173 research outputs found

    Design and analytical performance of subthreshold characteristics of CSDG MOSFET.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The downscaling of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET) devices have been the driving force for Nanotechnology and Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) systems. This is affirmed by Moore’s law which states that “The number of transistors placed in an Integrated Circuit (IC) or chip doubles approximately every two years”. The main objectives for the transistor scaling are: to increase functionality, switching speed, packing density and lower the operating power of the ICs. However, the downscaling of the MOSFET device is posed with various challenges such as the threshold roll-off, Drain Induced Barrier Lowing (DIBL), surface scattering, and velocity saturation known as Short Channel Effects (SCEs). To overcome these challenges, a cylindrically structured MOSFET is employed because it increases the switching speed, current flow, packing density, and provides better immunity to SCEs. This thesis proposes a Cylindrical Surrounding Double-Gate (CSDG) MOSFET which is an extended version of Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET and Cylindrical Surrounding-Gate (CSG) MOSFET in terms of form factor and current drive respectively. Furthermore, employing the Evanescent-Mode analysis (EMA) of a two-dimensional (2D) Poisson solution, the performance analysis of the novel CSDG MOSFET is presented. The channel length, radii Silicon film difference, and the oxide thickness are investigated for the CSDG MOSFET at the subthreshold regime. Using the minimum channel potential expression obtained by EMA, the threshold voltage and the subthreshold swing model of the proposed CSDG MOSFET are evaluated and discussed. The device performance is verified with various values of radii Silicon film difference and gate oxide thickness Finally, the low operating power and switching characteristics of the proposed CSDG MOSFET has been employed to design a simple CSDG bridge rectifier circuit for micropower electricity (energy harvester). Similar to the traditional MOSFETs, the switching process of CSDG MOSFET is in two operating modes: switch-ON (conduction of current between the drain and source) or switched-OFF (no conduction of current). However, unlike the traditional diode bridge rectifier which utilizes four diodes for its operation, the CSDG bridge rectifier circuits employs only two CSDGs (n-channel and p- channel) for its operation. This optimizes cost and improves efficiency. Finally, the results from the analyses demonstrate that the proposed CSDG MOSFET is a promising device for nanotechnology and self-micro powered device system application

    Modeling and Simulation of Negative Capacitance MOSFETs

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    The current and voltage characteristics of a MOSFET device are maily characterized by the source to channel barrier which is controlled by the gate voltage. The Boltazmann statistics which govern the number of carriers that are able to cross the barrier indicates that to increase the current by a decade, atleast 60 mV of rise in gate voltage is required. As a result of this limitation, the threshold voltage of modern MOSFETs cannot be less than about 0.3 V for an ION to IOFF ratio of 5 decades. This has put a fundamental bottleneck in voltage downscaling increasing the power consumption in modern IC based chips with billions of transistors. Sayeef Salahuddin and Supriyo Dutta proposed the idea of including ferroelectric in MOSFET gate stack which allows an internal voltage ampli�cation at the MOSFET channel which can be used to achieve a smaller subthreshold swing which would further reduce the power consumption of the devices. In this thesis we have undertaken a simulation based study of such devices to study how the inclusion of negative capacitance ferroelectrics leads changes in various device characteristics. Initially we have taken a compact modeling based approach to study device characteristics in latest industry standard FinFET devices. For this purpose we have used the BSIM-CMG Verilog A model and modi�ed the model appropriately to include the e�ect of negative capacitance ferroelectric in the gate stack. This simulation allowed us to observe that negative capacitance (NC) devices can indeed give a subthreshold swing lesser than 60 mV/dec. Further other interesting properties like negative output resistance and drain induced barrier rising are observed. Using the compact models developed above, we have analyzed some simple circuits with NC devices. Initially an inverter shows a hysteresis in the transfer characteristics. This can be attributed to negative di�erential resistance. Ring oscillator analysis shows that RO frequency for NC devices is lesser than that of regular devices due to enhanced gate capacitance and slower response of ferroelectrics. Scaling analysis has been performed to see the performance of NC devices in future technologies. For this we used TCAD analysis coupled with Landau Khalatnikov equation. This analysis shows that NC devices are more e�ective in suppressing short channel e�ects like DIBL and can hence be used for further downscaling of the devices. Finally we develop models to take into account the multidomain Landau equations for ferroelec- tric into account. We have performed such an analysis for a ferroelectric resistor series network. A similar analysis is performed for short channel double gate MOSFET without inter layer metal be- tween ferroelectric and the internal MOS device. This analysis showed that coupling factor between ferroelectric domains plays an important role in the device characteristics

