1,161 research outputs found

    Composite Disturbance Filtering: A Novel State Estimation Scheme for Systems With Multi-Source, Heterogeneous, and Isomeric Disturbances

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    State estimation has long been a fundamental problem in signal processing and control areas. The main challenge is to design filters with ability to reject or attenuate various disturbances. With the arrival of big data era, the disturbances of complicated systems are physically multi-source, mathematically heterogenous, affecting the system dynamics via isomeric (additive, multiplicative and recessive) channels, and deeply coupled with each other. In traditional filtering schemes, the multi-source heterogenous disturbances are usually simplified as a lumped one so that the "single" disturbance can be either rejected or attenuated. Since the pioneering work in 2012, a novel state estimation methodology called {\it composite disturbance filtering} (CDF) has been proposed, which deals with the multi-source, heterogenous, and isomeric disturbances based on their specific characteristics. With the CDF, enhanced anti-disturbance capability can be achieved via refined quantification, effective separation, and simultaneous rejection and attenuation of the disturbances. In this paper, an overview of the CDF scheme is provided, which includes the basic principle, general design procedure, application scenarios (e.g. alignment, localization and navigation), and future research directions. In summary, it is expected that the CDF offers an effective tool for state estimation, especially in the presence of multi-source heterogeneous disturbances

    Anti-disturbance fault tolerant initial alignment for inertial navigation system subjected to multiple disturbances

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    Modeling error, stochastic error of inertial sensor, measurement noise and environmental disturbance affect the accuracy of an inertial navigation system (INS). In addition, some unpredictable factors, such as system fault, directly affect the reliability of INSs. This paper proposes a new anti-disturbance fault tolerant alignment approach for a class of INSs sub- jected to multiple disturbances and system faults. Based on modeling and error analysis, stochastic error of inertial sensor, measurement noise, modeling error and environmental disturbance are formulated into different types of disturbances described by a Markov stochastic process, Gaussian noise and a norm-bounded variable, respectively. In order to improve the accuracy and reliability of an INS, an anti-disturbance fault tolerant filter is designed. Then, a mixed dissipative/guarantee cost performance is applied to attenuate the norm-bounded disturbance and to optimize the estimation error. Slack variables and dissipativeness are introduced to reduce the conservatism of the proposed approach. Finally, compared with the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), simulation results for self-alignment of an INS are provided based on experimental data. It can be shown that the proposed method has an enhanced disturbance rejection and attenuation performance with high reliability

    Fault estimation algorithms: design and verification

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    The research in this thesis is undertaken by observing that modern systems are becoming more and more complex and safety-critical due to the increasing requirements on system smartness and autonomy, and as a result health monitoring system needs to be developed to meet the requirements on system safety and reliability. The state-of-the-art approaches to monitoring system status are model based Fault Diagnosis (FD) systems, which can fuse the advantages of system physical modelling and sensors' characteristics. A number of model based FD approaches have been proposed. The conventional residual based approaches by monitoring system output estimation errors, however, may have certain limitations such as complex diagnosis logic for fault isolation, less sensitiveness to system faults and high computation load. More importantly, little attention has been paid to the problem of fault diagnosis system verification which answers the question that under what condition (i.e., level of uncertainties) a fault diagnosis system is valid. To this end, this thesis investigates the design and verification of fault diagnosis algorithms. It first highlights the differences between two popular FD approaches (i.e., residual based and fault estimation based) through a case study. On this basis, a set of uncertainty estimation algorithms are proposed to generate fault estimates according to different specifications after interpreting the FD problem as an uncertainty estimation problem. Then FD algorithm verification and threshold selection are investigated considering that there are always some mismatches between the real plant and the mathematical model used for FD observer design. Reachability analysis is drawn to evaluate the effect of uncertainties and faults such that it can be quantitatively verified under what condition a FD algorithm is valid. First the proposed fault estimation algorithms in this thesis, on the one hand, extend the existing approaches by pooling the available prior information such that performance can be enhanced, and on the other hand relax the existence condition and reduce the computation load by exploiting the reduced order observer structure. Second, the proposed framework for fault diagnosis system verification bridges the gap between academia and industry since on the one hand a given FD algorithm can be verified under what condition it is effective, and on the other hand different FD algorithms can be compared and selected for different application scenarios. It should be highlighted that although the algorithm design and verification are for fault diagnosis systems, they can also be applied for other systems such as disturbance rejection control system among many others

