2,837 research outputs found

    A Novel Intelligent Neural Network Techniques of UPQC with Integrated Solar PV System for Power Quality Enhancement

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    A Novel, Intelligent control of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC), coupled with a Photovoltaic (PV) system, is proposed in this work. It enhances the decarbonizes clean energy generation and maintains Power Quality (PQ) to the grid. In PV integrated UPQC, Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) assisted Perturb and Observation (P&O) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique. A d-q theory-based control is employed with the assistance of a Proportional Integral (PI) controller for controlling the working of UPQC and maintaining the power quality. The dynamic working of the PV-based UPQC is evaluated based on simulation outcomes attained from MATLAB

    A Novel Intelligent Neural Network Techniques of UPQC with Integrated Solar PV System for Power Quality Enhancement

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    A Novel, Intelligent control of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC), coupled with a Photovoltaic (PV) system, is proposed in this work. It enhances the decarbonizes clean energy generation and maintains Power Quality (PQ) to the grid. In PV integrated UPQC, Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) assisted Perturb and Observation (P&O) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique. A d-q theory-based control is employed with the assistance of a Proportional Integral (PI) controller for controlling the working of UPQC and maintaining the power quality. The dynamic working of the PV-based UPQC is evaluated based on simulation outcomes attained from MATLAB

    Observation of charge ordering signal in monovalent doped Nd0.75Na0.25-xKxMn1O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10) manganites

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    K doping in the compound of Nd0.75Na0.25-xKxMn1O3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.10) manganites have been investigated to study its effect on crystalline phase and surface morphology as well as electrical transport and magnetic properties. The structure properties of the Nd0.75Na0.25- xKxMnO3 manganite have been characterized using X-ray diffraction measurement and it proved that the crystalline phase of samples were essentially single phased and indexed as orthorhombic structure with space group of Pnma. The morphological study from scanning electron microscope showed there was an improvement on the grains boundaries and sizes as well as the compactness with K doping suggestively due to the difference of ionic radius. On the other hand, DC electrical resistivity measurement showed all samples exhibit insulating behavior. However, analysis of dlnρ/dT-1 vs. T revealed the clearly peaks could be observed at temperature 210K for x = 0 and the peaks were shifted to the lower temperature around 190 K and 165 K for x = 0.05 and x = 0.1 respectively, indicate the existence of charge ordering (CO) state in the compound. Meanwhile, the investigation on magnetic behavior showed all samples exhibit transition from paramagnetic phase to anti-ferromagnetic phase with decreasing temperature and the TN was observed to shift to lower temperature suggestively due to weakening of CO stat

    A modified particle swarm optimization based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic converter system

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    This thesis presents a modified Particle Swarm Optimization based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Converter system. All over the world, many governments are striving to exploit the vast potential of renewable energy to meet the growing energy requirements mainly when the price of oil is high. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is a method that ensures power generated in Photovoltaic (PV) systems is optimized under various conditions. Due to partial shading or change in irradiance and temperature conditions in PV, the power-voltage characteristics exhibit multiple local peaks; one such phenomenon is the global peak. These conditions make it very challenging for MPPT to locate the global maximum power point. Many MPPT algorithms have been proposed for this purpose. In this thesis, a modified Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO)-based MPPT method for PV systems is proposed. Unlike the conventional PSO-based MPPT methods, the proposed method accelerates convergence of the PSO algorithm by consistently decreasing weighting factor, cognitive and social parameters thus reducing the steps of iterations and improved the tracking response time. The advantage of the proposed method is that it requires fewer search steps (converges to the desired solution in a reasonable time) compared to other MPPT methods. It requires only the idea of series cells; thus, it is system independent. The control scheme was first created in MATLAB/Simulink and compared with other MPPT methods and then validated using hardware implementation. The TMS320F28335 eZDSP board was used for implementing the developed control algorithm. The results show good performance in terms of speed of convergence and also guaranteed convergence to global MPP with faster time response compared to the other MPPT methods under typical conditions (partial shading, change in irradiance and temperature, load profile). This demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Advances and Technologies in High Voltage Power Systems Operation, Control, Protection and Security

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    The electrical demands in several countries around the world are increasing due to the huge energy requirements of prosperous economies and the human activities of modern life. In order to economically transfer electrical powers from the generation side to the demand side, these powers need to be transferred at high-voltage levels through suitable transmission systems and power substations. To this end, high-voltage transmission systems and power substations are in demand. Actually, they are at the heart of interconnected power systems, in which any faults might lead to unsuitable consequences, abnormal operation situations, security issues, and even power cuts and blackouts. In order to cope with the ever-increasing operation and control complexity and security in interconnected high-voltage power systems, new architectures, concepts, algorithms, and procedures are essential. This book aims to encourage researchers to address the technical issues and research gaps in high-voltage transmission systems and power substations in modern energy systems

    UK perspective research landscape for offshore renewable energy and its role in delivering net zero

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    Acknowledgements This work was conducted within the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub, a £9 Million programme 2018–2023 funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant no. EP/S000747/1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    H∞ based control of a DC/DC buck converter feeding a constant power load in uncertain DC microgrid system

