372,456 research outputs found

    Deformable kernels for early vision

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    Early vision algorithms often have a first stage of linear-filtering that `extracts' from the image information at multiple scales of resolution and multiple orientations. A common difficulty in the design and implementation of such schemes is that one feels compelled to discretize coarsely the space of scales and orientations in order to reduce computation and storage costs. A technique is presented that allows: 1) computing the best approximation of a given family using linear combinations of a small number of `basis' functions; and 2) describing all finite-dimensional families, i.e., the families of filters for which a finite dimensional representation is possible with no error. The technique is based on singular value decomposition and may be applied to generating filters in arbitrary dimensions and subject to arbitrary deformations. The relevant functional analysis results are reviewed and precise conditions for the decomposition to be feasible are stated. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the applicability of the technique to generating multiorientation multi-scale 2D edge-detection kernels. The implementation issues are also discussed

    Estimation Of Multiple Local Orientations In Image Signals

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    Local orientation estimation can be posed as the problem of finding the minimum grey level variance axis within a local neighbourhood. In 2D image signals, this corresponds to the eigensystem analysis of a 22-tensor, which yields valid results for single orientations. We describe extensions to multiple overlaid orientations, which may be caused by transparent objects, crossings, bifurcations, corners etc. Multiple orientation detection is based on the eigensystem analysis of an appropriately extended tensor, yielding so-called mixed orientation parameters. These mixed orientation parameters can be regarded as another tensor built from the sought individual orientation parameters. We show how the mixed orientation tensor can be decomposed into the individual orientations by finding the roots of a polynomial. Applications are, e.g., in directional filtering and interpolation, feature extraction for corners or crossings, and signal separation

    Microphase separation in thin block copolymer films: a weak segregation mean-field approach

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    In this paper we consider thin films of AB block copolymer melts confined between two parallel plates. The plates are identical and may have a preference for one of the monomer types over the other. The system is characterized by four parameters: the Flory-Huggins chi-parameter, the fraction f of A-monomers in the block copolymer molecules, the film thickness d, and a parameter h quantifying the preference of the plates for the monomers of type A. In certain regions of parameter space, the film will be microphase separated. Various structures have been observed experimentally, each of them characterized by a certain symmetry, orientation, and periodicity. We study the system theoretically using the weak segregation approximation to mean field theory. We restrict our analysis to the region of the parameter space where the film thickness d is close to a small multiple of the natural periodicity. We will present our results in the form of phase diagrams in which the absolute value of the deviation of the film thickness from a multiple of the bulk periodicity is placed along the horizontal axis, and the chi-parameter is placed along the vertical axis; both axes are rescaled with a factor which depends on the A-monomer fraction f. We present a series of such phase diagrams for increasing values of the surface affinity for the A-monomers. We find that if the film thickness is almost commensurate with the bulk periodicity, parallel orientations of the structures are favoured over perpendicular orientations. We also predict that on increasing the surface affinity, the region of stability of the bcc phase shrinks.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figure

    The Many Faces of Proteinā€“Protein Interactions: A Compendium of Interface Geometry

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    A systematic classification of proteinā€“protein interfaces is a valuable resource for understanding the principles of molecular recognition and for modelling protein complexes. Here, we present a classification of domain interfaces according to their geometry. Our new algorithm uses a hybrid approach of both sequential and structural features. The accuracy is evaluated on a hand-curated dataset of 416 interfaces. Our hybrid procedure achieves 83% precision and 95% recall, which improves the earlier sequence-based method by 5% on both terms. We classify virtually all domain interfaces of known structure, which results in nearly 6,000 distinct types of interfaces. In 40% of the cases, the interacting domain families associate in multiple orientations, suggesting that all the possible binding orientations need to be explored for modelling multidomain proteins and protein complexes. In general, hub proteins are shown to use distinct surface regions (multiple faces) for interactions with different partners. Our classification provides a convenient framework to query genuine gene fusion, which conserves binding orientation in both fused and separate forms. The result suggests that the binding orientations are not conserved in at least one-third of the gene fusion cases detected by a conventional sequence similarity search. We show that any evolutionary analysis on interfaces can be skewed by multiple binding orientations and multiple interaction partners. The taxonomic distribution of interface types suggests that ancient interfaces common to the three major kingdoms of life are enriched by symmetric homodimers. The classification results are online at http://www.scoppi.org

    Model-based analysis of multishell diffusion MR data for tractography: how to get over fitting problems

