13 research outputs found

    Memory usage verification using Hip/Sleek.

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    Embedded systems often come with constrained memory footprints. It is therefore essential to ensure that software running on such platforms fulfils memory usage specifications at compile-time, to prevent memory-related software failure after deployment. Previous proposals on memory usage verification are not satisfactory as they usually can only handle restricted subsets of programs, especially when shared mutable data structures are involved. In this paper, we propose a simple but novel solution. We instrument programs with explicit memory operations so that memory usage verification can be done along with the verification of other properties, using an automated verification system Hip/Sleek developed recently by Chin et al.[10,19]. The instrumentation can be done automatically and is proven sound with respect to an underlying semantics. One immediate benefit is that we do not need to develop from scratch a specific system for memory usage verification. Another benefit is that we can verify more programs, especially those involving shared mutable data structures, which previous systems failed to handle, as evidenced by our experimental results

    Comparing Cost Functions in Resource Analysis

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    Cost functions provide information about the amount of resources required to execute a program in terms of the sizes of input arguments. They can provide an upper-bound, a lower-bound, or the average-case cost. Motivated by the existence of a number of automatic cost analyzers which produce cost functions, we propose an approach for automatically proving that a cost function is smaller than another one. In all applications of resource analysis, such as resource-usage verification, program synthesis and optimization, etc., it is essential to compare cost functions. This allows choosing an implementation with smaller cost or guaranteeing that the given resource-usage bounds are preserved. Unfortunately, automatically generated cost functions for realistic programs tend to be rather intricate, defined by multiple cases, involving non-linear subexpressions (e.g., exponential, polynomial and logarithmic) and they can contain multiple variables, possibly related by means of constraints. Thus, comparing cost functions is far from trivial. Our approach first syntactically transforms functions into simpler forms and then applies a number of su!cient conditions which guarantee that a set of expressions is smaller than another expression. Our preliminary implementation in the COSTA system indicates that the approach can be useful in practic

    Performance Evaluation of Automated Static Analysis Tools

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    Automated static analysis tools can perform efficient thorough checking of important properties of, and extract and summarize critical information about, a source program. This paper evaluates three open-source static analysis tools; Flawfinder, Cppcheck and Yasca. Each tool is analyzed with regards to usability, IDE integration, performance, and accuracy. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of these tools into the development environment to enable analysis during all phases of development as well as to enable extension of rules and other improvements within the tools. It is shown that Flawfinder be the easiest to modify and extend, Cppcheck be inviting to novices, and Yasca be the most accurate and versatile

    Live Heap Space Analysis for Languages with Garbage Collection

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    The peak heap consumption of a program is the maximum size of the live data on the heap during the execution of the program, i.e., the minimum amount of heap space needed to run the program without exhausting the memory. It is well-known that garbage collection (GC) makes the problem of predicting the memory required to run a program difficult. This paper presents, the best of our knowledge, the first live heap space analysis for garbage-collected languages which infers accurate upper bounds on the peak heap usage of a program’s execution that are not restricted to any complexity class, i.e., we can infer exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, etc., bounds. Our analysis is developed for an (sequential) object-oriented bytecode language with a scoped-memory manager that reclaims unreachable memory when methods return. We also show how our analysis can accommodate other GC schemes which are closer to the ideal GC which collects objects as soon as they become unreachable. The practicality of our approach is experimentally evaluated on a prototype implementation.We demonstrate that it is fully automatic, reasonably accurate and efficient by inferring live heap space bounds for a standardized set of benchmarks, the JOlden suite

    Asymptotic Resource Usage Bounds

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    When describing the resource usage of a program, it is usual to talk in asymptotic terms, such as the well-known “big O” notation, whereby we focus on the behaviour of the program for large input data and make a rough approximation by considering as equivalent programs whose resource usage grows at the same rate. Motivated by the existence of non-asymptotic resource usage analyzers, in this paper, we develop a novel transformation from a non-asymptotic cost function (which can be produced by multiple resource analyzers) into its asymptotic form. Our transformation aims at producing tight asymptotic forms which do not contain redundant subexpressions (i.e., expressions asymptotically subsumed by others). Interestingly, we integrate our transformation at the heart of a cost analyzer to generate asymptotic upper bounds without having to first compute their non-asymptotic counterparts. Our experimental results show that, while non-asymptotic cost functions become very complex, their asymptotic forms are much more compact and manageable. This is essential to improve scalability and to enable the application of cost analysis in resource-aware verification/certification