    Reduced-order disturbance observer design for discrete-time linear stochastic systems

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    The conventional disturbance observers for discrete-time linear stochastic systems assume that the system states are fully estimable and the disturbance estimate is dependent on the estimated system states, hereafter termed Full-Order Disturbance Observers (FODOs). This paper investigates the design of Reduced-Order Disturbance Observers (RODOs) when the system state variables are not fully estimable. An existence condition of RODO is established, which is shown to be more easily satisfied than that of the conventional FODOs and consequently it has substantially extended the scope of applications of disturbance observer theory. Then a set of recursive formulae for the RODO is developed for on-line applications. Finally, it is furth er shown that the conventional FODOs are a special case of the proposed RODO in the sense that the former reduces to the RODO when the states become fully estimable in the presence of disturbances. Examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed approach

    Intelligent flight control systems

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    The capabilities of flight control systems can be enhanced by designing them to emulate functions of natural intelligence. Intelligent control functions fall in three categories. Declarative actions involve decision-making, providing models for system monitoring, goal planning, and system/scenario identification. Procedural actions concern skilled behavior and have parallels in guidance, navigation, and adaptation. Reflexive actions are spontaneous, inner-loop responses for control and estimation. Intelligent flight control systems learn knowledge of the aircraft and its mission and adapt to changes in the flight environment. Cognitive models form an efficient basis for integrating 'outer-loop/inner-loop' control functions and for developing robust parallel-processing algorithms

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control of Wind Turbines: An Overview

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    Wind turbines are playing an increasingly important role in renewable power generation. Their complex and large-scale structure, however, and operation in remote locations with harsh environmental conditions and highly variable stochastic loads make fault occurrence inevitable. Early detection and location of faults are vital for maintaining a high degree of availability and reducing maintenance costs. Hence, the deployment of algorithms capable of continuously monitoring and diagnosing potential faults and mitigating their effects before they evolve into failures is crucial. Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control designs have been the subject of intensive research in the past decades. Significant progress has been made and several methods and control algorithms have been proposed in the literature. This paper provides an overview of the most recent fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control techniques for wind turbines. Following a brief discussion of the typical faults, the most commonly used model-based, data-driven and signal-based approaches are discussed. Passive and active fault tolerant control approaches are also highlighted and relevant publications are discussed. Future development tendencies in fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of wind turbines are also briefly stated. The paper is written in a tutorial manner to provide a comprehensive overview of this research topic

    Learning-Based Controller Design with Application to a Chiller Process

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    In this thesis, we present and study a few approaches for constructing controllers for uncertain systems, using a combination of classical control theory and modern machine learning methods. The thesis can be divided into two subtopics. The first, which is the focus of the first two papers, is dual control. The second, which is the focus of the third and last paper, is multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) control of a chiller process. In dual control, the goal is to construct controllers for uncertain systems that in expectation minimize some cost over a certain time horizon. To achieve this, the controller must take into account the dual goals of accumulating more information about the process, by applying some probing input, and using the available information for controlling the system. This is referred to as the exploration-exploitation trade-off. Although optimal dual controllers in theory can be computed by solving a functional equation, this is usually intractable in practice, with only some simple special cases as exceptions. Therefore, it is interesting to examine methods for approximating optimal dual control. In the first paper, we take the approach of approximating the value function, which is the solution of the functional equation that can be used to deduce the optimal control, by using artificial neural networks. In the second paper, neural networks are used to represent and estimate hyperstates, which contain information about the conditional probability distributions of the system uncertainties. The optimal dual controller is a function of the hyperstate, and hence it should be useful to have a representation of this quantity when constructing an approximately optimal dual controller. The hyperstate transition model is used in combination with a reinforcement learning algorithm for constructing a dual controller from stochastic simulations of a system model that includes models of the system uncertainties. In the third paper, we suggest a simple reinforcement learning method that can be used to construct a decoupling matrix that allows MIMO control of a chiller process. Compared to the commonly used single-input single-output (SISO) structures, these controllers can decrease the variations in some system signals. This makes it possible to run the system at operating points closer to some constraints, which in turn can enable more energy-efficient operation

