30 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison of MADM Algorithms for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks

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    Vertical handover is a need of present era of heterogeneous networks comprising different network technologies. Lot of quality of service (QoS) parameters, user�s preferences, network conditions and other parameters participate in selection of appropriate network among available networks. This multi- criteria nature of vertical handover verifiesapplicability of multiple attribute decision making (MADM) algorithms to be used for network selection in heterogeneous networks. In this work, six MADM algorithms SAW, MEW, TOPSIS, GRA, AHP and VIKOR have been implemented. Performance of these algorithms has beenanalyzed for handover latency,number of handovers and optimum network selection. It was concluded that VIKOR algorithm is able to provide compromised solution in the light of these parameters

    Vertical Handover decision schemes using SAW and WPM for Network selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Seamless continuity is the main goal and challenge in fourth generation Wireless networks (FGWNs), to achieve seamless connectivity "HANDOVER" technique is used,Handover mechanism are mainly used when a mobile terminal(MT) is in overlapping area for service continuity. In Heterogeneous wireless networks main challenge is continual connection among the different networks like WiFi, WiMax, WLAN, WPAN etc. In this paper, Vertical handover decision schemes are compared, Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW) and Weighted product model (WPM) are used to choose the best network from the available Visitor networks(VTs) for the continuous connection by the mobile terminal. In our work we mainly concentrated to the handover decision phase and to reduce the processing delay in the period of handover. In this paper both SAW and WPM methods are compared with the Qos parameters of the mobile terminal (MT) to connect with the best network. Keywords: Handover, Vertical handover decision schemes, Simple additive weighting, Weight product method.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.014

    Failed handoffs in collaborative Wi-Fi networks

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    Cognitive radio networks enable a more efficient use of the radioelectric spectrum through dynamic access. Decentralized cognitive radio networks have gained popularity due to their advantages over centralized networks. The purpose of this article is to propose the collaboration between secondary users for cognitive Wi-Fi networks, in the form of two multi-criteria decision-making algorithms known as TOPSIS and VIKOR and assess their performance in terms of the number of failed handoffs. The comparative analysis is established under four different scenarios, according to the service class and the traffic level, within the Wi-Fi frequency band. The results show the performance evaluation obtained through simulations and experimental measurements, where the VIKOR algorithm has a better performance in terms of failed handoffs under different scenarios and collaboration levels

    Trusted Network Selection using SAW and TOPSIS Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Seamless continuity is the main goal in fourth generation Wireless networks (FGWNs), to achieve this "HANDOVER" technique is used, when a mobile terminal(MT) is in overlapping area for service continuity, Handover mechanism are mainly used. In Heterogeneous wireless networks main challenge is continual connection among the different networks like WiFi, WiMax, WLAN, WPAN etc. In this paper, Vertical handover decision schemes are compared and Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) is used to choose the best network from the available Visitor networks (VTs) for the continuous connection by the mobile terminal. In our work we mainly concentrated to the handover decision phase and to reduce the processing delay in the period of handover. MADM algorithms SAW and TOPSIS where compared to reduce the processing delay by using NS2 to evaluate the parameters for processing delay.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1106.240

    Vertical Handoff Target Selection in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Using Fuzzy ELECTRE

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    Global connectivity is on the verge of becoming a reality to provide high-speed, high-quality, and reliable communication channels for mobile devices at anytime, anywhere in the world. In a heterogeneous wireless environment, one of the key ingredients to provide efficient and ubiquitous computing with guaranteed quality and continuity of service is the design of intelligent handoff algorithms. Traditional single-metric handoff decision algorithms, such as Received Signal Strength (RSS), are not efficient and intelligent enough to minimize the number of unnecessary handoffs, decision delays, call-dropping and blocking probabilities. This research presents a novel approach for of a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model based on an integrated fuzzy approach for target network selection

    Network selection based on chi-square distance and reputation for internet of things

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    The internet of things (IoT) has become one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. The IoT environment is composed of heterogeneous IoT communication networks. These technologies are complementary and need to be integrated to meet the requirements of different types of IoT applications that require the mobility of the IoT device under different IoT communication networks. In this paper, the vertical handover decision method is considered to select the appropriate network among different IoT technologies. So, IoT devices, equipped with several radio technologies, can select the most suitable network based on several criteria like quality of service (QoS), cost, power, and security. In this work, a multi-attribute decision-making algorithm (MADM) based on techniques for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) that uses chi-square distance instead of Euclidean distance is proposed. The network reputation is added to reduce the average number of handoffs. The proposed algorithm was implemented to select the best technology depending on the requirements of the different IoT traffic classes. The obtained results showed that our proposition outperforms the traditional MADM algorithms

    Modelo AHP-VIKOR para handoff espectral en redes de radio cognitiva

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    This paper proposed a hybrid algorithm for spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks based on two algorithms, analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and multi-criteria optimization and compromise solution (VIKOR), for improving the performance of mobility spectrum of secondary users in cognitive radio networks.To evaluate the level of performance of the proposed algorithm, a comparative analysis between the proposed AHP-VIKOR, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and a random allocation of spectrum (Random) algorithm, is performed. The first two algorithms work with the same decision criteria: probability of channel availability, estimated time availability, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio and bandwidth. Unlike related work, benchmarking was validated through a trace of real spectral occupation data, captured in the GSM frequency band, which models the actual behavior of licensed users. For performance evaluation five metric were used, handoff failed average cumulative number, handoff average cumulative number, average bandwidth, delay and average cumulative throughput.The results of the comparative analysis with the other two algorithms show that the AHP-VIKOR algorithm proposed provides the best performance in spectral mobility. En este artículo se presenta la propuesta de un algoritmo híbrido para la asignación de espectro en redes de radio cognitiva basado en los algoritmos Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) y Multi-Criteria Optimization and Compromise Solution (VIKOR), con el objetivo de mejorar el desempeño de la movilidad espectral de los usuarios secundarios en redes de radio cognitiva.Para evaluar el nivel de desempeño del algoritmo propuesto se realiza un análisis comparativo entre  este, el Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) y una asignación de espectro aleatoria (Random). Los dos primeros trabajan con los mismos criterios de decisión: probabilidad de disponibilidad del canal, tiempo estimado de disponibilidad del canal, relación señal a ruido más interferencia y ancho de banda. A diferencia de los trabajos relacionados, la evaluación comparativa se validó a través de una traza de datos reales de ocupación espectral capturados en la banda de frecuencia GSM, que modela el comportamiento real de los usuarios licenciados. En la evaluación de desempeño se utilizaron cinco métricas de evaluación: número promedio acumulado de handoff fallidos, número promedio acumulado de handoff realizados, ancho de banda promedio, retardo promedio acumulado y throughput promedio acumulado.Los resultados del análisis comparativo con los otros dos algoritmos muestran que el algoritmo de handoff AHP-VIKOR propuesto provee el mejor desempeño en la movilidad espectral

    Modeling Seamless Vertical Handovers in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Vertical handover in heterogeneous wireless networks provides customers with better Quality of Service (QoS) experience. For seamless handover, timely initiation of handover process plays a key role. Various vertical handover management protocols have been proposed and standardized to support mobility across heterogeneous networks. In Media Independent Handover (MIH) based schemes, distributed handover decision is made via certain predefined triggers that consider user context. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the modeling techniques used during management of vertical handover. We have also defined a novel architecture, HRPNS: Handoff Resolving and Preferred Network Selection module enabling vertical handover that ensures QoS. The construction of HRPNS module involves integration of fuzzy logic and Markov Decision Process (MDP) for providing precise decision of handover