11 research outputs found

    Analisis Stabilitas Sistem Daya Interkoneksi PLTU Waai Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Ambon

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    Analisis stabilitas sistem daya pada suatu sistem tenaga listrik terhadap interkoneksinya pembangkit baru, diperlukan untuk mengetahui performance sistem. Adanya penambahan interkoneksi PLTU Waai akan menpengaruhi unjuk kerja sistem, ditinjau dari keadaan steady state ataupun stabilitas. Analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis aliran daya, transien stability, rotor angle, frekuensi stability dan voltage stability pada saat terjadi gangguan sebelum dan setelah interkoneksi. Di samping itu waktu pemutusan kritis (critical clearing time) juga dianalisis untuk mengetahui performance sistem. Hasil analisis steady state menunjukan perbaikan profil tegangan pada Gardu Hubung (GH) rata-rata sebesar 1.163 %, sementara hasil analisis stabilitas menunjukan bahwa waktu pemulihan sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan, setelah interkoneksi lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan sebelum interkoneksi. Waktu pemutusan kritis setelah interkoneksi lebih lama 0.58 detik dari sebelum interkoneksi.Kata kunci—PLTU, interkoneksi, Stabilitas sudut rotor, stabilitas frekuensi, stabilitas tegangan

    A graphical interactive model to support the pre-dispatch of power systems

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    Orientador: Wu, Shin-TingDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta dissertação apresentamos um paradigma para apoio à elaboração de pré-despachos de um sistema elétrico, no qual os recursos gráficos desempenham um papel fundamental para prover uma representação mais legível, intuitiva e eficiente dos dados provenientes de simulações, além de mecanismos de interação para sua análise. Acreditamos que esta representação, como parte integrante de um sistema de suporte a decisões, não só diminuiria o trabalho mental dos operadores na interpretação dos dados envolvidos no planejamento do sistema elétrico, como também poderia fornecer novos subsídios para a solução dos problemas, melhorando a qualidade e confiabilidade das decisões tomadas. Para facilitar a correlação dos potenciais problemas e suas soluções, dados geo-referenciados são integrados ao longo do processo de modelagem dos dados, contextualizando os usuários geograficamente. Nossa proposta consiste basicamente em um modelo que mapeia um conjunto de dados elétricos e temporais, provenientes de simulação, em um conjunto de dados gráficos geo-referenciados, utilizando recursos gráficos de visualização para destacar as informações essenciais ao pré-despacho, além de recursos de interação para visualizar os impactos de alterações nas restrições do sistema. Visando validar a factibilidade de nossa proposta, desenvolvemos o protótipo batizado de VisciPower. A partir dos testes de usabilidade, o potencial do nosso modelo gráfico interativo para aplicações de engenharia na área de energia elétrica pôde ser confirmadoAbstract: In this dissertation we present a paradigm to support the elaboration of pre-dispatches for a power system, where the graphic resources play a fundamental role to provide a more legible, intuitive and efficient representation of the simulation data, besides interaction mechanisms for its analysis. We believe that this representation, as an integrating part of a decision support system, would not only reduce the operator's mental effort on the interpretation of the data involved in power system planning, but also give new insights for the solution of the problems, enhancing the quality and reliability of the decision-making process. To ease the correlation of the potential problems and its solutions, geospatial data are integrated during the data modeling process, contextualizing the users geographically. Our proposal consists basically of a model that maps the set of electrical and simulated data into a set of graphical geospatial data, using visualization graphic resources to highlight the essential information for the pre-dispatch, besides interaction resources to evaluate the impact of alterations on the system's restrictions. Aiming to validate the feasibility of our proposal, we developed a prototype named VisciPower. From the usability tests, the potential of our interactive graphic model for power engineering applications could be asserted.MestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Supply function equilibrium analysis for electricity markets

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    The research presented in this Thesis investigates the strategic behaviour of generating firms in bid-based electricity pool markets and the effects of control methods and network features on the electricity market outcome by utilising the AC network model to represent the electric grid. A market equilibrium algorithm has been implemented to represent the bi-level market problem for social welfare maximization from the system operator and utility assets optimisation from the strategic market participants, based on the primal-dual interior point method. The strategic interactions in the market are modelled using supply function equilibrium theory and the optimum strategies are determined by parameterization of the marginal cost functions of the generating units. The AC power network model explicitly represents the active and reactive power flows and various network components and control functions. The market analysis examines the relation between market power and AC networks, while the different parameterization methods for the supply function bids are also investigated. The first part of the market analysis focuses on the effects of particular characteristics of the AC network on the interactions between the strategic generating firms, which directly affect the electricity market outcome. In particular, the examined topics include the impact of transformer tap-ratio control, reactive power control, different locations for a new entry’s generating unit in the system, and introduction of photovoltaic solar power production in the pool market by considering its dependencyon the applied solar irradiance. The observations on the numerical results have shown that their impact on the market is significant and the employment of AC network representation is required for reliable market outcome predictions and for a better understanding of the strategic behaviour as it depends on the topology of the system. The analysis that examines the supply function parameterizations has shown that the resulting market solutions from the different parameterization methods can be very similar or differ substantially, depending on the presence and level of network congestion and on the size and complexity of the examined system. Furthermore, the convergence performance of the implemented market algorithm has been examined and proven to exhibit superior computational efficiency, being able to provide market solutions for large complex AC systems with multiple asymmetric firms, providing the opportunity for applications on practical electricity markets

