164 research outputs found

    Rapid model-guided design of organ-scale synthetic vasculature for biomanufacturing

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    Our ability to produce human-scale bio-manufactured organs is critically limited by the need for vascularization and perfusion. For tissues of variable size and shape, including arbitrarily complex geometries, designing and printing vasculature capable of adequate perfusion has posed a major hurdle. Here, we introduce a model-driven design pipeline combining accelerated optimization methods for fast synthetic vascular tree generation and computational hemodynamics models. We demonstrate rapid generation, simulation, and 3D printing of synthetic vasculature in complex geometries, from small tissue constructs to organ scale networks. We introduce key algorithmic advances that all together accelerate synthetic vascular generation by more than 230-fold compared to standard methods and enable their use in arbitrarily complex shapes through localized implicit functions. Furthermore, we provide techniques for joining vascular trees into watertight networks suitable for hemodynamic CFD and 3D fabrication. We demonstrate that organ-scale vascular network models can be generated in silico within minutes and can be used to perfuse engineered and anatomic models including a bioreactor, annulus, bi-ventricular heart, and gyrus. We further show that this flexible pipeline can be applied to two common modes of bioprinting with free-form reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels and writing into soft matter. Our synthetic vascular tree generation pipeline enables rapid, scalable vascular model generation and fluid analysis for bio-manufactured tissues necessary for future scale up and production.Comment: 58 pages (19 main and 39 supplement pages), 4 main figures, 9 supplement figure

    Anatomical shape reconstruction and manufacturing: solving topological changes of lumen vessel trough geometric approach

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    Over the last years there has been an increasing growth of interest in Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques applied to various fields of medicine. RP makes it possible, in vascular surgery, to produce accurate anatomic replicas of patient vessels. These replicas can help the customization of surgical invasive interventions such as in situ stent-graft insertion in carotid region. The main goal of this work is to obtain high quality in lumen reconstruction and manufacturing replicas by RP technique. This goal is achieved through the complete control of each phase of the generating process. We present a semi-automatic method for carotid lumen reconstruction based on Boundary Representation (BRep). All parameters influencing the quality of the shape reconstruction are presented and discussed: shape acquisition, shape reconstruction and shape manufacturing. The shape acquisition starts by extracting the points belonging to the boundary of the lumen vessel, from Computer Tomography (CT) images. These points, parameterised in a vector, are the input data of the shape reconstruction algorithm based on B-Spline interpolation. The B-Spline type for representing curves and surfaces were chosen because of their properties of continuity and local control. In the shape reconstruction stage we had to face problems due to the topological change on the vessel structure. For vessel regions where there are not changes of topology, we use the closed B-Spline curves (belonging to adjacent acquisition planes) as generating curves to build a B-Spline surface. For vessel regions with at least a change of topology (ex. bifurcation region) our algorithm split automatically the involved curves to obtain three rectangular B-Spline patches. Such patches are joined together to obtain the bifurcation vessel lumen. The set of lumen surfaces is then inserted in a Boundary Representation in order to get a valid solid. To analyse the quality of the reconstructed shapes, the final object is compared with the acquisition image. This solid is correctly tessellated in triangles to produce the data format used by the RP devices (STL)

    Patient-specific anisotropic model of human trunk based on MR data

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    There are many ways to generate geometrical models for numerical simulation, and most of them start with a segmentation step to extract the boundaries of the regions of interest. This paper presents an algorithm to generate a patient-specific three-dimensional geometric model, based on a tetrahedral mesh, without an initial extraction of contours from the volumetric data. Using the information directly available in the data, such as gray levels, we built a metric to drive a mesh adaptation process. The metric is used to specify the size and orientation of the tetrahedral elements everywhere in the mesh. Our method, which produces anisotropic meshes, gives good results with synthetic and real MRI data. The resulting model quality has been evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by comparing it with an analytical solution and with a segmentation made by an expert. Results show that our method gives, in 90% of the cases, as good or better meshes as a similar isotropic method, based on the accuracy of the volume reconstruction for a given mesh size. Moreover, a comparison of the Hausdorff distances between adapted meshes of both methods and ground-truth volumes shows that our method decreases reconstruction errors faster. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the MEDITIS training program (´Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and NSERC)

