208,798 research outputs found

    lmproving the Situation of Analytical Quality Assurance in Agile Product Developments

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    With growing prevalence, agile methodology also pervades domains which adhered to conventional models for decades. At the same time, the demand for safety critical applications and thus rigorous quality assurance increases. This raises the question whether agile methodology is able to support the required level of quality assurance. This master’s thesis aims at analyzing the situation of analytical quality assurance in agile environments in order to identify shortcomings and provide potential solutions. The author derives an initial hypothesis based on his own professional experience, stating that analytical quality assurance is not sufficiently considered by agile development models and agile transformation. This hypothesis is split into eight sub-hypotheses, each describing a particular problem or challenge. Qualitative interviews with seven experts and complementary literature researches are performed to confirm given hypotheses, identify further challenges, and collect appropriate solution proposals. Eventually, based on the elicited data, five hypotheses as well as the initial hypothesis are corroborated and five new challenges are added. Furthermore, twenty-six potential solutions for relevant hypotheses are collected and presented. The solutions comprise established approaches, such as Dynamic System Development Model or Explorative Testing but also innovative ideas, including the Three-Field Agile approach publicized by this thesis. Altogether, it is found that agile methodology largely not supports traditional analytical quality assurance in its concepts and even worse, some of the core principles are contradictive. However, numerous solutions are found and presented that address particular discrepancies and have the capability to ease the pictured situation

    The Empower project : a new way of assessing and monitoring test comparability and stability

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    Background: Manufacturers and laboratories might benefit from using a modern integrated tool for quality management/assurance. The tool should not be confounded by commutability issues and focus on the intrinsic analytical quality and comparability of assays as performed in routine laboratories. In addition, it should enable monitoring of long-term stability of performance, with the possibility to quasi "real-time" remedial action. Therefore, we developed the "Empower" project. Methods: The project comprises four pillars: (i) master comparisons with panels of frozen single-donation samples, (ii) monitoring of patient percentiles and (iii) internal quality control data, and (iv) conceptual and statistical education about analytical quality. In the pillars described here (i and ii), state-of-the-art as well as biologically derived specifications are used. Results: In the 2014 master comparisons survey, 125 laboratories forming 8 peer groups participated. It showed not only good intrinsic analytical quality of assays but also assay biases/non-comparability. Although laboratory performance was mostly satisfactory, sometimes huge between-laboratory differences were observed. In patient percentile monitoring, currently, 100 laboratories participate with 182 devices. Particularly, laboratories with a high daily throughput and low patient population variation show a stable moving median in time with good between-instrument concordance. Shifts/drifts due to lot changes are sometimes revealed. There is evidence that outpatient medians mirror the calibration set-points shown in the master comparisons. Conclusions: The Empower project gives manufacturers and laboratories a realistic view on assay quality/comparability as well as stability of performance and/or the reasons for increased variation. Therefore, it is a modern tool for quality management/assurance toward improved patient care

    Quality assurance of genetic laboratories and the EBTNA practice certification, a simple standardization assurance system for a laboratory network

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    Abstract Analytical laboratory results greatly influence medical diagnosis, about 70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory results. Quality assurance and quality control are designed to detect and correct errors in a laboratory's analytical process to ensure both the reliability and accuracy of test results. Unreliable performance can result in misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. Furthermore, improved quality guarantees increased productivity at a lower cost. Quality assurance programmes include internal quality control, external quality assessment, proficiency surveillance and standardization. It is necessary to try to ensure compliance with the requirements of the standards at all levels of the process. The sources of these standards are the International Standards Organization (ISO), national standards bodies, guidelines from professional organisations, accreditation bodies and governmental regulations. Laboratory networks increase the performance of laboratories in support of diagnostic screening programme. It is essential that genetic laboratories of a network have procedures underpinned by a robust quality assurance system to minimize errors and to reassure the clinicians and the patients that international standards are being met. This article provides an overview of the bases of quality assurance and its importance in genetic tests and it reports the EBTNA quality assurance system which is a clear and simple system available for access to adequate standardization of a genetic laboratory's network