    Formulación de una teoría tensorial de la potencia eléctrica : aplicaciones al estudio de la calidad de la energía

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    La tesis presenta, en primer lugar, una revisión crítica del estado del arte de las definiciones de potencia en régimen no sinusoidal a través de un estudio de aquéllas que se consideran de mayor impacto. En base a esta revisión, se propone un nuevo formalismo matemático (tensor instantáneo de potencia) utilizado para representar analítica y geométricamente los conceptos de potencia en régimen no sinusoidal y desbalanceado. Con la descripción tensorial de los fenómenos eléctricos en términos de los conceptos de potencia es posible medir, evaluar y compensar de una manera integral a los sistemas eléctricos en régimen no-sinusoidal, permitiendo establecer pautas que definen cuantitativamente la “calidad de potencia”. En segunda instancia, se propone un indicador global de desviación (en su versión instantánea y eficaz) basado en el análisis tensorial de la potencia eléctrica, el cual, es utilizado para evaluar el deterioro de la calidad de la potencia. Experimentalmente se ha diseñado y construido el prototipo de un medidor virtual que permite medir el deterioro de la calidad de la potencia en sistemas polifásicos, bajo las condiciones más generales de cargas asimétricas no lineales, señales de tensión y corrientes fuertemente distorsionadas, incluyendo formas de ondas no-estacionarias. Finalmente, las bases para construir mapas de pérdida de calidad de la potencia, debidos a eventos de estado estacionario y no-estacionario, son presentadas como perspectiva de aplicación / Abstract: The thesis presents initially a critical revision of the state-of-the-art of the definitions of power in non-sinusoidal regime through a study of which they are considered of greater impact. On the basis of this revision, a new mathematical formalism (instantaneous power tensor) used to represent analytically and geometrically the power concepts in non-sinusoidal, unbalanced regime is proposed. With the tensor description of the electrical phenomena in terms of the power concepts it is possible to measure, to evaluate and to compensate of a global way the electrical systems non-sinusoidal, allowing to establish you rule that they quantitatively define the “power quality”. In second instance, a deviator global indicator (in its instantaneous and effective version) based on the tensor analysis of the electric power sets out, which, is used to evaluate the deterioration of the power quality. Experimentally it has been designed and constructed the prototype of a virtual measurer that allows to measure the deterioration of the power quality in multiphase systems, under the most general conditions of nonlinear asymmetric loads, signals of tension and currents strongly distorted, including non-stationary waveform. Finally, the bases to construct losses maps of power quality in electrical networks, had to events of stationary state and non-stationary, are exposed as perspective of application.Doctorad

    Institutionelle Kooperationsprobleme auf den Strommärkten in Südosteuropa : Simulation von Liberalisierungs- und Integrationseffekten

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    Nach den Erfordernissen der EU-Energiepolitik hinsichtlich der Liberalisierung und Integration sollen die Länder Südosteuropas das Vorbild des EU-Energiemarktmodells übernehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat sich deshalb mittels eines partiellen Gleichgewichtsmodells mit den Kooperations- und Umsetzungsproblemen in einem gemeinsamen südosteuropäischen Strommarkt beschäftigt. In der Simulation dieses Modells wurden verschiedene Wettbewerbs- und Kooperationsszenarios miteinander verglichen

    Supply function equilibrium analysis for electricity markets

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    The research presented in this Thesis investigates the strategic behaviour of generating firms in bid-based electricity pool markets and the effects of control methods and network features on the electricity market outcome by utilising the AC network model to represent the electric grid. A market equilibrium algorithm has been implemented to represent the bi-level market problem for social welfare maximization from the system operator and utility assets optimisation from the strategic market participants, based on the primal-dual interior point method. The strategic interactions in the market are modelled using supply function equilibrium theory and the optimum strategies are determined by parameterization of the marginal cost functions of the generating units. The AC power network model explicitly represents the active and reactive power flows and various network components and control functions. The market analysis examines the relation between market power and AC networks, while the different parameterization methods for the supply function bids are also investigated. The first part of the market analysis focuses on the effects of particular characteristics of the AC network on the interactions between the strategic generating firms, which directly affect the electricity market outcome. In particular, the examined topics include the impact of transformer tap-ratio control, reactive power control, different locations for a new entry’s generating unit in the system, and introduction of photovoltaic solar power production in the pool market by considering its dependencyon the applied solar irradiance. The observations on the numerical results have shown that their impact on the market is significant and the employment of AC network representation is required for reliable market outcome predictions and for a better understanding of the strategic behaviour as it depends on the topology of the system. The analysis that examines the supply function parameterizations has shown that the resulting market solutions from the different parameterization methods can be very similar or differ substantially, depending on the presence and level of network congestion and on the size and complexity of the examined system. Furthermore, the convergence performance of the implemented market algorithm has been examined and proven to exhibit superior computational efficiency, being able to provide market solutions for large complex AC systems with multiple asymmetric firms, providing the opportunity for applications on practical electricity markets.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Great Britain) (EPSRC)University of Warwick (UoW)GBUnited Kingdo