324 research outputs found

    Gender and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. The identification of visual cues in facial images has been widely explored in the broad area of computer vision. However theoretical analyses are often not transformed into widespread assistive Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) systems, due to factors such as inconsistent robustness, low efficiency, large computational expense or strong dependence on complex hardware. We present a novel gender recognition algorithm, a modular eye centre localisation approach and a gaze gesture recognition method, aiming to escalate the intelligence, adaptability and interactivity of HCI systems by combining demographic data (gender) and behavioural data (gaze) to enable development of a range of real-world assistive-technology applications. The gender recognition algorithm utilises Fisher Vectors as facial features which are encoded from low-level local features in facial images. We experimented with four types of low-level features: greyscale values, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), LBP histograms and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The corresponding Fisher Vectors were classified using a linear Support Vector Machine. The algorithm has been tested on the FERET database, the LFW database and the FRGCv2 database, yielding 97.7%, 92.5% and 96.7% accuracy respectively. The eye centre localisation algorithm has a modular approach, following a coarse-to-fine, global-to-regional scheme and utilising isophote and gradient features. A Selective Oriented Gradient filter has been specifically designed to detect and remove strong gradients from eyebrows, eye corners and self-shadows (which sabotage most eye centre localisation methods). The trajectories of the eye centres are then defined as gaze gestures for active HCI. The eye centre localisation algorithm has been compared with 10 other state-of-the-art algorithms with similar functionality and has outperformed them in terms of accuracy while maintaining excellent real-time performance. The above methods have been employed for development of a data recovery system that can be employed for implementation of advanced assistive technology tools. The high accuracy, reliability and real-time performance achieved for attention monitoring, gaze gesture control and recovery of demographic data, can enable the advanced human-robot interaction that is needed for developing systems that can provide assistance with everyday actions, thereby improving the quality of life for the elderly and/or disabled

    Human Movement Disorders Analysis with Graph Neural Networks

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    Human movement disorders encompass a group of neurological conditions that cause abnormal movements. These disorders, even when subtle, may be symptomatic of a broad spectrum of medical issues, from neurological to musculoskeletal. Clinicians and researchers still encounter challenges in understanding the underlying pathologies. In light of this, medical professionals and associated researchers are increasingly looking towards the fast-evolving domain of computer vision in pursuit of precise and dependable automated diagnostic tools to support clinical diagnosis. To this end, this thesis explores the feasibility of the interpretable and accurate human movement disorders analysis system using graph neural networks. Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are two common neurological diseases associated with movement disorders that seriously affect patients’ quality of life. Specifically, CP is estimated to affect 2 in 1000 babies born in the UK each year, while PD affects an estimated 10 million people globally. Considering their clinical significance and properties, we develop and examine the state-of-the-art attention-informed Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for robust and interpretable CP prediction and PD diagnosis. We highlight the significant differences between the human body movement frequency of CP infants and healthy groups, and propose frequency attention-informed convolutional networks (GCNs) and spatial frequency attention based GCNs to predict CP with strong interpretability. To support the early diagnosis of PD, we propose novel video-based deep learning system, SPA-PTA, with a spatial pyramidal attention design based on clinical observations and mathematical theories. Our systems provide undiagnosed PD patients with low-cost, non-intrusive PT classification and tremor severity rating results as a PD warning sign with interpretable attention visualizations

    Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Robust Skeleton-based Action Recognition

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    Current methods for skeleton-based human action recognition usually work with complete skeletons. However, in real scenarios, it is inevitable to capture incomplete or noisy skeletons, which could significantly deteriorate the performance of current methods when some informative joints are occluded or disturbed. To improve the robustness of action recognition models, a multi-stream graph convolutional network (GCN) is proposed to explore sufficient discriminative features spreading over all skeleton joints, so that the distributed redundant representation reduces the sensitivity of the action models to non-standard skeletons. Concretely, the backbone GCN is extended by a series of ordered streams which is responsible for learning discriminative features from the joints less activated by preceding streams. Here, the activation degrees of skeleton joints of each GCN stream are measured by the class activation maps (CAM), and only the information from the unactivated joints will be passed to the next stream, by which rich features over all active joints are obtained. Thus, the proposed method is termed richly activated GCN (RA-GCN). Compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, the RA-GCN achieves comparable performance on the standard NTU RGB+D 60 and 120 datasets. More crucially, on the synthetic occlusion and jittering datasets, the performance deterioration due to the occluded and disturbed joints can be significantly alleviated by utilizing the proposed RA-GCN.Comment: Accepted by IEEE T-CSVT, 11 pages, 6 figures, 10 table

