lmproving the Situation of Analytical Quality Assurance in Agile Product Developments


With growing prevalence, agile methodology also pervades domains which adhered to conventional models for decades. At the same time, the demand for safety critical applications and thus rigorous quality assurance increases. This raises the question whether agile methodology is able to support the required level of quality assurance. This master’s thesis aims at analyzing the situation of analytical quality assurance in agile environments in order to identify shortcomings and provide potential solutions. The author derives an initial hypothesis based on his own professional experience, stating that analytical quality assurance is not sufficiently considered by agile development models and agile transformation. This hypothesis is split into eight sub-hypotheses, each describing a particular problem or challenge. Qualitative interviews with seven experts and complementary literature researches are performed to confirm given hypotheses, identify further challenges, and collect appropriate solution proposals. Eventually, based on the elicited data, five hypotheses as well as the initial hypothesis are corroborated and five new challenges are added. Furthermore, twenty-six potential solutions for relevant hypotheses are collected and presented. The solutions comprise established approaches, such as Dynamic System Development Model or Explorative Testing but also innovative ideas, including the Three-Field Agile approach publicized by this thesis. Altogether, it is found that agile methodology largely not supports traditional analytical quality assurance in its concepts and even worse, some of the core principles are contradictive. However, numerous solutions are found and presented that address particular discrepancies and have the capability to ease the pictured situation

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