8 research outputs found

    Reliable online social network data collection

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    Large quantities of information are shared through online social networks, making them attractive sources of data for social network research. When studying the usage of online social networks, these data may not describe properly users’ behaviours. For instance, the data collected often include content shared by the users only, or content accessible to the researchers, hence obfuscating a large amount of data that would help understanding users’ behaviours and privacy concerns. Moreover, the data collection methods employed in experiments may also have an effect on data reliability when participants self-report inacurrate information or are observed while using a simulated application. Understanding the effects of these collection methods on data reliability is paramount for the study of social networks; for understanding user behaviour; for designing socially-aware applications and services; and for mining data collected from such social networks and applications. This chapter reviews previous research which has looked at social network data collection and user behaviour in these networks. We highlight shortcomings in the methods used in these studies, and introduce our own methodology and user study based on the Experience Sampling Method; we claim our methodology leads to the collection of more reliable data by capturing both those data which are shared and not shared. We conclude with suggestions for collecting and mining data from online social networks.Postprin


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    The purpose of the work. Over the long history of development of human travel there has developed a specific form of hospitality, which acquires a new meaning and new forms in the new information society under the influence of globalization. One of such forms is CouchSurfing. The research is dedicated to cultural study of CouchSurfing. Research methodology consists in the use of comparative, historical and logical methods. Specified methodological approach allows to reveal and to analyze CouchSurfing as a social and cultural phenomenon and new relations in tourism. Scientific novelty of work consists in the fact that the socio-cultural phenomenon CouchSurfing is considered as a special form of travel with its philosophy, conducted on the basis of cultural and historical methodology. As a result of the research theoretical principles characterized by scientific originality are formulated. It is noted that CouchSurfing is a new form of hospitality and social phenomenon, based on trust, gratitude and desire to help. Cultural analysis shows that CouchSurfing is based on collective practices implemented locally, therefore an important role is played by the socio-cultural features of a specific country. The analysis of the history of CouchSurfing and the ideology of this phenomenon has allowed to come to certain conclusions. Conclusions. The person who participates in Couchsurfing seeks alternatives to large-scale tourism experience and tries to learn the culture on the basis of the local point of view. Authentic cultural experience obtained through the Web site, and then personally, can grow into a lifelong friendship and is a new opportunity for people. Thus, functional content of tourism practices itself is changing, indicating the occurrence of new needs for wide circle of people, who are not satisfied within the frameworks of classical tourism. Цель работы. За долгую историю развития человеческих путешествий сложились своеобразные формы гостеприимства, которые в новом информационном обществе, под влиянием глобализации, приобретают новый смысл и новые формы. Одной из таких форм является каучсерфинг (Couchsurfing). Исследование посвящено культурологическому анализу каучсерфинга. Методология исследования заключается в применении сравнительного, историко-логического методов. Указанный методологический подход позволяет раскрыть и подвергнуть анализу каучсерфинг как социально-культурное явление и новые отношения в туризме. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что социокультурное явление каучсерфинга рассмотрено как особая форма путешествий со своей философией, проведенное на основе культурологической и исторической методологии. В результате исследования сформулированы теоретические положения, отличающиеся научной новизной. Отмечено, что каучсерфинг (Couchsurfing) является новой формой гостеприимства и социальным явлением, основанным на доверии, благодарности и желании помочь. Культурологический анализ показывает, что каучсерфинг базируется на коллективных практиках, осуществляемых локально, поэтому важную роль для него играют социокультурные особенности конкретной страны. Анализ истории развития каучсерфинга и идеологии этого явления позволил прийти к отдельным выводам. Выводы. Человек, который участвует в Couchsurfing, ищет альтернативы крупномасштабному туристическому опыту и пытается познавать культуры, исходя из локальной точки зрения. Аутентичный культурный опыт, полученный через веб-сайт, а затем лично, может перерасти в пожизненную дружбу и является новой возможностью для людей. Таким образом, меняется сама функциональная наполненность практик туризма, свидетельствует о возникновении у широкого круга людей новых потребностей, которые не удовлетворяются в рамках классического туризма. Мета роботи. За довгу історію розвитку людських подорожей склалися своєрідні форми гостинності, які в новому інформаційному суспільстві, під впливом глобалізації, набувають нового змісту і нових форм. Однією з таких форм є каучсерфінг (Couchsurfing). Дослідження присвячено культурологічному аналізу каучсерфінга. Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні компаративного, історико-логічного методів. Зазначений методологічний підхід дає змогу розкрити та піддати аналізу каучсерфінг як соціально-культурне явище і нові відносини у туризмі. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в тому, що соціокультурне явище каучсерфінгу розглянуте як особлива форма мандрівок зі своєю філософію та проведене на основі культурологічної та історичної методології. У результаті дослідження сформульовано теоретичні положення, що відзначаються науковою новизною. Означено, що каучсерфінг (Couchsurfing) є новою формою гостинності і соціальним явищем, заснованим на довірі, подяці і бажанні допомогти. Культурологічний аналіз показує, що каучсерфінг базується на колективних практиках, що здійснюються локально, тому важливу роль для нього відіграють соціокультурні особливості конкретної країни. Аналіз історії розвитку каучсерфінгу й ідеології цього явища дозволив прийти до окремих висновків. Висновки. Людина, яка бере участь в Couchsurfing, шукає альтернативи великомасштабному туристичному досвіду і намагається пізнавати культури, виходячи з локаль-ної точки зору. Автентичний культурний досвід, отриманий через веб-сайт, а потім особисто, може перерости в довічну дружбу, і є новою можливістю для людей. Отже, змінюється сама функціональна наповненість практик туризму, що свідчить про виникнення у широкого кола людей нових потреб, які не задовольняються в рамках класичного туризму.

