та журналістики. Тексти, вправи, тести та рекомендації методичного характеру подані у послідовності, окресленої Програмою (затвердженою у 2013 році), для виконання чотирьох основних змістовних модулів. Матеріал розрахований на поглиблення фахових спеціальних та загальних комунікативних навичок студентів у процесі професійно спрямованого вивчення англійської мови. Для денної та заочної форм навчання


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    Artykuł ukazuje problemy jakie napotkali studenci I i II roku anglistyki, którym postawiono za zadanie przetłumaczyć z języka polskiego na angielski, fragment uchwały Sądu Najwyższego dotyczącej wykonania Europejskiego Nakazu Aresztowania. Autor – czynny zawodowo prawnik – prokurator Prokuratury Rejonowej – analizuje ok. 20 zwrotów prawniczych pochodzących z tej uchwały i, odnosząc się do oficjalnego tłumaczenia tekstu, dokonuje analizy tłumaczeń zaproponowanych przez studentów (w sumie 108 wersji) przedstawiając i opisując zaistniałe błędy. Przeanalizowane przykłady ukazują specyfikę języka prawnego i prawniczego oraz zawiłości i pułapki leksykalno-syntaktyczne, jakie czyhają na polskiego tłumacza zajmującego się przekładem prawniczych tekstów z języka polskiego na język angielski lub odwrotnie. Omówione przykłady wskazują na potrzebę wysoce profesjonalnego szkolenia studentów neofilologii w zakresie przekładu tekstów specjalistycznych.The article illustrates problems which were encountered by students of the first and second year of English Philology, who had been given a task of translating from Polish into English a passage from a Supreme Court act, concerning the European Arrest Warrant execution. The author who is an active lawyer – working as a prosecutor of the District Prosecutor’s Office – analyzes almost twenty legal phrases coming from the original text and, comparing them with the official version of translation, examines the students’ versions (108 translations altogether) which are then accompanied by descriptions and comments on the mistakes made. The analyzed examples show the uniqueness of the legal language and its pitfalls as well as lexical and syntactic dilemmas which create linguistic traps for a Polish translator who is preoccupied with translation of legal texts from Polish into English or vice versa. Moreover, the discussed cases indicate the need for a highly professional training of philology students, especially in the area of ESP (English for Special Purposes)

    3D and 4D Simulations for Landscape Reconstruction and Damage Scenarios. GIS Pilot Applications

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    The project 3D and 4D Simulations for Landscape Reconstruction and Damage Scenarios: GIS Pilot Applications has been devised with the intention to deal with the demand for research, innovation and applicative methodology on the part of the international programme, requiring concrete results to increase the capacity to know, anticipate and respond to a natural disaster. This project therefore sets out to develop an experimental methodology, a wide geodatabase, a connected performant GIS platform and multifunctional scenarios able to profitably relate the added values deriving from different geotechnologies, aimed at a series of crucial steps regarding landscape reconstruction, event simulation, damage evaluation, emergency management, multi-temporal analysis. The Vesuvius area has been chosen for the pilot application owing to such an impressive number of people and buildings subject to volcanic risk that one could speak in terms of a possible national disaster. The steps of the project move around the following core elements: creation of models that reproduce the territorial and anthropic structure of the past periods, and reconstruction of the urbanized area, with temporal distinctions; three-dimensional representation of the Vesuvius area in terms of infrastructuralresidential aspects; GIS simulation of the expected event; first examination of the healthcareepidemiological consequences; educational proposals. This paper represents a proactive contribution which describes the aims of the project, the steps which constitute a set of specific procedures for the methodology which we are experimenting, and some thoughts regarding the geodatabase useful to “package” illustrative elaborations. Since the involvement of the population and adequate hazard preparedness are very important aspects, some educational and communicational considerations are presented in connection with the use of geotechnologies to promote the knowledge of risk

    Idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer

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    The article presents a hermeneutic approach to idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer. Metaphor is viewed by the authors in its broad sense that can be applied to any use of words in an indirect meaning. Hence, an idiom is understood as a verbalized metaphor that reflects both the universal and specific features of a given language. Idiomatic equivalence that traditionally refers to the linguistic properties of the idiom is presented in the article as hermeneutic equivalence based on the thinking activity approach. Within the framework of such approach the idiomatic equivalence highlights the transfer from one culture to another way of thinking and thinking activity organization

    Hidden communication aspects in the exponent of Zipf's law

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    This article focuses on communication systems following Zipf’s law, in a study of the rel-ationship between the properties of those communication systems and the exponent of the law. The properties of communication systems are described using quantitative measures of semantic vagueness and the cost of word use. The precision and the economy of a communication system is reduced to a function of the exponent of Zipf’s law and the size of the communication system. Taking the exponent of the frequency spectrum, it is demonstrated that semantic precision grows with the exponent, where-as the cost of word use reaches a global minimum between 1.5 and 2, if the size of the communication system remains constant. The exponent of Zipf’s law is shown to be a key aspect for knowing about the number of stimuli handled by a communication system, and determining which of two systems is less vague or less expensive. The ideal exponent of Zipf’s law, it is therefore argued, should be very slightly above 2.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The phenomenon of connotation in the comparative aspect (on the material of English and Ukrainian languages): problems of modern research

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    Given that connotative components cause the appearance of new lexical-semantic variants in the token's semantic field and create opportunities for metaphorical, metonymic, ironic nomination, it is essential to analyze the phenomenon of conotema, which is present in phraseological and paremiological units of language, slang, and occasionalisms. The work aims to study the phenomenon of connotation in a comparative aspect, through the prism of English and Ukrainian languages, as well as to identify key issues of modern research of this phenomenon. The object of research is the connotation in the comparative aspect. The following methods were used during the research: analysis and synthesis, observation, method of definitive analysis, method of linguistic description of linguistic facts, comparative method. As a result of the research, the phenomenon of connotation in the comparative aspect is analyzed, based on the materials of the Ukrainian and English languages, and also the problematic aspects of the interlanguage comparison are singled out. It was also noted that it is crucial to promote a more in-depth study of connotations in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnopsychology, linguoculturology, as this approach provides an opportunity to improve the methodology of research of connotations in the lexicological field

    New methods for working with old languages: Corpus Linguistics and the future of Textual Scholarship

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    We are seeking DFG/NEH support to allow us to host workshops in the US in the summer of 2009 and in Germany in the summer of 2010 in order to explore the application of emerging analytical technologies to classics in particular and the humanities in general. These workshops will focus not only on emerging services (such as named entity recognition, syntactic and morphological analysis, text mining) and knowledge structures (such as domain-specific ontologies), but on the new forms of scholarly knowledge and intellectual analysis that arise as a result. The 2009 workshop will produce a series of papers that document the state of language technologies in the field of classical philology and propose a roadmap for a more general cyberinfrastructure for the study of historical linguistic sources. These papers will circulate during the 2009-10 academic year and lay the foundation for the 2010 workshop in Germany, which will engage other humanities disciplines