405 research outputs found

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    Geometric and elastostatic calibration of robotic manipulator using partial pose measurements

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    International audienceThe paper deals with geometric and elastostatic calibration of robotic manipulator using partial pose measurements, which do not provide the end-effector orientation. The main attention is paid to the efficiency improvement of identification procedure. In contrast to previous works, the developed calibration technique is based on the direct measurements only. To improve the identification accuracy, it is proposed to use several reference points for each manipulator configuration. This allows avoiding the problem of non-homogeneity of the least-square objective, which arises in the classical identification technique with the full-pose information (position and orientation). Its efficiency is confirmed by the comparison analysis, which deals with the accuracy evaluation of different identification strategies. The obtained theoretical results have been successfully applied to the geometric and elastostatic calibration of serial industrial robot employed in a machining work-cell for aerospace industry

    Design, implementation, control, and user evaluations of assiston-arm self-aligning upper-extremity exoskeleton

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    Physical rehabilitation therapy is indispensable for treating neurological disabilities. The use of robotic devices for rehabilitation holds high promise, since these devices can bear the physical burden of rehabilitation exercises during intense therapy sessions, while therapists are employed as decision makers. Robot-assisted rehabilitation devices are advantageous as they can be applied to patients with all levels of impairment, allow for easy tuning of the duration and intensity of therapies and enable customized, interactive treatment protocols. Moreover, since robotic devices are particularly good at repetitive tasks, rehabilitation robots can decrease the physical burden on therapists and enable a single therapist to supervise multiple patients simultaneously; hence, help to lower cost of therapies. While the intensity and quality of manually delivered therapies depend on the skill and fatigue level of therapists, high-intensity robotic therapies can always be delivered with high accuracy. Thanks to their integrated sensors, robotic devices can gather measurements throughout therapies, enable quantitative tracking of patient progress and development of evidence-based personalized rehabilitation programs. In this dissertation, we present the design, control, characterization and user evaluations of AssistOn-Arm, a powered, self-aligning exoskeleton for robotassisted upper-extremity rehabilitation. AssistOn-Arm is designed as a passive back-driveable impedance-type robot such that patients/therapists can move the device transparently, without much interference of the device dynamics on natural movements. Thanks to its novel kinematics and mechanically transparent design, AssistOn-Arm can passively self-align its joint axes to provide an ideal match between human joint axes and the exoskeleton axes, guaranteeing ergonomic movements and comfort throughout physical therapies. The self-aligning property of AssistOn-Arm not only increases the usable range of motion for robot-assisted upper-extremity exercises to cover almost the whole human arm workspace, but also enables the delivery of glenohumeral mobilization (scapular elevation/depression and protraction/retraction) and scapular stabilization exercises, extending the type of therapies that can be administered using upper-extremity exoskeletons. Furthermore, the self-alignment property of AssistOn-Arm signi cantly shortens the setup time required to attach a patient to the exoskeleton. As an impedance-type device with high passive back-driveability, AssistOn- Arm can be force controlled without the need of force sensors; hence, high delity interaction control performance can be achieved with open-loop impedance control. This control architecture not only simpli es implementation, but also enhances safety (coupled stability robustness), since open-loop force control does not su er from the fundamental bandwidth and stability limitations of force-feedback. Experimental characterizations and user studies with healthy volunteers con- rm the transparency, range of motion, and control performance of AssistOn- Ar

    Control System Design for a Centrifuge Motion Simulator Based on a Dynamic Model

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    This paper presents a dynamic model-based design of a control system and an approach toward a drive selection of a centrifuge motion simulator (CMS). The objective of the presented method is to achieve the desired performance while taking into account the complexity of the control system and the overall device cost An estimation of a dynamic interaction of the interconnected CMS links motions is performed using the suitable inverse dynamics simulation. An algorithm based on the approximate inverse dynamics model is used within the drive selection method. The model of the actuator's mechanical subsystem includes the effective inertia (inertia reflected on the rotor shaft) calculated from the inverse dynamics model. A centralized control strategy based on a computed torque method is considered and compared to traditional decentralized motion controllers To obtain an accurate comparison of the suggested control methods through a realistic simulation, structural natural frequencies of the manipulator links are considered, and the actuator capabilities are taken into account The control system design and simulation methods and the drive selection strategies, presented here for the CMS, are applicable within the general robot manipulator's domain

