18 research outputs found

    Bacteria classification with an electronic nose employing artificial neural networks

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    This PhD thesis describes research for a medical application of electronic nose technology. There is a need at present for early detection of bacterial infection in order to improve treatment. At present, the clinical methods used to detect and classify bacteria types (usually using samples of infected matter taken from patients) can take up to two or three days. Many experienced medical staff, who treat bacterial infections, are able to recognise some types of bacteria from their odours. Identification of pathogens (i.e. bacteria responsible for disease) from their odours using an electronic nose could provide a rapid measurement and therefore early treatment. This research project used existing sensor technology in the form of an electronic nose in conjunction with data pre-processing and classification methods to classify up to four bacteria types from their odours. Research was performed mostly in the area of signal conditioning, data pre-processing and classification. A major area of interest was the use of artificial neural networks classifiers. There were three main objectives. First, to classify successfully a small range of bacteria types. Second, to identify issues relating to bacteria odour that affect the ability of an artificially intelligent system to classify bacteria from odour alone. And third, to establish optimal signal conditioning, data pre-processing and classification methods. The Electronic Nose consisted of a gas sensor array with temperature and humidity sensors, signal conditioning circuits, and gas flow apparatus. The bacteria odour was analysed using an automated sampling system, which used computer software to direct gas flow through one of several vessels (which were used to contain the odour samples, into the Electronic Nose. The electrical resistance of the odour sensors were monitored and output as electronic signals to a computer. The purpose of the automated sampling system was to improve repeatability and reduce human error. Further improvement of the Electronic Nose were implemented as a temperature control system which controlled the ambient gas temperature, and a new gas sensor chamber which incorporated improved gas flow. The odour data were collected and stored as numerical values within data files in the computer system. Once the data were stored in a non-volatile manner various classification experiments were performed. Comparisons were made and conclusions were drawn from the performance of various data pre-processing and classification methods. Classification methods employed included artificial neural networks, discriminant function analysis and multi-variate linear regression. For classifying one from four types, the best accuracy achieved was 92.78%. This was achieved using a growth phase compensated multiple layer perceptron. For identifying a single bacteria type from a mixture of two different types, the best accuracy was 96.30%. This was achieved using a standard multiple layer perceptron. Classification of bacteria odours is a typical `real world' application of the kind that electronic noses will have to be applied to if this technology is to be successful. The methods and principles researched here are one step towards the goal of introducing artificially intelligent sensor systems into everyday use. The results are promising and showed that it is feasible to used Electronic Nose technology in this application and that with further development useful products could be developed. The conclusion from this thesis is that an electronic nose can detect and classify different types of bacteria

