13 research outputs found

    Pemodelan pertumbuhan tanaman Zinnia menggunakan Lindenmayer system dengan mathematica

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    Pendekatan dalam mempelajari pemodelan pertumbuhan tanaman saat ini adalah dengan menggunakan metoda L-System yaitu sistem penulisan berulang (rewriting system) yang dilakukan secara paralel dengan menggunakan aturan gramatikal. Dengan menggunakan software Mathematica telah diidentifikasi pemodelan pertumbuhan tanaman zinnia sebanyak 6 tahap pertumbuhan selama 25 hari dan dapat divisualisasika

    Pemodelan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Zinnia Menggunakan Lindenmayer System dengan Mathematica

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    Artificial Life of Soybean Plant Growth Modeling Using Intelligence Approaches

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    The natural process on plant growth system has a complex system and it has could be developed on characteristic studied using intelligent approaches conducting with artificial life system. The approaches on examining the natural process on soybean (Glycine Max L.Merr) plant growth have been analyzed and synthesized in these research through modeling using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Lindenmayer System (L-System) methods. Research aimed to design and to visualize plant growth modeling on the soybean varieties which these could help for studying botany of plant based on fertilizer compositions on plant growth with Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P) and Potassium (K). The soybean plant growth has been analyzed based on the treatments of plant fertilizer compositions in the experimental research to develop plant growth modeling. By using N, P, K fertilizer compositions, its capable result on the highest production 2.074 tons/hectares. Using these models, the simulation on artificial life for describing identification and visualization on the characteristic of soybean plant growth could be demonstrated and applied

    High-efficiency texture coding and synthesis on point-based pear surface

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    © 2017 IOS Press and the authors. The fruit images on points cloud acquired by the current 3D scanner from field will appear a visible seams, inconvenient data acquisition or taking large space due to unorganized background. We give a SAOW method to cope with the space efficiency and realistic effects of texture synthesis on pear point model. At first, a point-quadtree is proposed to simplify the pear image division. Then, an adaptive multi-granularity morton coding scheme are presented to optimizing the memory space of pear image. At last, weighted oversampling mixing method is mainly focused on texture quality of pear surface. As shown in the experiment results, our adaptive division makes the memory space decline dramatically about 90.7% than non-division and 92.9% than general division respectively; adaptive code scheme helps to reduce the memory to 72.1% of ordinary morton code; weighted oversampling keeps the mixed texture more real and smoothly than current methods

    Pemodelan pertumbuhan Zea Mays L. menggunakan Sthochastic L-System

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    L-Systems memiliki fleksibilitas dalam mensimulasikan struktur dan proses pengembangan pertumbuhan tanaman secara visual dan realistik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung menggunakan L-Systems dan memvisualisasikan model pertumbuhan tanaman jagung tersebut dari kecil hingga dewasa dalam ruang dimensi tiga. Penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yang diawali dari identifikasi kebutuhan data tehadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung (Zea Mays L.). Tahap kedua, membangun model secara manual yang meliputi identifikasi dan penentuan komponen L-Systems (huruf, aksioma, dan aturan produksi). Tahap ketiga, melakukan simulasi dan visualisasi model pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang telah didapat menggunakan processing dengan bahasa java dalam ruang dimensi tiga. Ketiga tahapan tersebut menghasilkan model Stochastic L-Systems dari pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dalam ruang dimensi tiga. Visualisasi model tanaman jagung yang telah dihasilkan pada penelitian ini lebih menekankan pada penyempurnaan model yang dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya terutama pada pewarnaan, pembentukan batang, dan adanya tulang daun pada tanaman jagung setiap iterasinya. Model tanaman jagung divisualisasikan mulai dari kecil hingga dewasa (fase vegetatif) yang memiliki tulang daun dan kelengkungan daun berbeda dari daun bawah sampai pada daun atas. Tanaman jagung yang divisualisasikan hanya terbatas sampai 8 iterasi saja yang sudah mampu mewakili pertumbuhan tanaman jagung pada fase vegetati