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    The today accepted requirements and the system of quality assurance is a result of long-term development starting with food regulations of ancient societies, continuing with activity of Trade Guilds in Middle Ages and with the beginning of modern food legislation in 19-th century till today´s harmonization of food standards at international level. The problems of quality assurance in connection with globalization and present situation in Central East-European countries as well as the future trends in quality assurance are discussed. Particularly the food safety requirements, breeding technologies, functional foods, and new analytical and quality control methods are investigated

    Problem of quality management higher education the bachelor level: analysis of scientific works

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    Статтю присвячено аналізу вітчизняних та зарубіжних наукових праць щодо висвітлення проблеми управління якістю вищої освіти на бакалаврському рівні. Зазначено, що проблема управління якістю вищої освіти переважним чином відображено в наукових статтях, і достатньо обмежено - у джерелах довідкового характеру, монографіях, дисертаційних та аналітичних дослідженнях. В джерелах довідкового характеру визначено поняття: якість, якість освіти, якість вищої освіти, забезпечення якості, система забезпечення якості вищої освіти, система внутрішнього забезпечення якості, система зовнішнього забезпечення якості, контроль якості. У монографіях висвітлено проблеми: сутність понять «якість освіти» та «якість вищої освіти»; механізми управління якістю освіти; критерії забезпечення якості вищої освіти; інструменти ідентифікації якості вищої освіти та її забезпечення; система забезпечення якості вищої освіти; механізми забезпечення якості вищої освіти. У дисертаційних дослідженнях розглянуто проблем сутності поняття «якість освіти» і механізмів забезпечення якості освіти. В аналітичних дослідженнях охарактеризовано проблеми: якості, забезпечення якості, зовнішнього забезпечення якості, внутрішнього забезпечення якості, внутрішньої системи забезпечення якості, зовнішньої системи забезпечення якості, процедур із забезпечення якості, управління якістю, внутрішньої системи управління якістю, якості вищій освіти, забезпечення якості вищої освіти тощо. У статтях акцентовано увагу на таких питаннях: сутність поняття «якість освіти», її складові та чинники забезпечення; сутність понять «якість освітнього процесу» та його характеристики; сутність поняття «якість вищої освіти», її складові та чинники забезпечення; параметри та критерії якості вищої освіти; питання ідентифікації якості вищої освіти та інструментарій її забезпечення; система якості вищої освіти; системи управління якістю освіти; системи управління якістю підготовки фахівців; модель системи управління якістю вищої освіти; моделі управління якістю підготовки спеціалістів; механізми забезпечення якості освіти; управління якістю підготовки фахівців педагогічного напряму. Автором зазначено, що проблема управління якістю на бакалаврському рівні не була предметом комплексного дослідження науковців.The article analyzes ukrainian and foreign scientific works on covering problems of quality management of higher education at bachelor level. It is noted that the problem of quality control of higher education is most reflected in scientific articles, and quite limited - nature of the sources of reference, monographs, dissertations and analytical studies. In sources of reference the definition of quality, quality of education, quality of higher education, quality assurance, quality assurance system of higher education, a system of internal quality assurance system of external quality assurance and quality control are defined. The monograph outlines the problem: the essence of the concepts of "quality education" and "quality of higher education"; mechanisms of quality management education; criteria for quality assurance; tools identify the quality of higher education and its support; system of quality assurance; mechanisms for quality assurance. In the dissertation studies the problems: the essence of the concept of "quality education" and mechanisms to ensure quality of education are outlined. In analytical studies the problem of Quality, quality assurance, external quality assurance, internal quality assurance, internal system of quality assurance, external system of quality assurance procedures of quality assurance, quality management, internal quality control system, quality assurance higher education have been described. The articles pay attention on such issues as: the essence of the concept of "quality education", its components and factors of security; the nature of concepts "quality of the educational process" and its characteristics; the essence of the concept of "quality in higher education", its components and factors of security; parameters and criteria for the quality of higher education; identification of issues of quality in higher education and tools to ensure it; quality system of higher education; quality management system of education; quality management system training; model of quality management system of higher education; model of quality management training specialists; mechanisms for ensuring the quality of education; quality management training specialists pedagogical direction. The author stated that the issue of quality management at bachelor level has not been the subject of a comprehensive study researchers