    Atlas based simulation study of junctionless double gate (DG) tunnel FET

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    Tunnel Field Effect Transistor has recently attracted the attention of many researchers through its high Ion/Ioff ratio and a very less subthreshold slope. In this work Junction-less double gate tunnel field effect transistor’s performance has been studied which has been designed using charge plasma concept which can form the source and drain regions without the need for any doping by choosing appropriate work functions for the source and drain metal electrodes. A very important parameter of this device has been studied, i.e. the threshold voltage of this device. It has been seen that the variation of the threshold voltage with respect to the varying channel length of the device in almost nil. Also using it has been found that this device has a subthreshold slope of 56.7mV/decade with channel length of 50nm which is much lesser compared to the 60mV/decade subthreshold slope of a MOSFET, proving that this device can be used for switching performance in the future. Though the performance of the junction-less double gate TFET does not vary much compared to doped double gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor, it is expected to be removed from all problems associated with random dopant fluctuations. Also its fabricating is possible on single crystal silicon-on-glass substrates which is formed by wafer scale epitaxial transfer

    Simulation of FinFET Structures

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    The intensive downscaling of MOS transistors has been the major driving force behind the aggressive increases in transistor density and performance, leading to more chip functionality at higher speeds. While on the other side the reduction in MOSFET dimensions leads to the close proximity between source and drain, which in turn reduces the ability of the gate electrode to control the potential distribution and current flow in the channel region and also results in some undesirable effects called the short-channel effects. These limitations associated with downscaling of MOSFET device geometries have lead device designers and researchers to number of innovative techniques which include the use of different device structures, different channel materials, different gate-oxide materials, different processes such as shallow trench isolation, source/drain silicidation, lightly doped extensions etc. to enable controlled device scaling to smaller dimensions. A lot of research and development works have been done in these and related fields and more remains to be carried out in order to exploit these devices for the wider applications

    Silicon on ferroelectric insulator field effect transistor (SOF-FET) a new device for the next generation ultra low power circuits

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on March 12, 2014Thesis advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 116-131)Thesis (M. S.)--School of Computer and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2013Field effect transistors (FETs) are the foundation for all electronic circuits and processors. These devices have progressed massively to touch its final steps in subnanometer level. Left and right proposals are coming to rescue this progress. Emerging nano-electronic devices (resonant tunneling devices, single-atom transistors, spin devices, Heterojunction Transistors rapid flux quantum devices, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire devices) took a vast share of current scientific research. Non-Si electronic materials like III-V heterostructure, ferroelectric, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and other nanowire based designs are in developing stage to become the core technology of non-classical CMOS structures. FinFET present the current feasible commercial nanotechnology. The scalability and low power dissipation of this device allowed for an extension of silicon based devices. High short channel effect (SCE) immunity presents its major advantage. Multi-gate structure comes to light to improve the gate electrostatic over the channel. The new structure shows a higher performance that made it the first candidate to substitute the conventional MOSFET. The device also shows a future scalability to continue Moor’s Law. Furthermore, the device is compatible with silicon fabrication process. Moreover, the ultra-low-power (ULP) design required a subthreshold slope lower than the thermionic-emission limit of 60mV/ decade (KT/q). This value was unbreakable by the new structure (SOI-FinFET). On the other hand most of the previews proposals show the ability to go beyond this limit. However, those pre-mentioned schemes have publicized a very complicated physics, design difficulties, and process non-compatibility. The objective of this research is to discuss various emerging nano-devices proposed for ultra-low-power designs and their possibilities to replace the silicon devices as the core technology in the future integrated circuit. This thesis proposes a novel design that exploits the concept of negative capacitance. The new field effect transistor (FET) based on ferroelectric insulator named Silicon-On-Ferroelectric Insulator Field Effect Transistor (SOF-FET). This proposal is a promising methodology for future ultra-lowpower applications, because it demonstrates the ability to replace the silicon-bulk based MOSFET, and offers subthreshold swing significantly lower than 60mV/decade and reduced threshold voltage to form a conducting channel. The SOF-FET can also solve the issue of junction leakage (due to the presence of unipolar junction between the top plate of the negative capacitance and the diffused areas that form the transistor source and drain). In this device the charge hungry ferroelectric film already limits the leakage.Abstract -- List of illustrations - List of tables -- Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- Introduction -- Carbon nanotube field effect transistor -- Multi-gate transistors -FinFET -- Subthreshold swing -- Tunneling field effect transistors -- I-mos and nanowire fets -- Ferroelectric based field effect transistors -- An analytical model to approximate the subthreshold swing for soi-finfet -- Silicon-on-ferroelectric insulator field effect transistor (SOF-FET) -- Current-voltage characteristics of sof-fet -- Advantages, manufacturing process and future work of the proposed device -- Appendix -- Reference