    Multi-tier framework for the inferential measurement and data-driven modeling

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    A framework for the inferential measurement and data-driven modeling has been proposed and assessed in several real-world application domains. The architecture of the framework has been structured in multiple tiers to facilitate extensibility and the integration of new components. Each of the proposed four tiers has been assessed in an uncoupled way to verify their suitability. The first tier, dealing with exploratory data analysis, has been assessed with the characterization of the chemical space related to the biodegradation of organic chemicals. This analysis has established relationships between physicochemical variables and biodegradation rates that have been used for model development. At the preprocessing level, a novel method for feature selection based on dissimilarity measures between Self-Organizing maps (SOM) has been developed and assessed. The proposed method selected more features than others published in literature but leads to models with improved predictive power. Single and multiple data imputation techniques based on the SOM have also been used to recover missing data in a Waste Water Treatment Plant benchmark. A new dynamic method to adjust the centers and widths of in Radial basis Function networks has been proposed to predict water quality. The proposed method outperformed other neural networks. The proposed modeling components have also been assessed in the development of prediction and classification models for biodegradation rates in different media. The results obtained proved the suitability of this approach to develop data-driven models when the complex dynamics of the process prevents the formulation of mechanistic models. The use of rule generation algorithms and Bayesian dependency models has been preliminary screened to provide the framework with interpretation capabilities. Preliminary results obtained from the classification of Modes of Toxic Action (MOA) indicate that this could be a promising approach to use MOAs as proxy indicators of human health effects of chemicals.Finally, the complete framework has been applied to three different modeling scenarios. A virtual sensor system, capable of inferring product quality indices from primary process variables has been developed and assessed. The system was integrated with the control system in a real chemical plant outperforming multi-linear correlation models usually adopted by chemical manufacturers. A model to predict carcinogenicity from molecular structure for a set of aromatic compounds has been developed and tested. Results obtained after the application of the SOM-dissimilarity feature selection method yielded better results than models published in the literature. Finally, the framework has been used to facilitate a new approach for environmental modeling and risk management within geographical information systems (GIS). The SOM has been successfully used to characterize exposure scenarios and to provide estimations of missing data through geographic interpolation. The combination of SOM and Gaussian Mixture models facilitated the formulation of a new probabilistic risk assessment approach.Aquesta tesi proposa i avalua en diverses aplicacions reals, un marc general de treball per al desenvolupament de sistemes de mesurament inferencial i de modelat basats en dades. L'arquitectura d'aquest marc de treball s'organitza en diverses capes que faciliten la seva extensibilitat així com la integració de nous components. Cadascun dels quatre nivells en que s'estructura la proposta de marc de treball ha estat avaluat de forma independent per a verificar la seva funcionalitat. El primer que nivell s'ocupa de l'anàlisi exploratòria de dades ha esta avaluat a partir de la caracterització de l'espai químic corresponent a la biodegradació de certs compostos orgànics. Fruit d'aquest anàlisi s'han establert relacions entre diverses variables físico-químiques que han estat emprades posteriorment per al desenvolupament de models de biodegradació. A nivell del preprocés de les dades s'ha desenvolupat i avaluat una nova metodologia per a la selecció de variables basada en l'ús del Mapes Autoorganitzats (SOM). Tot i que el mètode proposat selecciona, en general, un major nombre de variables que altres mètodes proposats a la literatura, els models resultants mostren una millor capacitat predictiva. S'han avaluat també tot un conjunt de tècniques d'imputació de dades basades en el SOM amb un conjunt de dades estàndard corresponent als paràmetres d'operació d'una planta de tractament d'aigües residuals. Es proposa i avalua en un problema de predicció de qualitat en aigua un nou model dinàmic per a ajustar el centre i la dispersió en xarxes de funcions de base radial. El mètode proposat millora els resultats obtinguts amb altres arquitectures neuronals. Els components de modelat proposat s'han aplicat també al desenvolupament de models predictius i de classificació de les velocitats de biodegradació de compostos orgànics en diferents medis. Els resultats obtinguts demostren la viabilitat d'aquesta aproximació per a desenvolupar models basats en dades en aquells casos en els que la complexitat de dinàmica del procés impedeix formular models mecanicistes. S'ha dut a terme un estudi preliminar de l'ús de algorismes de generació de regles i de grafs de dependència bayesiana per a introduir una nova capa que faciliti la interpretació dels models. Els resultats preliminars obtinguts a partir de la classificació dels Modes d'acció Tòxica (MOA) apunten a que l'ús dels MOA com a indicadors intermediaris dels efectes dels compostos químics en la salut és una aproximació factible.Finalment, el marc de treball proposat s'ha aplicat en tres escenaris de modelat diferents. En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat i avaluat un sensor virtual capaç d'inferir índexs de qualitat a partir de variables primàries de procés. El sensor resultant ha estat implementat en una planta química real millorant els resultats de les correlacions multilineals emprades habitualment. S'ha desenvolupat i avaluat un model per a predir els efectes carcinògens d'un grup de compostos aromàtics a partir de la seva estructura molecular. Els resultats obtinguts desprès d'aplicar el mètode de selecció de variables basat en el SOM milloren els resultats prèviament publicats. Aquest marc de treball s'ha usat també per a proporcionar una nova aproximació al modelat ambiental i l'anàlisi de risc amb sistemes d'informació geogràfica (GIS). S'ha usat el SOM per a caracteritzar escenaris d'exposició i per a desenvolupar un nou mètode d'interpolació geogràfica. La combinació del SOM amb els models de mescla de gaussianes dona una nova formulació al problema de l'anàlisi de risc des d'un punt de vista probabilístic

