13 research outputs found

    The effect of using flipped teaching in project management class for undergraduate students

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    Teaching Project Management module to undergraduate students is important and has been globally considered in multiple academic disciplines by many higher institutions. Students in undergraduate level encounter difficulty in understanding the topic of project management since there have no prior knowledge before the course. This paper aimed to determine the effectiveness of flipped teaching and active learning in Project Management module for undergraduate students in Civil Engineering. However, the paper discussed the effective practices in teaching and learning project management and their impacts into students’ learning experience, and assessments development and marking. The Padlet and SurveyMonkey e-tools were used to collect students’ feedback on the instructor practice; either by tagging comments or filling questionnaire. The results indicated that the use of multiple in-class activities and digital technology in a flipped classroom are important to enhance students’ performance. It is also observed that the use of multiple assessments engaged students deeply with the course and provide deeper learning. Students’ performance in summative assessments showed that there is a noticeable improve in student’s scores in the current semester in contrast with previous semester where traditional teaching was practiced.Peer Reviewe

    Keep Your Stakeholders Engaged: Interactive Vision Videos in Requirements Engineering

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    One of the most important issues in requirements engineering (RE) is the alignment of stakeholders' mental models. Making sure that all stakeholders share the same vision of a changing system is crucial to the success of any project. Misaligned mental models of stakeholders can lead to conflicting requirements. A promising approach to this problem is the use of video showing a system vision, so-called vision videos, which help stakeholders to disclose, discuss, and align their mental models of the future system. However, videos have the drawback of allowing viewers to adopt a passive role, as has been shown in research on e-learning. In this role, viewers tend to be inactive, unfocused and bored while watching a video. In this paper, we learn and adopt findings from scientific literature in the field of e-learning on how to mitigate this passive role while watching vision videos in requirements engineering. In this way, we developed concepts that incorporate interactive elements into vision videos to help viewers stay focused. These elements include questions that are asked during the video and ways for viewers to decide what happens next in the video. In a preliminary evaluation with twelve participants, we found statistically significant differences when comparing the interactive vision videos with their traditional form. Using an interactive vision videos, viewers are noticeably more engaged and gather more information on the shown system.© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Las presentaciones orales en alemán de futuros ingenieros

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    [EN] An innovation project is described for the development of didactic units including interactive videos. The material was created starting from the recordings of the student oral academic presentations, carried out in the lab sessions of German as a Foreign Language courses, at the Universitat Politècnica de València. The main objective is to improve the language knowledge while developing communicative skills, focusing on students' needs and designing facilitating resources.[ES] Se describe un proyecto de innovación para el desarrollo de unidades didácticas que incluyen vídeos interactivos, creados a partir de las grabaciones de las presentaciones académicas orales de los propios alumnos, en las prácticas de asignaturas de alemán de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo principal es mejorar el conocimiento de la lengua mientras se desarrolla la competencia comunicativa, focalizando las necesidades de los estudiantes y diseñando recursos facilitadores.Benlloch-Dualde, J.; Gil-Salom, D.; Calduch-Losa, Á.; López Mateo, C.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG. (2018). Las presentaciones orales en alemán de futuros ingenieros. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI). (4):1-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/124229S113

    Aprendizaje de la comunicación oral en lengua alemana con apoyo de las TIC [Using ICT to support Learning of Oral Communication in German Language]

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    Uno de los objetivos específicos de este proyecto es la creación de recursos educativos digitales en soporte vídeo, para optimizar el aprendizaje de la comunicación oral formal en lengua alemana. Los alumnos matriculados en las asignaturas de Alemán en diferentes grados de la Universitat Politècnica de València, aprenden a realizar presentaciones orales como parte de la competencia comunicativa para su futuro profesional y/o académico. La innovación consiste en la creación de vídeos interactivos a partir de las mismas presentaciones de los alumnos, con el objeto de facilitar una guía de buenas prácticas. De esta manera se espera que aumente la motivación del alumnado al poderse desarrollar un aprendizaje inter pares. Por otro lado, para desarrollar una evaluación formativa adecuada, la autoevaluación es indispensable y para que esta última sea fructífera, es altamente recomendable que el alumno pueda visionar sus propias presentaciones. De ahí la conveniencia de combinar ambas estrategias. Como trabajo futuro, se efectuará un análisis en el que se procesarán los datos correspondientes al uso de recursos didácticos en la plataforma institucional, junto a los datos de los logros de aprendizaje globales. Todo ello junto a la valoración del proyecto por parte del alumnado y del profesorado. [One of the specific aims of this project is to create digital learning resources in video format, in order to optimize the learning process of formal oral communication in German. The students enrolled in the subject German at different Schools of the Universitat Politècnica de València learn to make oral presentations as part of the communication skill for their professional and/or academic future. The innovation consists in creating interactive videos based on the same students’ presentations, in order to facilitate a good practice guide. In this way, through the development of peer-learning, an increase of the student’s motivation is expected. Additionally, to carry out an appropriate formative evaluation, self-assessment is necessary and therefore, it is highly recommendable that students can view their own presentations. Thus, the convenience of combining both strategies. As further work, the data regarding the use of the educational resources on the institutional learning platform will be analysed, together with the global learning achievement. And all that together with the evaluation of the project by students and teachers.