    Design, ancillary testing, analysis and fabrication data for the advanced composite stabilizer for Boeing 737 aircraft. Volume 1: Technical summary

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    The horizontal stabilizer of the 737 transport was redesigned. Five shipsets were fabricated using composite materials. Weight reduction greater than the 20% goal was achieved. Parts and assemblies were readily produced on production-type tooling. Quality assurance methods were demonstrated. Repair methods were developed and demonstrated. Strength and stiffness analytical methods were substantiated by comparison with test results. Cost data was accumulated in a semiproduction environment. FAA certification was obtained

    Academic Analytics in quality assurance using organisational analytical capabilities

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    The combination of increased environmental complexity and greater quantities of data presents higher education with new problems. Institutions have responded by adopting business analytics approaches from the commercial sector. These approaches, applied in higher education as academic analytics or learning analytics, are designed to improve organisational and educational effectiveness. However, despite extensive research in academic analytics there is an identified need for further work in making analytics “actionable”, a problem of ‘IT in use’. Recent research in business analytics has investigated this problem using a business process orientation combined with an examination of business capabilities for analytics use. Adopting this perspective we apply it to academic analytics in the context of quality assurance, describing an outline approach to the problem of actionable academic analytics

    Reef rescue marine monitoring program quality assurance and quality control manual 2013/2014

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    The Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Manual summarises the monitoring methods and procedures used in the Program. Detailed sampling manuals, standard operating procedures, analytical procedures and other details are provided as appendices

    The Effect of Assurance Report, Public Ownership, and Slack Resources on Quality of CSR Disclosure in Indeks Saham LQ45 2017-2020

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    This study aims to determine the effect of assurance reports, public ownership, and slack resources on the quality of CSR disclosure on the 2017-2020 LQ45 index. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, where 17 samples were obtained with observations for four years, so there were 68 observational data from companies listed in the LQ45 index from 2017-2020. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis and panel data regression using Eviews 12. The results of this study are assurance reports, public ownership, and slack resources simultaneously affect the quality of CSR disclosure on the 2017-2020 LQ45 index. Partially, only assurance reports have a positive influence on the quality of CSR disclosure on the 2017-2020 LQ45 index. Meanwhile, public ownership and slack resources have no effect on the quality of CSR disclosure on the 2017-2020 LQ45 index

    Battling Academic Corruption in Higher Education: Does External Quality Assurance (EQA) Offer a Ray of Hope?

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    The post-1980s changes in the global higher education landscape have triggered a burgeoning of incidents of academic corruption in higher education institutions. Since 2000, the discourse on how to combat academic corruption has gained traction in higher education and quality assurance is advanced as one of the strategies for fighting corruption in higher education. In 2016, UNESCO (and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation) issued a “wakeup call” to quality assurance systems to take up a leading role in the battle against academic corruption. However, a dearth of empirical and conceptual studies on how the quality assurance systems, in general, and external quality assurance systems, in particular, can take up a leading role in the crusade against academic corruption exists. This conceptual paper, using the crime-punishment model as an analytical lens, explores how the national quality assurance agencies (and systems) can exercise the leadership role in combating academic corruption. The paper advances the setting of academic integrity standards, institutional and programme accreditation, accreditation of academic journals, sharing information and promoting whistleblowing, monitoring of institutions, applying sanctions, and ranking of higher education institutions on the basis of integrity indicators as options that are available to quality assurance agencies in the exercise of their leadership role in combating academic corruption. These approaches are hypothesised to create both incentives and disincentives for the institutions and staff in connection with engaging in academic corruption. Nevertheless, the paper takes cognisance of the fact that external quality assurance is necessary but not sufficient in combating corruption at the level of the academy