    Market escape through exchange: home swap as a form of non-commercial hospitality

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine home swap - a form of non-commercial hospitality that has witnessed a great expansion in the last decade. In conjunction with prior writings on various subjects related to home swap, this study can be utilized in compiling a preliminary conceptualization of home swapping, as a form of non-commercial hospitality, with its own characteristics. In particular this study identifies six dimensions of home swap, namely (a) escape of the market; (b) asymmetric exchanges (c) need for trustiness; (d) use of a hospitality exchange network; (e) demand for domesticity and (f) quest to experience local authenticity. The results of this study are being utilized to construct a preliminary conceptualization of home swapping as a distinct vacation alternative building on old virtues and using new technology


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    Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad una trasformazione dell’utilizzo di internet caratterizzata da un esponenziale incremento dell’interazione tra sito e utente: maggiore coinvolgimento dei fruitori (blog, chat, forum, acquisti online), affermazione di social network (facebook, twitter, instagram, you tube, ecc.) e più efficiente condivisione delle informazioni. Per rappresentare questa seconda fase di sviluppo e diffusione della rete, caratterizzata da un maggior coinvolgimento da parte dei fruitori, è stata coniata l’espressione ‹‹web 2.0››1 apparsa nel 2005 ed usata per sottolineare l’affermazione di una seconda età del web. Contestualmente, negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad un uso pervasivo dell’espressione sharing economy: tale ascesa è stata cristallizzata nel 2015 dal prestigioso Oxford Dictionary, il quale ha recepito il termine in esame tra i neologismi, definendolo come ‹‹un sistema economico nel quale beni o servizi sono condivisi tra privati, gratuitamente o in cambio di una somma di denaro, tipicamente attraverso internet›› Dunque, il prestigioso Oxford Dictionary, nell’accogliere l’espressione sharing economy tra i neologismi, ha perseguito l’intento di disegnare i confini e mettere ordine tra una moltitudine di espressioni usate nel discorso corrente come sinonimi o con piccoli spostamenti di significato: sharing, ma anche collaborative, peer-to-peer, on-demand o gig economy, collaborative consumption, ai quali si aggiungono gli equivalenti italiani (economia della condivisione, economia collaborativa, consumo collaborativo, ecc). Richiamando la definizione elaborata da una recente dottrina3 , con l’espressione ‹‹economia della condivisione›› o ‹‹economia collaborativa4 ›› (‹‹sharing economy›› o ‹‹collaborative economy››) vengono designati quei modelli di organizzazione economica che impiegano le tecnologie digitali per consentire lo scambio di merci e la fornitura di servizi grazie all’intermediazione di una piattaforma per il coordinamento di domanda e offerta5 . È opportuno evidenziare che nell’uso comune prevale l’espressione inglese sharing economy6 anziché l’equivalente italiano ‹‹economia della condivisione››. L’espressione ‹‹economia della condivisione›› o sharing economy è impiegata per designare pratiche economiche molto diverse tra loro per caratteristiche, valore economico e orientamento al mercato7 . Alcune ‹‹pratiche›› di sharing economy sono orientate al profitto rispondendo a logiche di scambio di mercato, altre invece si inscrivono nella logica della condivisione ove la remunerazione è assente o solo eventuale. È stato osservato che «poliedricità ed eterogeneità caratterizzano i profili di incidenza di un fenomeno economico» che trascende il mercato, per coinvolgere questioni afferenti a molteplici ambiti del diritto. Da tale modello economico, fondato sulla condivisione di beni e servizi fra pari utenti della rete, «discende un complesso quadro economico-sociale, intriso di quesiti e latenti lacune regolamentari che prospettano incognite di tutela dei diritti, sia in una visione attuale, che in un’ottica de iure condendo» 8 . In base ad una ‹‹prima accezione››, con l’espressione sharing economy viene individuato un ampio spettro di pratiche che impiegano la capacità a riposo (c.d. idling capacity) di beni - auto, bici, scooter, attrezzi da lavoro, abbigliamento, giocattoli e molti altri - che nell’economia ‹‹tradizionale›› sono acquistati e non utilizzati appieno9 . Quindi, in alternativa all’acquisto e al ‹‹consumo proprietario››, si afferma un modello di consumo basato sull’‹‹accesso temporaneo›› (c.d. access-based consumption) e su pratiche di condivisione che rendono lo sfruttamento delle risorse più efficiente, dal carsharing per l’auto alle tool o toy library per attrezzi da lavoro e giocattoli10 . Di poi, in base ad una ‹‹seconda accezione››, sharing economy designa l’erogazione ‹‹diretta›› di servizi da parte di privati (peer-to- peer). È stato evidenziato che la ‹‹peculiarità›› dell’economia della condivisione è costituita dalla nuova possibilità per soggetti non professionisti di agire sul mercato come attori economici; infatti, come si analizzerà meglio più avanti, è la condivisione di risorse tra pari che mostra i limiti delle regole vigenti - concepite per disciplinare rapporti fra il professionista e il consumatore o fra professionisti – e presenta una sfida nuova e complessa per il legislatore. La nascita delle ‹‹piattaforme online›› che – grazie a tecnologie digitali, big data e intelligenza artificiale – abilitano l’accesso condiviso alle risorse, coordinando la domanda e l’offerta di servizi, ha permesso di eliminare molti passaggi delle filiere dell’economia consentendo l’incontro diretto dei privati in molti settori controllati fino a poco tempo fa esclusivamente da professionisti; dunque, si è assistito ad una trasformazione dell’organizzazione produttiva dell’offerta di servizi per effetto della nascita delle piattaforme online, le quali hanno decretato la riduzione degli intermediari tradizionali (c.d. disintermediazione). Invece, quando è l’impresa a garantire l’accesso a beni di cui mantiene la proprietà, noleggiandoli a fronte del pagamento di un corrispettivo in denaro, si verifica un fenomeno già noto da decenni anche se oggi accelerato dall’innovazione tecnologica: il passaggio dalla produzione di beni alla somministrazione di servizi (ad esempio, nelle forme di carsharing gestite da soggetti imprenditoriali o pubblici). Pertanto, una parte della dottrina12 non ricomprende nella definizione di sharing economy quei modelli produttivi basati sull’erogazione professionale dei servizi nei quali l’impresa, anziché vendere il prodotto, lo concede in uso al consumatore, come ad esempio nelle forme di carsharing gestiti da imprese (Car2go, Enjoy). A prima vista potrebbe apparire corretto discorrere di sharing economy anche in questi casi, in considerazione del fatto che anche questi modelli organizzativi si caratterizzano per un consumo fondato sull’accesso temporaneo dei beni anziché sul consumo proprietario. Tuttavia, è bene distinguere i due fenomeni perché molto distanti sul piano economico, ma soprattutto in ragione delle diverse ricadute sul piano giuridico13 . Infatti, non è un caso che le tante polemiche che hanno accompagnato la diffusione delle pratiche di sharing economy non hanno riguardato, se non in misura marginale, anche le forme di erogazione professionale del servizio. Invece, altra parte della dottrina14 ricomprende nella definizione di sharing economy anche quei modelli produttivi basati sull’erogazione professionale del servizio, sulla scorta delle innegabili comunanze: il consumo fondato sull’accesso temporaneo e la presenza della piattaforma online che coordina l’incontro tra la domanda e l’offerta dei servizi da parte di agenti economici appartenenti ai diversi versanti del mercato (ad esempio, conducenti e passeggeri nel settore della mobilità)

