248 research outputs found

    Symbol Recognition: Current Advances and Perspectives

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    Abstract. The recognition of symbols in graphic documents is an intensive research activity in the community of pattern recognition and document analysis. A key issue in the interpretation of maps, engineering drawings, diagrams, etc. is the recognition of domain dependent symbols according to a symbol database. In this work we first review the most outstanding symbol recognition methods from two different points of view: application domains and pattern recognition methods. In the second part of the paper, open and unaddressed problems involved in symbol recognition are described, analyzing their current state of art and discussing future research challenges. Thus, issues such as symbol representation, matching, segmentation, learning, scalability of recognition methods and performance evaluation are addressed in this work. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of symbol recognition concerning to new paradigms such as user interfaces in handheld computers or document database and WWW indexing by graphical content

    Fuzzy Intervals for Designing Structural Signature: An Application to Graphic Symbol Recognition

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    Revised selected papers from Eighth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics RECognition (GREC) 2009.The motivation behind our work is to present a new methodology for symbol recognition. The proposed method employs a structural approach for representing visual associations in symbols and a statistical classifier for recognition. We vectorize a graphic symbol, encode its topological and geometrical information by an attributed relational graph and compute a signature from this structural graph. We have addressed the sensitivity of structural representations to noise, by using data adapted fuzzy intervals. The joint probability distribution of signatures is encoded by a Bayesian network, which serves as a mechanism for pruning irrelevant features and choosing a subset of interesting features from structural signatures of underlying symbol set. The Bayesian network is deployed in a supervised learning scenario for recognizing query symbols. The method has been evaluated for robustness against degradations & deformations on pre-segmented 2D linear architectural & electronic symbols from GREC databases, and for its recognition abilities on symbols with context noise i.e. cropped symbols

    Musings on Symbol Recognition

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    This paper does not pretend to be yet another survey on symbol recognition methods. It will rather try to take a step back, look at the main efforts done in that area throughout the years and propose some interesting directions to investigate

    Chart recognition and interpretation in document images

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    Synthesizing and Editing Photo-realistic Visual Objects

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    In this thesis we investigate novel methods of synthesizing new images of a deformable visual object using a collection of images of the object. We investigate both parametric and non-parametric methods as well as a combination of the two methods for the problem of image synthesis. Our main focus are complex visual objects, specifically deformable objects and objects with varying numbers of visible parts. We first introduce sketch-driven image synthesis system, which allows the user to draw ellipses and outlines in order to sketch a rough shape of animals as a constraint to the synthesized image. This system interactively provides feedback in the form of ellipse and contour suggestions to the partial sketch of the user. The user's sketch guides the non-parametric synthesis algorithm that blends patches from two exemplar images in a coarse-to-fine fashion to create a final image. We evaluate the method and synthesized images through two user studies. Instead of non-parametric blending of patches, a parametric model of the appearance is more desirable as its appearance representation is shared between all images of the dataset. Hence, we propose Context-Conditioned Component Analysis, a probabilistic generative parametric model, which described images with a linear combination of basis functions. The basis functions are evaluated for each pixel using a context vector computed from the local shape information. We evaluate C-CCA qualitatively and quantitatively on inpainting, appearance transfer and reconstruction tasks. Drawing samples of C-CCA generates novel, globally-coherent images, which, unfortunately, lack high-frequency details due to dimensionality reduction and misalignment. We develop a non-parametric model that enhances the samples of C-CCA with locally-coherent, high-frequency details. The non-parametric model efficiently finds patches from the dataset that match the C-CCA sample and blends the patches together. We analyze the results of the combined method on the datasets of horse and elephant images

    Free-hand Sketch Understanding and Analysis

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    PhDWith the proliferation of touch screens, sketching input has become popular among many software products. This phenomenon has stimulated a new round of boom in free-hand sketch research, covering topics like sketch recognition, sketch-based image retrieval, sketch synthesis and sketch segmentation. Comparing to previous sketch works, the newly proposed works are generally employing more complicated sketches and sketches in much larger quantity, thanks to the advancements in hardware. This thesis thus demonstrates some new works on free-hand sketches, presenting novel thoughts on aforementioned topics. On sketch recognition, Eitz et al. [32] are the first explorers, who proposed the large-scale TU-Berlin sketch dataset [32] that made sketch recognition possible. Following their work, we continue to analyze the dataset and find that the visual cue sparsity and internal structural complexity are the two biggest challenges for sketch recognition. Accordingly, we propose multiple kernel learning [45] to fuse multiple visual cues and star graph representation [12] to encode the structures of the sketches. With the new schemes, we have achieved significant improvement on recognition accuracy (from 56% to 65.81%). Experimental study on sketch attributes is performed to further boost sketch recognition performance and enable novel retrieval-by-attribute applications. For sketch-based image retrieval, we start by carefully examining the existing works. After looking at the big picture of sketch-based image retrieval, we highlight that studying the sketch’s ability to distinguish intra-category object variations should be the most promising direction to proceed on, and we define it as the fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval problem. Deformable part-based model which addresses object part details and object deformations is raised to tackle this new problem, and graph matching is employed to compute the similarity between deformable part-based models by matching the parts of different models. To evaluate this new problem, we combine the TU-Berlin sketch dataset and the PASCAL VOC photo dataset [36] to form a new challenging cross-domain dataset with pairwise sketch-photo similarity ratings, and our proposed method has shown promising results on this new dataset. Regarding sketch synthesis, we focus on the generating of real free-hand style sketches for general categories, as the closest previous work [8] only managed to show efficacy on a single category: human faces. The difficulties that impede sketch synthesis to reach other categories include the cluttered edges and diverse object variations due to deformation. To address those difficulties, we propose a deformable stroke model to form the sketch synthesis into a detection process, which is directly aiming at the cluttered background and the object variations. To alleviate the training of such a model, a perceptual grouping algorithm is further proposed that utilizes stroke length’s relationship to stroke semantics, stroke temporal order and Gestalt principles [58] to perform part-level sketch segmentation. The perceptual grouping provides semantic part-level supervision automatically for the deformable stroke model training, and an iterative learning scheme is introduced to gradually refine the supervision and the model training. With the learned deformable stroke models, sketches with distinct free-hand style can be generated for many categories

    Analysis of Digital Logic Schematics Using Image Recognition

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    This thesis presents the results of research in the area of automated recognition of digital logic schematics. The adaptation of a number of existing image processing techniques for use with this kind of image is discussed, and the concept of using sets of tokens to represent the overall drawing i s explained in detail. Methods are given for using tokens to describe schematic component shapes, to represent the connections between components, and to provide sufficient information to a parser so that an equation can be generated. A Microsoft Windows-based test program which runs under Windows 95 or Windows NT has been written to implement the ideas presented. This program accepts either scanned images of digital schematics, or computer-generated images in Microsoft Windows bitmap format as input. It analyzes the input schematic image for content, and produces a corresponding logical equation as output. It also provides the functionality necessary to build and maintain an image token library

    Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2013 Florence

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    Important Information Technology topics are presented: multimedia systems, data-bases, protection of data, access to the content. Particular reference is reserved to digital images (2D, 3D) regarding Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, Palace – Monuments, Archaeological Sites). The main parts of the Conference Proceedings regard: Strategic Issues, EC Projects and Related Networks & Initiatives, International Forum on “Culture & Technology”, 2D – 3D Technologies & Applications, Virtual Galleries – Museums and Related Initiatives, Access to the Culture Information. Three Workshops are related to: International Cooperation, Innovation and Enterprise, Creative Industries and Cultural Tourism