56 research outputs found

    Evaluating Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data Consistency for High Spatiotemporal Inland and Coastal Water Quality Monitoring

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    The synergy of fine-to-moderate-resolutin (i.e., 10–60 m) satellite data of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) provides a possibility to monitor the dynamics of sensitive aquatic systems. However, it is imperative to assess the spectral consistency of both sensors before developing new algorithms for their combined use. This study evaluates spectral consistency between OLI and MSI-A/B, mainly in terms of the topof-atmosphere reflectance (ρt), Rayleigh-corrected reflectance (ρrc), and remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs). To check the spectral consistency under various atmospheric and aquatic conditions, nearsimultaneous same-day overpass images of OLI and MSI-A/B were selected over diverse coastal and inland areas across Mainland China and Hong Kong. The results showed that spectral data obtained from OLI and MSI-A/B were consistent. The difference in the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the OLI and MSI-A products was ~8% in ρt and ~10% in both ρrc and Rrs for all the matching bands, whereas the MAPE for OLI and MSI-B was ~3.7% in ρt , ~5.7% in ρrc, and ~7.5% in Rrs for all visible bands except the ultra-blue band. Overall, the green band was the most consistent, with the lowest MAPE of ≀ 4.6% in all the products. The linear regression model suggested that product difference decreased significantly after band adjustment with the highest reduction rate in Rrs (NIR band) and Rrs (red band) for the OLI–MSI-A and OLI–MSI-B comparison, respectively. Further, this study discussed the combined use of OLI and MSI-A/B data for (i) time series of the total suspended solid concentrations (TSS) over coastal and inland waters; (ii) floating algae area comparison; and (iii) tracking changes in coastal floating algae (FA). Time series analysis of the TSS showed that seasonal variation was well-captured by the combined use of sensors. The analysis of the floating algae bloom area revealed that the algae area was consistent, however, the difference increases as the time difference between the same-day overpasses increases. Furthermore, tracking changes in coastal FA over two months showed that thin algal slicks (width < 500 m) can be detected with an adequate spatial resolution of the OLI and the MSI

    Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands: A Challenging Frontier in the Monitoring of Changing Environments

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    Monitoring of changing lake and wetland environments has long been among the primary focus of scientific investigation, technology innovation, management practice, and decision-making analysis. Floodpath lakes and wetlands are the lakes and associated wetlands affected by seasonal variations of water level and water surface area. Floodpath lakes and wetlands are, in particular, sensitive to natural and anthropogenic impacts, such as climate change, human-induced intervention on hydrological regimes, and land use and land cover change. Rapid developments of remote sensing science and technologies, provide immense opportunities and capacities to improve our understanding of the changing lake and wetland environments. This special issue on Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands comprise featured articles reporting the latest innovative research and reflects the advancement in remote sensing applications on the theme topic. In this editorial paper, we review research developments using state-of-the-art remote sensing technologies for monitoring dynamics of floodpath lakes and wetlands; discuss challenges of remote sensing in inventory, monitoring, management, and governance of floodpath lakes and wetlands; and summarize the highlights of the articles published in this special issue

    Modeling and multi-temporal characterization of total suspended matter by the combined use of sentinel 2-MSI and landsat 8-OLI Data: The Pertusillo lake case study (Italy)

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    The total suspended matter (TSM) variability plays a crucial role in a lake's ecological functioning and its biogeochemical cycle. Sentinel-2A MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) and Landsat 8 Operational Land Instrument (OLI) data offer unique opportunities for investigating certain in-water constituents (e.g., TSM and chlorophyll-a) owing to their spatial resolution (10-60 m). In this framework, we assessed the potential of MSI-OLI combined data in characterizing the multi-temporal (2014-2018) TSM variability in Pertusillo Lake (Basilicata region, Southern Italy). We developed and validated a customized MSI-based TSM model (R2 = 0.81) by exploiting ground measurements acquired during specific measurement campaigns. The model was then exported as OLI data through an intercalibration procedure (R2 = 0.87), allowing for the generation of a TSM multi-temporal MSI-OLI merged dataset. The analysis of the derived multi-year TSM monthly maps showed the influence of hydrological factors on the TSM seasonal dynamics over two sub-regions of the lake, the west and east areas. The western side is more influenced by inflowing rivers and water level fluctuations, the effects of which tend to longitudinally decrease, leading to less sediment within the eastern sub-area. The achieved results can be exploited by regional authorities for better management of inland water quality and monitoring systems

    Extraction of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Concentrations of Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter in Poyang Lake Using GF-1 Satellite Data

