868 research outputs found

    Icing and Anti-Icing of Railway Contact Wires

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    Ghost city phenomenon along China’s high-speed railway grid

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    A fresh urbanism era appears in China with the development of high-speed railway (HSR). Voluminous numbers of local governments are designing and erecting novel cities oriented to the HSR stations with the objective of gaining benefits from the HSR system. Nevertheless, a huge number of these freshly erected districts or cities entail a tremendously high vacancy rate, thereby resulting in 'ghost cities'. The present paper commences with an outline of the China's urban HSR growth and the phenomena of ghost cities. After a literature review on worldwide urban HSR development, the reasons behind the 'ghost city phenomenon' in China are analysed. In the end, the study is concluded by proposing several suggestions for HSR development

    Graphene-based surface heater for de-icing applications

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    © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Graphene-based de-icing composites are of great interest due to incredible thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of graphene. Moreover, current technologies possess a number of challenges such as expensive, high power consumption, limited life time and adding extra weight to the composites. Here, we report a scalable process of making highly conductive graphene-based glass fibre rovings for de-icing applications. We also use a scalable process of making graphene-based conductive ink by microfluidic exfoliation technique. The glass fibre roving is then coated with graphene-based conductive inks using a dip-dry-cure technique which could potentially be scaled up into an industrial manufacturing unit. The graphene-coated glass roving demonstrates lower electrical resistances (∼1.7 Ω cm-1) and can heat up rapidly to a required temperature. We integrate these graphene-coated glass rovings into a vacuum-infused epoxy-glass fabric composite and also demonstrate the potential use of as prepared graphene-based composites for de-icing applications


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    Icing thickness prediction model for overhead transmission lines

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    Failures in a large electric power system are often inevitable. Severe weather conditions are one of the main causes of transmission line failures. Using the fault data of transmission lines of Shaanxi Power Grid from 2006 to 2016, in conjunction with meteorological information, this paper analyses the relationship between the temporal-spatial distribution characteristics of meteorological disasters and the fault of transmission lines in Shaanxi Province, China. In order to analyze the influence of micro-meteorology on ice coating, a grey correlation analysis method is proposed. This thesis calculates the grey relational between ice thickness and micro-meteorological parameters such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and precipitation. The results show that the correlation between ambient temperature, wind speed and ice thickness is bigger than others. Based on the results of grey correlation analysis, a Multivariate Grey Model (MGM) and a Back Propagation (BP) neural network prediction model are built based on ice thickness, ambient temperature and wind speed. The prediction results of these two models are verified by the case of ice-coating of Shaanxi power grid. The results show that the prediction errors of the two models are small and satisfy the engineering requirement. Then a realistic case is carried out by using these two models. An icing risk map is drawn according to the results

    Icing Effects on Power Lines and Anti-icing and De-icing Methods

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    Icing on power lines may lead to compromise safety and reliability of electric supply network. Prolong icing can lead to power breakdown and collapse of towers. Since power transmission lines are mostly overhead and could face the direct impact of icing, and it is one of the main challenges faced by power distribution companies in cold regions. When the ice accretion crosses the safety limit then deicing action can be carried out. We can find number of deicing methods that are used in different parts of the world. However, all of these deicing techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages on implementation. It is one of the most difficult as well as dangerous process to perform deicing on power lines. If a fault is detected and that has been occurred due to icing or during routine maintenance, extra care must be taken in order to ensure safety of the personals when performing de-icing of lines. However, as technology evolved, new ways and techniques are adopted with the help of sensors that give quick feedback to control room in the national grid via wireless communication network for real time action. In the thesis we have discussed atmospheric icing impacts on power lines in the cold regions across the world. A literature review has been done for anti-icing and deicing methods that are currently adopted in the power distribution network. Methods that are used against ice buildups have also been analyzed. This work also shows the impacts of icing and deicing techniques presently adopted, and also throws light on their pros and cons during maintenance operations. It provides an overview of the evolving technology trends that are practiced to ensure the availability of existing power transmission system in cold climate regions