    Reliable fusion of control and sensing in intelligent machines

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    Although robotics research has produced a wealth of sophisticated control and sensing algorithms, very little research has been aimed at reliably combining these control and sensing strategies so that a specific task can be executed. To improve the reliability of robotic systems, analytic techniques are developed for calculating the probability that a particular combination of control and sensing algorithms will satisfy the required specifications. The probability can then be used to assess the reliability of the design. An entropy formulation is first used to quickly eliminate designs not capable of meeting the specifications. Next, a framework for analyzing reliability based on the first order second moment methods of structural engineering is proposed. To ensure performance over an interval of time, lower bounds on the reliability of meeting a set of quadratic specifications with a Gaussian discrete time invariant control system are derived. A case study analyzing visual positioning in robotic system is considered. The reliability of meeting timing and positioning specifications in the presence of camera pixel truncation, forward and inverse kinematic errors, and Gaussian joint measurement noise is determined. This information is used to select a visual sensing strategy, a kinematic algorithm, and a discrete compensator capable of accomplishing the desired task. Simulation results using PUMA 560 kinematic and dynamic characteristics are presented

    Time Varying Compensator Design for Reconfigurable Structures Using Non-Collocated Feedback

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    Analysis and synthesis tools are developed to improved the dynamic performance of reconfigurable nonminimum phase, nonstrictly positive real-time variant systems. A novel Spline Varying Optimal (SVO) controller is developed for the kinematic nonlinear system. There are several advantages to using the SVO controller, in which the spline function approximates the system model, observer, and controller gain. They are: The spline function approximation is simply connected, thus the SVO controller is more continuous than traditional gain scheduled controllers when implemented on a time varying plant; ft is easier for real-time implementations in storage and computational effort; where system identification is required, the spline function requires fewer experiments, namely four experiments; and initial startup estimator transients are eliminated. The SVO compensator was evaluated on a high fidelity simulation of the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System. The SVO controller demonstrated significant improvement over the present arm performance: (1) Damping level was improved by a factor of 3; and (2) Peak joint torque was reduced by a factor of 2 following Shuttle thruster firings

    Calibration and Control of a Redundant Robotic Workcell for Milling Tasks

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    This article deals with the tuning of a complex robotic workcell of eight joints devoted to milling tasks. It consists of a KUKA (TM) manipulator mounted on a linear track and synchronised with a rotary table. Prior to any machining, the additional joints require an in situ calibration in an industrial environment. For this purpose, a novel planar calibration method is developed to estimate the external joint configuration parameters by means of a laser displacement sensor and avoiding direct contact with the pattern. Moreover, a redundancy resolution scheme on the joint rate level is integrated within a computer aided manufacturing system for the complete control of the workcell during the path tracking of a milling task. Finally, the whole system is tested in the prototyping of an orographic model.Andres De La Esperanza, FJ.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Tornero Montserrat, J. (2011). Calibration and Control of a Redundant Robotic Workcell for Milling Tasks. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 24(6):561-573. doi:10.1080/0951192X.2011.566284S56157324

    Modelling and control of lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems

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    This thesis studies the mathematical description and the low-level control structures for underwater robotic systems performing motion and interaction tasks. The main focus is on the study of lightweight underwater-vehicle manipulator systems. A description of the dynamic and hydrodynamic modelling of the underwater vehicle-manipulator system (UVMS) is presented and a study of the coupling effects between the vehicle and manipulator is given. Through simulation results it is shown that the vehicle’s capabilities are degraded by the motion of the manipulator, when it has a considerable mass with respect to the vehicle. Understanding the interaction effects between the two subsystems is beneficial in developing new control architectures that can improve the performance of the system. A control strategy is proposed for reducing the coupling effects between the two subsystems when motion tasks are required. The method is developed based on the mathematical model of the UVMS and the estimated interaction effects. Simulation results show the validity of the proposed control structure even in the presence of uncertainties in the dynamic model. The problem of autonomous interaction with the underwater environment is further addressed. The thesis proposes a parallel position/force control structure for lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems. Two different strategies for integrating this control law on the vehicle-manipulator structure are proposed. The first strategy uses the parallel control law for the manipulator while a different control law, the Proportional Integral Limited control structure, is used for the vehicle. The second strategy treats the underwater vehicle-manipulator system as a single system and the parallel position/force law is used for the overall system. The low level parallel position/force control law is validated through practical experiments using the HDT-MK3-M electric manipulator. The Proportional Integral Limited control structure is tested using a 5 degrees-of-freedom underwater vehicle in a wave-tank facility. Furthermore, an adaptive tuning method based on interaction theory is proposed for adjusting the gains of the controller. The experimental results show that the method is advantageous as it decreases the complexity of the manual tuning otherwise required and reduces the energy consumption. The main objectives of this thesis are to understand and accurately represent the behaviour of an underwater vehiclemanipulator system, to evaluate this system when in contact with the environment and to design informed low-level control structures based on the observations made through the mathematical study of the system. The concepts presented in this thesis are not restricted to only vehicle-manipulator systems but can be applied to different other multibody robotic systems