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

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    dissertationStatistical shape analysis has emerged as an important tool for the quantitative analysis of anatomy in many medical imaging applications. The correspondence based approach to evaluate shape variability is a popular method, based on comparing configurations of carefully placed landmarks on each shape. In recent years, methods for automatic placement of landmarks have enhanced the ability of this approach to capture statistical properties of shape populations. However, biomedical shapes continue to present considerable difficulties in automatic correspondence optimization due to inherent geometric complexity and the need to correlate shape change with underlying biological parameters. This dissertation addresses these technical difficulties and presents improved shape correspondence models. In particular, this dissertation builds on the particle-based modeling (PBM) framework described by Joshua Cates' 2010 Ph.D. dissertation. In the PBM framework, correspondences are modeled as a set of dynamic points or a particle system, positioned automatically on shape surfaces by optimizing entropy contained in the model, with the idea of balancing model simplicity against accuracy of the particle system representation of shapes. This dissertation is a collection of four papers that extend the PBM framework to include shape regression and longitudinal analysis and also adds new methods to improve modeling of complex shapes. It also includes a summary of two applications from the field of orthopaedics. Technical details of the PBM framework are provided in Chapter 2, after which the first topic related to the study of shape change over time is addressed (Chapters 3 and 4). In analyses of normative growth or disease progression, shape regression models allow characterization of the underlying biological process while also facilitating comparison of a sample against a normative model. The first paper introduces a shape regression model into the PBM framework to characterize shape variability due to an underlying biological parameter. It further confirms the statistical significance of this relationship via systematic permutation testing. Simple regression models are, however, not sufficient to leverage information provided by longitudinal studies. Longitudinal studies collect data at multiple time points for each participant and have the potential to provide a rich picture of the anatomical changes occurring during development, disease progression, or recovery. The second paper presents a linear-mixed-effects (LME) shape model in order to fully leverage the high-dimensional, complex features provided by longitudinal data. The parameters of the LME shape model are estimated in a hierarchical manner within the PBM framework. The topic of geometric complexity present in certain biological shapes is addressed next (Chapters 5 and 6). Certain biological shapes are inherently complex and highly variable, inhibiting correspondence based methods from producing a faithful representation of the average shape. In the PBM framework, use of Euclidean distances leads to incorrect particle system interactions while a position-only representation leads to incorrect correspondences around sharp features across shapes. The third paper extends the PBM framework to use efficiently computed geodesic distances and also adds an entropy term based on the surface normal. The fourth paper further replaces the position-only representation with a more robust distance-from-landmark feature in the PBM framework to obtain isometry invariant correspondences. Finally, the above methods are applied to two applications from the field of orthopaedics. The first application uses correspondences across an ensemble of human femurs to characterize morphological shape differences due to femoroacetabular impingement. The second application involves an investigation of the short bone phenotype apparent in mouse models of multiple osteochondromas. Metaphyseal volume deviations are correlated with deviations in length to quantify the effect of cancer toward the apparent shortening of long bones (femur, tibia-fibula) in mouse models

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVolumetric parameterization is an emerging field in computer graphics, where volumetric representations that have a semi-regular tensor-product structure are desired in applications such as three-dimensional (3D) texture mapping and physically-based simulation. At the same time, volumetric parameterization is also needed in the Isogeometric Analysis (IA) paradigm, which uses the same parametric space for representing geometry, simulation attributes and solutions. One of the main advantages of the IA framework is that the user gets feedback directly as attributes of the NURBS model representation, which can represent geometry exactly, avoiding both the need to generate a finite element mesh and the need to reverse engineer the simulation results from the finite element mesh back into the model. Research in this area has largely been concerned with issues of the quality of the analysis and simulation results assuming the existence of a high quality volumetric NURBS model that is appropriate for simulation. However, there are currently no generally applicable approaches to generating such a model or visualizing the higher order smooth isosurfaces of the simulation attributes, either as a part of current Computer Aided Design or Reverse Engineering systems and methodologies. Furthermore, even though the mesh generation pipeline is circumvented in the concept of IA, the quality of the model still significantly influences the analysis result. This work presents a pipeline to create, analyze and visualize NURBS geometries. Based on the concept of analysis-aware modeling, this work focusses in particular on methodologies to decompose a volumetric domain into simpler pieces based on appropriate midstructures by respecting other relevant interior material attributes. The domain is decomposed such that a tensor-product style parameterization can be established on the subvolumes, where the parameterization matches along subvolume boundaries. The volumetric parameterization is optimized using gradient-based nonlinear optimization algorithms and datafitting methods are introduced to fit trivariate B-splines to the parameterized subvolumes with guaranteed order of accuracy. Then, a visualization method is proposed allowing to directly inspect isosurfaces of attributes, such as the results of analysis, embedded in the NURBS geometry. Finally, the various methodologies proposed in this work are demonstrated on complex representations arising in practice and research