96 research outputs found

    Low power predictable memory and processing architectures

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    Great demand in power optimized devices shows promising economic potential and draws lots of attention in industry and research area. Due to the continuously shrinking CMOS process, not only dynamic power but also static power has emerged as a big concern in power reduction. Other than power optimization, average-case power estimation is quite significant for power budget allocation but also challenging in terms of time and effort. In this thesis, we will introduce a methodology to support modular quantitative analysis in order to estimate average power of circuits, on the basis of two concepts named Random Bag Preserving and Linear Compositionality. It can shorten simulation time and sustain high accuracy, resulting in increasing the feasibility of power estimation of big systems. For power saving, firstly, we take advantages of the low power characteristic of adiabatic logic and asynchronous logic to achieve ultra-low dynamic and static power. We will propose two memory cells, which could run in adiabatic and non-adiabatic mode. About 90% dynamic power can be saved in adiabatic mode when compared to other up-to-date designs. About 90% leakage power is saved. Secondly, a novel logic, named Asynchronous Charge Sharing Logic (ACSL), will be introduced. The realization of completion detection is simplified considerably. Not just the power reduction improvement, ACSL brings another promising feature in average power estimation called data-independency where this characteristic would make power estimation effortless and be meaningful for modular quantitative average case analysis. Finally, a new asynchronous Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with a ripple carry adder implemented using the logically reversible/bidirectional characteristic exhibiting ultra-low power dissipation with sub-threshold region operating point will be presented. The proposed adder is able to operate multi-functionally

    Energy-Efficient Neural Network Architectures

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    Emerging systems for artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to rely on deep neural networks (DNNs) to achieve high accuracy for a broad variety of applications, including computer vision, robotics, and speech recognition. Due to the rapid growth of network size and depth, however, DNNs typically result in high computational costs and introduce considerable power and performance overheads. Dedicated chip architectures that implement DNNs with high energy efficiency are essential for adding intelligence to interactive edge devices, enabling them to complete increasingly sophisticated tasks by extending battery lie. They are also vital for improving performance in cloud servers that support demanding AI computations. This dissertation focuses on architectures and circuit technologies for designing energy-efficient neural network accelerators. First, a deep-learning processor is presented for achieving ultra-low power operation. Using a heterogeneous architecture that includes a low-power always-on front-end and a selectively-enabled high-performance back-end, the processor dynamically adjusts computational resources at runtime to support conditional execution in neural networks and meet performance targets with increased energy efficiency. Featuring a reconfigurable datapath and a memory architecture optimized for energy efficiency, the processor supports multilevel dynamic activation of neural network segments, performing object detection tasks with 5.3x lower energy consumption in comparison with a static execution baseline. Fabricated in 40nm CMOS, the processor test-chip dissipates 0.23mW at 5.3 fps. It demonstrates energy scalability up to 28.6 TOPS/W and can be configured to run a variety of workloads, including severely power-constrained ones such as always-on monitoring in mobile applications. To further improve the energy efficiency of the proposed heterogeneous architecture, a new charge-recovery logic family, called zero-short-circuit current (ZSCC) logic, is proposed to decrease the power consumption of the always-on front-end. By relying on dedicated circuit topologies and a four-phase clocking scheme, ZSCC operates with significantly reduced short-circuit currents, realizing order-of-magnitude power savings at relatively low clock frequencies (in the order of a few MHz). The efficiency and applicability of ZSCC is demonstrated through an ANSI S1.11 1/3 octave filter bank chip for binaural hearing aids with two microphones per ear. Fabricated in a 65nm CMOS process, this charge-recovery chip consumes 13.8µW with a 1.75MHz clock frequency, achieving 9.7x power reduction per input in comparison with a 40nm monophonic single-input chip that represents the published state of the art. The ability of ZSCC to further increase the energy efficiency of the heterogeneous neural network architecture is demonstrated through the design and evaluation of a ZSCC-based front-end. Simulation results show 17x power reduction compared with a conventional static CMOS implementation of the same architecture.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147614/1/hsiwu_1.pd


