389 research outputs found

    PKM mechatronic clamping adaptive device

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    This study proposes a novel adaptive fixturing device based on active clamping systems for smart micropositioning of thin-walled precision parts. The modular architecture and the structure flexibility make the system suitable for various industrial applications. The proposed device is realized as a Parallel Kinematic Machine (PKM), opportunely sensorized and controlled, able to perform automatic error-free workpiece clamping procedures, drastically reducing the overall fixturing set-up time. The paper describes the kinematics and dynamics of this mechatronic system. A first campaign of experimental trails has been carried out on the prototype, obtaining promising results

    Development of a passive compliant mechanism for measurement of micro/nano-scale planar three DOF motions

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    This paper presents the design, optimization, and computational and experimental performance evaluations of a passively actuated, monolithic, compliant mechanism. The mechanism is designed to be mounted on or built into any precision positioning stage which produces three degree of freedom (DOF) planar motions. It transforms such movements into linear motions which can then be measured using laser interferometry based sensing and measurement techniques commonly used for translational axes. This methodology reduces the introduction of geometric errors into sensor measurements, and bypasses the need for increased complexity sensing systems. A computational technique is employed to optimize the mechanism’s performance, in particular to ensure the kinematic relationships match a set of desired relationships. Computational analysis is then employed to predict the performance of the mechanism throughout the workspace of a coupled positioning stage, and the errors are shown to vary linearly with the input position. This allows the errors to be corrected through calibration. A prototype is manufactured and experimentally tested, confirming the ability of the proposed mechanism to permit measurements of three DOF motions

    Effective finite element modelling of micro-positioning systems

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    The goal of this thesis is to develop an efficient finite element model of a particular micro-positioning(MP) system, known as the 3RRR Mechanism. MP systems are capable of delivering accurate and controllable motion in the micro-metre to sub-micrometre range. Conventional mechanisms, which are often composed of rigid links with pinned connections are prone to friction, backlash and stiction, which are magnified at small displacements. As such MP systems utilize a new structure known as the compliant mechanism. The structure of most compliant mechanisms is based on conventional mechanisms; however they are monolithic devices which utilize flexible elements, instead of pins, to transform the input to a useful output position. One common flexible element found in compliant mechanisms is the right circular flexure hinge. The seminal work on flexure hinges was done by Paros and Weisbord(1965), the basis of which was to calculate compliance (the reciprocal of stiffness) in order to characterize the behaviour of the hinge when loaded. However they essentially modelled the flexure hinge as a 1-D beam, when it is in fact 3-D in nature. Researchers completing finite element models of MP systems and flexure hinges have extended the model to 2-D elements, still resulting in poor results when compared to experimental data. The task of completing a full 3-D finite element model of a MP system, let alone a right circular flexure hinge, is a major computational effort. For instance, a full 3-D model of the 3RRR mechanism would require over 1,000,000 degrees of freedom(DOF) dedicated to the flexure hinges alone. A 2-D model requires approximately 45,000 DOF in total; however, this number is still regarded as large. Given these facts, a new technique called the Equivalent Beam Methodology(EBM) has been developed to model the 3-D stiffness of any right circular flexure hinge with a low number of DOF. This method essentially maps the 3-D stiffness of the hinge to a number of 1-D beam elements. For comparison, the finite element model of the 3RRR mechanism which incorporates the beams of the EBM has under 300 DOF in total, and is more accurate than the 2-D model. This method is extremely accurate, easy to use, and has a very low number of DOF, which makes it suitable to many advanced finite element modelling analyses such as topographic optimization, dynamic and modal analysis

    A metrological scanning force microscope

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    In last decade, there has been a tremendous progress in scanning probe microscopies, some of which have achieved atomic resolution. However, there still exist some problems which have to be solved before the instrument can be used as a metrological measurement tool. The object of the project introduced in this thesis was to develop a scanning force microscope of metrological capability with the aim of making significant improvement in scanning force microscopy from the viewpoint of instrumentation. A capacitance based force probe has been studied theoretically and experimentally with the main concern being its dynamic properties, characterized by squeeze air film damping, which are believed to have direct effects on the fidelity of measurement. The optimization of design is investigated so as to achieve the results of both high displacement sensitivity and force sensitivity. An x-y scanning stage has been designed and built, which consists of a two axis linear flexure system of motion amplifying mode machined from a single aluminium alloy block. The stage is driven by two piezo actuators with two capacitance sensors monitoring the actual position of the platform to form a closed loop control system. The design strategy is introduced and the performances and characteristics of two commonly used types of flexure translation mechanisms, leaf spring and notch hinge spring system, are analyzed. The finite element analysis method is employed in the analysis and design of translation mechanism. Finally, a metrological scanning force microscope has been constructed, combining a constant force probe system, an x-y scanning stage and a 3D coarse positioning mechanism into a metrological system. The performance of the instrument system has been systematically evaluated and its measuring capability investigated on the. specimens of various properties and features. The results from this first prototype of the instrument demonstrated a subnanometer resolution with comparable stability and repeatability in all three axes

    A planar 3-DOF nanopositioning platform with large magnification

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    AbstractPiezo-actuated flexure-based precision positioning platforms have been widely used in micro/nano manipulation. A conventional major challenge is the trade-off between high rigidity, large magnification, high-precision tracking, and high-accuracy positioning. A compact planar three-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) nanopositioning platform is described in which three two-level lever amplifiers are arranged symmetrically to achieve large magnification. The parallel-kinematic configuration with optimised sizes increases the rigidity. Displacement loss models (DLM) are proposed for the external preload port of the actuator, the input port of the platform and the flexible lever mechanism. The kinematic and dynamic modelling accuracies are improved by the compensation afforded by the three DLMs. Experimental results validate the proposed design and modelling methods. The proposed platform possesses high rigidity, large magnification, high-precision circle tracking and high-accuracy positioning