    Parametric Inference of Memory Requirements for Garbage Collected Languages

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    The accurate prediction of program's memory requirements is a critical component in software development. Existing heap space analyses either do not take deallocation into account or adopt specific models of garbage collectors which do not necessarily correspond to the actual memory usage. We present a novel approach to inferring upper bounds on memory requirements of Java-like programs which is parametric on the notion of object lifetime, i.e., on when objects become collectible. If objects lifetimes are inferred by a reachability analysis, then our analysis infers accurate upper bounds on the memory consumption for a reachability-based garbage collector. Interestingly, if objects lifetimes are inferred by a heap liveness analysis, then we approximate the program minimal memory requirement, i.e., the peak memory usage when using an optimal garbage collector which frees objects as soon as they become dead. The key idea is to integrate information on objects lifetimes into the process of generating the recurrence equations which capture the memory usage at the different program states. If the heap size limit is set to the memory requirement inferred by our analysis, it is ensured that execution will not exceed the memory limit with the only assumption that garbage collection works when the limit is reached. Experiments on Java bytecode programs provide evidence of the feasibility and accuracy of our analysis

    Cost analysis of object-oriented bytecode programs

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    AbstractCost analysis statically approximates the cost of programs in terms of their input data size. This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first approach to the automatic cost analysis of object-oriented bytecode programs. In languages such as Java and C#, analyzing bytecode has a much wider application area than analyzing source code since the latter is often not available. Cost analysis in this context has to consider, among others, dynamic dispatch, jumps, the operand stack, and the heap. Our method takes a bytecode program and a cost model specifying the resource of interest, and generates cost relations which approximate the execution cost of the program with respect to such resource. We report on COSTA, an implementation for Java bytecode which can obtain upper bounds on cost for a large class of programs and complexity classes. Our basic techniques can be directly applied to infer cost relations for other object-oriented imperative languages, not necessarily in bytecode form

    Types with potential: polynomial resource bounds via automatic amortized analysis

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    A primary feature of a computer program is its quantitative performance characteristics: the amount of resources such as time, memory, and power the program needs to perform its task. Concrete resource bounds for specific hardware have many important applications in software development but their manual determination is tedious and error-prone. This dissertation studies the problem of automatically determining concrete worst-case bounds on the quantitative resource consumption of functional programs. Traditionally, automatic resource analyses are based on recurrence relations. The difficulty of both extracting and solving recurrence relations has led to the development of type-based resource analyses that are compositional, modular, and formally verifiable. However, existing automatic analyses based on amortization or sized types can only compute bounds that are linear in the sizes of the arguments of a function. This work presents a novel type system that derives polynomial bounds from first-order functional programs. As pioneered by Hofmann and Jost for linear bounds, it relies on the potential method of amortized analysis. Types are annotated with multivariate resource polynomials, a rich class of functions that generalize non-negative linear combinations of binomial coefficients. The main theorem states that type derivations establish resource bounds that are sound with respect to the resource-consumption of programs which is formalized by a big-step operational semantics. Simple local type rules allow for an efficient inference algorithm for the type annotations which relies on linear constraint solving only. This gives rise to an analysis system that is fully automatic if a maximal degree of the bounding polynomials is given. The analysis is generic in the resource of interest and can derive bounds on time and space usage. The bounds are naturally closed under composition and eventually summarized in closed, easily understood formulas. The practicability of this automatic amortized analysis is verified with a publicly available implementation and a reproducible experimental evaluation. The experiments with a wide range of examples from functional programming show that the inference of the bounds only takes a couple of seconds in most cases. The derived heap-space and evaluation-step bounds are compared with the measured worst-case behavior of the programs. Most bounds are asymptotically tight, and the constant factors are close or even identical to the optimal ones. For the first time we are able to automatically and precisely analyze the resource consumption of involved programs such as quick sort for lists of lists, longest common subsequence via dynamic programming, and multiplication of a list of matrices with different, fitting dimensions