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    This thesis proposes a new single-electron tunneling based NDC block and develops an analytical model which can be used for related circuit designs and/or their performance optimization. A piece-wise model is used to describe the I-V characteristics of the proposed NDC block. Four applications based on this NDC block are proposed: (1) Multiple-valued logic static memory cell (2) Schmitt trigger (3) Three-stage ring oscillator (4) ternary full adder using hybrid single-electron transistor and MOS technology. Simulation was done using Cadence Spectre simulator with 180nnm CMOS model and SET MIB macro mode to estimate the performance

    New Logic Synthesis As Nanotechnology Enabler (invited paper)

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    Nanoelectronics comprises a variety of devices whose electrical properties are more complex as compared to CMOS, thus enabling new computational paradigms. The potentially large space for innovation has to be explored in the search for technologies that can support large-scale and high- performance circuit design. Within this space, we analyze a set of emerging technologies characterized by a similar computational abstraction at the design level, i.e., a binary comparator or a majority voter. We demonstrate that new logic synthesis techniques, natively supporting this abstraction, are the technology enablers. We describe models and data-structures for logic design using emerging technologies and we show results of applying new synthesis algorithms and tools. We conclude that new logic synthesis methods are required to both evaluate emerging technologies and to achieve the best results in terms of area, power and performance

    Predicting power scalability in a reconfigurable platform

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    This thesis focuses on the evolution of digital hardware systems. A reconfigurable platform is proposed and analysed based on thin-body, fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator Schottky-barrier transistors with metal gates and silicide source/drain (TBFDSBSOI). These offer the potential for simplified processing that will allow them to reach ultimate nanoscale gate dimensions. Technology CAD was used to show that the threshold voltage in TBFDSBSOI devices will be controllable by gate potentials that scale down with the channel dimensions while remaining within appropriate gate reliability limits. SPICE simulations determined that the magnitude of the threshold shift predicted by TCAD software would be sufficient to control the logic configuration of a simple, regular array of these TBFDSBSOI transistors as well as to constrain its overall subthreshold power growth. Using these devices, a reconfigurable platform is proposed based on a regular 6-input, 6-output NOR LUT block in which the logic and configuration functions of the array are mapped onto separate gates of the double-gate device. A new analytic model of the relationship between power (P), area (A) and performance (T) has been developed based on a simple VLSI complexity metric of the form ATσ = constant. As σ defines the performance “return” gained as a result of an increase in area, it also represents a bound on the architectural options available in power-scalable digital systems. This analytic model was used to determine that simple computing functions mapped to the reconfigurable platform will exhibit continuous power-area-performance scaling behavior. A number of simple arithmetic circuits were mapped to the array and their delay and subthreshold leakage analysed over a representative range of supply and threshold voltages, thus determining a worse-case range for the device/circuit-level parameters of the model. Finally, an architectural simulation was built in VHDL-AMS. The frequency scaling described by σ, combined with the device/circuit-level parameters predicts the overall power and performance scaling of parallel architectures mapped to the array

    Hybrid photonic integrated circuits for neuromorphic computing [Invited]

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    The burgeoning of artificial intelligence has brought great convenience to people’s lives as large-scale computational models have emerged. Artificial intelligence-related applications, such as autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, and speech recognition, have experienced remarkable progress in recent years; however, such systems require vast amounts of data for accurate inference and reliable performance, presenting challenges in both speed and power consumption. Neuromorphic computing based on photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is currently a subject of interest to achieve high-speed, energy-efficient, and low-latency data processing to alleviate some of these challenges. Herein, we present an overview of the current photonic platforms available, the materials which have the potential to be integrated with PICs to achieve further performance, and recent progress in hybrid devices for neuromorphic computing