    Il video come mediatore didattico: un’indagine esplorativa sulle percezioni dei docenti in formazione Video as educational mediator: Exploratory reserch to perceptions of teachers in training

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    Al fine di indagare criticità e potenzialità del Digital Learning nei percorsi di formazione per docenti specializzati sulle attività di sostegno, il presente contri-buto focalizza l’attenzione sulla qualità e sull’efficacia delle metodologie di in-segnamento-apprendimento veicolate proprio tramite l’utilizzo delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione. In particolar modo, oggetto della pre-sente indagine sono le percezioni di un campione di 237 futuri docenti di soste-gno circa l’uso di un repository online di video tutorial, di cui hanno beneficiato durante il loro percorso formativo, in qualità di mediatore e dispositivo didattico. Tramite la valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento e dei feedback formativi, la riflessione si direziona, in conclusione, sulle modalità di implementazione dei percorsi di formazione volti alla costruzione di profili professionali in grado di utilizzare le tecnologie a supporto del Digital Inclusion nei contesti formativ

    Actividades basadas en videos para comprender coloquialismos transmitidos en comedias de situación entre adolescentes

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    Introduction. The implementation of video-based activities for teaching languages has contributed positively to boost understanding English as a foreign language through an interactive pedagogy to understand colloquial language and pragmatics on sitcoms. Objective. This study is aimed at analyzing video-based activities for comprehending American colloquialisms on sitcoms.  Methodology. By employing a quasi-experimental research framework with emphasis on quantitative approach, this study evaluated the understanding on colloquial language among teenagers through four week treatment using embedded video activities in different platforms. Results. Results from the comparison between pretest and posttest for both groups demonstrated a considerable difference. The principal findings are detailed as follows; on the one hand, the scores without intervention in both groups shows (M=-0.640, SE=1.063, p-value= 0,553). On the other hand, the scores after applying four week treatment demonstrates significant outcomes between both groups’ posttest scores determined as follows (M=8.000, SE=0.542, p-value=< .001). Conclusion. It is proved that, introducing video-based activities to understand colloquialisms in English Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms constitutes a dynamic and engaged teaching trends due to the accessibility to introduce authentic materials and support the learning process with visual aids.Introducción. La implementación de actividades basadas en videos para la enseñanza de idiomas ha contribuido positivamente a impulsar la comprensión del inglés como lengua extranjera a través de una pedagogía interactiva para entender el lenguaje coloquial y la pragmática en las comedias de situación. Objetivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar actividades basadas en videos para comprender los coloquialismos estadounidenses sobre comedias de situación. Metodología. Al emplear un marco de investigación cuasi - experimental con énfasis en el enfoque cuantitativo, este estudio evaluó la comprensión del lenguaje coloquial entre adolescentes a través de un tratamiento de cuatro semanas utilizando actividades de video integradas en diferentes plataformas. Resultados. Los resultados de la comparación entre la prueba previa y la prueba posterior para ambos grupos demostraron una diferencia considerable. Los principales hallazgos se detallan a continuación; Por un lado, las puntuaciones sin intervención en ambos grupos muestran (M = - 0,640, EE = 1,063, valor de p = 0,553). Por otra parte, las puntuaciones después de aplicar el tratamiento de cuatro semanas demuestran resultados significativos entre ambos grupos puntuaciones post test determinado de la siguiente manera (M = 8.000, SE = 0.542, valor de p = <.001). Conclusión. Está comprobado que la introducción de actividades basadas en videos para entender coloquialismos en las aulas de Lengua Extranjera de inglés (EFL) constituye una tendencia de enseñanza dinámica y comprometida debido a la accesibilidad para introducir materiales auténticos y apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje con ayudas visuales

    Videote kasutamine klassitundides loodusainete õpetamisel

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    Assessing Learning Strategies with an Educational Video

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    Even though educational films and videos have been in used for a century, there remains insufficient research into efficacious learning strategies that can be used alongside them. This study sought to investigate active learning strategies as a method to improve learning from video. This true experimental study, supported and informed by qualitative data, examined three active learning strategies utilized within video-based instruction: Guided Notetaking, Personal Notetaking, and Guided Summaries. Outcome measures included three dimensions of learning (factual, conceptual, and procedural) on an immediate posttest, perceptions of extrinsic cognitive load, likelihood that participants would use the strategies again, how often participants paused the video, time-on-task, quality of strategy usage, and commonly shared experiences. While there were no significant differences between groups on general measures of learning, when the scores of only those participants who crafted high quality products (notes or summaries) were compared, the Guided Notetaking group scored significantly higher than the Guided Summaries on factual learning. These results suggest that quality of strategy usage is a factor that should be included in research examining active learning strategies with educational videos. The Guided Notetaking group experienced significantly higher perceived extrinsic cognitive load than the other groups. Participants in the Personal Notetaking group reported significantly higher likelihood that they would use these strategies again compared to the other groups. Participants in the Guided Notetaking strategy paused the video significantly more often than participants in the other groups. Analysis of commonly shared subjective experiences indicated that Guided Notetaking was difficult for several reasons: matching of the video content with the notes, switching back and forth between the video and notes (which some perceived as detracting from their learning), and the constant pausing of the video this strategy required. Personal Notetaking was perceived as the easiest of the three strategies, only slightly easier than the Guided Summaries. Suggestions for implementation of strategies, future research, and production of educational videos are also provided