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    Batik sebagai wujud nyata dari seni rupa dengan latar belakang sejarah dan unsur budaya yang kuat dalam perkembangan kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia menjadi dasar identitas bangsa hingga saat ini. yang menyangkut kebinekaan budaya Indonesia. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam menjaga pelestarian batik adalah dengan menciptakan suatu pola baru pada batik salah satunya menggunakan motif terumbu karang. Penerapan terumbu karang sebagai pola baru pada batik merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengkombinasikan teknologi komputer dengan ilmu seni. Pada penelitian ini dibuat pengembangan motif karang jenis Nemenzophyllia turbida pada aplikasi batik berbasis web. Dengan menggunakan metode L-System. Aplikasi tersebut maka diharapkan agar mempermudah dalam menemukan atau membuat beberapa motif batik baru, sehingga kelestarian dari seni budaya batik akan terus berkembang dan beraneka ragam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi dari metode L-System tersebut pada pembuatan modul untuk aplikasi pengembangan motif batik berbasis web. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada pengujian alpha, beta, dan kuantitatif. Pada pengujian alpha bentuk motif dari karang dapat diubah sesuai dengan nilai input dari pengguna. Selanjutnya pada pengujian beta didapatkan hasil kemiripan dari motif karang yang telah dibuat dengan karang asli sekitar 63%, dan kelayakan bentuk karang sebagai motif utama sekitar 75% yang didapat dari responden. Sedangkan pada pengujian kuantitatif didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai sudut badan karang mempengaruhi panjang rata-rata jarak rentang antar garis pada karang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada pengujian kuantitatif mendapatkan hasil yang linier apabila terjadi perubahan pada nilai sudut badan. Kata kunci : L-system, Nemenzophyllia turbida, Aplikasi we


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    The visualizationof plant growth modeling using computer simulation has rarely been conducted with Lindenmayer System (L-System) approach. L-System generally has been used as framework for improving and designing realistic modeling on plant growth. It is one kind of tools for representing plant growth based on grammar sintax and mathematic formulation. This research aimed to design modeling and visualizing plant growth structure generated using L-System. The environment on modeling design used three dimension graphic on standart OpenGL format. The visualization on system design has been developed by some of L-System grammar, and the output graphic on three dimension reflected on plant growth as a virtual plant growth system. Using some of samples on grammar L-System rules for describing of the charaterictics of plant growth, the visualization of structure on plant growth has been resulted and demonstrated.Keywords: L-System, modeling, openGL, virtual plant growth, visualizatio

    Identification of virtual plants using bayesian networks based on parametric L-system

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    Parametric L-System is a method for modelling virtual plants. Virtual plant modelling consists of components of axiom and production rules for alphabets in parametric L-System. Generally, to get the alphabet in parametric L-System, one would guess the production rules and perform a modification on the axiom. The objective of this study was to build virtual plant that was affected by the environment. The use of Bayesian networks was to extract the information structure of the growth of a plant as affected by the environment. The next step was to use the information to generate axiom and production rules for the alphabets in the parametric L-System. The results of program testing showed that among the five treatments, the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer was the environmental factor for the experiment. The highest result of 6.41 during evaluation of the virtual plant came from the treatment with combination of high level of organic fertilizer and medium level of inorganic fertilizer. Mean error between real plant and virtual plan was 9.45 %

    Identification of virtual plants using bayesian networks based on parametric L-system

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    Parametric L-System is a method for modelling virtual plants. Virtual plant modelling consists of components of axiom and production rules for alphabets in parametric L-System. Generally, to get the alphabet in parametric L-System, one would guess the production rules and perform a modification on the axiom. The objective of this study was to build virtual plant that was affected by the environment. The use of Bayesian networks was to extract the information structure of the growth of a plant as affected by the environment. The next step was to use the information to generate axiom and production rules for the alphabets in the parametric L-System. The results of program testing showed that among the five treatments, the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer was the environmental factor for the experiment. The highest result of 6.41 during evaluation of the virtual plant came from the treatment with combination of high level of organic fertilizer and medium level of inorganic fertilizer. Mean error between real plant and virtual plan was 9.45 %