    Modification of n-type and p-type metal oxide semiconductor systems for gas sensing applications

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    This thesis investigates the modification of three metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors with zeolite materials for the purposes of detecting trace concentrations of gases that have an effect on health, security, safety and the environment. SnO2, Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 were chosen as the base materials of interest. Zeolites HZSM- 5, Na-A and H-Y were incorporated into the sensing system either as admixtures with the base material or as coatings on top of it. The aim of introducing zeolites into the sensing system was to improve the performance of the otherwise unmodified sensors. Twenty-two novel zeolite-modified sensor systems are presented for the detection of a range of hydrocarbons and inorganic gases. Whilst sensors based on SnO2 systems were more responsive to gases, some sensors were also found to provide a greater degree of variability among repeat tests, particularly at lower operating temperatures i.e. 300 °C. Cr2O3 sensors modified by admixture with zeolite H-ZSM- 5 were seen to be poorly sensitive to most analytes. Cr2O3 sensors modified by admixture with zeolite Na-A and by overlayer of zeolite H-Y provided very promising sensitive and selective results towards toluene gas. Sensors based on the zeolite modification of Fe2O3 were not found to be promising candidates as gas sensors at this stage. Sensors were purposely exposed to gases that had similar molecular structures or kinetic diameters to assess the true capability of the sensors to discriminate among analytes. An array of four sensors based on n-type and p-type systems was subsequently chosen to see whether machine learning classifiers could be used to accurately discriminate among nine analytes. Using an SVM SMO classifier with a polykernel function, the model was 94.1% accurate in correctly classifying nine analytes of interest just after five seconds into the gas injection. Using an RBF kernel function, the model was 90.2% accurate in correctly classifying the data into gas type. These are very encouraging results, which highlight the importance of furthering research in this field; a sensing array based on zeolite-modified metal oxide semiconductor sensors may benefit a number of research domains by providing accurate results in a very fast and inexpensive manner

    CFD Modeling of Complex Chemical Processes: Multiscale and Multiphysics Challenges

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which uses numerical analysis to predict and model complex flow behaviors and transport processes, has become a mainstream tool in engineering process research and development. Complex chemical processes often involve coupling between dynamics at vastly different length and time scales, as well as coupling of different physical models. The multiscale and multiphysics nature of those problems calls for delicate modeling approaches. This book showcases recent contributions in this field, from the development of modeling methodology to its application in supporting the design, development, and optimization of engineering processes

    Recent Development of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

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    Abstract: The use of renewable energies continues to increase. However, the energy obtained from renewable resources is variable over time. The amount of energy produced from the renewable energy sources (RES) over time depends on the meteorological conditions of the region chosen, the season, the relief, etc. So, variable power and nonguaranteed energy produced by renewable sources implies intermittence of the grid. The key lies in supply sources integrated to a hybrid system (HS)

    Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management: from local to global assessments

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    This report contains the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Special Interest Group on Forest Fires, that took place in Stresa, (Italy) on 20-21 October 2011. The main subject of the workshop was the operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management and different spatial scales were addressed, from local to regional and from national to global. Topics of the workshops were also grouped according to the fire management stage considered for the application of remote sensing techniques, addressing pre fire, during fire or post fire conditions.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard


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    All the content of this special edition is retrieved from the conference proceedings published by the European Scientific Institute, ESI. http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/pages/view/books The European Scientific Journal, ESJ, after approval from the publisher re publishes the papers in a Special edition


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    All the content of this special edition is retrieved from the conference proceedings published by the European Scientific Institute, ESI. http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/pages/view/books The European Scientific Journal, ESJ, after approval from the publisher re publishes the papers in a Special edition