643 research outputs found

    Design and modelling of variability tolerant on-chip communication structures for future high performance system on chip designs

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    The incessant technology scaling has enabled the integration of functionally complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs with a large number of heterogeneous systems on a single chip. The processing elements on these chips are integrated through on-chip communication structures which provide the infrastructure necessary for the exchange of data and control signals, while meeting the strenuous physical and design constraints. The use of vast amounts of on chip communications will be central to future designs where variability is an inherent characteristic. For this reason, in this thesis we investigate the performance and variability tolerance of typical on-chip communication structures. Understanding of the relationship between variability and communication is paramount for the designers; i.e. to devise new methods and techniques for designing performance and power efficient communication circuits in the forefront of challenges presented by deep sub-micron (DSM) technologies. The initial part of this work investigates the impact of device variability due to Random Dopant Fluctuations (RDF) on the timing characteristics of basic communication elements. The characterization data so obtained can be used to estimate the performance and failure probability of simple links through the methodology proposed in this work. For the Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) of larger circuits, a method for accurate estimation of the probability density functions of different circuit parameters is proposed. Moreover, its significance on pipelined circuits is highlighted. Power and area are one of the most important design metrics for any integrated circuit (IC) design. This thesis emphasises the consideration of communication reliability while optimizing for power and area. A methodology has been proposed for the simultaneous optimization of performance, area, power and delay variability for a repeater inserted interconnect. Similarly for multi-bit parallel links, bandwidth driven optimizations have also been performed. Power and area efficient semi-serial links, less vulnerable to delay variations than the corresponding fully parallel links are introduced. Furthermore, due to technology scaling, the coupling noise between the link lines has become an important issue. With ever decreasing supply voltages, and the corresponding reduction in noise margins, severe challenges are introduced for performing timing verification in the presence of variability. For this reason an accurate model for crosstalk noise in an interconnection as a function of time and skew is introduced in this work. This model can be used for the identification of skew condition that gives maximum delay noise, and also for efficient design verification

    Interconnect delay modeling under exponential input

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    Interconnect has become the dominating factor in determining the performance of VLSI deep submicron designs. With the rapid shrinking of feature size and development in the process technologies, it has been observed that the resistance per unit length of the interconnect continues to increase, capacitance per unit length remains roughly constant, and transistor or gate delay continues to decrease. This had led to the increasing dominance of interconnect delay over logic delay, and this trend is expected to continue. With this being the main bottleneck in realizing high speed circuits, complete understanding of the interconnect delay and thereby efficient and accurate delay circulation has assumed a greater significance in physical design, optimization and fast verification. In this thesis, a interconnect delay model under exponential input is presented. Because of its simple closed form expression, fast computation speed, and fidelity with respect to simulation, Elmore delay model remains popular. More accurate delay computation methods are typically central processing unit intensive and/or difficult to implement. To bridge this gap between accuracy and efficiency/simplicity, a new RC delay metric for interconnects which is as efficient as the Elmore metric, but more accurate, is proposed. However, there is no interconnect delay model considering exponential input waveform existing in the literature. The proposed Exponential Delay Metric uses exponential waveform as input and captures resistive shielding effects by modeling the downstream by a [pi]-model. An application of the delay model to perform interconnect optimization using wire sizing is also presented. Experimental results show that the proposed delay model is significantly more accurate than the existing interconnect delay models

    Analysis of performance variation in 16nm FinFET FPGA devices

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    Modeling and Analysis of Noise and Interconnects for On-Chip Communication Link Design

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    This thesis considers modeling and analysis of noise and interconnects in onchip communication. Besides transistor count and speed, the capabilities of a modern design are often limited by on-chip communication links. These links typically consist of multiple interconnects that run parallel to each other for long distances between functional or memory blocks. Due to the scaling of technology, the interconnects have considerable electrical parasitics that affect their performance, power dissipation and signal integrity. Furthermore, because of electromagnetic coupling, the interconnects in the link need to be considered as an interacting group instead of as isolated signal paths. There is a need for accurate and computationally effective models in the early stages of the chip design process to assess or optimize issues affecting these interconnects. For this purpose, a set of analytical models is developed for on-chip data links in this thesis. First, a model is proposed for modeling crosstalk and intersymbol interference. The model takes into account the effects of inductance, initial states and bit sequences. Intersymbol interference is shown to affect crosstalk voltage and propagation delay depending on bus throughput and the amount of inductance. Next, a model is proposed for the switching current of a coupled bus. The model is combined with an existing model to evaluate power supply noise. The model is then applied to reduce both functional crosstalk and power supply noise caused by a bus as a trade-off with time. The proposed reduction method is shown to be effective in reducing long-range crosstalk noise. The effects of process variation on encoded signaling are then modeled. In encoded signaling, the input signals to a bus are encoded using additional signaling circuitry. The proposed model includes variation in both the signaling circuitry and in the wires to calculate the total delay variation of a bus. The model is applied to study level-encoded dual-rail and 1-of-4 signaling. In addition to regular voltage-mode and encoded voltage-mode signaling, current-mode signaling is a promising technique for global communication. A model for energy dissipation in RLC current-mode signaling is proposed in the thesis. The energy is derived separately for the driver, wire and receiver termination.Siirretty Doriast