    Advances in state estimation, diagnosis and control of complex systems

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    This dissertation intends to provide theoretical and practical contributions on estimation, diagnosis and control of complex systems, especially in the mathematical form of descriptor systems. The research is motivated by real applications, such as water networks and power systems, which require a control system to provide a proper management able to take into account their specific features and operating limits in presence of uncertainties related to their operation and failures from component malfunctions. Such a control system is expected to provide an optimal operation to obtain efficient and reliable performance. State estimation is an essential tool, which can be used not only for fault diagnosis but also for the controller design. To achieve a satisfactory robust performance, set theory is chosen to build a general framework for descriptor systems subject to uncertainties. Under certain assumptions, these uncertainties are propagated and bounded by deterministic sets that can be explicitly characterized at each iteration step. Moreover, set-invariance characterizations for descriptor systems are also of interest to describe the steady performance, which can also be used for active mode detection. For the controller design for complex systems, new developments of economic model predictive control (EMPC) are studied taking into account the case of underlying periodic behaviors. The EMPC controller is designed to be recursively feasible even with sudden changes in the economic cost function and the closed-loop convergence is guaranteed. Besides, a robust technique is plugged into the EMPC controller design to maintain these closed-loop properties in presence of uncertainties. Engineering applications modeled as descriptor systems are presented to illustrate these control strategies. From the real applications, some additional difficulties are solved, such as using a two-layer control strategy to avoid binary variables in real-time optimizations and using nonlinear constraint relaxation to deal with nonlinear algebraic equations in the descriptor model. Furthermore, the fault-tolerant capability is also included in the controller design for descriptor systems by means of the designed virtual actuator and virtual sensor together with an observer-based delayed controller.Esta tesis propone contribuciones de carácter teórico y aplicado para la estimación del estado, el diagnóstico y el control óptimo de sistemas dinámicos complejos en particular, para los sistemas descriptores, incluyendo la capacidad de tolerancia a fallos. La motivación de la tesis proviene de aplicaciones reales, como redes de agua y sistemas de energía, cuya naturaleza crítica requiere necesariamente un sistema de control para una gestión capaz de tener en cuenta sus características específicas y límites operativos en presencia de incertidumbres relacionadas con su funcionamiento, así como fallos de funcionamiento de los componentes. El objetivo es conseguir controladores que mejoren tanto la eficiencia como la fiabilidad de dichos sistemas. La estimación del estado es una herramienta esencial que puede usarse no solo para el diagnóstico de fallos sino también para el diseño del control. Con este fin, se ha decidido utilizar metodologías intervalares, o basadas en conjuntos, para construir un marco general para los sistemas de descriptores sujetos a incertidumbres desconocidas pero acotadas. Estas incertidumbres se propagan y delimitan mediante conjuntos que se pueden caracterizar explícitamente en cada instante. Por otra parte, también se proponen caracterizaciones basadas en conjuntos invariantes para sistemas de descriptores que permiten describir comportamientos estacionarios y resultan útiles para la detección de modos activos. Se estudian también nuevos desarrollos del control predictivo económico basado en modelos (EMPC) para tener en cuenta posibles comportamientos periódicos en la variación de parámetros o en las perturbaciones que afectan a estos sistemas. Además, se demuestra que el control EMPC propuesto garantiza la factibilidad recursiva, incluso frente a cambios repentinos en la función de coste económico y se garantiza la convergencia en lazo cerrado. Por otra parte, se utilizan técnicas de control robusto pata garantizar que las estrategias de control predictivo económico mantengan las prestaciones en lazo cerrado, incluso en presencia de incertidumbre. Los desarrollos de la tesis se ilustran con casos de estudio realistas. Para algunas de aplicaciones reales, se resuelven dificultades adicionales, como el uso de una estrategia de control de dos niveles para evitar incluir variables binarias en la optimización y el uso de la relajación de restricciones no lineales para tratar las ecuaciones algebraicas no lineales en el modelo descriptor en las redes de agua. Finalmente, se incluye también una contribución al diseño de estrategias de control con tolerancia a fallos para sistemas descriptores

    Fault Diagnosis and Fault Handling for Autonomous Aircraft

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