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    Technological advances in microelectronics envisioned through Moore’s law have led to powerful processors that can handle complex and computationally intensive tasks. Nonetheless, these advancements through technology scaling have come at an unfavorable cost of significantly larger power consumption, which has posed challenges for data processing centers and computers at scale. Moreover, with the emergence of mobile computing platforms constrained by power and bandwidth for distributed computing, the necessity for more energy-efficient scalable local processing has become more significant. Unconventional Compute-in-Memory architectures such as the analog winner-takes-all associative-memory and the Charge-Injection Device processor have been proposed as alternatives. Unconventional charge-based computation has been employed for neural network accelerators in the past, where impressive energy efficiency per operation has been attained in 1-bit vector-vector multiplications, and in recent work, multi-bit vector-vector multiplications. In the latter, computation was carried out by counting quanta of charge at the thermal noise limit, using packets of about 1000 electrons. These systems are neither analog nor digital in the traditional sense but employ mixed-signal circuits to count the packets of charge and hence we call them Quasi-Digital. By amortizing the energy costs of the mixed-signal encoding/decoding over compute-vectors with many elements, high energy efficiencies can be achieved. In this dissertation, I present a design framework for AI accelerators using scalable compute-in-memory architectures. On the device level, two primitive elements are designed and characterized as target computational technologies: (i) a multilevel non-volatile cell and (ii) a pseudo Dynamic Random-Access Memory (pseudo-DRAM) bit-cell. At the level of circuit description, compute-in-memory crossbars and mixed-signal circuits were designed, allowing seamless connectivity to digital controllers. At the level of data representation, both binary and stochastic-unary coding are used to compute Vector-Vector Multiplications (VMMs) at the array level. Finally, on the architectural level, two AI accelerator for data-center processing and edge computing are discussed. Both designs are scalable multi-core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs), where vector-processor arrays are tiled on a 2-layer Network-on-Chip (NoC), enabling neighbor communication and flexible compute vs. memory trade-off. General purpose Arm/RISCV co-processors provide adequate bootstrapping and system-housekeeping and a high-speed interface fabric facilitates Input/Output to main memory

    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022

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    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022 is a creative-commons ebook that provides a unique 360 degrees overview of quantum technologies from science and technology to geopolitical and societal issues. It covers quantum physics history, quantum physics 101, gate-based quantum computing, quantum computing engineering (including quantum error corrections and quantum computing energetics), quantum computing hardware (all qubit types, including quantum annealing and quantum simulation paradigms, history, science, research, implementation and vendors), quantum enabling technologies (cryogenics, control electronics, photonics, components fabs, raw materials), quantum computing algorithms, software development tools and use cases, unconventional computing (potential alternatives to quantum and classical computing), quantum telecommunications and cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum technologies around the world, quantum technologies societal impact and even quantum fake sciences. The main audience are computer science engineers, developers and IT specialists as well as quantum scientists and students who want to acquire a global view of how quantum technologies work, and particularly quantum computing. This version is an extensive update to the 2021 edition published in October 2021.Comment: 1132 pages, 920 figures, Letter forma

    Cellular Automata

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    Modelling and simulation are disciplines of major importance for science and engineering. There is no science without models, and simulation has nowadays become a very useful tool, sometimes unavoidable, for development of both science and engineering. The main attractive feature of cellular automata is that, in spite of their conceptual simplicity which allows an easiness of implementation for computer simulation, as a detailed and complete mathematical analysis in principle, they are able to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behaviour. This feature of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide variety of divergent fields of the exact disciplines of science and engineering, but also of the social sciences, and sometimes beyond. The collective complex behaviour of numerous systems, which emerge from the interaction of a multitude of simple individuals, is being conveniently modelled and simulated with cellular automata for very different purposes. In this book, a number of innovative applications of cellular automata models in the fields of Quantum Computing, Materials Science, Cryptography and Coding, and Robotics and Image Processing are presented