    Experimental Validation of the Kinematic Design of 3PRS Compliant Parallel Mechanisms

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    In this paper, a procedure for the kinematic design of a 3-PRS compliant parallel manipulator of 3 degrees of freedom is proposed. First, under the assumption of small displacements, the solid body kinematics of the 3-PRS has been studied, performing a comprehensive analysis of the inverse and forward kinematic problem, and calculating the rotations that the revolute and spherical flexure joints must perform. Then, after defining some design requirements and therefore the necessary displacements to fulfill, a design process based on the finite element calculations has been stablished, giving the necessary guidelines to reach the optimal solution on a 3-PRS compliant mechanism. Also, a prototype has been tested, using a coordinate measuring machine to verify its dimensions and the resulting displacements in the end effector and the actuated joints. Finally, those measurements have been compared with the FEM and the rigid body kinematics predictions, contrasting the validity of those two modelling approaches for the kinematic design of compliant mechanisms.The authors of this paper wish to acknowledge the financial support received from the Spanish Government via the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Project DPI2011-22955) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project DPI2015-64450-R), the ERDF of the European Union, the Government of the Basque Country (Project GIC07/78, IT445-10 and SAIOTEK 2013 SAI13/245, SPC13UN011), and the University of the Basque Country (Project EHUA13/30 and Zabalduz-2012). Thanks are also addressed to Dr. Jorge Presa and Alfonso Urzainki from Egile Corporation XXI for their valuable contributions

    Modeling of the elastic mechanical behavior of thin compliant joints under load for highest-precision applications

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    For the most demanding measurement tasks in force metrology flexure hinges in compliant mechanisms represent a key component. To enhance the mechanical properties of devices like weighing cells, the ability of precise modeling of flexure hinges is essential. The present scientific work focuses on the modeling of the mechanical behavior of a single flexure hinge subjected to geometric deviations and non-ideal loading conditions as those encountered in weighing cells. The considered hinge has a semi-circular contour and a large width compared to its minimum notch height. This geometry is modeled using the finite element method. Requirements for a trustworthy and efficient computation are elaborated under the consideration of geometric deviations for later parametric studies. Analytical expressions found in the literature are compared to numerical results to prove the validity of their assumptions for thin hinges. The model is used for studying the deviation of the stiffness in non-ideal flexure hinges. Sources of deviation are identified and described by parameters. The range of values for each parameter is chosen on the basis of available manufacturing technology. Influential parameters are identified through a sensitivity analysis. The effect of loading conditions is studied in the context of the application in weighing cells. For the enhancement of the overall sensitivity, the stiffness of the flexure hinges can be reduced. One option, the alteration of the geometry by adding a flexure strip in the center of the semi-circular flexure hinge is studied in comparison to existing analytical equations. The effects of ground tilts for a single loaded flexure hinge are investigated as a foundation for future modeling of a tilt insensitive state of a weighing cell mechanism (autostatic state). By adjusting the vertical position of the center of mass of the lever, the tilt sensitivity can be reduced to zero. An approach to find the position for this state is presented considering the numerical limitations of finite element modeling. Using this approach, the variation of the sought position is evaluated for different values of the design parameters.Tesi

    X-ray telescope mirrors

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-144).Glass sheets with high surface quality and angular resolution of 5 arcsec are in demand for the International X-Ray Observatory. Several glass flattening techniques are presented in this thesis, including a method of thermally shaping individual sheets of glass using porous mandrels as air bearings developed at the Space Nanotechnology Lab. This method, a second generation slumping tool, eliminates the problems of sticking and dust particle-induced distortion that plague traditional slumping methods. A detailed mathematical model of the slumping process is developed, allowing prediction of final glass shape based on process parameters that include air supply pressure, imperfections on the mandrel surface, glass total thickness variations and gravity vector orientation. Simulations were conducted for a variety of scenarios to study the impact of apparatus tilt and pressure asymmetries on glass shape. Experiments to verify model findings are conducted under closed-loop control of pressure and apparatus tilt. Little improvement in repeatability is seen, suggesting that the error is due to unmodeled forces such as contact forces from the glass holding technique. Finally, the design process and fabrication of a third generation slumping tool is presented. In addition to scaling the design to accommodate larger flats, slumps are done horizontally to float the glass and minimize contact during the process. New capabilities of the tool also include active gap measurement and control, as well as plenum air temperature monitoring.by Abdul Mohsen Z. Al Husseini.S.M

    Micro motion amplification – A Review

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    Many motion-active materials have recently emerged, with new methods of integration into actuator components and systems-on-chip. Along with established microprocessors, interconnectivity capabilities and emerging powering methods, they offer a unique opportunity for the development of interactive millimeter and micrometer scale systems with combined sensing and actuating capabilities. The amplification of nanoscale material motion to a functional range is a key requirement for motion interaction and practical applications, including medical micro-robotics, micro-vehicles and micro-motion energy harvesting. Motion amplification concepts include various types of leverage, flextensional mechanisms, unimorphs, micro-walking /micro-motor systems, and structural resonance. A review of the research state-of-art and product availability shows that the available mechanisms offer a motion gain in the range of 10. The limiting factor is the aspect ratio of the moving structure that is achievable in the microscale. Flexures offer high gains because they allow the application of input displacement in the close vicinity of an effective pivotal point. They also involve simple and monolithic fabrication methods allowing combination of multiple amplification stages. Currently, commercially available motion amplifiers can provide strokes as high as 2% of their size. The combination of high-force piezoelectric stacks or unimorph beams with compliant structure optimization methods is expected to make available a new class of high-performance motion translators for microsystems