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    The continuous downscaling of CMOS technologies over the last few decades resulted in higher Integrated Circuit (IC) density and performance. The emergence of FinFET technology has brought with it the same reliability issues as standard CMOS with the addition of a new prominent degradation mechanism. The same mechanisms still exist as for previous CMOS devices, including Bias Temperature Instability (BTI), Hot Carrier Degradation (HCD), Electro-migration (EM), and Body Effects. A new and equally important reliability issue for FinFET is the Self -heating, which is a crucial complication since thermal time-constant is generally much longer than the transistor switching times. FinFET technology is the newest technological paradigm that has emerged in the past decade, as downscaling reached beyond 20 nm, which happens also to be the estimated mean free path of electrons at room temperature in silicon. As such, the reliability physics of FinFET was modified in order to fit the newly developed transistor technology. This paper highlights the roles and impacts of these various effects and aging mechanisms on FinFET transistors compared to planar transistors on the basic approach of the physics of failure mechanisms to fit to a comprehensive aging model

    Design of a reliability methodology: Modelling the influence of temperature on gate Oxide reliability

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    An Integrated Reliability Methodology (IRM) is presented that encompasses the changes that technology growth has brought with it and includes several new device degradation models. Each model is based on a physics of failure approach and includes on the effects of temperature. At all stages the models are verified experimentally on modern deep sub-micron devices. The research provides the foundations of a tool which gives the user the opportunity to make appropriate trade-offs between performance and reliability, and that can be implemented in the early stages of product development

    A surface-potential-based compact model for partially-depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs

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    With the continuous scaling of CMOS technologies, Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technologies have become more competitive compared to bulk, due to their lower parasitic capacitances and leakage currents. The shift towards high frequency, low power circuitry, coupled with the increased maturity of SOI process technologies, have made SOI a genuinely costeffective solution for leading edge applications. The original STAG2 model, developed at the University of Southampton, UK, was among the first compact circuit simulation models to specifically model the behaviour of Partially-Depleted (PD) SOI devices. STAG2 was a robust, surface-potential based compact model, employing closed-form equations to minimise simulation times for large circuits. It was able to simulate circuits in DC, small signal, and transient modes, and particular care was taken to ensure that convergence problems were kept to a minimum. In this thesis, the ongoing development of the STAG model, culminating in the release of a new version, STAG3, is described. STAG3 is intended to make the STAG model applicable to process technologies down to 100nm. To this end, a number of major model improvements were undertaken, including: a new core surface potential model, new vertical and lateral field mobility models, quantum mechanical models, the ability to model non-uniform vertical doping profiles, and other miscellaneous effects relevant to deep submicron devices such as polysilicon depletion, velocity overshoot, and the reverse short channel effect.As with the previous versions of STAG, emphasis has been placed on ensuring that model equations are numerically robust, as well as closed-form wherever possible, in order to minimise convergence problems and circuit simulation times. The STAG3 model has been evaluated with devices manufactured in PD-SOI technologies down to 0.25?m, and was found to give good matching to experimental data across a range of device sizes and biases, whilst requiring only a single set of model parameters

    Multilayer Modeling and Design of Energy Managed Microsystems

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    Aggressive energy reduction is one of the key technological challenges that all segments of the semiconductor industry have encountered in the past few years. In addition, the notion of environmental awareness and designing “green” products is yet another major driver for ultra low energy design of electronic systems. Energy management is one of the unique solutions that can address the simultaneous requirements of high-performance, (ultra) low energy and greenness in many classes of computing systems; including high-performance, embedded and wireless. These considerations motivate the focus of this dissertation on the energy efficiency improvement of Energy Managed Microsystems (EMM or EM2). The aim is to maximize the energy efficiency and/or the operational lifetime of these systems. In this thesis we propose solutions that are applicable to many classes of computing systems including high-performance and mobile computing systems. These solutions contribute to make such technologies “greener”. The proposed solutions are multilayer, since they belong to, and may be applicable to, multiple design abstraction layers. The proposed solutions are orthogonal to each other, and if deployed simultaneously in a vertical system integration approach, when possible, the net benefit may be as large as the multiplication of the individual benefits. At high-level, this thesis initially focuses on the modeling and design of interconnections for EM2. For this purpose, a design flow has been proposed for interconnections in EM2. This flow allows designing interconnects with minimum energy requirements that meet all the considered performance objectives, in all specified system operating states. Later, models for energy performance estimation of EM2 are proposed. By energy performance, we refer to the improvements of energy savings of the computing platforms, obtained when some enhancements are applied to those platforms. These models are based on the components of the application profile. The adopted method is inspired by Amdahl’s law, which is driven by the fact that ‘energy’ is ‘additive’, as ‘time’ is ‘additive’. These models can be used for the design space exploration of EM2. The proposed models are high-level and therefore they are easy to use and show fair accuracy, 9.1% error on average, when compared to the results of the implemented benchmarks. Finally, models to estimate energy consumption of EM2 according to their “activity” are proposed. By “activity” we mean the rate at which EM2 perform a set of predefined application functions. Good estimations of energy requirements are very useful when designing and managing the EM2 activity, in order to extend their battery lifetime. The study of the proposed models on some Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) application benchmark confirms a fair accuracy for the energy estimation models, 3% error on average on the considered benchmarks