    Mechanismen zur interaktiven Betrachtung von Vision Videos im Requirements Engineering

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    Im Requirements Engineering werden verschiedene Stakeholder in den Prozess der Anforderungsermittlung eingebunden, um deren Vorstellungen, Interaktionen und Tätigkeiten mit dem zukünftigen System zu erkennen. Dabei ist es wichtig, eine gemeinsame Vision des Systems zwischen den Stakeholdern zu etablieren, weshalb während des Requirements Engineering-Prozesses unter anderem Vision Videos eingesetzt werden. Dadurch können bereits in einer frühen Phase des Projekts mögliche Missverständnisse und Fehlinterpretationen bzgl. der Vision vermieden bzw. geklärt werden. Insbesondere aus dem Bereich des E-Learnings geht allerdings hervor, dass bei der Betrachtung von Videos eine passive Informationsaufnahme erfolgt und dadurch Informationen weniger effizient verarbeitet werden können. Folglich nehmen Betrachter eine passive Rolle ein und tendieren zu Inaktivität, Unkonzentriertheit sowie Langeweile. Um diesen Problemen entgegenzuwirken, werden Lernvideos meist mit interaktiven Elementen unterstützt. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit untersucht den Einsatz von Interaktivität in Vision Videos während des Requirements Engineering-Prozesses. Konkret wurde der Mehrwert von interaktiven Vision Videos für das Requirements Engineering, insbesondere während der Elicitation-Phase, bei der Vermittlung und Klärung der Vision untersucht. Dazu wurde der Einsatz von interaktiven Videos während einzelner Phasen des Requirements Engineering-Prozesses geprüft und aufbauend davon ein detailliertes Konzept für die Szenarien-Technik der Elicitation-Phase ausgearbeitet. Dabei war stets der Nutzen sowohl für den Betrachter des Videos als auch für den Requirements Engineer bedeutsam. Zur abschließenden Beurteilung und Bewertung der Konzepte, wurde eine Evaluation des entwickelten Prototyps mit 12 Teilnehmern durchgeführt. Mithilfe der Evaluation konnten statistisch signifikante Ergebnisse erzielt werden, welche größtenteils positive Erkenntnisse aus den Konzepten schließen lassen. Insbesondere die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten konnte durch interaktive Elemente in Vision Videos gesteigert werden, was die Verbesserung des Verständnisses zur Folge hatte. Des Weiteren konnten positive Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Aufnahme von Zusatzinformationen in textueller Form durch interaktive Elemente gezogen werden. Bei der Einbringung von Beiträgen durch Stakeholder wurden dagegen keine Unterschiede zwischen den Betrachtungsformen beobachtet. Im Vergleich zu der traditionellen Betrachtung von Vision Videos konnten klare Unterschiede durch die verwendeten Mechanismen zur Betrachtung von interaktiven Vision Videos in dieser Arbeit erzielt werden. Diese betreffen insbesondere die Auseinandersetzung des Betrachters mit den dargestellten Informationen in den Vision Videos sowie die Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung dieser Informationen.The process of requirements engineering involves various stakeholders in order to identify their expectations, interactions, and activities with the future system. It is crucial to share a common vision of the system between stakeholders, which is why vision videos are used during the process of requirements engineering. Thus, possible misunderstandings and misinterpretations regarding the vision can be avoided or clarified during the early phases of a project. However, the experiences gained in the area of e-learning indicate that viewing a video is a passive way of gathering information and therefore information processing can be less efficient. Consequently, viewers adopt a passive role and tend to be inactive, unfocused and bored. As a solution to this problem, interactive elements are added to educational videos. This master thesis focuses on the integration of interactivity into vision videos during the process of requirements engineering. More specifically, the goal was to examine the added value of interactive vision videos for requirements engineering, especially during the elicitation phase, in terms of communicating and clarifying the vision. In this context, the use of interactive videos during the process of requirements engineering has been investigated. Based on the results of this investigation, a detailed approach of integrating interactive vision videos into scenarios during the elicitation phase has been developed. The benefits for the viewer of the video as well as for the requirements engineer have been key aspects in the elaboration. In order to conduct a final assessment of the approach, an evaluation of the prototype with 12 participants was carried out. The results of the evaluation showed some statistically significant improvements with the implemented concepts. Particularly, the active engagement with the content has been improved by adding interactive elements to vision videos and thereby enhanced the understanding of the content. Furthermore, positive findings regarding the processing of additional information in written form were achieved by adding interactive elements. However, there were no statistically significant differences in adding contributions from stakeholders between interactive and non-interactive viewing. By using the mechanisms for interactive viewing of vision videos investigated in this work, noticeable differences compared to non-interactive viewing were achieved. These relate mainly to the viewer’s engagement with the content presented in the vision videos as well as the perception and processing of these contents