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    Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. Its ecosystem services and functions, such as water conservation and the sustaining of biodiversity, have significant impacts on the security and sustainability of the regional ecology. The lake and wetlands of the Poyang Lake are among protected aquatic ecosystems with global significance. The Poyang Lake region has recently experienced increased urbanization and anthropogenic disturbances, which has greatly impacted the lake environment. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and total suspended matter (TSM) are important indicators for assessing the water quality of lakes. In this study, we used data from the Gaofen-1 (GF-1) satellite, in situ measurements of the reflectance of the lake water, and the analysis of the Chl-a and TSM concentrations of lake water samples to investigate the spatial and temporal variation and distribution patterns of the concentrations of Chl-a and TSM. We analyzed the measured reflectance spectra and conducted correlation analysis to identify the spectral bands that are sensitive to the concentration of Chl-a and TSM, respectively. The study suggested that the wavelengths corresponding to bands 1, 3, and 4 of the GF-1 images were the most sensitive to changes in the concentration of Chl-a. The results showed that the correlation between the reflectance and TSM concentration was the highest for wavelengths that corresponded to band 3 of the GF-1 satellite images. Based on the analysis, bands 1, 3, and 4 of GF-1 were selected while using the APPEL (APProach by ELimination) model and were used to establish a model for the retrieval of Chl-a concentrations. A single-band model that was based on band 3 of GF-1 was established for the retrieval of TSM concentrations. The modeling results revealed the spatial and temporal variations of water quality in Poyang Lake between 2015 and 2016 and demonstrated the capacities of GF-1 in the monitoring of lake environment

    Assessment of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 OLI for Small-Scale Inland Water Quality Modeling and Monitoring Based on Handheld Hyperspectral Ground Truthing

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    This study investigates the best available methods for remote monitoring inland small-scale waterbodies, using remote sensing data from both Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites, utilizing a handheld hyperspectral device for ground truthing. Monitoring was conducted to evaluate water quality indicators: chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and turbidity. Ground truthing was performed to select the most suitable atmospheric correction technique (ACT). Several ACT have been tested: dark spectrum fitting (DSF), dark object subtraction (DOS), atmospheric and topographic correction (ATCOR), and exponential extrapolation (EXP). Classical sampling was conducted first; then, the resulting concentrations were compared to those obtained using remote sensing analysis by the above-mentioned ACT. This research revealed that DOS and DSF achieved the best performance (an advantage ranging between 29% and 47%). Further, we demonstrated the appropriateness of the use of Sentinel-2 red and vegetation red edge reciprocal bands (1/(B4 X B6)) for estimating Chl-a (R2 = 0.82, RMSE = 14.52mg/m3). As for Landsat-8, red to near-infrared ratio (B4/B5) produced the best performing model (R2 = 0.71, RMSE = 39.88 mg/m3), but it did not perform as well as Sentinel-2. Regarding turbidity, the best model (with (R2 =0.85, RMSE = 0.87 NTU) obtained by Sentinel-2 utilized a single band (B4), while the best model (with R2 = 0.64, RMSE = 0.90 NTU) using Landsat-8 was performed by applying two bands (B1/B3). Mapping the water quality parameters using the best performance biooptical model showed the significant effect of the adjacent land on the boundary pixels compared to pixels of deeper water

    Water Quality Observations from Space: A Review of Critical Issues and Challenges

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    Water is the basis of all life on this planet. Yet, approximately one in seven people in the world do not have access to safe water. Water can become unsafe due to contamination by various organic and inorganic compounds due to various natural and anthropogenic processes. Identifying and monitoring water quality changes in space and time remains a challenge, especially when contamination events occur over large geographic areas. This study investigates recent advances in remote sensing that allow us to detect and monitor the unique spectral characteristics of water quality events over large areas. Based on an extensive literature review, we focus on three critical water quality problems as part of this study: algal blooms, acid mine drainage, and suspended solids. We review the advances made in applications of remote sensing in each of these issues, identify the knowledge gaps and limitations of current studies, analyze the existing approaches in the context of global environmental changes, and discuss potential ways to combine multi-sensor methods and different wavelengths to develop improved approaches. Synthesizing the findings of these studies in the context of the three specific tracks will help stakeholders to utilize, share, and embed satellite-derived earth observations for monitoring and tracking the ever-evolving water quality in the earth’s limited freshwater reserves

    Detection and Monitoring of Marine Pollution Using Remote Sensing Technologies

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    Recently, the marine habitat has been under pollution threat, which impacts many human activities as well as human life. Increasing concerns about pollution levels in the oceans and coastal regions have led to multiple approaches for measuring and mitigating marine pollution, in order to achieve sustainable marine water quality. Satellite remote sensing, covering large and remote areas, is considered useful for detecting and monitoring marine pollution. Recent developments in sensor technologies have transformed remote sensing into an effective means of monitoring marine areas. Different remote sensing platforms and sensors have their own capabilities for mapping and monitoring water pollution of different types, characteristics, and concentrations. This chapter will discuss and elaborate the merits and limitations of these remote sensing techniques for mapping oil pollutants, suspended solid concentrations, algal blooms, and floating plastic waste in marine waters