    A Rigorous Simulation Based Study of Gate Misalignment Effects in Gate Engineered Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs

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    In this work, a numerical simulation based study on the effects of gate misalignment between the front and the back gate for gate engineered double-gate (DG) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistors (MOSFETs) has been presented. A comparative study of electrical characteristics and its effects on device performance between single material double gate (SMDG), double material double gate (DMDG) and triple material double gate (TMDG) MOSFETs have been investigated qualitatively. Both source side misalignment (SSM) and drain side misalignment (DSM) of different lengths in the back gate have been considered to investigate the effects of gate misalignment on device performance. In this context, an extensive simulation has been performed by a commercially available two-dimensional (2D) device simulator (ATLASTM, SILVACO Int.) to figure out the impacts of misalignment on device characteristics like surface potential, threshold voltage, drain-induced-barrier lowering (DIBL), subthreshold swing, subthreshold current, maximum drain current, transconductance and output conductance

    Performance analysis of Dual Material Gate (DMG) Silicon on Insulator (SOI) tunnel fets

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    As modern day computing systems are designed to perform innumerable number of functions with tremendous speed, the number of circuits to be accommodated in a chip keeps increasing day by day. Hence electronics industry constantly faces the challenge of miniaturization of transistors to increase the package density and thus linear scaling of CMOS technology has become a necessity in the present day microelectronic and nano-electronic regime. This leads to a major crisis of static power consumption and hence conventional MOSFETs fail to be a suitable candidate to handle the situation. Also Short Channel Effects(SCEs) come into picture. So non-conventional devices started gaining its significance to meet the ITRS requirements. A promising candidate that attracted attention was Tunnel FETs which are gated reverse biased p-i-n diodes where ON current would be due to band-to-band tunneling and they exhibit very low OFF current of 10-17 A/µm which makes them a potential solution for power crisis. Also they prove to be an energy efficient electronic switch with a subthreshold swing not limited to 60mV/decade. Negligible Short Channel Effects of these devices gives them an added advantage over conventional MOSFETs .All these features raise up Tunnel FET as superior candidate for future CMOS era. In the presented work, an analysis into the performance of a Dual Material Gate Single Dielectric SOI Tunnel FET has been done. Numerous simulations were done to determine the influence of work functions of both the gate materials on the electrical characteristics of the device. Comparative study was done between Dual Material Gate device and Single Material Gate device with regards to their electrical characteristics as well as SCEs like Drain Induced Barrier Lowering(DIBL) and threshold voltage roll-off. Parameters like intrinsic capacitances as well as transconductances were also determined

    Design evolution of dual-material gate structure in cylindrical surrounding double-gate (CSDG) MOSFET using physics-based analytical modeling.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.The Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is the fundamental component in present Micro and Nano-electronics device applications, such as switching, memory devices, communication devices, etc. MOSFET’s dimension has shrunk down following Moore’s law to attain high-speed operation and packing density integration. The scaling of conventional MOSFET has been the most prominent technological challenge in the past few years because the decreasing device dimensions increase the charge sharing from the source to the drain and that in turn give rises to the reduced gate-control over the channel, hot carrier induced degradation, and other SCEs. These undesired effects devaluate the device performance that compels optimum device design analysis for particular operating conditions. Therefore, several innovative device design/architectures, including Double-gate, FinFET, Surrounding gate MOSFET, etc., have been developed to mitigate device scaling challenges. Comprehensive research can be traced long for one such promising gate-all-around MOSFET, i.e., Cylindrical Surrounding Double-Gate (CSDG) MOSFET centrally hollow concentric structure, provides an additional internal control gate that improves the device electrical performance and offers easy accessibility. There have been several developments in terms of improvements, and applications of CSDG MOSFET have been practiced since after its evolution. This thesis’s work has been targeted to incorporate the gate material engineering in the CSDG structure after appropriate analysis of device physics-based modeling. In particular to the proposed structure, the electric field, pinch off capacitance, and after that thickness of the device parameters’ dependence have been mathematically derived from attaining the objective. Finally, a model based on a dual-material gate in CSDG MOSFET has been proposed. The electrical field in CSDG MOSFET has been analyzed in detail using a mathematical derivation of device physics, including the Surface-Potential, threshold voltage, and the gate-oxide capacitances of the internal and external part of the device. Further, the gate-oxide capacitance of CSDG MOSFET, particularly to the device pinch-off condition, has been derived. Since the device operation and analysis at the shorter channel are not similar to conventional long-channel MOSFETs, the depletion-width variation has been studied. The identified notion has been applied to derive the approximate numerical solution and silicon thickness inducing parameters for CSDG MOSFET to deploy the improvements in the device performance and novel design modifications. As the gate-material and gate-stack engineering is an alternative to overcome the device performance degradation by enhancing the charge transport efficiency, the CSDG MOSFET in a novel Dual-Metal Gate (DMG) structure design has been proposed and analyzed using the solution of 2D Poisson’s equations in the geometrical boundary conditions of the device. The model expressions obtained solution using the proposed structure has been compared with a single metal gate structure. Finally, it has been analyzed that the proposed model exhibits an excellent match with the analytical model. The obtained DMG device structure advances the carrier velocity and transport efficiency, resulting in the surface-potential profile caused by dissimilar gate metal work-function. The superior device characteristics obtained employing a dual-material structure in CSDG are promising and can reduce the threshold voltage roll-off, suppress the hot-carrier effects and SCEs