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    DC microgrids are gaining more and more popularity and are becoming a more viable alternative to AC microgrids (MGs) due to their advantages in terms of simpler power converter stages, flexible control algorithms and the absence of synchronization and reactive power. However, DC-MGs are prone to instability issues associated with the presence of nonlinear loads such as constant power loads (CPL) known by their incremental negative impedance (INI), which may lead to voltage collapse of the main DC Bus. In this paper, -based controller of a source side buck converter is designed to avoid the instability issues caused by the load-side converter acting as a CPL. Besides, the proposed controller allows a perfect rejection of all perturbations that may arise from parameter variations, input voltage and CPL current fluctuations. The design process of H-based controller is based on the Golver Doyle Optimization Algorithm (GDOA), which requires an augmented system extracted from the small-signal model of the DC/DC converter including the mathematical model of parameter variations and overall external perturbations. The​ based controller involves the use of weight functions in order to get the desired performances. The proposed controller is easy to implement and lead to reducing the implementation cost and avoid the use of current measurement that may have some disadvantages. The derived controller is validated by simulation performed in Psim software and experimental setup

    Design of LLC resonant converter with silicon carbide MOSFET switches and nonlinear adaptive sliding controller for brushless DC motor system

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    Introduction. The high voltage gain DC-DC converters are increasingly used in many power electronics application systems, due to their benefits of increased voltage output, reduced noise contents, uninterrupted power supply, and ensured system reliability. Most of the existing works are highly concentrated on developing the high voltage DC-DC converter and controller topologies for goal improving the steady state response of brushless DC motor driving system and also obtain the regulated voltage with increased power density and reduced harmonics, the LLC resonant DC-DC converter is implemented with the silicon carbide MOSFET switching devices Problem. Yet, it facing the major problems of increased switching loss, conduction loss, error outputs, time consumption, and reduced efficiency. Also the existing works are mainly concentrating on improving the voltage gain, regulation, and operating performance of the power system with reduced loss of factors by using the different types of converters and controlling techniques. The goal of this work is to obtain the improved voltage gain output with reduced loss factors and harmonic distortions. Method. Because, this type of converter has the ability to generate the high gain DC output voltage fed to the brushless DC motor with reduced harmonics and loss factors. Also, the nonlinear adaptive sliding controller is implemented to generate the controlling pulses for triggering the switching components properly. For this operation, the best gain parameters are selected based on the duty cycle, feedback DC voltage and current, and gain of silicon carbide MOSFET. By using this, the controlling signals are generated and given to the converter, which helps to control the brushless DC motor with steady state error. Practical value. The simulation results of the proposed LLC silicon carbide MOSFET incorporated with nonlinear adaptive sliding controller controlling scheme are validated and compared by using various evaluation indicators. Вступ. Високовольтні перетворювачі постійного струму з високим коефіцієнтом посилення напруги все частіше використовуються в багатьох прикладних системах силової електроніки через їх переваги, пов'язані з підвищеною вихідною напругою, зниженим рівнем шуму, безперебійним живленням і гарантованою надійністю системи. Більшість існуючих робіт значною мірою зосереджені на розробці топологій високовольтного перетворювача постійного струму і контролера з метою поліпшення усталеного відгуку системи приводу безщіткового двигуна постійного струму, а також отримання регульованої напруги з підвищеною щільністю потужності і зменшеними гармоніками; резонансний LLC-перетворювач постійного струму, реалізований на перемикаючих пристроях на основі польових МОП-транзисторах з карбіду кремнію. Проблема. Тим не менш, це стикається з основними проблемами, пов'язаними зі збільшенням втрат при перемиканні, втратами провідності, помилками на виході, витратами часу та зниженням ефективності. Крім того, існуючі роботи в основному зосереджені на покращенні коефіцієнта посилення напруги, регулювання та робочих характеристик енергосистеми із зменшенням факторів втрат за рахунок використання різних типів перетворювачів та методів управління. Метою роботи є отримання покращеного коефіцієнта посилення напруги зі зниженими коефіцієнтами втрат і гармонійних спотворень. Метод. Таким чином, цей тип перетворювача здатний генерувати вихідну постійну напругу з високим коефіцієнтом посилення, що подається на безщітковий двигун постійного струму, зі зменшеними коефіцієнтами гармонік та втрат. Крім того, реалізований нелінійний адаптивний ковзний регулятор для генерування керуючих імпульсів для належного спрацьовування перемикаючих компонентів. Для цієї операції вибираються найкращі параметри посилення на основі робочого циклу, постійної напруги та струму зворотного зв'язку, а також коефіцієнта посилення польового МОП-транзистора з карбіду кремнію. При цьому керуючі сигнали генеруються і передаються на перетворювач, який допомагає керувати безщітковим двигуном постійного струму з помилкою, що встановилася. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання запропонованого LLC-перетворювача на основі польових МОП-транзисторів з карбіду кремнію зі схемою управління нелінійним адаптивним ковзним регулятором перевіряються та порівнюються з використанням різних показників оцінки.&nbsp

    Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic Panel: A Review and Experimental Applications

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    This article contains a review of essential control techniques for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to be applied in photovoltaic (PV) panel systems. These devices are distinguished by their capability to transform solar energy into electricity without emissions. Nevertheless, the efficiency can be enhanced provided that a suitable MPPT algorithm is well designed to obtain the maximum performance. From the analyzed MPPT algorithms, four different types were chosen for an experimental evaluation over a commercial PV system linked to a boost converter. As the reference that corresponds to the maximum power is depended on the irradiation and temperature, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used as a reference generator where a high accuracy was achieved based on real data. This was used as a tool for the implementation of sliding mode controller (SMC), fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and model predictive control (MPC). The outcomes allowed different conclusions where each controller has different advantages and disadvantages depending on the various factors related to hardware and software.This research was funded by the Basque Government through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), by the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, and by the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063