    Hospitality Exchange: Overcoming safety, trust, and gender concerns in the Couchsurfing community

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    Honors (Bachelor's)AnthropologyUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102763/1/ctoenis.pd

    Intimacy in the Age of Social Media

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    The development of digital technologies fosters specific forms of socialization, such as those afforded by social media platforms. Personal relationships in these platforms are dominated by dynamics that include trust, reputation and visibility. As a result, real identities are increasingly represented online in mainstream social media (e.g., Facebook), thus, relocating pre-established relationships (family, friends, work colleagues) into the social media environment. However, other social media platforms allow meeting new people online, where issues around authenticity, social stigma, and safety concerns arise. Therefore, there is a lot to investigate about new types of social interactions generated through social media, in order to better comprehend intimacy practices in contemporary society. In particular, this study focuses on (mediated) intimacy practices among adults (25-49) through three different platforms (namely Badoo, CouchSurfing and Facebook) to analyze how users create and maintain intimate relationships through social media. The project aims to bring together a critical analysis of the politics of social media with users’ perspectives by employing a multi-method research design, which combines interviews, participant observation, and the analysis of platforms architecture and user profiles. The main aims of the thesis are to explore the characteristics of intimacy practices on social media and to question if intimacy online exists in spite of the publicity afforded in these platforms. For doing so, this research examines the extent participants expose their intimacy through social media, as well as the strategies that they use to manage their privacy online. The research gathers user’s perspectives of what constitutes intimate information (visual and textual) and how they negotiate its publication on social media. It explores the relationship between the architecture and politics of social media platforms and the emergent intimacy practices that take place within them. This study also investigates whether participants consider personal relationships originated via social media are shallower than relationships created in other environments, safety, authenticity and social stigma concerns, as well as the extent patriarchal gender roles are reproduced online

    Informele groepen in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden (1400-1800)

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