    Miniaturized Transistors

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    What is the future of CMOS? Sustaining increased transistor densities along the path of Moore's Law has become increasingly challenging with limited power budgets, interconnect bandwidths, and fabrication capabilities. In the last decade alone, transistors have undergone significant design makeovers; from planar transistors of ten years ago, technological advancements have accelerated to today's FinFETs, which hardly resemble their bulky ancestors. FinFETs could potentially take us to the 5-nm node, but what comes after it? From gate-all-around devices to single electron transistors and two-dimensional semiconductors, a torrent of research is being carried out in order to design the next transistor generation, engineer the optimal materials, improve the fabrication technology, and properly model future devices. We invite insight from investigators and scientists in the field to showcase their work in this Special Issue with research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on trends in micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications

    Modeling Of Two Dimensional Graphene And Non-graphene Material Based Tunnel Field Effect Transistors For Integrated Circuit Design

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    The Moore’s law of scaling of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) had been a driving force toward the unprecedented advancement in development of integrated circuit over the last five decades. As the technology scales down to 7 nm node and below following the Moore’s law, conventional MOSFETs are becoming more vulnerable to extremely high off-state leakage current exhibiting a tremendous amount of standby power dissipation. Moreover, the fundamental physical limit of MOSFET of 60 mV/decade subthreshold slope exacerbates the situation further requiring current transport mechanism other than drift and diffusion for the operation of transistors. One way to limit such unrestrained amount of power dissipation is to explore novel materials with superior thermal and electrical properties compared to traditional bulk materials. On the other hand, energy efficient steep subthreshold slope devices are the other possible alternatives to conventional MOSFET based on emerging novel materials. This dissertation addresses the potential of both advanced materials and devices for development of next generation energy efficient integrated circuits. Among the different steep subthreshold slope devices, tunnel field effect transistor (TFET) has been considered as a promising candidate after MOSFET. A superior gate control on source-channel band-to-band tunneling providing subthreshold slopes well below than 60 mV/decade. With the emergence of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials, interest in the design of TFET based on such novel 2D materials has also grown significantly. Graphene being the first and the most studied among 2D materials with exotic electronic and thermal properties. This dissertation primarily considers current transport modeling of graphene based tunnel devices from transport phenomena to energy efficient integrated circuit design. Three current transport models: semi-classical, semi-quantum and numerical simulations are described for the modeling of graphene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor (GNR TFET) where the semi-classical model is in close agreement with the quantum transport simulation. Moreover, the models produced are also extended for integrated circuit design using Verilog-A hardware description language for logic design. In order to overcome the challenges associated with the band gap engineering for making graphene transistor for logic operation, the promise of graphene based interlayer tunneling transistors are discussed along with their existing fundamental physical limitation of subthreshold slope. It has been found that such interlayer tunnel transistor has very poor electrostatic gate control on drain current. It gives subthreshold slope greater than the thermionic limit of 60 mV/decade at room temperature. In order to resolve such limitation of interlayer tunneling transistors, a new type of transistor named “junctionless tunnel effect transistor (JTET)” has been invented and modeled for the first time considering graphene-boron nitride (BN)-graphene and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-boron nitride (BN) heterostructures, where the interlayer tunneling mechanism controls the source-drain ballistic transport instead of depleting carriers in the channel. Steep subthreshold slope, low power and high frequency THz operation are few of the promising features studied for such graphene and MoS2 JTETs. From current transport modeling to energy efficient integrated circuit design using Verilog-A has been carried out for these new devices as well. Thus, findings in this dissertation would suggest the exciting opportunity of a new class of next generation energy efficient material based transistors as switches