    Video Content Understanding Using Text

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    The rise of the social media and video streaming industry provided us a plethora of videos and their corresponding descriptive information in the form of concepts (words) and textual video captions. Due to the mass amount of available videos and the textual data, today is the best time ever to study the Computer Vision and Machine Learning problems related to videos and text. In this dissertation, we tackle multiple problems associated with the joint understanding of videos and text. We first address the task of multi-concept video retrieval, where the input is a set of words as concepts, and the output is a ranked list of full-length videos. This approach deals with multi-concept input and prolonged length of videos by incorporating multi-latent variables to tie the information within each shot (short clip of a full-video) and across shots. Secondly, we address the problem of video question answering, in which, the task is to answer a question, in the form of Fill-In-the-Blank (FIB), given a video. Answering a question is a task of retrieving a word from a dictionary (all possible words suitable for an answer) based on the input question and video. Following the FIB problem, we introduce a new problem, called Visual Text Correction (VTC), i.e., detecting and replacing an inaccurate word in the textual description of a video. We propose a deep network that can simultaneously detect an inaccuracy in a sentence while benefiting 1D-CNNs/LSTMs to encode short/long term dependencies, and fix it by replacing the inaccurate word(s). Finally, as the last part of the dissertation, we propose to tackle the problem of video generation using user input natural language sentences. Our proposed video generation method constructs two distributions out of the input text, corresponding to the first and last frames latent representations. We generate high-fidelity videos by interpolating latent representations and a sequence of CNN based up-pooling blocks

    Spatio-temporal Texture Modelling for Real-time Crowd Anomaly Detection

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    With the rapidly increasing demands from surveillance and security industries, crowd behaviour analysis has become one of the hotly pursued video event detection frontiers within the computer vision arena in recent years. This research has investigated innovative crowd behaviour detection approaches based on statistical crowd features extracted from video footages. In this paper, a new crowd video anomaly detection algorithm has been developed based on analysing the extracted spatio-temporal textures. The algorithm has been designed for real-time applications by deploying low-level statistical features and alleviating complicated machine learning and recognition processes. In the experiments, the system has been proven a valid solution for detecting anomaly behaviours without strong assumptions on the nature of crowds, for example, subjects and density. The developed prototype shows improved adaptability and efficiency against chosen benchmark systems

    PowMix: A Versatile Regularizer for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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    Multimodal sentiment analysis (MSA) leverages heterogeneous data sources to interpret the complex nature of human sentiments. Despite significant progress in multimodal architecture design, the field lacks comprehensive regularization methods. This paper introduces PowMix, a versatile embedding space regularizer that builds upon the strengths of unimodal mixing-based regularization approaches and introduces novel algorithmic components that are specifically tailored to multimodal tasks. PowMix is integrated before the fusion stage of multimodal architectures and facilitates intra-modal mixing, such as mixing text with text, to act as a regularizer. PowMix consists of five components: 1) a varying number of generated mixed examples, 2) mixing factor reweighting, 3) anisotropic mixing, 4) dynamic mixing, and 5) cross-modal label mixing. Extensive experimentation across benchmark MSA datasets and a broad spectrum of diverse architectural designs demonstrate the efficacy of PowMix, as evidenced by consistent performance improvements over baselines and existing mixing methods. An in-depth ablation study highlights the critical contribution of each PowMix component and how they synergistically enhance performance. Furthermore, algorithmic analysis demonstrates how PowMix behaves in different scenarios, particularly comparing early versus late fusion architectures. Notably, PowMix enhances overall performance without sacrificing model robustness or magnifying text dominance. It also retains its strong performance in situations of limited data. Our findings position PowMix as a promising versatile regularization strategy for MSA. Code will be made available.Comment: Preprin

    Attention Mechanism for Adaptive Feature Modelling

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    This thesis presents groundbreaking contributions in machine learning by exploring and advancing attention mechanisms within deep learning frameworks. We introduce innovative models and techniques that significantly enhance feature recognition and analysis in two key application areas: computer vision recognition and time series modeling. Our primary contributions include the development of a dual attention mechanism for crowd counting and the integration of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques for semi-supervised learning. Furthermore, we propose a novel Dynamic Unary Convolution in Transformer (DUCT) model for generalized visual recognition tasks, and investigate the efficacy of attention mechanisms in human activity recognition using time series data from wearable sensors based on the semi-supervised setting. The capacity of humans to selectively focus on specific elements within complex scenes has long inspired machine learning research. Attention mechanisms, which dynamically modify weights to emphasize different input elements, are central to replicating this human perceptual ability in deep learning. These mechanisms have proven crucial in achieving significant advancements across various tasks. In this thesis, we first provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature on attention mechanisms. We then introduce a dual attention mechanism for crowd counting, which employs both second-order and first-order attention to enhance spatial information processing and feature distinction. Additionally, we explore the convergence of supervised and unsupervised learning, focusing on a novel semi-supervised method that synergizes labeled and unlabeled data through an attention-driven recurrent unit and dual loss functions. This method aims to refine crowd counting in practical transportation scenarios. Moreover, our research extends to a hybrid attention model for broader visual recognition challenges. By merging convolutional and transformer layers, this model adeptly handles multi-level features, where the DUCT modules play a pivotal role. We rigorously evaluate DUCT's performance across critical computer vision tasks. Finally, recognizing the significance of time series data in domains like health surveillance, we apply our proposed attention mechanism to human activity recognition, analyzing correlations between various daily activities to enhance the adaptability of deep learning frameworks to temporal dynamics
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