    Inversion of inherent optical properties in optically complex waters using sentinel-3A/OLCI images: A case study using China\u27s three largest freshwater lakes

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    Inherent optical properties (IOPs) play an important role in underwater light field, and are difficult to estimate accurately using satellite data in optically complex waters. To study water quality in appropriate temporal and spatial scales, it is necessary to develop methods to obtain IOPs form space-based observation with quantified uncertainties. Field-measured IOP data (N = 405) were collected from 17 surveys between 2011 and 2017 in the three major largest freshwater lakes of China (Lake Chaohu, Lake Taihu, and Lake Hongze) in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huai River (LYHR). Here we provide a case-study on how to use in-situ observation of IOPs to devise an improved algorithm for retrieval of IOPs. We then apply this algorithm to observation with Sentinel-3A OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour Instrument, corrected with our improved AC scheme), and use in-situ data to show that the algorithm performs better than the standard OLCI IOP product. We use the satellite derived products to study the spatial and seasonal distributions of IOPs and concentrations of optically active constituents in these three lakes, including chlorophyll-a (Chla) and suspended particulate matter (SPM), using all cloud-free OLCI images (115 scenes) over the lakes in the LYHR basin in 2017. Our study provides a strategy for using local and remote observations to obtain important water quality parameters necessary to manage resources such as reservoirs, lakes and coastal waters

    Estimating the concentration of total suspended solids in inland and coastal waters from Sentinel-2 MSI: A semi-analytical approach

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    Inland and coastal waters provide key ecosystem services and are closely linked to human well-being. In this study, we propose a semi-analytical method, which can be applied to Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) images to retrieve high spatial-resolution total suspended solids (TSS) concentration in a broad spectrum of aquatic ecosystems ranging from clear to extremely turbid waters. The presented approach has four main steps. First, the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at a band lacking in MSI (620 nm) is estimated through an empirical relationship from Rrs at 665 nm. Second, waters are classified into four types (clear, moderately turbid, highly turbid, and extremely turbid). Third, semi-analytical algorithms are used to estimate the particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) at a reference band depending on the water types. Last, TSS is estimated from bbp at the reference band. Validation and comparison of the proposed method with three existing methods are performed using a simulated dataset (N = 1000), an in situ dataset collected from global inland and coastal waters (N = 1265) and satellite matchups (N = 40). Results indicate that the proposed method can improve TSS estimation and provide accurate retrievals of TSS from all three datasets, with a median absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 14.88 %, 31.50 % and 41.69 % respectively. We also present comparisons of TSS mapping between the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) and MSI in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan and the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. Results clearly demonstrate the advantages of using MSI for TSS monitoring in small water bodies such as rivers, river mouths and other nearshore waters. MSI can provide more detailed and realistic TSS estimates than OLCI in these water bodies. The proposed TSS estimation method was applied to MSI images to produce TSS time-series in Lake Kasumigaura, which showed good agreements with in situ and OLCI-derived TSS time-series

    Algorithm to derive inherent optical properties from remote sensing reflectance in turbid and eutrophic lakes

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    Inherent optical properties play an important role in understanding the biogeochemical processes of lakes by providing proxies for a variety of biogeochemical quantities, including phytoplankton pigments. However, to date, it has been difficult to accurately derive the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton [aph(λ)] in turbid and eutrophic waters from remote sensing. A large dataset of remote sensing of reflectance [ Rrs (λ)] and absorption coefficients was measured for samples collected from lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huai River basin (MLYHR), China. In the process of scattering correction of spectrophotometric measurements, the particulate absorption coefficients [ap(λ)] were first assumed to have no absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) wavelength. This assumption was corrected by estimating the particulate absorption coefficients at 750 nm [ap(750)] from the concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chla) and suspended particulate matter, which was added to the ap(λ) as a baseline. The resulting mean spectral mass-specific absorption coefficient of the nonalgal particles (NAPs) was consistent with previous work. A novel iterative IOP inversion model was then designed to retrieve the total nonwater absorption coefficients [anw(λ)] and backscattering coefficients of particulates [bbp(λ)], aph(λ), and adg (λ) [absorption coefficients of NAP and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)] from Rrs (λ) in turbid inland lakes. The proposed algorithm performed better than previously published models in deriving anw(λ) and bbp(λ) in this region. The proposed algorithm performed well in estimating the aph(λ) for wavelengths \u3e 500 nm for the calibration dataset [N = 285, unbiased absolute percentage difference (UAPD) = 55.22%, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.44 m−1] and for the validation dataset (N = 57, UAPD = 56.17%, RMSE = 0.71 m−1). This algorithm was then applied to Sentinel-3A Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) satellite data, and was validated with field data. This study provides an example of how to use local data to devise an algorithm to obtain IOPs, and in particular, a ph (λ), using satellite Rr s (λ) data in turbid inland waters