    Urban flood simulation and integrated flood risk management

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    Climate change induces the probability of occurring natural disasters; e.g. floods, Sea Level Rise, Green House Gases. Flood is considered one of the most dangerous phenomena that tremendously and dramatically threatening the human being and environment worldwide. Rapid urban growth, demographic explosion, and unplanned land uses have exacerbated the problem of urban flooding, particularly in the cities of China. In addition to that, the concept of flood risk management and adaptation measures and strategies are still missed in the cities’ development future plans. The main objective of this Ph.D. dissertation is to investigate the flood risk analysis and assessment based on flood simulation and adaptive strategies for flood event through two case studies of Changsha city in south-central China. In case study I, fluvial flooding was considered on mesoscale and an MCA-based approach was proposed to assess the integrated flood risk of Changsha central city. HEC-RAS 1-D model was used to simulation the inundation characteristics for hazard analysis based on four risk dimensions: economic, social, environmental, and infrastructural risk. For infrastructural dimension, apart for direct damage on road segments, network analysis method was combined with inundation information and macroscopic traffic simulation to evaluate the impact on traffic volume as well as a decrease of road service level. Closeness centrality weighted with a travel time of pre- and after- flood was compared in order to measure the impact on urban accessibility. Integrated risk values were calculated using various weighting criteria sets. Sobol' indices were used as a tool of spatially-explicit global Uncertainty Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis (UA/SA) for damage models. In case study II, an agent-based modeling approach was proposed to simulate the emergency pluvial flood event caused by a short-time rainstorm in local areas of cities aiming at developing an interactive flood emergency management system capable of interpreting the risk and reduction strategy of the pluvial flood. The simulation integrated an inundation model with microscopic traffic simulation. It also reveals that all agents can benefit significantly from both engineering measures and the only pedestrian obtain relatively more benefits from risk warning with high awareness. The method provided potentials in studies on the adaptive emergency management and risk reduction, help both decision-makers and stakeholders to acquire deeper and comprehensive understanding of the flood risk. This Ph.D. study has investigated holistic methods and models’ selection in flood risk assessment and management to overcome data deficiency and to achieve the integration of different data. The results of the first case study reveal that the integrated methods have proved to be able to improved flood risk analysis and assessment especially for indirect damage of infrastructural system with network features. The global UA/SA based on Sobol' method and visualization with maps enable to gain the spatial distribution of uncertainty for various factors, the validation of damage models, and deeper and more comprehensive understanding of flood risk. Then based on the integrated risk assessment, functions of spatial planning in flood risk management were discussed, potentially providing guidance and support for decision-making. The results of the second case study denote that agent-based modeling and simulation can be effectively utilized for flood emergency management. Two scenarios focusing on specific risk reduction interventions were designed and compared. Engineering measures by improving capability of the drainage system and the surface permeability of waterlogging areas are the most effective means for damage mitigation. High public risk awareness still has great potential benefits of the in the event of emergencies, which can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the official warning. The agent-based modeling and simulation provided an effective method for analyzing the effectiveness of different strategies for reducing flood risk at the local scale and for supporting urban flood emergency management. The case studies also indicate the significance and necessity of establishing a platform and database to realize full sharing and synergies of spatial information resources for flood risk management, which is a vital issue to manage the urban flood risk and take effective measures correspondingly with responding to emergency extreme flood event. Keywords: urban flood; flood risk assessment; network analysis; flood simulation; flood risk managemen

    Cable Aerodynamic Control:Wind tunnel studies

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    Emerging infectious diseases in wildlife have become a growing concern to human health and biological systems with more than 75 percent of known emerging pathogens being transmissible from animals to humans. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has caused major global concern over a potential pandemic and since its emergence in 1996 has become the longest persisting HPAI virus in history. HPAI viruses are generally restricted to domestic poultry populations, however, their origins are found in wild bird reservoirs (Anatidae waterfowl) in a low-pathogenic or non-lethal form. Understanding the spatial and temporal interface between wild and domestic populations is fundamental to taking action against the virus, yet this information is lacking. My dissertation takes two approaches to increase our understanding of wild bird and H5N1 transmission. The first includes a field component to track the migratory patterns of bar-headed geese (Anser indicus) and ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) from the large H5N1 outbreak at Qinghai Lake, China. The satellite telemetry study revealed a new migratory connection between Qinghai Lake and outbreak regions in Mongolia, and provided ecological data that supplements phylogenetic analyses of virus movement. The second component of my dissertation research took a modeling approach to identify areas of high transmission risk between domestic poultry and wild waterfowl in China, the epicenter of H5N1. This effort required the development of spatial models for both the poultry and wild waterfowl species of China. Using multivariate regression and AIC to determine statistical relationships between poultry census data and remotely-sensed environmental predictors, I generated spatially explicit distribution models for China's three main poultry species: chickens, ducks, and geese. I then developed spatially explicit breeding and wintering season models of presence-absence, abundance, and H5N1 prevalence for each of China's 42 Anatidae waterfowl species. The poultry and waterfowl datasets were used as the main inputs for the transmission risk models. Distinct patterns in both the spatial and temporal distributions of H5N1 risk was observed in the model predictions. All models included estimates of uncertainty, and sensitivity analyses were performed for the risk models