67 research outputs found

    O2O - Based Agricultural Products Supply Chain Process Integration Optimization Based on Internet +

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    Traditional wholesale and retail, electricity supplier of agricultural products supply chain have many difficulties. The O2O supply chain of agricultural products of “Internet+”, committed to the integration of online and offline advantage process, has become the main direction of the agricultural products supply chain transformation. Practice operation results show that O2O supply chain can effectively play the advantages of online and offline process integration, but its further development is still subject to the logistics, information flow of the dispersion, fracture and high cost. The integrated optimization of various regions and various enterprises and all sectors of the supply chain process is the key to optimize the process Internet plus era of agricultural products supply chain

    The HRM Tactics of Retails Business Model Innovation in the Information Era

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    The rapid development of information technology has prompted many industries to change, retail industry is no exception. This paper first introduces the theory of business model innovation and the relationship between human resource management and business model innovation. Then, this paper discusses the general way of retails business model innovation. Finally, from the perspective of human resource management, put forward some tactics which would promote retails business model innovation in the information technology environment


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    Recently, China’s e-commerce has entered a period of rapid development. The government has also shown their support towards this advancement in the financial sector. Therefore, a study to analyze the effect of cross-border e-commerce on international trade of emerging countries in the case of China has been proposed. Pearson correlation coefficient is used as the research methodology to study the relationship between the two variables. There are not many literatures which focus on the impacts of e-commerce toward International trade. Crossborder e-commerce is of great significance to emerging countries’ development. The result of this research shows that there is no significant relationship between cross-border e-commerce and international trade in the case of China. One possible cause of this is the lack of data as cross-border e-commerce is relatively new. Therefore, further research has to be carried out to find out the underlying relationship of these 2 variables which will help the government in taking beneficial measures for the country’s future international trade development

    The Impact of Internet Consumption on China’s Economic Development

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    This thesis explores the impact of Internet consumption development in China through examining the causal relationship between Internet consumption and GDP under a bivariate VAR model, and between Internet consumption and traditional consumption, telecommunication industry, and express delivery industry under a multivariate VAR model using quarterly data from 2006-2013. The causal relationship between variables is investigated by the approach of Granger causality following Toda-Yomamoto procedure. The empirical results indicate a strong bi-directional causality between Internet consumption and GDP, between Internet consumption and traditional consumption, and between Internet consumption and telecommunication industry. Meanwhile, the results also show a unidirectional causality form Internet consumption to express delivery industry. All these test results support the hypothesis that the rapid development of Internet consumption has positive influence on China’s economic development, which is consistent with country’s current strategy to put domestic consumption as driving force for economic growth

    China Maritime Report No. 4: Civil Transport in PLA Power Projection

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    The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has ambitious goals for its power projection capabilities. Aside from preparing for the possibility of using force to resolve Beijing’s territorial claims in East Asia, it is also charged with protecting China’s expanding “overseas interests.” These national objectives require the PLA to be able to project significant combat power beyond China’s borders. To meet these needs, the PLA is building organic logistics support capabilities such as large naval auxiliaries and transport aircraft. But it is also turning to civilian enterprises to supply its transportation needs.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-maritime-reports/1003/thumbnail.jp

    The relationship between return service recovery and purchase intention of consumers in online shopping

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    Online shopping has become part of people's life. The growing importance of the e-commerce, requires adequate attention to the recovery of online return service. Service failure can occur due to the difficulties in having a face-to-face contact delivery and the immateriality and intangibility characteristics of the service. Although the large literature on return policy, there is a lack in understanding the perceived value of the relationship between return policy and others factors. This study aims to deeper this understanding, as well to develop a return service and service recovery framework based on customers' perspective. To accurately verify the suggested conceptual model, a survey was conducted to the customers of the Chinese biggest online stores (Taobao and Jingdong) who had experienced return. The selected customers profile include an high degree education and more than one-year online shopping experience, in order to guarantee that the customers have return experience and know return policy well. This thesis uses SPSS version 20.0 to conduct descriptive statistics and uses SmartPLS2.0 to carry out the structural equation modeling analysis, validity analysis and path analysis to verify and ultimately determine the model of the relationships of the constructs, namely the online return service recovery and customers' purchase intention in online shopping. Based on the empirical research results, this thesis puts forward recommendations for improving consumer's willingness to purchase in terms of return service recovery, trust, perceived value, and customers' participation. Also proposes that the return service recovery in online shopping needs the participation of e-retailers and customers to work together to maximize its significance and value.Comprar "online" é parte da vida. A crescente importância do "e-commerce", obriga a uma atenção adequada à recuperação de serviço de devolução "online". A falha na prestação do serviço pode ocorrer devido á dificuldade da prestação de serviço face a face, bem como às características de imaterialidade e de intangibilidade do serviço. Apesar da elevada literaturana política de devolução, ainda não se compreende o valor percebido da relação entre a política de devolução e os fatores do seu contexto. Este estudo pretende aprofundar este conhecimento, bem como desenvolver um modelo conceptual do serviço de devolução na perspetiva do cliente. A fim de testar o modelo conceptual proposto, foi conduzido um inquérito aos clientes das maiores lojas "online" Chinesas (TaobaoandJingdong), que tinham feito devolução. O perfil dos entrevistados inclui qualificação académica de nível superior e ter mais de um ano de experiência em compras "online", garantindo, assim, que teriam experienciado e conheciam o serviço de devolução. OsoftwareSPSS 20.0 foi usado para a análise descritiva e o SmartPLS2.0 para a análise de validade e modelização por equações estruturais das relações entre os constructos, nomeadamente entre a recuperação do serviço de devolução e a intenção de compra online. Baseada nos resultados obtidos, esta tese sugere recomendações para incentivar a disposição do cliente em comprar devido à forma de prestação do serviço de devolução, á sua confiança, ao seu valor percebido e sua participação, Ainda propõe uma participação ativa entre comerciantesonline e clientes para aumentar o valor da recuperação de serviços de devolução "online"

    Investování do instrumentů kapitálového trhu v Číně

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    In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly and the Chinese stock market has played a very important role. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of selected stocks of real estate industry and IT industry, based on the period of the past five years. Although China's stock market has developed nearly 30 years of history, there are still many problems facing the regulation of China's stock market. The Chinese government is also gradually standardizing China's stock market by establishing regulatory agencies and enacting regulatory laws. In this way, the Chinese stock market will play a better role in China's economic development process.V posledních letech se čínská ekonomika rychle rozvíjela a čínský akciový trh hrál velmi důležitou roli. Cílem této práce je zhodnotit výkonnost vybraných akcií realitního trhu a IT sektoru na základě období posledních pěti let. Ačkoli čínský akciový trh má již 30 let historie, stále existuje mnoho problémů s regulací čínského akciového trhu. Čínská vláda také postupně standardizuje čínský akciový trh zřizováním regulačních agentur a přijímáním regulačních zákonů. Čínský akciový trh tak bude hrát lepší roli v procesu hospodářského rozvoje Číny.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Examining the Glocalised Marketing Strategies of Luxury Fashion Retailers in China

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