1,685 research outputs found

    Robot life: simulation and participation in the study of evolution and social behavior.

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    This paper explores the case of using robots to simulate evolution, in particular the case of Hamilton's Law. The uses of robots raises several questions that this paper seeks to address. The first concerns the role of the robots in biological research: do they simulate something (life, evolution, sociality) or do they participate in something? The second question concerns the physicality of the robots: what difference does embodiment make to the role of the robot in these experiments. Thirdly, how do life, embodiment and social behavior relate in contemporary biology and why is it possible for robots to illuminate this relation? These questions are provoked by a strange similarity that has not been noted before: between the problem of simulation in philosophy of science, and Deleuze's reading of Plato on the relationship of ideas, copies and simulacra

    Optimization of the ionization time of an atom with tailored laser pulses: a theoretical study

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    How fast can a laser pulse ionize an atom? We address this question by considering pulses that carry a fixed time-integrated energy per-area, and finding those that achieve the double requirement of maximizing the ionization that they induce, while having the shortest duration. We formulate this double-objective quantum optimal control problem by making use of the Pareto approach to multi-objetive optimization, and the differential evolution genetic algorithm. The goal is to find out how much a precise time-profiling of ultra-fast, large-bandwidth pulses may speed up the ionization process with respect to simple-shape pulses. We work on a simple one-dimensional model of hydrogen-like atoms (the P\"oschl-Teller potential), that allows to tune the number of bound states that play a role in the ionization dynamics. We show how the detailed shape of the pulse accelerates the ionization process, and how the presence or absence of bound states influences the velocity of the process

    On the Optimization of Visualizations of Complex Phenomena

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    The problem of perceptually optimizing complex visualizations is a difficult one, involving perceptual as well as aesthetic issues. In our experience, controlled experiments are quite limited in their ability to uncover interrelationships among visualization parameters, and thus may not be the most useful way to develop rules-of-thumb or theory to guide the production of high-quality visualizations. In this paper, we propose a new experimental approach to optimizing visualization quality that integrates some of the strong points of controlled experiments with methods more suited to investigating complex highly-coupled phenomena. We use human-in-the-loop experiments to search through visualization parameter space, generating large databases of rated visualization solutions. This is followed by data mining to extract results such as exemplar visualizations, guidelines for producing visualizations, and hypotheses about strategies leading to strong visualizations. The approach can easily address both perceptual and aesthetic concerns, and can handle complex parameter interactions. We suggest a genetic algorithm as a valuable way of guiding the human-in-the-loop search through visualization parameter space. We describe our methods for using clustering, histogramming, principal component analysis, and neural networks for data mining. The experimental approach is illustrated with a study of the problem of optimal texturing for viewing layered surfaces so that both surfaces are maximally observable

    Morphological shape generation through user-controlled group metamorphosis

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    Morphological shape design is interpreted in this paper as a search for new shapes from a particular application domain represented by a set of selected shape instances. This paper proposes a new foundation for morphological shape design and generation. In contrast to existing generative procedures, an approach based on a user-controlled metamorphosis between functionally based shape models is presented. A formulation of the pairwise metamorphosis is proposed with a variety of functions described for the stages of deformation, morphing and offsetting. This formulation is then extended to the metamorphosis between groups of shapes with user-defined, dynamically correlated and weighted feature elements. A practical system was implemented in the form of plugin to Maya and tested by an industrial designer on a group of representative shapes from a particular domain. Ā© 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Positioning articulated figures

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    Many animation systems rely on key-frames or poses to produce animated sequences of figures we interpret as articulated, e.g. the skeleton of a character. The production of poses is a difficult problem which can be solved by using techniques such as forward and inverse kinematics. However, animators often find these techniques difficult to work with. The work, presented in this thesis, proposes an innovative technique which approaches this problem from a totally different direction from conventional techniques, and is based on Interactive Genetic Algorithms (IGAs). IGAs are evolutionary tools based on the theory of evolution which was first described by Darwin in 1859. They are derived from Genetic Algorithms (GAs) themselves based on the theory of evolution. IGAs have been successfully used to produce abstract pictures, sculptures and abstract animation sequences. Conventional techniques assist the animator in producing poses. On the contrary, when working with IGAs, users assist the computer in its search for a good solution. Unfortunately, this concept is too weak to allow for an efficient exploration of the space of poses as the user requires more control over the evolutionary process. So, a new concept was introduced to let the user specify directly what is of interest, that is a limb or a set of limbs. This information is efficiently used by the computer to greatly enhance the search. Users build a pose by selecting limbs which are of interest. That pose is provided to the computer as a seed to produce a new generation of poses. The degree of similarity is specified directly by the user. Typically, it is small at the beginning and increases as the process reaches convergences. The power of this new technique is demonstrated by two evaluations, one which uses a set of non expert users and another one which uses myself as the sole but expert user. The first evaluation highlighted the high cognitive requirement of the new technique whereas the second evaluation showed that given sufficient training, the new technique becomes much faster than the other two conventional techniques

    Inverse Ontomimetic Simulation: a window on complex systems

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    The present paper introduces "ontomimetic simulation" and argues that this class of models has enabled the investigation of hypotheses about complex systems in new ways that have epistemological relevance. Ontomimetic simulation can be differentiated from other types of modeling by its reliance on causal similarity in addition to representation. Phenomena are modeled not directly but via mimesis of the ontology (i.e. the "underlying physics", microlevel etc.) of systems and a subsequent animation of the resulting model ontology as a dynamical system. While the ontology is clearly used for computing system states, what is epistemologically important is that it is viewed as a hypothesis about the makeup of the studied system. This type of simulation, where model ontologies are used as hypotheses, is here called inverse ontomimetic simulation since it reverses the typical informational path from the target to the model system. It links experimental and analytical techniques in being explicitly dynamical while at the same time capable of abstraction. Inverse ontomimetic simulation is argued to have a great impact on science and to be the tool for hypothesis-testing that has made systematic theory development for complex systems possible

    Inverse Ontomimetic Simulation: a window on complex systems

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    The present paper introduces "ontomimetic simulation" and argues that this class of models has enabled the investigation of hypotheses about complex systems in new ways that have epistemological relevance. Ontomimetic simulation can be differentiated from other types of modeling by its reliance on causal similarity in addition to representation. Phenomena are modeled not directly but via mimesis of the ontology (i.e. the "underlying physics", microlevel etc.) of systems and a subsequent animation of the resulting model ontology as a dynamical system. While the ontology is clearly used for computing system states, what is epistemologically important is that it is viewed as a hypothesis about the makeup of the studied system. This type of simulation, where model ontologies are used as hypotheses, is here called inverse ontomimetic simulation since it reverses the typical informational path from the target to the model system. It links experimental and analytical techniques in being explicitly dynamical while at the same time capable of abstraction. Inverse ontomimetic simulation is argued to have a great impact on science and to be the tool for hypothesis-testing that has made systematic theory development for complex systems possible

    Exporting Vector Muscles for Facial Animation

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    In this paper we introduce a method of exporting vector muscles from one 3D face to another for facial animation. Starting from a 3D face with an extended version of Waters' linear muscle system, we transfer the linear muscles to a target 3D face. We also transfer the region division, which is used to increase the performance of the muscle as well as to control the animation. The human involvement is just as simple as selecting the faces which shows the most natural facial expressions in the animator's view. The method allows the transfer of the animation to a new 3D model within a short time. The transferred muscles can then be used to create new animations
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