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    In this article, we highlight an issue that arises when using multiple bā€values in a modelā€based analysis of diffusion MR data for tractography. The nonā€monoexponential decay, commonly observed in experimental data, is shown to induce overfitting in the distribution of fiber orientations when not considered in the model. Extra fiber orientations perpendicular to the main orientation arise to compensate for the slower apparent signal decay at higher bā€values. We propose a simple extension to the ball and stick model based on a continuous gamma distribution of diffusivities, which significantly improves the fitting and reduces the overfitting. Using in vivo experimental data, we show that this model outperforms a simpler, noise floor model, especially at the interfaces between brain tissues, suggesting that partial volume effects are a major cause of the observed nonā€monoexponential decay. This model may be helpful for future data acquisition strategies that may attempt to combine multiple shells to improve estimates of fiber orientations in white matter and near the cortex

    Fourth post-Newtonian effective-one-body Hamiltonians with generic spins

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    In a compact binary coalescence, the spins of the compact objects can have a significant effect on the orbital motion and gravitational-wave (GW) emission. For generic spin orientations, the orbital plane precesses, leading to characteristic modulations of the GW signal. The observation of precession effects is crucial to discriminate among different binary formation scenarios, and to carry out precise tests of General Relativity. Here, we work toward an improved description of spin effects in binary inspirals, within the effective-one-body (EOB) formalism, which is commonly used to build waveform models for LIGO and Virgo data analysis. We derive EOB Hamiltonians including the complete fourth post-Newtonian (4PN) conservative dynamics, which is the current state of the art. We place no restrictions on the spin orientations or magnitudes, or on the type of compact object (e.g., black hole or neutron star), and we produce the first generic-spin EOB Hamiltonians complete at 4PN order. We consider multiple spinning EOB Hamiltonians, which are more or less direct extensions of the varieties found in previous literature, and we suggest another simplified variant. Finally, we compare the circular-orbit, aligned-spin binding-energy functions derived from the EOB Hamiltonians to numerical-relativity simulations of the late inspiral. While finding that all proposed Hamiltonians perform reasonably well, we point out some interesting differences, which could guide the selection of a simpler, and thus faster-to-evolve EOB Hamiltonian to be used in future LIGO and Virgo inference studies

    Generalised coherent point drift for group-wise multi-dimensional analysis of diffusion brain MRI data

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    A probabilistic framework for registering generalised point sets comprising multiple voxel-wise data features such as positions, orientations and scalar-valued quantities, is proposed. It is employed for the analysis of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor image (DTI)-derived quantities, such as fractional anisotropy (FA) and fibre orientation, across multiple subjects. A hybrid Studentā€™s t-Watson-Gaussian mixture model-based non-rigid registration framework is formulated for the joint registration and clustering of voxel-wise DTI-derived data, acquired from multiple subjects. The proposed approach jointly estimates the non-rigid transformations necessary to register an unbiased mean template (represented as a 7-dimensional hybrid point set comprising spatial positions, fibre orientations and FA values) to white matter regions of interest (ROIs), and approximates the joint distribution of voxel spatial positions, their associated principal diffusion axes, and FA. Specific white matter ROIs, namely, the corpus callosum and cingulum, are analysed across healthy control (HC) subjects (K = 20 samples) and patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (K = 20 samples) or Alzheimerā€™s disease (AD) (K = 20 samples) using the proposed framework, facilitating inter-group comparisons of FA and fibre orientations. Group-wise analyses of the latter is not afforded by conventional approaches such as tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM)

    A blind hierarchical coherent search for gravitational-wave signals from coalescing compact binaries in a network of interferometric detectors

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    We describe a hierarchical data analysis pipeline for coherently searching for gravitational wave (GW) signals from non-spinning compact binary coalescences (CBCs) in the data of multiple earth-based detectors. It assumes no prior information on the sky position of the source or the time of occurrence of its transient signals and, hence, is termed "blind". The pipeline computes the coherent network search statistic that is optimal in stationary, Gaussian noise, and allows for the computation of a suite of alternative statistics and signal-based discriminators that can improve its performance in real data. Unlike the coincident multi-detector search statistics employed so far, the coherent statistics are different in the sense that they check for the consistency of the signal amplitudes and phases in the different detectors with their different orientations and with the signal arrival times in them. The first stage of the hierarchical pipeline constructs coincidences of triggers from the multiple interferometers, by requiring their proximity in time and component masses. The second stage follows up on these coincident triggers by computing the coherent statistics. The performance of the hierarchical coherent pipeline on Gaussian data is shown to be better than the pipeline with just the first (coincidence) stage.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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